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Döring, Nicola; Bhana, Deevia; Albury, Kath
Digital sexual identities: between empowerment and disempowerment. - In: Current opinion in psychology, ISSN 2352-250X, Bd. 48 (2022), 101466

In the digital age, people increasingly explore and express their sexual identities online. The management and development of digital sexual identities can provide opportunities of empowerment on the individual, interpersonal, and societal level. At the same time, social media users are confronted with risks of sexual disempowerment in terms of identity de-validation, social exclusion, discrimination or even criminalization. The review article summarizes the current state of research on six selected sexual identities: (1) heterosexual, (2) LGBTIQ+, (3) asexual, (4) kink and fetish, (5) polyamory, and (6) sex worker identities in digital contexts. Covering a variety of social media platforms and cultural backgrounds, the review demonstrates that digital sexual identities are best understood as multifaceted socio-technical phenomena with ambivalent outcomes.
Rockel, Tobias;
Güteuntersuchung von Imputationsverfahren für unvollständige Datenmatrizen. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (XVI, 347 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2022

Reale Datenmatrizen sind häufig unvollständig und können aus diesem Grund normalerweise nicht direkt ausgewertet werden. Eine Möglichkeit, mit diesem Problem umzugehen, sind Imputationsverfahren, die fehlende Werte ersetzen. Dieses Werk gibt zunächst einen Überblick über gängige Imputationsverfahren und stellt darauf aufbauend einen generellen Aufbau von Imputationsverfahren vor. Anhand von existierenden Simulationsstudien und einer eigenen Simulationsstudie wird die Güte verschiedener Imputationsverfahren analysiert. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen werden unter anderem Empfehlungen für die Auswahl von Imputationsverfahren abgeleitet.
Schumann, Christina;
When news topics annoy - exploring issue fatigue and subsequent information avoidance and extended coping strategies. - In: Journalism and media, ISSN 2673-5172, Bd. 3 (2022), 3, S. 538-556

This paper scrutinizes the phenomenon of issue fatigue and its consequences. Issue fatigue results from overexposure to a news topic that has been on the media’s agenda for an extended period of time. Fatigued recipients become annoyed, and no longer wish to be exposed to the topic. Based on the findings of an explorative qualitative study, a quantitative online survey was conducted in Germany, Mexico, and Pakistan (N = 481). Using cluster analysis, we identified an emotional and a cognitive type of issue fatigue, and investigated how these types react. Both types of fatigued recipients avoided further news about the respective issue in traditional news media (= information avoidance). Differences were observed concerning the strategies to handle fatigue (= coping strategies): recipients of the emotional type posted about their fatigue in social media; recipients of the cognitive type turned to information in sources other than the mainstream news. Taking into account country-specific differences, we concluded that, generally, issue fatigue - via information avoidance - results in an uninformed citizenry. This can be a hurdle for the functioning of an established democracy or for the success of democratic transitions. Posting about issue fatigue, which was more frequent in Mexico and Pakistan, might ‘infect’ others, and intensify problems resulting from issue fatigue. Turning to alternative sources can be either beneficial or problematic for the development of a well-informed citizenry, depending on whether alternative sources provide reliable and truthful information
Döring, Nicola;
Alkohol in Sozialen Medien: zwischen Glorifizierung und Prävention. - In: Suchtmagazin, ISSN 1422-2221, Bd. 48 (2022), 4-5, S. 20-24

Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur;
Algorithmisierung des Journalismus : Chancen und Herausforderungen künstlicher Intelligenzsysteme in sozio-technischen Newsrooms. - In: Communicatio socialis, ISSN 2198-3852, Bd. 55 (2022), 3, S. 308-319

Die zunehmende Verbreitung von Systemen künstlicher Intelligenz führt zum Wandel des sozialen Arbeitsumfeldes von Journalist:innen. Es entwickelt sich zu einem sozio-technischen Arbeitssystem, in dem menschliche und anthropomorphisierte artifizielle Journalist:innen auf allen Ebenen der Nachrichtenproduktion und -distribution vernetzt journalistische Tätigkeiten ausführen. Der Beitrag stellt mögliche Anwendungsbereiche von algorithmengetriebenen Technologien im Journalismus vor und diskutiert die sich daraus ergebenden Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen für die journalistische Praxis und Forschung.
Gurr, Gwendolin; Schumann, Christina; Metag, Julia
Negative effects of long-lasting media attention to public issues on recipients: conceptualizing issue fatigue. - In: Studies in communication sciences, ISSN 1424-4896, Bd. 22 (2022), 2, S. 385-401

A significant amount of political communication research is grounded in the dynamics of the media’s and the public’s attention to public issues, assuming that the news media draw the public’s attention to issues, thereby fostering an informed and participating citizenry. However, there is evidence from several countries that this mechanism is disrupted for issues with high shares of news coverage during a period. Against this background, this article scrutinizes the idea that recipients become fatigued from these issues in the news. Having transferred findings on overexposure from other media stimuli to the news environment, issue fatigue is defined as a negative cognitive and affective state consisting of decreasing issue-specific information processing involvement, perceived information overload, and increasing boredom, annoyance, and anger toward an issue. Issue fatigue can lead to the avoidance of information about the issue, thus serving as a new explanatory approach to avoidance of media information at an issue level. Further consequences, causes, and the development of issue fatigue are discussed.
Ozola-Schade, Maija;
Intergroup relations and media: the effects of media system quality in explaining immigration attitudes. - In: Studies in communication sciences, ISSN 1424-4896, Bd. 22 (2022), 2, S. 363-384

From an intergroup relations perspective, attitudes toward immigration derive from assessments of immigrants’ ethnic proximity to the host society. However, attitudes are embedded not only in the notion of intergroup relations, they are influenced by the information environment in which public discourse about immigration is shaped. This paper investigates whether the quality of the media system contributes to the emergence of a well-informed public that is more likely to reinforce democratic values and thus have more positive attitudes toward immigration. The European Social Survey data (2002-2018) from 19 European countries are combined with media quality indicators from the Varieties of Democracy project and studied in a cross-national comparative perspective. Results confirm that Europeans prefer immigrants that are ethnically more similar to the majority of the host society, regardless of time or given country. Furthermore, attitudes are more positive in countries with stronger public services. Moreover, a higher quality media system that reflects the level of media freedom, opinion plurality, self-governance, and objectivity, fosters pro-immigration attitudes, especially for immigrants who are ethnically different from the host society.
Sarısakalo&bovko;glu, Aynur;
Künstliche Intelligenz und Journalismus. - In: Handbuch Journalismustheorien, (2022), S. 1-13
Living reference work entry

Mit der Implementierung von Technologien künstlicher Intelligenz im Journalismus sind tiefgreifende Veränderungen verbunden, die sich auf die Bedingungen des journalistischen Arbeitens auswirken. Daraus ergeben sich Fragen, inwieweit neue technologische Möglichkeiten journalistische Prozesse beeinflussen und damit den Nachrichtenjournalismus herausfordern können. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, den Wandel des Journalismus vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Integration von künstlich intelligenten Anwendungen zu beleuchten und mögliche Einsatzbereiche von algorithmengetriebenen Systemen in der Produktion und Distribution von journalistischen Inhalten aufzuzeigen und daraus resultierende Herausforderungen für die Journalismusforschung zu diskutieren.
Wagner-Olfermann, Elisabeth;
Political leadership in transboundary crises, responsibility attributions, and the role of the media: a synthesis of previous research and theoretical extension. - In: Annals of the International Communication Association, ISSN 2380-8977, Bd. 46 (2022), 4, S. 290-304

With the increasing frequency of transboundary crises in the twenty-first century - examples from the past are the financial crisis, the migration crisis and the current coronavirus pandemic - the need for political leadership beyond national borders is growing. As public visibility is an essential leadership resource with regard to transboundary leadership, the question arises of how media construct and thus legitimize political leadership in transboundary crises. The basic theoretical assumption is that perceived leadership in a transboundary crisis results from publicly observable processes of attributing responsibility beyond geographical and hierarchical boundaries. Consequently, a tool for capturing attribution statements, their senders and addressees as well as their reasoning in the media coverage is presented.
Budzinski, Oliver; Feddersen, Arne
Should organizing premier-level European football be a monopoly? : and who should run it? - an economists' perspective. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (18 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 166)

The controversy around the breakaway European Super League, set to conquer the UEFA Champions League, and the surrounding antitrust proceedings revive the academic discussion about the monopoly power of sport-internal governing bodies (like the UEFA), the justification for and limits of their powers, and potential abuses of their power. Against this background, we discuss how much monopoly is unavoidable in premier-level European football and how its powers can be limited and, thus, scope and incentives for power abuse may be reduced. We particularly find that championship management can be periodically assigned to third-parties (like the Super League organizers) by tender procedures, thus, creating a periodical competition for the market, fueling innovation incentives and strengthening the influence of fans' preferences.