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Freisinger, Elena; Heidenreich, Sven; Landau, Christian; Spieth, Patrick
Business model innovation through the lens of time : an empirical study of performance implications across venture life cycles. - In: Schmalenbach journal of business research, ISSN 2366-6153, Bd. 73 (2021), 3/4, S. 339-380

Current literature suggests that the innovation of a business model is among the most important success factors for organizations and has a positive influence on their performance. What is not yet clear, however, is how this relationship unfolds during an organization’s life cycle. We posit that business model innovation strongly contributes to firm performance in earlier phases, but ultimately gets less important. We therefore collected data on 250 organizations in Germany and used structural equation modeling for analytical purposes. We make the following two main contributions to the literature: (1) We confirm recent findings about the positive impact of business model innovation on performance; (2) we provide first empirical evidence for the important role of life cycle stages as moderator with regard to this relationship. With respect to the latter, our findings show that business model innovation is an important pathway of organizations, especially in their early years of existence, yet somewhat diminishing over time. In conclusion, this study opens new research avenues by extending and incorporating explanations for the life cycle theory and business model innovation.
Bruhn, Simon; Grebel, Thomas; Nesta, Lionel
The fallacy in productivity decomposition. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (37 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 160)

This paper argues that the typical practice of performing growth decompositions based on log-transformed productivity values induces fallacious conclusions: using logs may lead to an inaccurate aggregate growth rate, an inaccurate description of the microsources of aggregate growth, or both. We identify the mathematical sources of this log-induced fallacy in decomposition and analytically demonstrate the questionable reliability of log results. Using rm-level data from the French manufacturing sector during the 2009-2018 period, we empirically show that the magnitude of the log-induced distortions is substantial. Depending on the de nition of accurate log measures, we nd that around 60-80% of four-digit industry results are prone to mismeasurement. We further nd signi cant correlations of this mismeasurement with commonly deployed industry characteristics, indicating, among other things, that less competitive industries are more prone to log distortions. Evidently, these correlations also a ect the validity of studies that investigate the role of industry characteristics in productivity growth.
Hajialibeigi, Maryam;
Organizational innovation: interactive role of external knowledge strategies and market dynamisms. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (circa 29 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 159)

There are different determinants for organizational innovation. By taking an encompassing look into dynamics of organizational innovation, this paper examines how organizational innovation is an outcome to interaction of knowledge search strategies and underlying market conditions. Although the role of knowledge management capabilities on organizational innovation have been studied in literature but the effects of external knowledge strategies as an external KM enabler on different parts of organizational innovation has not been covered. To fill that gap and to capture deep dynamics of organizational innovation this paper analyzes the relationship between external knowledge diversity and organizational innovation under the influence of competition intensity and uncertain demand trends which is the second contribution of this study. It is demonstrated that the effects of competition intensity or uncertain demand trends on organizational innovation are diminished through their interactive manifestation with knowledge search diversity. By applying quantile regression in different levels, we additionally indicate that such diminishing effect varies among different industries depending on their organizational innovation intensity as the third novel analytics of this paper.
Budzinski, Oliver;
Europäische Regulierung digitaler Dienste: eine kritische Würdigung der Entwürfe DMA & DSA aus medienökonomischer Perspektive. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (22 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 158)

Der Beitrag liefert eine kritische Würdigung der geplanten europäischen Regulierung digitaler Onlinedienste - Digital Markets Act (DMA) und Digital Services Act (DAS) - aus medienökonomischer Perspektive. Dabei werden Schwerpunkte auf Gatekeeper-Effekte und die Rolle von algorithmischen Such- und Empfehlungssystemen gelegt. Der Beitrag zieht ein kritisches Fazit und drückt Skepsis aus, ob die geplante Regulierung in der vorgeschlagenen Form der richtige Weg zur notwendigen Eindämmung der ökonomischen Macht großer Onlinedienste ist.
Hajialibeigi, Maryam;
External knowledge diversity, competition intensity and innovation performance in logistics: implications for less versus more innovative industries. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (23 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 157)

Purpose: This paper analyzes the association of searching diversely as a strategy to capture external knowledge and that of competition intensity with innovation in logistics. Secondly it studies how these associations interact by examining whether they intensify or mitigate one another when jointly occur. Thirdly, it is explored whether correlations of search diversity, competition intensity and their interaction effect with logistics innovation demonstrate differences in their strength depending on logistics innovativeness of target industries. Design/methodology/approach: By discriminating between diversifying and expanding search scope, a new search mode is identified which is more precise in examining diversity of acquired external knowledge in comparison to search breadth. External search diversity is formulated based on a classification of external sources according to similarities in their knowledge supply. Quantile regression is applied for the purpose of this study due to its ability in estimating different models in different quantiles of the response variable.
Hajialibeigi, Maryam;
Is more diverse always the better? : external knowledge source clusters and innovation performance in Germany. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (31 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 27, no. 156)

This study gives a new identity to a knowledge search mode named search diversity and investigates how it is more rigorous in capturing knowledge heterogeneity in comparison to general assessment of search breadth. By distinguishing between diversifying and expanding search domain as building blocks of broadening search scope, this study proposes a hybrid search strategy when it comes to analysis of the link between external search and innovation performance. While a positive trend is found for search breadth and innovation in this review, search diversity indicates a curvilinear pattern but with a steeper positivity than search breadth's. A prerequisite extension of this paper is to utilize a clustering method among different external sources acting as a reference to codify a diversity index for measuring the new search scheme. Also, the effect of usage of each cluster on innovation is empirically illustrated. This paper suggests that the optimal hybrid search outlook in respect to innovation is built up by initially increasing diversity in search up to the downturn point and then shifting into usage of same source clusters without helping diversity. This analysis provides practitioners with additional insights for managing external sourcing strategies and leveraging innovativeness.
Rothenberger, Liane; Xu, Yi
Grundbegriffe der Kommunikations- und Medienethik, (Teil 26), Kulturelle Vielfalt. - In: Communicatio socialis, ISSN 2198-3852, Bd. 54 (2021), 4, S. 526-531
Lukičeva, Tatьjana A.; Pezoldt, Kerstin; Semenovič, Natalьja
Digital work platforms as a factor in labour market changes :
Onlajn-platformy zanjatnosti kak faktor izmenenij rynka truda. - In: Trud i dosut, (2021), S. 299-321

Huggins, Robert; Stützer, Michael; Obschonka, Martin; Thompson, Piers
Historical industrialisation, path dependence and contemporary culture: the lasting imprint of economic heritage on local communities. - In: Journal of economic geography, ISSN 1468-2710, Bd. 21 (2021), 6, S. 841-867

Culture matters for regional economic development and is one source of cognitive lock-in that influences path creation and dependency. However, little is known about the sources of regional variation in culture. This study explores the long-term imprinting effect of the Industrial Revolution on cultural practices across local communities in Great Britain. Historical data from 1891 on the employment in large-scale industries (e.g. textiles and steel) is used to estimate causal effects of industrialisation on five cultural dimensions. It is found that historical industrialisation is still reflected in contemporary local cultures marked by lower engagement with education and employment, less adherence to social rules but stronger collective action and social cohesion. It is concluded that one reason for the relatively poor effect of the public policies on local and regional economic development is that historical industrialisation has left a lasting legacy on contemporary culture in many places that impairs institutional efforts to foster change.
Rau, Karsten;
Management von IT-Agilität: Entwicklung eines Kennzahlensystems zur Messung der Agilität im Handlungsfeld IT Personal. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (XV, 434 Seiten). - (Ilmenauer Schriften zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; Band 4)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2021

Die Dissertationsschrift behandelt ein aktuelles Thema von großer praktischer Relevanz, denn immer mehr Unternehmen stehen heute vor neuen wettbewerblichen Herausforderungen in einem turbulenten und globalisierten Geschäftsumfeld. Die Geschwindigkeit der Anpassung an die sich stetig ändernden Rahmenbedingungen, technologischen Innovationen und neuen Marktsituationen ist dabei eine wichtige Herausforderung für die Unternehmen. Die Geschäftsagilität des gesamten Unternehmens wird erwiesenermaßen maßgeblich von der IT-Agilität beeinflusst. IT-Agilität stellt somit einen zentralen Bestandteil des IT-Wertbeitrages dar. Der Autor adressiert mit seiner Dissertationsschrift die Frage, wie die IT-Agilität eines Unternehmens im Bereich des IT-Personals gemessen und auf dieser Grundlage aktiv gemanagt werden kann, um beispielsweise die Erreichung von Agilitätszielen oder die Wirksamkeit getroffener Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der IT-Agilität nachzuweisen. Dazu wird auf einer empirischen Grundlage ein Kennzahlensystem entwickelt. Die Forschungsarbeit folgt grundlegend dem Design Science Research Paradigma gestaltungsorientierter Forschung nach Hevner et al. (2004) und Peffers et al. (2007). Da es sich bei der IT-Agilität um einen diffusen Sachverhalt handelt, wird zunächst ein mehrdimensionales Konstrukt der IT-Agilität im Bereich IT-Personal konzeptualisiert. Darauf aufbauend werden dann im nächsten Schritt des Forschungsprozesses für jede der identifizierten Dimensionen die jeweiligen Einflussfaktoren und die einhergehenden Ursache-Wirkungs-Zusammenhänge hergeleitet und als Ergebnis ein Untersuchungsmodell abgeleitet. Im Anschluss wird der im Untersuchungsmodell beschriebenen Ursache-Wirkungs-Zusammenhänge mit einer Online-Befragung von IT-Führungskräften und multivariaten Analysemethoden überprüft. Daraufhin erfolgt die Entwicklung eines Kennzahlensystems als direkte Fortentwicklung des empirisch validierten konzeptionellen Modells. Das Kennzahlensystem wird prototypisch als Softwaresystem implementiert und stellt ein Artefakt im Sinne Hevners et al. (2004) dar. Abschließend wird dessen Anwendbarkeit in praktischen Kontexten demonstriert. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass das Realweltproblem der fehlenden Steuerbarkeit durch das geschaffene Artefakt prinzipiell gelöst werden kann und damit einen adäquaten Nutzen für die Anspruchsgruppe stiftet.