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Budzinski, Oliver; Stöhr, Annika
Competition policy reform in Europe and Germany - institutional change in the light of digitization. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (50 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 24, no. 117)

The ubiquitous process of digitization changes economic competition on markets in several ways and leads to the emergence of new business models. The increasing roles of digital platforms as well as data-driven markets represent two relevant examples. These developments challenge competition policy, which must consider the special economic characteristics of digital goods and markets. In Germany, national competition law was amended in 2017 in order to accommodate for digitization-driven changes in the economy and plans for further changes are already discussed. We review this institutional change from an economics perspective and argue that most of the reform's elements point into the right direction. However, some upcoming challenges may have been overlooked so far. Furthermore, we discuss whether European competition policy should follow the paragon of the German reform and amend its institutional framework accordingly. We find scope for reform particularly regarding data-driven markets, whereas platform economics appear to be already well-established.
Rothenberger, Liane;
[Rezension von: Alfter, Brigitte, 1966-, Grenzüberschreitender Journalismus]. - In: Global media journal. German edition. - Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, [2011]- , ISSN: 2196-4807 , ZDB-ID: 2600691-1, ISSN 2196-4807, Bd. 8 (2018), 1, S. 1-3
Ejaz, Waqas;
Investigating malaise and mobilization effects of media use on European identity before and after the Eurozone crisis. - In: Global media journal, ISSN 2196-4807, Bd. 8 (2018), 1, S. 1-23

Research on European integration posits that people support and identify with the European Union (EU) by considering its economic benefits. Thus, it is argued that people’s sense of identity and their degree of political support for the EU can be explained by estimating the economic prosperity it yields. However, the current paper illustrates that in addition to utilitarian factors, media use can also explain political support for the EU. Thus, to examine this relationship between political support and the media, the study uses the political support framework by David Easton along with the theoretical underpinnings of the media malaise and media mobilization effects. The empirical analysis is conducted on the basis of secondary data obtained through Eurobarometer surveys. Furthermore, to test if the economic factors are a strong predictor of political support, the study assumes that the recent Eurozone crisis has caused a sharp decline in political support. Therefore, it investigates the role of different economic factors and media on political support before and after the crisis. The results indicate that consuming information from the television (TV) does not lead to malaise but rather, that it has a mobilization effect. Furthermore, the results reveal that the respondents’ informed-ness and their TV usage for getting information predict political support better than the economic indicators.
Schultheiß, Daniel;
[Rezension von: Game Studies]. - In: Publizistik. - Wiesbaden : VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., ISSN 1862-2569, 4, S. 649-651
, Rezension von
Löffelholz, Martin;
[Rezension von: Herdin, Thomas, 1968-, Werte, Kommunikation und Kultur]. - In: Publizistik. - Wiesbaden : VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., ISSN 1862-2569, 4, S. 637-638
, Rezension von : Herdin, Thomas, 1968-: Werte, Kommunikation und Kultur. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2018
Rothenberger, Liane;
Terrorismus in der Medienberichterstattung. - In: Sozialmagazin, ISSN 0340-8469, Bd. 43 (2018), 5/6, S. 22-28
Schleicher, Kathrin;
[Rezension von: Drews, Julia, Risikokommunikation und Krisenkommunikation]. - In: Communicatio socialis. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, ISSN 2198-3852, 3, S. 369-370
, Rezension von : Drews, Julia: Risikokommunikation und Krisenkommunikation. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, [2018]
Budzinski, Oliver; Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Nadine
The new media economics of video-on-demand markets : lessons for competition policy. - Ilmenau : Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (49 Seiten). - (Ilmenau economics discussion papers ; vol. 24, no. 116)

The markets for audiovisual content are subject to dynamic change. Where once "traditional" (free-to-air, cable, satellite) television was dominating, i.e. linear audiovisual media services, markets display nowadays strong growth of different types of video-on-demand (VoD), i.e. nonlinear audiovisual media services, including both Paid-for VoD like Amazon Prime and Netflix and Advertised-financed VoD like YouTube. Competition policy decisions in such dynamic markets are always particularly challenging. The German competition authority was presented such a challenge when, at the beginning of the 2010s, German television providers sought to enter online VoD markets with the help of cooperative platforms. We review the antitrust concerns that were raised back then in an ex post analysis. In doing so, we first discuss the dynamic development of the German VoD markets during the last decade. In the second part of this paper, we derive four aspects, in which the previous antitrust analysis cannot be upheld from today's perspective. First, relevant implications of modern platform economics were neglected. Second, some inconsistencies in the assessment of the two projects appear to be inappropriate. Third, the emerging competitive pressure of international VoD providers was strongly underestimated. Fourth, the question of market power in online advertising markets looks very different at the end of the decade.
Obschonka, Martin; Stützer, Michael; Rentfrow, Peter J.; Shaw-Taylor, Leigh; Satchell, Max; Silbereisen, Rainer K.; Potter, Jeff; Gosling, Samuel D.
In the shadow of coal: how large-scale industries contributed to present-day regional differences in personality and well-being. - In: Journal of personality and social psychology, ISSN 1939-1315, Bd. 115 (2018), 5, S. 903-927