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Budzinski, Oliver; Gänßle, Sophia; Stöhr, Annika
Korreferat zu dem Beitrag von Tobias Thomas. - In: Wachstum, Entwicklung, Stabilität, (2020), S. 206-215
Estella, Pauline Gidget;
Journalism competence and the COVID-19 crisis in Southeast Asia : toward journalism as a transformative and interdisciplinary enterprise. - In: Pacific journalism review, ISSN 2324-2035, Bd. 26 (2020), 2, S. 15-34

The COVID-19 crisis across the world has posed a daunting challenge to journalism as a discipline. Indeed, how the journalism profession performs at this time could have game-changing implications on its already beleaguered role as a source of information in society. This article deals with the subject of journalistic competencies necessary in such crisis times, when interpreting and disseminating technical or scientific information becomes crucial in news work in a region that is vastly different from the West or the 'Global North' - Southeast Asia. The issues and relevant concepts of journalistic competence and science journalism, especially in the time of digital and economic disruptions are discussed in relation to: 1) literature on journalistic roles and the character of media systems in Southeast Asia, and 2) data from in-depth interviews with selected experts from 31 countries. This article argues that, based on literature and a growing consensus among experts, journalism can best strengthen its role in society by shifting its standards and norms under a transformative and interdisciplinary perspective, which for a long time has been hindered by the inertia of the industry and industry-centered journalism education.
Siebenkäs, Anette; Stelzer, Dirk
Personal Data Transparency : ein Überblick über Transparenz bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten. - In: Digma, ISSN 1424-9944, Bd. 20 (2020), 1, S. 2-5

Pöschl-Günther, Sandra;
VR-Behandlungen. - In: Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie, (2020), S. 1902

Vorob'eva, Irina V.; Pezoldt, Kerstin
Kitajskie prjamye investicii v strany Evropejskogo sojuza: vozmožnosti i vyzovy. - Sankt-Peterburg : Skifija-print. - 1 Online-Ressource (Seite 93-103)Sonderdruck aus: Sovremennye vyzovy i perspektivy razvitija meždunarodnoj torgovoj sistemy. - Sankt-Peterburg : Skifija-print, 2020. - ISBN 978-5-98620-484-0
Grebel, Thomas; Napoletano, Mauro; Nesta, Lionel
Distant but close in sight : firm-level evidence on French-German productivity gaps in manufacturing. - Vabonne : GREDEG, 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (46 Seiten). - (GREDEG working paper ; No. 2020-50)

We study the productivity level distributions of manufacturing firms in France and Germany, and how these distributions evolved across the Great Recession. We show the presence of a systematic productivity advantage of German firms over French ones in the decade 2003-2013, but the gap has narrowed down after the Great Recession. Convergence is explained by the better growth performance of French firms in the post-recession period, especially of those located in the top percentiles of the productivity distribution. We also highlight the role of sectoral growth, firm size and export intensity in explaining the above convergence. In contrast, the contribution of allocative efficiency was small.
Budzinski, Oliver; Gänßle, Sophia; Stöhr, Annika
Comments on the effects of media bias on political opinions and voting behavior in the digital age :
Anmerkungen zur Auswirkung der Medienberichterstattung auf politische Meinungen und Wahlverhalten: Medienordnung im digitalen Zeitalter. - In: SSRN eLibrary, ISSN 1556-5068, (2020), S. 1-12

Der Beitrag kommentiert den Stand der Literatur zu den Auswirkungen der Medienberichterstattung auf politische Meinungen und Wahlverhalten. Er geht dabei insbesondere auf den theoretischen Hintergrund, die Rolle der Wettbewerbs- und Regulierungspolitik sowie die Besonderheiten des digitalen Zeitalters ein. - This paper discusses the state of the literature on the effects of media bias on political opinions and voting behavior. Particularly, it emphasizes the role of competition policy and regulation as well as the special aspects of the digital age.
Rothenberger, Liane;
Terrorismus als Kommunikation : Bestandsaufnahme, Erklärungen und Herausforderungen. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS. - 1 Online-Ressource (XIX, 453 Seiten). - (Aktivismus- und Propagandaforschung)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Habilitationsschrift 2018

ISBN 978-3-658-31080-6

Mit dem vorliegenden, nun aktualisierten und überarbeiteten Werk, welches im Jahr 2018 vom Rat der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien der Technischen Universität als Habilitationsschrift angenommen wurde, verknüpft Liane Rothenberger ihre vielfältigen Einzelarbeiten und erweitert diese substanziell um eine Meta-Analyse theoretischer Ansätze, die in der Kommunikationswissenschaft wurzeln oder zumindest Terrorismus primär hinsichtlich kommunikativer Aspekte betrachten. Neben einer (sozial-)wissenschaftlich interessierten Leserschaft bietet das Buch damit auch Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der sicherheitspolitischen Praxis Anregungen für ein tieferes Verständnis terroristischer Gruppen und ihrer Handlungen.
Krömker, Heidi; Radermacher, Berthold; Klimsa, Paul; Reeßing, Michael; Große, Ulrike; Maron, Mandy; Menke, Stefanie
KnowHowÖV - flexible knowledge and learning spaces for the transfer of know-how in the vocational training of public transport :
"KnowHowÖV: Flexible Wissens- und Lernräume für den Know-how-Transfer in der beruflichen Bildung des öffentlichen Personenverkehrs" : Schlussbericht : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: Technische Universität Ilmenau 01.10.2016-31.10.2019, Berichtszeitraum: 01.10.2016-31.10.2019 : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e.V. 01.10.2016-31.12.2019, Berichtszeitraum: 01.10.2016-31.12.2019. - [Ilmenau] : [Technische Universität Ilmenau]. - 1 Online-Ressource (153 Seiten, 14,30 MB)Paralleltitel dem englischen Berichtsblatt entnommen
Fox, Alexander; Neuland, Jana
Limited availability in crowdfunding projects - guarantee for profitability?. - In: Eurasian journal of economics and finance, ISSN 2148-0192, Bd. 8 (2020), 4, S. 246-260

Scarcity is an instrument that is often used in crowdfunding. Crowdfunding isan alternative form of financing,especially for entrepreneurs in the early-stage development phase.This paper deals with the characteristics of profitable crowdfunding projects. Hereby, we examinethe impact factors of crowdfundings profitability, with a special focus on limited availability (scarcity), depth of project description and the size of pledginggoalsas follows.Therefore, we analyzedata from, one of the worlds largest crowdfunding platforms,and used494 projects and 4,224 pledge levels from the broad category technology as our database.Technology projects lend themselves particularly well to the study, as they usually contain the project result as a tangible return, thus facilitating or even enabling the monetary evaluation of the success in contrast to, for example, cultural projects. Hence, our sample includes 32% of pledge levels with limited availability. We provide empirical evidence that the limited availability in the crowdfunding projects in terms of scarcity management is positivelyrelated to the profitability of the included pledge levels. We conclude that crowdfunding projects with limited availability on pledge levels are more profitable for investors.