New Publication by Gaenssle & Budzinski

New Publication by Gaenssle & Budzinski Handbook Chapter: The Economics of Influencers  

How do the economics behind influencers and social media stars work? What are success factors on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and co? What about social welfare effects? Dr. Sophia Gaenssle and Prof. Dr. Oliver Budzinski (Economic Theory Group, Technische Universität Ilmenau) summarize the newest research on these subjects by themselves and other authors to answer these questions in a new handbook chapter. “The Economics of Influencers and Social Media Stardom” (pp. 349-368) is published in the new De Gruyter Handbook of Media Economics (Berlin: De Gruyter 2024). The editors – Ulrike Rohn (Tallinn University), M. B. von Rimscha (University of Mainz) and Tim Raats (Free University of Brussels) – collected 37 contributions by leading international researchers covering the state-of-the-art in media economics and management research.