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Erweiterung eines Wellenprüfgerätes als Demonstrator für digitale Zwillinge. - Ilmenau. - 66 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Bachelorarbeit 2023

In der Industrie 4.0 wird die Technologie des digitalen Zwillings als eine Möglichkeit gefördert, ein Objekt in der virtuellen Welt zu replizieren und in einer Vielzahl von Bereichen zu nutzen. Bei der Implementierung von digitalen Zwillingen werden genaue-re und detailliertere Daten benötigt. Wärme und Vibrationen, die während des Betriebs des Demonstrators des digitalen Zwillings entstehen, beeinflussen die Fehler in den geometrischen Messungen. Daher wurde in dieser Bachelorarbeit der Demonstrator erweitert, um Informationen über die durch den Betrieb der Maschine erzeugte Wärme und Vibration durch Sensoren für genauere Messungen und zusätzliche Informationen zu liefern. Zunächst wurde die während des Maschinenbetriebs erzeugte Wärme mit einer Wärmebildkamera gemessen und festgestellt, dass der Drehtischmotor die Hauptwärmequelle ist. Basierend auf diesem Ergebnis wurden ein Vibrationssensor, ein IR-Sensor zur Messung der Temperatur des Drehtischmotors, eine LED-Anzeige und ein Raumtemperaturfühler als Temperatursensoren am Demonstrator installiert und über einen Arduino mit einem PC verbunden, um den Demonstrator zu erweitern. Schließlich wurde eine Methode zur Lösung von Sicherheitsproblemen, die während des Betriebs der Maschine auftreten können, mit Hilfe eines Sicherheitslichtvorhangs und der Installation eines Drucksensors an der Halterung vorgestellt.

Bücker, Silvie;
Systematisierung von Kreislaufwirtschafts-Ansätzen für die zukünftige Produktentwicklung. - Ilmenau. - 108 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Masterarbeit 2023

Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Systematisierung und Erweiterung bestehender Prinzipien und Richtlinien für eine kreislaufgerechte Produktentwicklung. Der Arbeitsschwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf Methoden zur Verlängerung der Produktlebensdauer durch die Anwendung von Upgrades. Der Kern dieser Arbeit ist eine Methodik zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung. Einen wesentlichen Schwerpunkt der Methodik bilden Leitfragen. Die Leitfragen dienen dazu, die Upgrade-Fähigkeit eines Produktes zu bewerten, wobei der Fokus auf der Nutzungsphase liegt. Anschließend erfolgt die Darstellung verschiedener möglicher Konzepte zur Umsetzung von Upgrades auf der Architekturebene. Nach der Detaillierung des ausgewählten Konzeptes erfolgt eine abschließende Bewertung der Auswirkungen auf die weiteren Produktlebensphasen. Die Anwendbarkeit der entwickelten Methodik erfolgt anhand eines Laptops als Produktbeispiel. Diese Methodik ist als Ergänzung zu bestehenden Verfahren gedacht und kann bereits bei der Planung von Produkten in der Produktgenerationsentwicklung eingesetzt werden. Auf Basis der Methodik können zielführend Entscheidungen zur Upgradefähigkeit und den Upgrademöglichkeiten für Produkte während der Planung und Konzeption getroffen werden.

Hasse, Alexander; Campanile, Lucio Flavio; Husung, Stephan
An AI-driven design method as basis for teaming. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 5.4.138, S. 1-9

The product development process could benefit from a synergistic human-machine teaming, potentially shortening product development cycles and improving product performance and sustainability. However, there is a lack of available methods to achieve this goal. A technical product has to satisfy numerous requirements. Due to the variety and complexity of these requirements, the design process is challenging for human engineers. While engineers are supported by various tools (e.g. FEM) for analyzing product properties, tools for computer-aided synthesis of product properties considering the corresponding requirements are still only available in exceptional cases. However, such synthesis capabilities are necessary to qualify a computer-aided tool for productive teaming with engineers. Special methods based on artificial intelligence show a high potential for general computer-aided synthesis methods. This contribution presents an innovative approach in this direction based on topology optimization techniques.
Brix, Torsten; Bücker, Silvie; Husung, Stephan
Sustainability strategies and their influence on the product development of machine tools and special machines. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.125, S. 1-19

In the context of product development, the goal of developers is to design products based on a variety of stakeholder needs so that they sufficiently satisfy a wide range of required characteristics. The required properties relate to function, safety, manufacturability, cost, usability, etc. In recent years, sustainability has gained importance as an additional and now indispensable guiding principle in product development due to the rapidly growing global environmental, social and economic challenges. The focus of this paper is on sustainability, which takes into account resource consumption, environmental protection and ecology. The same applies to the circular economy as an essential component of sustainability strategies when it comes to product or material cycles, as well as the targeted repair, reuse, modification, waste prevention and upgrading of products, etc. A product category that is rarely in the public eye is machine tools and special machines. In order to consistently consider sustainability and the associated circular economy in the development of these machines, product developers need practice-oriented and methodically validated decision-making means. The paper discusses and systematizes possible sustainability strategies and their implications from different perspectives, such as business models or applicability.
Mandel, Constantin; Schwarz, Stefan; Brix, Torsten; Albers, Albert; Husung, Stephan
Improving system of objectives maturity through systematic reuse of knowledge using ontology-based knowledge representations. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.087, S. 1-16

Technical products are developed to meet the needs of different stakeholders. In addition, various constraints from all phases of the product life cycle have to be considered. In existing work, this information and its dependencies are systematically represented in the so-called system of objectives. A major challenge in modeling the system of objectives is that the necessary information in the system of objectives is often incomplete and uncertain. In addition, this uncertainty and the maturity of the system of objectives cannot be directly quantified because the target state of the system of objectives often cannot be unambiguously described. This research investigates a methodical approach to assess and improve the maturity of the system of objectives. Two means to reduce uncertainty and thus increase the maturity of the system of objectives are the systematic reuse of knowledge and the systematic building of knowledge through verification and validation activities.
Watty, Robert; Brix, Torsten; Hirte, Uwe; Husung, Stephan
Building agile product design competences in student projects. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.066, S. 1-11

The increasing complexity of technical solutions caused by constantly changing requirements and competitive situations, has led to the introduction of agile development processes in various domains in order to be able to react faster and more efficient to changes. This paper explores the integration of agile aspects into engineering education to prepare students for the corporate world. Two approaches, a single-stage and a two-stage approach, were implemented and evaluated in student projects at Technische Hochschule Ulm and Technische Universität Ilmenau. The findings reveal that both approaches effectively enhance students' competencies in agile product development. The observations highlight the value of iterative sprints, design thinking, peer learning, focused work, stakeholder involvement and the application of digital tools. Students exhibited increased confidence, independence, and creativity in their development projects. The integration of agile approaches in teaching methodologies proves beneficial in addressing the challenges posed by complex technical solutions and evolving requirements.
Steck, Marco; Husung, Stephan; Schmid, Christoph
Methodical procedure for a surrogate model based fatigue calculation to support the design process of eBike drive units. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.053, S. 1-19

In this paper, a method is developed to consider multiaxial load spectra and their variation in a computationally efficient local fatigue calculation procedure. This method is based on an FE data-based surrogate model and is intended to support the simulation-based product design process. To demonstrate their application and necessity, a case study on the design of eBike drive units is presented. For this purpose, the general requirements for the design of eBike drive units as well as the fundamentals of multiaxial fatigue analysis and surrogate modeling are outlined. In addition, a validation process of the surrogate model and its use for fatigue calculation is presented and discussed.
Grosse, Karl W.; Hirte, Uwe; Brix, Torsten; Einicke, Frank; Hoffmann, Frank; Husung, Stephan; Flüggen, Folker
Hybrid teaching and learning environment in the context of virtual product development. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.052, S. 1-8

Product development means identifying the needs of different stakeholders, developing a product for them to the point where it is ready for production and use, and documenting it. To manage the complexity of product development, it is becoming increasingly digitalised. As virtual product development is a key area of industry, teaching in this area is an important component of a practice-oriented engineering curriculum. Engineering education constantly requires new teaching and learning formats. The trend is towards a systematic combination of digital teaching materials for self-organised individual and cooperative self-study on the one hand, and in-depth forms of classroom teaching tailored to the needs of students on the other - in short: hybrid forms of teaching and learning. Within the framework of an eTeach impulse project for a hybrid teaching and learning environment for virtual product development, important results have been developed, implemented and evaluated to achieve this goal.
Panusch, Felix; Brix, Torsten; Rienecker, Maik; Husung, Stephan
Systematization of existing uncertainties in the context of product development in the automotive supply industry. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.044, S. 1-18

Along the development process of technical products, challenges arise repeatedly, which result from uncertainties, i.e., conscious, or unconscious gaps in knowledge or definitions. The causes often lie in the fact that empirical values represent the basis for many decisions, from the specification of tasks to the required organizational and control structures to the models and calculation tools used. Based on this knowledge, it is essential to continuously identify, evaluate and, if necessary, reduce the degree of uncertainty during the development of innovative products. This is intended to avoid potentially negative influences on the strategic goals of the magic triangle of project management (costs, time, and quality). This is exactly where the investigations started, using the example of an automotive supplier company. Completed projects are the starting point. A first focus is on the analysis of the effects of unclearly defined requirements and ambiguities in verification, validation, and end customer use. A second focus is the systematization, classification up to the provision of project-specific tools, which should facilitate the reduction of uncertainties already in early project phases.
Faheem, Faizan; Li, Zirui; Husung, Stephan
Analysis of potential errors in technical products by combining knowledge graphs with MBSE approach. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.032, S. 1-15

Technical products are developed to meet the demands of stakeholders. Therefore, the product's functions and associated properties are important. Various influencing factors e.g., external disturbances can have an impact on the input flows of the products or its characteristics and thus on the functions. If this leads to deviations between the required and as-is functions, these deviations are called errors. It is therefore important to analyze errors in product development and implement measures to increase the robustness of the product. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) supports the development of complex systems. However, MBSE alone has limited ability to identify in-depth errors. This requires knowledge of possible errors from previous products in specific contexts. For this purpose, the method proposed in this paper facilitates identifying errors in the concept phase by combining MBSE approaches with reusable knowledge (i.e., knowledge graph). The approach is presented using an application example for a mobile robot.