Bachelorthesis/Masterthesis/Research Project

Topic: Investigation and optimization of the chemical-polishing process for LTCC substrates (Language: English or German)

Due to its good electrical and mechanical properties, low-temperature co-fired ceramics mechanical properties, Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) is a promising material for packaging integrated circuits. However, one of the limiting factors in the use of LTCC is its high surface roughness.

To improve surface quality and meet performance requirements, the LTCC surface undergoes several processing steps. The first and one of the main stages is the surface polishing process.

The project aims to optimize the chemical and mechanical polishing (CMP) process to obtain the required LTCC surface properties.

The project will accomplish the following tasks:

1. Performing the CMP process of LTCC substrates at different combinations of its parameters.

2. Cleaning of the obtained samples by chemical and megasonic cleaning methods.

3. Investigation of the physical properties of the surface of polished LTCC samples.

3. Graphical analysis of obtained data and determination of optimal conditions for the CMP process of LTCC substrates.

The main research methods:FRT, LSM, AFM, SEM, optical microscopy

Contact:  Dr. Kateryna Soloviova, ZMN 206, Tel. 03677 69-3440

Improving the manufacturing process of silicon-ceramic based pressure sensors(Bachelor thesis/ Project with seminar; Language: German or English)

In this work, the manufacturing process of silicon-ceramic pressure sensors will be re-examined and it is checked if the established process can be further improved. The geometry of the air feeding channel in the ceramic part is varied to validate the air distribution inside the sensor in correlation with the channel geometry. Furthermore, the use of carbon inlays during the manufacturing and sintering process is investigated to stabilize the cavities.

After familiarization with the SiCer technology, the following topics should be treated:

  • Development of a KOH etching process for 50 µm and 200 µm thick Si-membranes; determination of the etching ratio, process control of etching results
  • SiCer manufacturing process optimization (e.g. cavity geometry of air feeding channel, layout improvement, inlays to stabilize openings in LTCC)
  • Analyzation methods of the sintering result and the LTCC channel (REM, ultrasonic microscopy)

Recommended work steps:

  • Research on SiCer technology and on KOH etching as well as process parameters (literature)
  • KOH etching of Si with targeted membrane thicknesses (50 µm and 200 µm)
  • Fabrication of the LTCC and sintering into SiCer substrates
  • Examination of the SiCer samples using e.g. ultrasonic microscopy, cross-sections, SEM

Contact: M. Sc. Cathleen Kleinholz, Kirchhoff building room 1051, Tel. 69 3385

The development of high density interconnect ceramic-based platform (Language: English)

The evolution of high performance electronics requires the development of high density interconnect packages. Hence, the development of miniaturized conductive structures and microvias to electrically connect the structures in different ceramic layers is very important.

This project aims to analyse the combination of fine line structures with conductive microvias fabricated in green Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) tapes to create on-surface and embedded miniaturized structures. The conductors will be optimized to be connected to microvias up to 8 µm in diameter. The following goals should be achieved:

  • The optimization of stencil printing for fine line structuring in green state of LTCC tapes
  • The combination of microvias with the achieved structures in the green and sintered states

Keyword: Stencil-printing, screen-printing, HDI, microvias, LTCC technology


Step 1:

Literature review in the following subjects:

  • Technological evolution of LTCC technology
  • What are the limitations and problems found in the creation of HDI packages (LTCC/PCB)
  • How to overcome HDI design issues

Step 2

  • The design analysis of optimized stencil printing of conductive lines on LTCC green tapes with embedded conductive vias (AutoCAD)
  • The design optimization microstructures with low alignment tolerance
  • The geometrical analysis of miniaturized conductive lines in LTCC green tapes (UHL and Nikon microscopes, LSM, SEM)
  • The electrical investigation of the combined high resolution lines and vias

We expect very good professional performance in studies, above-average commitment and willingness to learn.

We offer an interesting job in a motivated, interdisciplinary team. If you are curious, I look forward to a personal conversation.

Contact:  Dr.-Ing. Nesrine Jaziri, Kirchhoff building room 1065, Tel. 69 1117

The analysis of hybrid thick/thin-film based micro-thermoelectric generator (Language: English)

Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) present an outstanding performance for converting thermal into electrical energy. TEGs are used in many sectors from low to high power applications. Combining thick and thin technologies allows the creation of high performance miniaturized TEGs.

The objective of this work is the analysis of thermoelectric generators fabricated in in Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) substrates using both thick and thin-film technologies.

For this purpose, the following subtasks are to be solved:

  • Literature review of thermoelectric generators fabricated in both LTCC and Si technologies
  • Surface analysis of glass structures on the thermocouples (screen printing and deposition)
  • Geometrical and electrical analysis of the hybrid thick/thin-film thermocouples

Tools: LSM, SEM, AFM, AutoCAD, optical microscopes (UHL and Nikon microscopes)

Keyword: TEGs, energy harvesting, LTCC, PECVD, sputtering

We expect very good professional performance in studies, above-average commitment and willingness to learn.

We offer an interesting job in a motivated, interdisciplinary team. If you are curious, I look forward to a personal conversation.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Nesrine Jaziri, Kirchhoff building room 1065, Tel. 69 1117