Excursion to ARRI AG

On 10 July 2024, students from Media Studies had the opportunity to take part in an exciting excursion to ARRI in Munich. The Student Council EI organized the excursion together with the Association for the Promotion of Research and Teaching in Media (FuLM e.V.).

ARRI is a world-renowned provider of technology and services for the film and media industry. ARRI employees welcomed our students and enthusiastically introduced them to the world of camera technology. Together with them, the students visited every detail of the production process of a film camera, from CNC machining of the housing to CMOS production. In addition to the tour of the production process, the students also visited the ARRI Camera Museum and learned more about the development history of the company and ARRI's products.

They then had the opportunity to get to know ARRI products by trying out various models of ARRI cameras and photo lamps for themselves. Finally, the ARRI employees invited them to visit the ARRI Studio. The excursion to ARRI was very exciting - the participants not only learned about the camera production process, but also about filming and production.

Many thanks to FuLM e.V. for organizing this excursion, without their support we would not have been able to carry out such a wonderful excursion!

If you have any questions about other excursions or committee work, please contact us (fachschaftsrat-ei@tu-ilmenau.de).

The Student Council EI is looking forward to new members who support the organization of excursions or in general.

Report: Peixin Hu

Filming in the ARRI studioAlexander Raake
Filming in the ARRI studio