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Döring, Nicola; Walter, Roberto
An experiment on the press coverage of child sexual abuse: can readers differentiate between good and bad reporting?. - In: Mass communication & society, ISSN 1532-7825, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-23

News reporting on child sexual abuse (CSA) plays an important role in educating the public and fighting sexual violence, according to the public interest model of normative media theory. Bad reporting, however, is widespread and hinders a solution-oriented approach. Against this backdrop, the current study investigated which normative and subjective criteria are used by readers when they assess the quality of CSA newspaper reporting (RQ1). Furthermore, it was tested if readers can differentiate between good and bad CSA reporting quality (RQ2) and if their personal involvement in the topic - concerning victimization, exposure to CSA reporting, CSA knowledge - influences assessments of journalistic quality (RQ3). An experimental online study with a national quota sample of N = 2724 adults (18–65 years; Mage  = 44.1; 52.5% women) from Germany was conducted in 2020. The study is preregistered and further materials are shared on It turned out that readers mostly used the normative criteria to assess CSA reporting quality that are suggested by the academic literature (RQ1). Readers were able to differentiate between CSA reporting with high versus low journalistic quality (RQ2) - irrespective of their own CSA victimization (RQ3). Readers rated bad reporting as mediocre, though, indicating potential unawareness of certain quality issues.
Döring, Nicola;
Queerness in der Medienpädgaogik. - In: Medien + Erziehung, ISSN 0176-4918, Bd. 68 (2024), 2, S. 10-19

Die Fülle geschlechtlicher und sexueller Identitäten ist in jüngster Zeit gesellschaftlich deutlich sichtbarer geworden. Insbesondere digitale Medien haben dazu beigetragen. Denn sie erlauben es, auch solche Identitäten umfassend öffentlich darzustellen, die in Massenmedien allenfalls am Rande vorkommen. Die Effekte sind zwiespältig: Mediale Sichtbarkeit von Queerness geht mit Empowerment, aber auch mit zunehmender Anti Queerness einher. Welche Herausforderungen ergeben sich aus diesen Entwicklungen für die medienpädagogische Arbeit?

Döring, Nicola; Mohseni, Rohangis; Pietras, Laura; Dekker, Arne; Briken, Peer
Research in brief: how prevalent is rough sex? Results from a national online sample of adults in Germany. - In: Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, ISSN 1931-2393, Bd. 56 (2024), 2, S. 90-97

Background: Rough sex refers to consensual sexual activities that incorporate playful aggression, such as hair pulling, spanking, or choking. It is relevant in the context of sexual health as it can enhance sexual arousal, pleasure, and intimacy among consenting partners. However, it can also be associated with consent violations, discomfort, and injuries ranging from mild to severe or even fatal. The prevalence of rough sex in Germany is widely unknown. Our study aims to establish, for the first time, the overall age-related and gender-related prevalence rates of active and passive rough sex involvement among adults in Germany. Methods: A national online sample of 1101 adults from Germany, aged 18-69 years (50% men, 49% women, 1% gender-diverse individuals) gave informed consent and reported on their lifetime engagement in rough sex in active and passive roles. We recruited participants through a professional panel provider for a multi-themed sexual health survey. Data analysis was conducted using R, with 95% confidence intervals of prevalence rates computed to answer the research questions. Results: Lifetime prevalence of rough sex involvement was 29%. Adults below the age of 40 reported higher rates of involvement (up to 43%) than people over 40 (up to 26%). Men reported predominantly active role involvement and women reported primarily passive role involvement. Discussion: Results show that rough sex is common. Sexual health professionals, educators, and researchers should be prepared to guide current and aspiring practitioners of rough sex, helping them understand potential benefits, risks, and age- and gender-related differences.
Döring, Nicola;
Sex-related online training for professionals: Instagram :
Sexualbezogene Online-Fortbildung für Fachkräfte: Instagram. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 37 (2024), 2, S. 92-98

Der vorliegende Praxisbeitrag befasst sich mit der Foto- und Video-basierten Social-Media-Plattform Instagram. Er beschreibt die Funktionsweise der Plattform und geht auf den bisherigen Stand der Instagram-Forschung ein. Ist Instagram eher sexistisch oder feministisch? Wirkt die Plattform eher aufklärend oder desinformierend? Die Betrachtung der Instagram-Repräsentation ausgewählter sexualbezogener Themen wie Körperbild, Menstruation, Verhütung und LGBTIQ + zeigt ein ambivalentes Bild. Fachkräfte können dazu beitragen, dass Instagram eine hilfreiche Ressource für sexuelle und reproduktive Gesundheit und Rechte darstellt.
Bruhn, Simon; Grebel, Thomas
Allocative efficiency, plant dynamics and regional productivity: evidence from Germany. - In: International regional science review, ISSN 1552-6925, Bd. 0 (2024), 0

The productivity gap between East and West Germany is a long ongoing discussion among the public and policy makers. Regional disparities still appear to be substantial. In this paper, we shed light on the role of allocative efficiency as a region?s driver of productivity disparities. We show that over 50 percent of the East-West productivity gap is associated with a less efficient labor allocation in former East Germany. Controlling for the heterogeneity among German federal states, we perform spatial regression on official firm-level data (AFiD), revealing that the regional differences in allocative efficiency are significantly associated with trade openness, competitive intensity, economies of scale and labor mobility.
Wilms, Lena; Gerl, Katharina; Stoll, Anke; Ziegele, Marc
Technology acceptance and transparency demands for toxic language classification - interviews with moderators of public online discussion fora. - In: Human - computer interaction, ISSN 1532-7051, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-26

Many online discussion providers consider using algorithm-based moderation software to support their employees in moderating toxic communication. Such technology is also attractive for public discussion providers, including public administration and public service media. To ensure successful implementation, however, it is crucial that moderators can correctly understand and use the software according to context-specific workplace requirements. This exploratory case study sheds light on the technology acceptance of algorithm-based moderation software by moderators in German public administration and public service media. Specifically, we focus on the moderators’ user characteristics and workplace requirement perceptions as preconditions for technology acceptance. We combined twelve structured qualitative interviews with moderators with an enhanced cognitive walkthrough (ECW) of an algorithm-based moderation dashboard. Additionally, stimuli of two different transparency mechanisms were added to the interview. Our findings suggest that transparency is one of the most requested characteristics of algorithm-based moderation software and, when met, transparency is beneficial for the acceptance of automated content classification in these systems. However, the findings suggest that different AI perceptions and technology commitment among moderators corresponded with different transparency motives related to the moderation system. We assume that addressing those differing motives by different transparency mechanisms may positively affect technology acceptance.
Dyckhoff, Harald; Souren, Rainer; Clermont, Marcel
Performance assessment of waste sorting: component-based approach to incorporate quality into data envelopment analysis. - In: EURO journal on decision processes, ISSN 2193-9446, Bd. 12 (2024), 100048, S. 1-10

Waste sorting is an important recovery process in circular product systems. Engineering sciences deal with its performance measurement by analysing various parameter settings based on technical key figures derived from object and component quantities. They are difficult to aggregate, especially since there are no prices for all inputs and outputs. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) allows an aggregation without implementing prices or weight restrictions. This paper shows how DEA can be used as performance measurement method for sorting processes, whose purpose it is to separate different material components from a waste mixture as effectively and efficiently as possible. This is achieved when the individual components are sorted out into their respective recycling bins with as little effort as possible and without allowing too many incorrect throws. In this respect, sorting processes represent pure material reallocations - and no material transformations. Thus, valid material balances of sorting technologies do not allow for free disposability. A new multiple criteria DEA approach is suggested, which uses input and output objects that entirely consist of components determining the object's value. Different from common DEA approaches, the technological perspective of modelling the underlying production system is strictly separated from the preference perspective of modelling multiple performance criteria for the relevant input and output types and sorts. In more detail, we develop DEA models for a combined evaluation of operating and quality efficiency where both inputs and outputs are characterised by sorts or grades of varying quality. In contrast to existing approaches that map quality into DEA we reflect upon the underlying technological assumptions and analyse which dominance relations result from that in our case of waste sorting.
Arlt, Dorothee;
In einer wechselseitigen Beziehung? : eine Untersuchung der Entwicklung und der Beziehung zwischen Medienvertrauen und Zufriedenheit mit der Corona-Politik der Regierung in Deutschland im Zeitverlauf
In a reciprocal relationship? : examining the development and relationship between media trust and satisfaction with the government’s Coronavirus policy in Germany over time. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 1, S. 46-71

Given the political consequences of the Coronavirus crisis, the present study examined the reciprocal relationship between satisfaction with the government’s Coronavirus policy and media trust in Germany during the first year of the Coronavirus pandemic. Using data from a panel survey conducted between April 2020 and April 2021, a random intercept cross-lagged panel model was applied to explore the reciprocal relationship over time. The findings revealed strong correlations between the random intercepts, indicating that people who were generally more satisfied with the government’s Coronavirus policy also showed higher levels of media trust than the average and vice versa. On the within-person level, however, the results clearly show just one cross-lagged effect at a very specific point in time during the pandemic: within-person changes in policy satisfaction in November 2020 caused within-person changes in media trust in April 2021. No reciprocal influence over time was found.
Döring, Nicola; Walter, Roberto
Qualität der Berichterstattung über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch an der Odenwaldschule: ein empirischer Vergleich zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse :
Quality of reporting on child sexual abuse at the Odenwaldschule in Germany: an empirical comparison between quality and tabloid press. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 1, S. 38-45
Döring, Nicola; Walter, Roberto
Quality of reporting on child sexual abuse at the Odenwaldschule in Germany: an empirical comparison between quality and tabloid press :
Qualität der Berichterstattung über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch an der Odenwaldschule: ein empirischer Vergleich zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 1, S. 8-37

Von einer qualitätsvollen Medienberichterstattung wäre gemäß Public-Interest-Modell der normativen Medientheorie zu erwarten, dass sie sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch (SKM) als relevantes soziales Problem regelmäßig auf die Agenda setzt und in einer qualitätsvollen Weise behandelt, die zur gesellschaftlichen Sensibilisierung und Problemlösung beiträgt. Vor diesem Hintergrund war es Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, erstmals die Qualität der SKM-Berichterstattung in der deutschsprachigen Presse zu analysieren. Die Analyse konzentrierte sich auf die Berichterstattung über SKM an der Odenwaldschule, da es sich um einen gut aufgeklärten Fall institutionellen Missbrauchs in Deutschland mit großer Tragweite und Medienresonanz handelt. Beantwortet werden sollten zwei Forschungsfragen: Welche etablierten journalistischen Qualitätskriterien (QK) erfüllt bzw. verletzt die SKM-Berichterstattung über die Odenwaldschule (F1)? Welche Qualitätsunterschiede gibt es in der SKM-Berichterstattung zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse (F2)? Eine zweistufige bewusste Stichprobe von N = 325 Zeitungsartikeln über SKM an der Odenwaldschule (2010-2022; 23 Print- und Online-Zeitungen, 52.3 % Qualitätspresse, 47.7 % Boulevardpresse) wurde anhand eines Codebuchs einer Qualitätsanalyse unterzogen. Das deduktiv entwickelte und induktiv verfeinerte Codebuch bestand aus 12 formalen und 20 inhaltlichen Kategorien und zeigte eine hohe Reliabilität (Gwets AC1: 0.82 – 1.00). Die Datenanalyse erfolgte deskriptiv- und inferenzstatistisch mit der Software R. Die Studie ist präregistriert und alle Daten, Analyseskripte und Zusatzmaterialien sind auf OSF öffentlich zugänglich ( Es zeigte sich, dass in der SKM-Berichterstattung über die Odenwaldschule die meisten journalistischen QK erfüllt wurden, während gleichzeitig drei Qualitätsprobleme sichtbar waren: die mangelnde Thematisierung von Prävention und Intervention, eine sensationalistische Darstellung sowie die Nutzung unangemessener Begriffe (F1). Diese Probleme traten in der Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse vergleichbar auf. Bei keinem Qualitätskriterium waren signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse beobachtbar (F2). In Erweiterung des bisherigen Forschungsstandes zeigt die vorliegende Studie Verbesserungsbedarf in der SKM-Berichterstattung auf – und zwar in der Qualitäts- und Boulevardpresse gleichermaßen. Dass die Boulevardpresse nicht schlechter abschnitt, lässt sich damit erklären, dass sie in der Berichterstattung über SKM an der Odenwaldschule relativ häufig offen oder verdeckt auf Presseagenturmeldungen zurückgriff, deren Qualität in der Regel höher ist als bei der typischen boulevardesken Berichterstattung. Konsequenzen für die Forschung und Praxis werden diskutiert.