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Worthmann, Karl; Proch, Michael; Braun, Philipp; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Pannek, Jürgen
Towards dynamic contract extension in supplier development. - In: Logistics research, ISSN 1865-0368, Bd. 9.2016, Article 14, insg. 12 Seiten

We consider supplier development within a supply chain consisting of a single manufacturer and a single supplier. Because investments in supplier development are usually relationship-specific, safeguard mechanisms against the hazards of partner opportunism have to be installed. Here, formal contracts are considered as the primary measure to safeguard investments. However, formal contracts entail certain risks, e.g., a lack of flexibility, particular in an ambiguous environment. We propose a receding horizon control scheme to mitigate possible contractual drawbacks while significantly enhancing the supplier development process and, thus, to increase the overall supply chain profit. Our findings are validated by a numerical case study.
Worthmann, Karl; Mehrez, Mohamed W.; Zanon, Mario; Mann, George K. I.; Gosine, Raymond G.; Diehl, Moritz
Model predictive control of nonholonomic mobile robots without stabilizing constraints and costs. - In: IEEE transactions on control systems technology, ISSN 1558-0865, Bd. 24 (2016), 4, S. 1394-1406
Worthmann, Karl; Braun, Philipp; Proch, Michael; Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Pannek, Jürgen
On contractual periods in supplier development. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 49 (2016), 2, S. 60-65
Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
Predictive control of a smart grid: a distributed optimization algorithm with centralized performance properties. - In: 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), ISBN 978-1-4799-7886-1, (2015), S. 5593-5598
Worthmann, Karl; Mehrez, Mohamed W.; Zanon, Mario; Mann, George K. I.; Gosine, Raymond G.; Diehl, Moritz
Regulation of differential drive robots using continuous time MPC without stabilizing constraints or costs. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 48 (2015), 23, S. 129-135
Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Kellett, Christopher M.; Weller, Steven R.; Worthmann, Karl
A real-time pricing scheme for residential energy systems using a market maker. - In: Proceedings of 2015 Australian Control Conference (AUCC 2015), ISBN 978-1-922107-69-5, (2015), S. 259-262
Worthmann, Karl; Reble, Marcus; Grüne, Lars; Allgöwer, Frank
Unconstrained nonlinear MPC: performance estimates for sampled-data systems with zero order hold. - In: 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), ISBN 978-1-4799-7886-1, (2015), S. 4971-4976
Worthmann, Karl; Kellett, Christopher M.; Braun, Philipp; Grüne, Lars; Weller, Steven R.
Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery storage. - In: IEEE transactions on smart grid, Bd. 6 (2015), 4, S. 1914-1923

The recent rapid uptake of residential solar photovoltaic installations provides many challenges for electricity distribution networks designed for one-way power flow from the generator to residential customers via transmission and distribution networks. For grid-connected installations, large amounts of generation during low load periods or intermittent generation can lead to a difficulty in balancing supply and demand, maintaining voltage and frequency stability, and may even result in outages due to overvoltage conditions tripping protection circuits. In this paper, we present four control methodologies to mitigate these difficulties using small-scale distributed battery storage. These four approaches represent three different control architectures: 1) centralized; 2) decentralized; and 3) distributed control. These approaches are validated and compared using data on load and generation profiles from customers in an Australian electricity distribution network.
Worthmann, Karl; Kellett, Christopher M.; Grüne, Lars; Weller, Steven R.
Distributed control of residential energy systems using a market maker. - In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes, ISSN 1474-6670, Bd. 47 (2014), 3, S. 11641-11646
Boccia, Andrea; Grüne, Lars; Worthmann, Karl
Stability and feasibility of state-constrained linear MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints. - In: MTNS 2014, ISBN 978-90-367-6321-9, 2014, Paper TuA07.4, insges. 8 S.