Publications list Theoretical Physics 2

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Behrens, Arne; Bosch, Martí; Hentschel, Martina; Sinzinger, Stefan
Deformed microcavities with very high Q-factors and directional farfield emission. - In: EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2020), (2020), 01006, S. 1-2

We report the design and optimized fabrication of deformed whispering gallery mode resonators in silica with solely ICP-RIE. This allows us to control the morphology of the resonators more freely and results in low surface roughness. The light was coupled into the resonator using a state of the art tapered fiber approach and we determined the Q-factor in the range of 10^5
Bosch, Martí; Behrens, Arne; Sinzinger, Stefan; Hentschel, Martina
Optische Systeme im Phasenraumbild. - In: DGaO-Proceedings, ISSN 1614-8436, Bd. 121 (2020), B29, insges. 2 S.
Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
Spin-orbit interaction of light in three-dimensional microcavities. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2469-9934, Bd. 102 (2020), 4, 043524

We investigate the spin-orbit coupling of light in three-dimensional cylindrical and tubelike whispering gallery mode resonators. We show that its origin is the transverse confinement of light in the resonator walls, even in the absence of inhomogeneities or anisotropies. The spin-orbit interaction results in elliptical far-field polarization (spin) states and causes spatial separation of polarization handedness in the far field. The ellipticity and spatial separation are enhanced for whispering gallery modes with higher excitation numbers along the resonator height. We analyze the asymmetry of the ellipticity and the tilt of the polarization orientation in the far field of conelike microcavities. Furthermore, we find a direct relationship between the tilt of the polarization orientation in the far field and the local inclination of the resonator wall. Our findings are based on finite-difference time-domain simulations and are supported by three-dimensional diffraction theory.
Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Hentschel, Martina
Moist Rayleigh-Bérnard Convection in conditionally unstable environments. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), DY 16.3

Behrens, Arne; Bosch, Martí; Feßer, Patrick; Hentschel, Martina; Sinzinger, Stefan
Fabrication and characterization of deformed microdisk cavities in silicon dioxide with high Q-factor. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 59 (2020), 26, S. 7893-7899

We demonstrate the excitation and characterization of whispering gallery modes in a deformed optical microcavity. To fabricate deformed microdisk microresonators we established a fabrication process relying on dry plasma etching tools for many degrees of freedom and a shape-accurate morphology. This approach allowed us to fabricate resonators of different sizes with a controlled sidewall angle and underetching in large quantities with reproducible properties such as a surface roughness RQ ≤ 2nm. The excitation and characterization of these modes were achieved by using a state-of-the-art tapered fiber coupling setup with a narrow linewidth tunable laser source. The conducted measurements in shortegg resonators showed at least two modes within a spectral range of about 237 pm. The highest Q-factors measured were in the range of 105. Wave optical eigenmode and frequency domain simulations were conducted that could partially reproduce the observed behavior and therefore allow us to compare the experimental results.
Kim, Jaewon; Ryu, Jung-Wan
Splitting and combining of exceptional points. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), KFM 7.5

Bosch, Martí; Malzard, Simon; Hentschel, Martina; Schomerus, Henning
Nonhermitian defect states from lifetime differences. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), KFM 7.4

Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
Far-field polarization states of 3D-whispering-gallery-mode resonators. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), KFM 7.3

Kreismann, Jakob; Kim, Jaewon; Bosch, Martí; Hein, Matthias; Sinzinger, Stefan; Hentschel, Martina
Super-directional light emission and emission reversal from micro cavity arrays. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), KFM 7.1

Federer, Marika; Cizek, Rebecca; Hendriks, Michel; Schrepfer, Jule Katharina; Bosch, Martí; Kreismann, Jakob; Kim, Jaewon; Hentschel, Martina
Sources and coupling in billiards for light. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), DY 53.3