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Nissen, Volker; Göpel, Fabian
Consulting Self-Services - Eignung, Stand und Perspektiven. - In: [Kennzahlen 3510 ff.], (2022), 7317, S. 1-37
46. Erg-Lfg., V/22

Krieger, Alexander; Stützer, Michael; Obschonka, Martin; Salmela-Aro, Katariina
The growth of entrepreneurial human capital: origins and development of skill variety. - In: Small business economics, ISSN 1573-0913, Bd. 59 (2022), 2, S. 645-664

Given that recent research on entrepreneurial behavior and success has established skill variety as a central human capital factor, researchers, educators, and policymakers have turned their interest to a deeper understanding of the formation of skill variety. Based on human capital theory and the competence growth approach in developmental psychology (highlighting long-term, age-appropriate, and cumulative skill-growth processes), we hypothesize that a broad, early variety orientation in adolescence is a developmental precursor of such entrepreneurial human capital in adulthood. This was confirmed in an analysis of prospective longitudinal data via structural equation modeling and serial mediation tests. We also find that an entrepreneurial constellation of personality traits, but not entrepreneurial parents, predicts early variety orientation, skill variety, and entrepreneurial intentions. By shedding new light on the long-term formation of entrepreneurial human capital, the results suggest that establishing and benefiting from an early variety orientation is not only an important developmental mechanism in entrepreneurial careers but gives those with an entrepreneurial personality an early head start in their vocational entrepreneurial development. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
Döring, Nicola; Walter, Roberto; Mercer, Catherine H.; Wiessner, Christian; Matthiesen, Silja; Briken, Peer
Men who pay for sex: prevalence and sexual health : results from the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD). - In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international, ISSN 1866-0452, Bd. 119 (2022), 12, S. 201-207
Döring, Nicola;
Quality issues in media representations of child sexual abuse: newspaper articles, stock photos, and YouTube videos. - In: Child sexual abuse and the media, (2022), S. 31-57

Richter, Magnus; Souren, Rainer; Göttlich, Paul Armand Ugo Lysandre
How is research success "produced"? : a statistical analysis of the technological relationships between publikations, citations, and h-index
Wie wird Forschungserfolg "produziert"? : eine statistische Analyse der technologischen Zusammenhänge zwischen Publikationen, Zitationen und h-Index. - In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, ISSN 0340-5370, Bd. 74 (2022), 3, S. 241-261

Geigenmüller, Anja; Kuhn, Elisabeth
De-commoditization in B2B markets: a communication perspective. - In: Commodity marketing, (2022), S. 413-425

Customer-oriented communication is an essential element of successful B2B customer-supplier interactions. Effective customer communication enforces customer relationships and, hence, helps firms avoiding what the literature knows as "commodity trap". Although the academic literature widely acknowledges the role of customer communication, studies on communication objectives, suitable instruments and effects throughout supplier-customer transactions are scarce. Against this background, and based on a single-case study of a machine tool manufacturer, this paper investigates communication objectives and instruments employed in various phases of the purchasing process. The study finds that during initiation, presentation and negotiation, the supplier intensified its communicative efforts. During the phase of production, however, communication efforts diminished. This is surprising taking into account that, from a theoretical perspective, joint activities between supplier and customer to create value build on a continuous and effective communication. The paper reflects on these results and derives avenues for future research.
Geigenmüller, Anja; Aneziris, Christos
Non-price-related de-commoditization: an exploratory study in the refractories industry. - In: Commodity marketing, (2022), S. 349-363

De-Commoditization strategies have received only limited attention in the literature. Referring to non-price-related de-commoditization, differentiation can occur on the basis of superior products and services as well as on the basis of superior customer relationships. However, knowledge on the extent to which these two strategies are applicable to commodity suppliers and how an integration of these strategies can contribute to an effective de-commoditization is still scant. Based on a literature review and a qualitative study in the refractories industry, this article identifies approaches to de-commoditization, ways of implementation, as well as internal and external prerequisites.
Leischnig, Alexander; Geigenmüller, Anja
A configurational perspective on brand relevance in commodity markets. - In: Commodity marketing, (2022), S. 281-292

This article illuminates the question how brands can help prevent the commoditization of offerings. The concept of interest is brand relevance, which refers to the importance of the brand as purchase decision criterion for customers in purchase situations. Based on a brief review of prior work on the relevance of brands for commodity products, this article discusses the merits of configuration theory as an inquiry system to further the understanding of what makes brands relevant. The article gives brief overview of the configurational approach and outlines avenues for future studies using this approach.
Enke, Margit; Geigenmüller, Anja; Leischnig, Alexander
Commodity marketing: an introduction into key concepts and processes. - In: Commodity marketing, (2022), S. 3-20

The successful commercialization of commodities and the prevention of possible commoditization of offerings are key tasks of companies in many industries. This article aims to further the understanding of commodity marketing by further illuminating key concepts and processes. In addition, this article discusses different drivers of commoditization, distinguishing between company-related, offering-related, buyer-related and market-related factors. Furthermore, it outlines strategies to prevent or reverse the commoditization of offerings. The article illuminates two types of de-commoditization efforts: price-based and non-price-based approaches. It concludes with a discussion of avenues for further research and implications for management practice.
Gold, Bernadette; Windscheid, Julian
360˚-Videos in der Lehrer*innenbildung - die Rolle des Videotyps und des Beobachtungsschwerpunktes für das Präsenzerleben und die kognitive Belastung. - In: 360˚-Videos in der empirischen Sozialforschung, (2022), S. 165-191

Unterrichtsvideos werden zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise in verschiedenen Lernsettings eingesetzt, um Wissen, Analysefähigkeiten oder Überzeugungen und Einstellungen zu verändern. Dafür wurden bislang fast ausschließlich 4:3 bzw. 16:9-Aufnahmen verwendet. Unterrichtsvideos im 360˚-Format wirken authentischer und realistischer als übliche 16:9-Videos und stellen somit eine interessante Weiterentwicklung für die Unterrichtsanalyse und -reflexion dar, die digitale und gleichzeitig überaus realistische Eindrücke von der Unterrichtspraxis realisiert, obwohl die Beobachtenden sich nicht im Klassenraum befinden müssen. Insbesondere wenn Schulpraktika nur schwer realisierbar sind - wie beispielsweise während der Corona-Pandemie - bieten 360˚-Unterrichtsvideos eine möglichst authentische Alternative zu Präsenzpraktika. Ob die Analyse von 360˚-Videos jedoch auch hinsichtlich der Kompetenzentwicklung angehender Lehrkräfte einen Mehrwert gegenüber 16:9-Videos ausmacht, ist derzeit noch nicht eindeutig beantwortbar. Dementsprechend gibt der vorliegende Beitrag einen Überblick über den Stand der Forschung zum Lernen mit 360˚-Videos und den angenommenen kognitiven und affektiv-motivationalen Wirkmechanismen. Am Ende des Beitrags wird über eine experimentelle Studie zum Einsatz von 360˚-Unterrichtsvideos in der Lehrer*innenbildung berichtet, die zwei als zentral angenommene Wirkmechanismen beim Lernen mit 360˚-Videos betrachtet, das Präsenzerleben und die kognitive Belastung während der Videorezeption, sowie entsprechende Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Beobachtungsschwerpunktes untersucht.