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Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Brix, Sandra; Sporer, Thomas
Wave field synthesis: from research to applications. - In: Proceedings, (2004), S. 1369-1376

Klett, Fanny;
The impact of user-centered design concepts in virtual environments. - In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2004, ITHET 2004, (2004), S. 222-226
Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Köhler, H.
Klangfeldsynthese - Revolution in der Audiowiedergabe. - In: Trendbarometer Technik, (2004), S. 44-45

Brandenburg, Karlheinz; Brix, Sandra; Sporer, Thomas
Wave field synthesis: new possibilities for large-scale immersive sound reinforcement. - In: Acoustical science and technology for quality of life, (2004), insges. 2 S.

Reiter, Ulrich; Körner, Fabian; Kootz, Michael; Rüffer, Stefan
A room acoustics design tool for MPEG-4 conforming scene design. - In: Proceedings, (2004), S. 49-54

Reiter, Ulrich; Schwark, Mathias
A plug-in based audio rendering concept for an MPEG-4 audio subset. - In: Proceedings, (2004), S. 55-60

Dantele, Andreas; Reiter, Ulrich
Description of audiovisual virtual 3D scenes: MPEG-4 perceptual parameters in the auditory domain. - In: Proceedings, (2004), S. 87-90

Dantele, Andreas; Schuldt, Michael; Reiter, Ulrich
Audio aspects when using MPEG-4 in an interactive virtual 3D scenery. - In: Multichannel audio - the new reality, (2003), S. 335-337

Reiter, Ulrich; Schuldt, Michael; Dantele, Andreas
Determination of sound source obstruction in virtual scenes. - In: Multichannel audio - the new reality, (2003), S. 201-206

Brandenburg, Karlheinz;
Urheberrecht und Technik: Konflikt oder Ergänzung?. - In: Musik hat ihren Wert, (2003), S. 366-373