Publikationen (Hochschulbibliographie)

























      Gui, Qiuye; Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht:
      Energy control of modular multilevel converters for drive applications at low frequency using general averaging
      In: IEEE transactions on power electronics: PE ; a publication of the Power Electronics Council, vol. 39 (2024), no. 5, pp. 5239–5256
      Fießer, Sven; Schwalbe, Ulf:
      Fast optimization algorithm for switched mode power supplies: minimal data-sheet-driven algorithms enhancing active and passive component performance
      In: Proceedings - 2024 2nd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power and Renewable Energy, SPECon 2024 (ISBN 9798350383041), (2024)
      Hamouda, Noureddine; Babes, Badreddine; Kahla, Sami; Hamouda, Cherif; Rädel, Uwe:
      An optimized FO-PID controller and predictive current control of the APF connected AWPS for power quality improvement
      In: Przeglad elektrotechniczny, vol. 99 (2023), no. 5, pp. 102–107
      Hartwig, Raphael:
      Optimierter Multilevel-GaN-Umrichter für Niederspannungsindustrieanwendungen
      Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-86360-275-8
      Xie, Jun; Suberski, Martin; Henneberg, Dustin; Rädel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      A study on simplification of commutation methods for three-phase direct matrix converters
      In: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′23 ECCE Europe): 4-8 Sept. 2023 : conference location: Aalborg, Denmark (ISBN 979-8-3503-1678-0), (2023), p. P.1–P.7
      Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht; Heidrich, Tobias; Möckel, Andreas:
      Comparison of two flywheel concepts for the support of microgrids
      In: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′23 ECCE Europe): 4-8 Sept. 2023 : conference location: Aalborg, Denmark (ISBN 979-8-3503-1678-0), (2023), p. P.1–P.8
      Xie, Jun; Suberski, Martin; Henneberg, Dustin; Petzoldt, Jürgen; Li, Ying; Watson, Alan; De Novaes, Yales Romulo:
      A modified control strategy of neutral-point clamped converter-fed PMSM drives with engergy storage systems
      In: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′23 ECCE Europe): 4-8 Sept. 2023 : conference location: Aalborg, Denmark (ISBN 979-8-3503-1678-0), (2023), p. P.1–P.7
      Gui, Qiuye; Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht:
      Optimized stationary operating regime and common-mode voltage design for modular multilevel converters in drive applications at high frequency
      In: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′23 ECCE Europe): 4-8 Sept. 2023 : conference location: Aalborg, Denmark (ISBN 979-8-3503-1678-0), (2023), p. P.1–P.10
      Fießer, Sven; Schwalbe, Ulf:
      Highly efficient and flexible optimization algorithm for magnetic components in power electronics with comprehensive thermal and power loss analysis
      In: 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′23 ECCE Europe): 4-8 Sept. 2023 : conference location: Aalborg, Denmark (ISBN 979-8-3503-1678-0), (2023), p. P.1–P.8
      Cai, Hui; Rädel, Uwe; Schlegel, Steffen; Westermann, Dirk:
      Integrated HiL simulation of multiple real-time simulator platforms to study the interactions in a multi-converters network
      In: Powering solutions for decarbonized and resilient future smartgrids: 2023 IEEE PES ISGT EUROPE : October 23-26, Grenoble, France (ISBN 979-8-3503-9679-9), (2023), pp. 1–5
      Hartwig, Raphael; Hensler, Alexander; Ellinger, Thomas:
      Performance evaluation of a GaN flying capacitor multilevel inverter for industrial applications
      In: CIPS 2022: 12th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems : 15-17 March 2022March, 15-17, 2022 Berlin, Germany (ISBN 978-3-8007-5758-9), (2022), pp. 508–516
      Wei, Jianfeng; Rädel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      Design of LCL filter for DC converter by using analytical equations
      In: PESS 2021 – Power and Energy Student Summit: Conference Proceedings ; 25 – 26 November 2021, University of Kassel, Germany, Online Conference (ISBN 978-3-8007-5716-9), (2022), pp. 46–51
      Alexandrov, Ivan V.; Nos, Oleg V.; Ellinger, Thomas; Sarakhanova, Regina Yu.:
      Per-Phase Output Current Control of 4-Leg Active Power Filter Based on Adaptive Notch Filter
      In: 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials: EDM : June 30-July 4, Russia, 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-9805-0), (2022), pp. 388–393
      Gnärig, Lasse; Gensior, Albrecht; Laza, Saioa Burutxaga; Carrasco, Miguel; Reincke-Collon, Carsten:
      Model reduction using singular perturbation methods for a microgrid application
      In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′22 ECCE Europe): 5-9 Sept. 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8700-9), (2022)
      Xie, Jun; Henneberg, Dustin; Suberski, Martin; Kusebauch, Manuel; Rädel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      An optimized compensation strategy of direct matrix converter-fed PMSM drives with field weakening under unbalanced supply conditions
      In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′22 ECCE Europe): 5-9 Sept. 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8700-9), (2022)
      Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht; Möckel, Andreas; Atzler, Frank; Roß, Tilo; Reincke-Collon, Carsten:
      Feasibility assessment of variable-speed generator set concepts with focus on rating of power electronic equipment
      In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′22 ECCE Europe): 5-9 Sept. 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8700-9), (2022), p. P.1–P.10
      Xie, Jun; Henneberg, Dustin; Suberski, Martin; Ellinger, Thomas; Rädel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      A simplified braking method for direct matrix converter-fed PMSM drives with consideration of avoiding regenerative energy
      In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′22 ECCE Europe): 5-9 Sept. 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8700-9), (2022), p. P.1–P.8
      Gui, Qiuye; Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht:
      Stability assessment and optimization of MMC energy balancing for drive applications at standstill using an averaging approach
      In: 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′22 ECCE Europe): 5-9 Sept. 2022 (ISBN 978-1-6654-8700-9), (2022), p. P.1–P.10
      Hamouda, Noureddine; Babes, Badreddine; Boutaghane, Amar; Gensior, Albrecht; Rädel, Uwe:
      Enhancing the width of molten pool and the tracking of welding current in gas metal arc welding processes using a robust PIλDμ controller
      In: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference of Advanced Technology in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICATEEE) (ISBN 979-8-3503-4673-2), (2022)
      Seifert, Florian:
      Wirkungen von Entladungen auf dielektrische Grenzflächen bei Gleichspannung und überlagerter mittelfrequenter Wechselspannung
      Ilmenau, 2022
      Gensior, Albrecht:
      Sliding-mode control for interleaved operation of parallel-connected three-phase active front-ends
      In: IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. 10 (2022), no. 6, pp. 6545–6556
      Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht:
      MMC stationary operating regimes in case of periodic power demand on the DC side
      In: IEEE transactions on power electronics: PE ; a publication of the Power Electronics Council, vol. 37 (2022), no. 7, pp. 7640–7651
      Cai, Hui; Song, Xinya; Jiang, Teng; Rädel, Uwe; Schlegel, Steffen; Westermann, Dirk:
      Reinforcement learning-assisted controller parameterization based on improving oscillatory stability in converter-dominant power system
      In: 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe): proceedings of 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) : October 10th-12th, 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia (ISBN 978-1-6654-8033-8), (2022)
      Gensior, Albrecht:
      Modellbildung und Regelung leistungselektronischer Systeme unter Verwendung nichtlinearer Entwurfsverfahren
      Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-8440-8858-8
      (Berichte aus der Elektrotechnik)
      Baranov, Evgeny; Kuguchev, Dmitry; Smirnov, Pavel; Popov, Vladimir:
      The investigation of a hybrid cascaded multilevel matrix converter
      In: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM): proceedings, Aya, Altai Region, Russia, June 30-July 4, 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-1498-2), (2021), pp. 360–364
      [22nd IEEE International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials, EDM 2021]
      Sidorov, Andrey; Zinoviev, Gennady; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      Solid state transformer as a part electrical circuit for data center application
      In: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM): proceedings, Aya, Altai Region, Russia, June 30-July 4, 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-1498-2), (2021), pp. 354–359
      Flatt, Holger; Schriegel, Sebastian; Westerkamp, Jan F.; Mackensen, Ingo; Gensior, Albrecht; Jasperneite, Jürgen:
      Ethernet-basierte Ultra-Hochgeschwindigkeitskommunikation für eine Regelung dezentraler Einspeiseumrichter von Windenergieanlagen
      In: Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021): 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11.2021 : in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11.2021 : Tagungsband (ISBN 978-3-948749-10-1), (2021)
      Fießer, Sven; Schwalbe, Ulf:
      Automated PCB parasitics extraction from EDA tools for power electronics design support
      In: PCIM Europe Digital Days 2021: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management : 3-7 May 2021 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5515-8), (2021), pp. 1608–1613
      Hartwig, Raphael; Hensler, Alexander; Ellinger, Thomas:
      Transient behavior of an 800 kHz 9-level single-phase flying capacitor GaN multilevel inverter
      In: PCIM Europe Digital Days 2021: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management : 3-7 May 2021 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5515-8), (2021), pp. 464–471
      Hartwig, Raphael; Hensler, Alexander; Ellinger, Thomas; Primas, Carina:
      Reduced parasitics leading to a 99.2 % efficient single-phase nine-level inverter at a switching frequency of 800 kHz
      In: APEC 2021: Thirty-Sixth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition : June 14-17, 2021, virtual conference + exposition (ISBN 978-1-7281-8950-5), (2021), pp. 809–816
      Hartwig, Raphael; Hensler, Alexander; Ellinger, Thomas:
      EMI filter for a three-phase 800 kHz nine-level flying capacitor GaN multilevel inverter
      In: 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′21 ECCE Europe): 6-10 Sept. 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-3384-6), (2021), p. P.1–P.10
      Fießer, Sven; Schwalbe, Ulf:
      Analyzing and optimizing the switching behavior of power electronics by automated PCB parasitics extraction of the critical path
      In: 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′21 ECCE Europe): 6-10 Sept. 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-3384-6), (2021), p. P.1–P.8
      Xie, Jun; Henneberg, Dustin; Suberski, Martin; Rädel, Uwe; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      Analysis and implementation of a novel four-step commutation method for direct matrix converters based on FPGA and DSP
      In: 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′21 ECCE Europe): 6-10 Sept. 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-3384-6), (2021), p. P.1–P.9
      Gui, Qiuye; Fehr, Hendrik; Gensior, Albrecht:
      Energy-balancing of a Modular Multilevel Converter with pulsed DC load using an online trajectory planning algorithm
      In: 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE′21 ECCE Europe): 6-10 Sept. 2021 (ISBN 978-1-6654-3384-6), (2021), p. P.1–P.10
      Schmitt, Maximilian:
      Aktive Dämpfung von Gleichtaktstörungen in elektrischen Antriebssystemen
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2020
      Smirnov, Pavel:
      Analyse und Synthese von Konzepten für hybride leistungselektronische Erdschlusskompensatoren für Mittelspannungsnetze
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2020
      Hartwig, Raphael; Hensler, Alexander; Ellinger, Thomas:
      Volume and efficiency optimization of an industrial flying capacitor GaN multilevel inverter
      In: PCIM Europe: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 07.-08.07.2020 : proceedings (ISBN 978-3-8007-5245-4), (2020), pp. 1031–1035
      Freiburger, Philipp:
      Erstellung, Kopplung und Anwendung dynamischer thermischer Kompaktmodelle leistungselektronischer Systeme
      Ilmenau, 2020
      Nos, Oleg V.; Brovanov, Sergey V.; Kharitonov, Sergey A.; Smirnov, Pavel; Abramushkina, Ekaterina E.:
      The capacitor voltage balancing of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter
      In: Proceedings, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM): Humboldt Building, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany, 18-20 March, 2019 (ISBN 978-1-5386-6960-0), (2019), pp. 327–331
      [2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2019]
      Smirnov, Pavel; Petzoldt, Jürgen; Möbes, Sebastian:
      Control of a three-phase series resonant converter based solid state transformer
      In: 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ’19 ECCE Europe) (ISBN 978-90-75815-31-3), (2019), art. 8915432
      Smirnov, Pavel; Ellinger, Thomas; Kharitonov, Sergey:
      Compensation of the high-frequency ground fault current components in medium voltage grids
      In: 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ’19 ECCE Europe) (ISBN 978-90-75815-31-3), (2019), art. 8915047
      Hamouda, Noureddine; Babes, Badreddine; Kahla, Sami; Soufi, Youcef; Petzoldt, Jürgen; Ellinger, Thomas:
      Predictive control of a grid connected PV system incorporating active power filter functionalities
      In: 2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA): Tébessa, Algeria, 04 to 05 December 2019 (ISBN 978-1-72815-356-8), (2019), art. 9182655
      Smirnov, Pavel; Ellinger, Thomas; Kharitonov, Sergey:
      Active earth fault current compensation in medium voltage grids
      In: 2019 20th International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices : Erlagol, Altai Republic, 29 June-3 July, 2019 (ISBN 978-1-72811-753-9), (2019), pp. 565–570
      Albayrak, Sahin; Bretschneider, Peter; El Sayed, Nadim; Freund, Daniel; Hühn, Thomas [et al.]:
      Robuste Steuerung- und Regelung von Verteilernetzen mit hohem Anteil regelfähiger Erzeuger und Lasten mit dem Ansatz Flexible AC Distribution Systems (FACDS) - VEREDELE: Abschlussbericht : Laufzeit: 01.08.2015-31.12.2018
      [Ilmenau] : Fraunhofer IOSB-AST, 2019
      Rosenbaum, Tobias:
      Realisierung einer dynamischen Oberschwingungskompensation für industrielle Schweißprozesse
      Ilmenau, 2019
      Scherf, Marko:
      Auswirkung der Spannungsreserve und Frequenzwahl auf die Verlustleistung und Baugröße der magnetischen Bauelemente in Flusswandler-Topologien
      Ilmenau : ISLE, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-938843-91-8
      Endres, Julian:
      Hochdynamischer Stromrichter in Hybridstruktur
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2018
      Gelmroth, Philipp; Leu, Carsten; Möbes, Sebastian; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      Ein neuartiges Isolationskonzept eines induktiven Mittelfrequenztransformators für Solid State Transformer-Anwendungen
      In: VDE-Hochspannungstechnik: 12.-14. November 2018 in Berlin (ISBN 978-3-8007-4807-5), (2018), pp. 221–225
      Reinhold, Andreas:
      Theoretische Untersuchung und Simulation einer aktiven Filteranlage mit parallel-serieller Struktur für sechspulsige Diodengleichrichter
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2018
      Dudin, Andrey:
      Analyse und Minimierung der Verluste im modularen Multilevelumrichter
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2018
      Hamouda, Noureddine; Benalla, Hocine; Hemsas, Kameleddine; Babes, Badreddine; Petzoldt, Jürgen; Ellinger, Thomas; Hamouda, Cherif:
      Type-2 fuzzy logic predictive control of a grid connected wind power systems with integrated active power filter capabilities
      In: Journal of power electronics: JPE, vol. 17 (2017), no. 6, pp. 1587–1599
      Wystup, Ralph:
      Dynamische Feldschwächung bei am einphasigen Netz betriebenen EC-Motoren mit schlankem Zwischenkreis
      Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2017
      Dang, Pengpai; Ellinger, Thomas; Petzoldt, Jürgen:
      Dynamic interaction analysis of APF systems
      In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 61 (2014), no. 9, pp. 4467–4473
      Szeponik, Sven:
      Strombidirektionaler DC/DC-Steller mit induktivem Übertrager
      Krümmer, Robert; Konrad, Sven; Petzoldt, Jürgen; Lorenz, Leo:
      Thermal investigations to the structure and the use of power modules
      In: Official proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh [d.i. Thirty-Eighth] International Power Conversion Conference: May 26 - 28, 1998, Nürnberg, Germany (ISBN 3-928643-18-5), (1998), pp. 445–453