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Döring, Nicola;
Evaluationsforschung. - In: Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, (2022), S. 195-211

Mit „Evaluationsforschung“, „wissenschaftlicher Evaluation“ oder kurz „Evaluation“ ist die Bewertung eines Gegenstandes mit Hilfe sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden durch Evaluationsfachleute gemeint (Widmer/De Rocchi 2012: 11). Die Evaluationsforschung ist ein boomendes interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, in dem sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung zum Einsatz kommen (Döring 2022). In zahlreichen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens werden Evaluationsmaßnahmen inzwischen rechtlich vorgeschrieben.
Babbar, Parveen; Jain, P.K.; Markscheffel, Bernd; Kar, Debal C.; Sangchantr, Rabiab
Metrics, indicators, mapping and data visualizations in webometrics, informetrics and scientometrics. - Delhi : B.K. Books International, 2022. - xi, 649 Seiten ISBN 978-81-932517-7-5
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics(WIS) and 21st COLLNET Meeting 2022

Markscheffel, Bernd;
COLLNET - a success story about worldwide collaboration in science. - In: The 'Social Gestalt' of scientific communication: Festschrift in honour of Hildrun Kretschmer, (2022), S. 247-297

Kundra, Ramesh; Glänzel, Wolfgang; Markscheffel, Bernd; Chen, Yue; Kretschmer, Hildrun
The 'Social Gestalt' of scientific communication: Festschrift in honour of Hildrun Kretschmer. - New Delhi : Taru Publications, 2022. - x, 454 Seiten ISBN 81-901493-5-0

Döring, Nicola;
Sexuelle Bildungsangebote in sozialen Medien. - In: Mediendiskurs, ISSN 2751-0379, 26. Jg., Heft 4 (2022) = Ausgabe 102, Seite 44-49

Gelingende Sexualität ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Wissen und Handlungskompetenzen sind gefragt, um die eigenen sexuellen Bedürfnisse und Grenzen zu erkennen, ein individuell passendes Sexualleben zu gestalten, mit unvermeidbaren sexuellen Problemen und Konflikten fertigzuwerden und an sexueller Kultur und Sexualpolitik kundig zu partizipieren. Sexuelle Bildungsangebote wollen hierbei unterstützen. In sozialen Medien findet man sie in großer Menge und Vielfalt, allerdings auch in sehr heterogener Qualität.

Füßl, Anne; Nissen, Volker
Interpretability of knowledge graph-based explainable process analysis. - In: 2022 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering, (2022), S. 9-17

The last decade produced rapid developments and powerful new technologies that are creating a huge upsurge in artificial intelligence research. However, for critical operational decisions (e.g., consulting services), the need for explanations and interpretable results are becoming a necessity. The integration of knowledge graphs that provide relevant background knowledge in machine-readable form, and machine learning methods represents a new form of hybrid intelligent systems that benefit from each other's strengths. Our research aims at an explainable system with a specific knowledge graph architecture that can generate human-understandable results even when no suitable domain experts are available. Against this background, the interpretability of a knowledge graph-based explainable artificial intelligence approach for business process analysis is focused. We design a framework of interpretation, and show how interpretable models are generated. Result paths on weaknesses and improvement measures related to a business process are used to produce stochastic decision trees, which improve the interpretability of results. This can lead to interesting consulting self-services for clients or be applied as a device for accelerating classical consulting projects.
Zehring, Maximilian; Domahidi, Emese
Thirty years after the German reunification - exploring stereotypes about East Germans on Twitter. - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 16 (2022), S. 4029-4049

Although further social category thinking on social media might harm the German democratic public sphere, the stereotyping of East Germans on social media has been under-researched so far. We combined computational text analysis and manual content analysis on N = 106,616 tweets to investigate the area of society to which the stereotypes apply, the kind of threat East Germans are described as, and what exact stereotypes exist. We show that stereotypic tweets about East Germans are relatively rare. East Germans are portrayed as a general political threat and are attributed right-wing attitudes, socioeconomic marginalization, and negative behaviors. The contextual stereotypes we found are in line with previous studies investigating traditional media and suggest that different groups, like Saxons, recur as targets of political stereotypes, depending on the events taking place. Practical implications of the results are discussed.
Döring, Nicola;
Visual gender stereotypes (advertisement, social media). - In: Database of Variables for Content Analysis, ISSN 2673-8597, (2022), S. 1-11

The depiction of gender is the focus of a growing number of content analyses in the fields of both mass media (e.g., Goffman, 1979; Grau & Zotos, 2016; Mitchell & McKinnon, 2019; Sink & Mastro, 2017; Ward & Grower, 2020) and social media (e.g., Baker & Walsh, 2018; Döring, 2019; Döring & Mohseni, 2019; Döring et al., 2016). Typically, the depiction of gender follows traditional gender roles and, hence, does not include at lot of individuality and diversity but sticks to established gender stereotypes (Collins, 2011). Gender steoreotypes are defined as beliefs about how men versus women are (descriptive beliefs) or should be (prescriptive beliefs). Relevant dimensions of gender stereotyping are occupations (e.g., the man as the hero, breadwinner, or executive; the woman as the mother, housewife, or subordinate), sexual and romantic behaviors (e.g., the man seeking sex; the woman seeking love), personality traits (e.g., the man being active, aggressive, rational, and instrumental; the woman being passive, affectionate, emotional, and social), or body types (e.g., the man being tall, muscular and older; the woman being petite, slim, and younger). Gender stereotypes in the media cover different dimensions of traditional masculinity and feminity and are represented textually and/or (audio-)visually. Typically, the occurrence and nature of gender stereotyping in different media is measured and changes over time are of particular interest (e.g., Bhatia & Bhatia, 2020; Maker & Childs, 2003).
Heidenreich, Sven; Freisinger, Elena; Landau, Christian
The dark side of business model innovation: an empirical investigation into the evolvement of customer resistance and the effectiveness of potential countermeasures. - In: The journal of product innovation management, ISSN 1540-5885, Bd. 39 (2022), 6, S. 824-846

In the past decade, a core assumption of research on business model innovation (BMI) has been its beneficial character. However, studies have shown that potentially disrupting BMI is not immune to failure. Still, studies that investigate the causes of BMI failures are lacking. This article shifts the focus to the dark side of BMI by using a demand-side approach, which cross-fertilizes on the new product development (NPD) research stream of passive innovation resistance. We argue that BMI, like any other type of innovation, imposes change on the customer, which endangers the status quo. As a result, passive innovation resistance evolves, potentially disrupting continuous adoption. Thus, the main goal of the current study is to investigate whether and how BMI evokes negative effects of passive innovation resistance on customers' adoption behavior (Study 1) and to determine which marketing instruments can be used as countermeasures (Study 2). Our findings confirm that passive innovation resistance is a strong inhibitor of continuous BMI adoption. However, the detrimental effects of passive innovation resistance on continuous BMI adoption can be attenuated by employing benefit comparisons or testimonials in business model (BM) announcements. From a theoretical perspective, this study enhances the current knowledge on how stable customer predispositions affect the adoption process of BMI. By so doing, our study confirms the applicability of passive innovation resistance beyond the NPD domain but also sheds light on differences in the cause-effect mechanism between BMI and product innovation contexts. From a managerial perspective, this study equips managers with effective countermeasures to passive innovation resistance that should reduce the probability of BMI failure.
Kunert, Christian; Schwandt, Tobias; Nadar, Christon R.; Broll, Wolfgang
Neural network adaption for depth sensor replication. - In: The visual computer, ISSN 1432-2315, Bd. 38 (2022), 12, S. 4071-4081

In recent years, various depth sensors that are small enough to be used with mobile hardware have been introduced. They provide important information for use cases like 3D reconstruction or in the context of augmented reality where tracking and camera data alone would be insufficient. However, depth sensors may not always be available due to hardware limitations or when simulating augmented reality applications for prototyping purposes. In these cases, different approaches like stereo matching or depth estimation using neural networks may provide a viable alternative. In this paper, we therefore explore the imitation of depth sensors using deep neural networks. For this, we use a state-of-the-art network for depth estimation and adapt it in order to mimic a Structure Sensor as well as an iPad LiDAR sensor. We evaluate the network which was pre-trained on NYU V2 directly as well as several variations where transfer learning is applied in order to adapt the network to different depth sensors while using various data preprocessing and augmentation techniques. We show that a transfer learning approach together with appropriate data processing can enable an accurate modeling of the respective depth sensors.