
Project OPTIMIST - Optimization of electrical machines through the targeted influence of materials of non-grain-oriented electrical steel

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In the production of electrical sheets for electric motors, the material is optimised in complex rolling and annealing processes to achieve the best possible magnetic behaviour and high homogeneity of magnetic and mechanical properties. The materials consist almost exclusively of iron and, with the exception of silicon, contain virtually no additives, which results in limited strength values.

However, simulations show that electric motors could be improved by taking into account local magnetic and mechanical inhomogeneity in the electrical steel. It would therefore appear to be advantageous to deliberately bring about a change in the material at defined points, for example by reducing the magnetic conductivity and increasing the strength in return. In the design of electrical machines, a targeted compromise could thus be realised for the entire structure of the soft magnetic material. This offers potential both for saving material, for example rare earths for permanent magnets, and for increasing the performance of motors.

The theoretical and simulative considerations are to be prototypically realised in the real production chain within the project. The TU Ilmenau will focus on design and dimensioning as well as simulation, while questions relating to technology and material parameters will primarily be addressed by the co-operation partner TEPROSA.

After the design of simplified test specimens by the TU Ilmenau, the technologies for material structure modification are selected and devices for the targeted local treatment of the sheets are built by TEPROSA. The material properties of the treated test specimens are analysed (TEPROSA and TU Ilmenau) to determine the process parameters. The findings will be used by the TU Ilmenau to create a reference design and motor components for an optimised machine.

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF research project funding code 02P22K551) KMU-innovativ project: Optimization of electrical machines through the targeted influence of materials of non-grain-oriented electrical steel (OPTIMIST); sub-project: “Magnetic field quantification”

Duration: 2023 - 2025

Research group NEMOFASER


ImageTU Ilmenau / [FG Kleinmaschinen]


ImageTU Ilmenau / [FG Kleinmaschinen]

As interdisciplinary, technical focal points, novel functional solutions are investigated by means of an aerostatic mounting of active parts as well as the realization of components with hybrid fiber composite materials. As a result, the innovation potential of novel engine concepts in terms of design, lightweight construction, performance parameters and efficiency will be described in the form of a technical design framework and a methodology for design, validation and optimization of the entire drive system will be developed.

The aim of the joint research project is to develop the fundamentals for the principle of a new type of electric motor that is characterized by a particularly high torque or power density. Against the background of the current state of the art, two further basic components are to be introduced into the development and their potential for improving electric drives is to be worked out. These are the use of fiber composites for the production of mechanically highly stressed construction parts and an aerostatically stabilized rotating active part. Both components in the composite form the basis for the proposed further research.

Within the scope of the project, the fundamentals of the simulation and modelling of the air flow in the narrow air gap as well as the occurring heat flows under load are to be worked out. The weight of the motor is to be minimized by using a rotor made of fiber-reinforced plastic. The challenge here is to develop a layer structure of textile semi-finished products that ensures a quasi-isotropic stiffness of the rotor and at the same time a weight advantage compared to metallic materials.

The rotor of the motor can preferably be designed as a functionally integrated roller (radial magnetic flux guide) or disc (axial magnetic flux guide). To increase the efficiency of the motor, the air gap between the stator and the rotor must be minimized and the heat generated during induction must be dissipated as quickly and continuously as possible.


ESF research project (2017 FGR 0080) funded by Freitstaat Thüringen / TAB

Duration: 2018 - 2020

Joint project: Diesel-electric drive train for high-performance fans

ImageRSP GmbH


ImageTU Ilmenau / [FG Kleinmaschinen]
ImageTU Ilmenau / [FG Kleinmaschinen]
ImageTU Ilmenau / [FG Kleinmaschinen]

In the course of the last few years, there has been a trend and an opportunity to transfer the knowledge gained on smaller electrical machines to larger sizes. This is advantageous because samples and demonstrators can be produced for smaller motors at comparatively low cost and in a manageable amount of time, and a large number of measurements can be carried out in a shorter time. Coupled with the fact that low-power motors are usually manufactured in much higher quantities, the pressure to innovate in terms of material, energy and cost efficiency is significantly higher for smaller sizes than for motors in the much higher power range. The aim is to examine the transferability of these findings to larger sizes and, where it seems sensible and advantageous, to transfer them. Mobile applications in particular form a suitable basis for this. The power range envisaged for the proposed sub-project is between 70kW and 200kW.

The application target is in the area of electric auxiliary drives for commercial vehicles that are expected in the future. The existing solutions are among others hydraulics based. In particular, the field of rotating applications (hydraulic motor) is of interest. These drives are in the above-mentioned power range and offer an ideal basis for testing the considerations made above using the example of the turbine drive of a suction excavator.


ERDF research project (2016 FE 9096) funded by Freitstaat Thüringen / TAB

Duration: 2017 - 2019