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Döring, Nicola;
Linda Williams' "Hard Core" : the classic of pornography research turns 30 years old
Linda Williams' "Hard Core" : der Klassiker der Pornografie-Forschung wird 30 Jahre alt. - In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, ISSN 1438-9460, Bd. 32 (2019), 1, S. 39-47
Günther, Maik; Nissen, Volker
Gas flows and gas prices in Europe: what is the impact of Nord Stream 2?. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Medien, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik. - 1 Online-Ressource (ii, 15 Seiten). - (Ilmenauer Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 2019,1) ISBN 978-3-938940-61-7
Paper presented at ENERDAY 2019, Dresden

Natural gas plays an important role in Europe. It is a bridging technology for the transition of the electricity system and has also a significant potential to reduce CO2 emission in the mobility and heating sectors. Nevertheless, Europe is strongly dependent on imports of natural gas. While it is expected that European gas demand declines in long-term, indigenous production in Europe also declines. Thus, European import dependency persists. An important supplier of natural gas is Russia. Even if Russia should increase its market share, there is still enough transport capacity existing to bring Russian gas to Europe. However, the pipeline Nord Stream 2 with an additional annual capacity of 55 billion cubic meters (bcm) is under construction. This pipeline probably starts operation in 2020 and has the potential to change gas flows in Europe significantly. Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM) operate the worldwide gas market model WEGA to calculate gas flows and gas prices in daily resolution until 2040. This model is based on the commercial solution Pegasus from Pöyry Management Consulting. Public sources as well as commercial services are used by SWM to constantly update the dataset of WEGA. For plausibility checks, NBP, NCG and TTF future prices are also frequently calculated. To analyse the impact of Nord Stream 2 on European gas flows, different scenarios are calculated in WEGA. The following exemplary results of 2028 reveal that Nord Stream 2 has significant effects on European gas flows: Transit flows through Germany increase by 17 bcm in comparison to a scenario without Nord Stream 2. On the other hand, gas flows from Poland to Germany are reduced by 14 bcm due to Nord Stream 2. Other effects are reduced gas flows via Ukraine and a redirection of Norwegian gas (13 bcm) from Germany to other Northwest European countries. Furthermore, Nord Stream 2 has also an impact on European gas prices. In general, this pipeline has a moderate dampening effect, with gas prices in Western Europe falling slightly more than in Eastern Europe.
Mori, Shohei; Herling, Jan; Broll, Wolfgang; Kawai, Norihiko; Saito, Hideo; Schmalstieg, Dieter; Kalkofen, Denis
3D PixMix: image inpainting in 3D environments. - In: Adjunct proceedings 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2019), S. 1-2
Stöhr, Annika; Budzinski, Oliver
Ex-post Analyse der Ministererlaubnis-Fälle - Gemeinwohl durch Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen?. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (44 Seiten). - (Diskussionspapier ; Nr. 124)

Die sogenannte Ministererlaubnis als Teil der deutschen Fusionskontrolle repräsentiert wahrscheinlich das umstrittenste Instrument sowohl in der juristischen als auch in der ökonomischen Fachdiskussion. Vereinfachend ausgedrückt ermöglicht die Ministererlaubnis dem Bundeswirtschaftsminister, ein Zusammenschlussverbot des Bundeskartellamtes aufgrund von erwarteten positiven Gemeinwohleffekten aufzuheben. Zu den Kritikpunkten zählt dabei, dass die tatsächlichen Erlaubnisentscheidungen weniger durch Gemeinwohlerwägungen zu begründen seien als vielmehr durch politökonomische Interessen bzw. erfolgreiche Lobbyaktivitäten. Zwar können wir im vorliegenden Beitrag nicht die tatsächlichen Motivationen der Erlaubnisentscheidungen nachweisen, aber wir können mit Hilfe von Ex-Post-Analysen zeigen, dass sich nur in einem geringen Teil der Erlaubnisfälle die Gründe, welche zur Erlaubnis führten, ex-post empirisch bestätigt haben und auch auf die Fusion zurückzuführen sind. Damit kann die Ministererlaubnis in ihrer gegenwärtigen Form nicht als effektives Instrument einer gemeinwohlorientierten Korrektur von Fusionskontrollentscheidungen eingestuft werden.
Grebel, Thomas; Cantner, Uwe; Schumm, Julia
Interdisciplinarity: who reaps the benefits?. - In: Eurasian business review, ISSN 2147-4281, Bd. 9 (2019), 1, S. 103-114
Gänßle, Sophia; Budzinski, Oliver
Stars in social media: new light through old windows?. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (54 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 25, no. 123)

We review the economics of superstars, originally developed for stars in traditional media, and discuss whether they are applicable for the (allegedly) novel phenomenon of stars in social media (influencer, micro-celebrities). Moreover, we analyse potentially new factors for creating social media superstardom that may be special to the nature of social media. Our overall result is that the economics of superstars, like the role of talent, market concentration effects, MacDonald-style and Adler-style effects, remain applicable and relevant for social media stars. In line with this assessment, we find that several (allegedly) new star factors in social media, like user-generated content, prosumption, disappearance of gatekeepers and authenticity, turn out to be only partly applicable or just slightly different to traditional concepts. However, algorithm management and upload strategies represent novel success factors relevant for social media superstardom that are not captured by traditional superstar theories.
Budzinski, Oliver; Feddersen, Arne
Measuring competitive balance in Formula One Racing. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (29 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; Vol. 25, No. 121)

The Formula One Championship (F1) is one of the biggest sports businesses in the world. But, however, it seems to astonish that only very few scholarly articles analyze the F1 business. The aim of this study is to contribute to closing two gaps in the existing literature: it contributes (1) to the (sports) economic analysis of the F1 business and (2) to the literature on competitive balance in non-team sports. Like competitive balance in team sport leagues, also for F1 racing three dimensions can be distinguished: (a) race-specific competitive balance, (b) within-season competitive balance, and (c) between-season competitive balance. In addition to classical tools and data, some new and F1 specific indicators, like average lead changes or leading distance, are employed. Also, pitfalls induced especially by the used data source or calculation method are highlighted.
Budzinski, Oliver; Kohlschreiber, Marie; Kuchinke, Björn A.; Pannicke, Julia
Does music quality matter for audience voters in a music contest. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (37 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; Vol. 25, No. 122)

There are numerous studies analyzing factors of success in media-broadcasted artistic contests, especially music competitions. However, one factor that is generally neglected in the literature is the quality of the artistic performances (i.e. "music quality"). In this paper, we approach this research gap by developing two novel concepts of music quality and by employing unique measures during the empirical analysis of a popular German music television contest in order to analyze how different dimensions of the music and performance quality influences the final voting results. We use the complete historical voting dataset of the music contest from its inception in 2005 until its last broadcast in 2015, collecting 2,816 observations in total. First, we define dimensions of "objective quality" according to insights from musicological research/literature. Second, we conceptualize dimensions of "subjective quality" because music preferences may be subjective and are not necessarily based on how experts' define "good" music. We measure these subjective dimensions in an experimental setting with students from two German universities. Our analysis shows that different quality dimensions affect the outcome of voting results in different ways and not all quality dimensions reveal themselves as significant. In general, subjective quality dimensions turn out to be more relevant than objective ones. The differentiated results of our analysis support the value of our approach to deconstruct quality into different dimensions and test them individually.
Rothenberger, Liane; Auer, Claudia; Pratt, Cornelius B.
Identifying normativity in communication research: a typology and a framework for assessing scientific and extrascientific norms. - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 13 (2019), S. 833-852

Normativity in communication research is indicated in identifying a problem, a theory, or a methodology; in interpreting empirical data; and in acknowledging a scholar's association or affiliation with a particular school of thought. However, scholars are often not aware of - or do not acknowledge - their normative assumptions, resulting in the exclusion of audiences from their arguments. This article, therefore, in arguing for an explication of norms in communication research, distinguishes among three levels of normativity, discusses the legitimacy of norms at those levels, and introduces a framework that enables scholars to reflect on their norms, an action that will help them to further compare, bridge, and synthesize different perspectives, theories, and methodologies in communication scholarship.
Döring, Nicola; Pöschl-Günther, Sandra
Love and sex with robots: a content analysis of media representations. - In: International Journal of Social Robotics, ISSN 1875-4805, Bd. 11 (2019), 6, S. 665-677