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TU Ilmenau/ari

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Aufsatz über Intrapreneurship bei Managern im Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation

Making of intrapreneurial managers: Investigating unethical behavior, risk-taking, and decision-making speed as antecedents

In ihrem Beitrag untersuchen Rrezon Lajçi (TU Ilmenau), Gentrit Berisha (Universität Prishtina) und Besnik Krasniqi (Universität Prishtina) den Zusammenhang zwischen der Einstellung von Managern zu unethischem Verhalten und ihrer späteren unternehmerischen Absicht in einem Schwellenland.

Die Studie wurde im Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation veröffentlicht (Q2; IF=1.8; CS=3.9)


PURPOSE: The entrepreneurship-ethics nexus draws considerable interest from researchers and practitioners with little resolution. Our purpose with this paper is to contribute to the debate by shedding light on the relationship between managers’ attitudes toward unethical behavior and their subsequent entrepreneurial intention (EI) in an emerging economy context. Given the complex and multifaceted interplay between unethical behavior and EI, we extend our investigation by including decision-making speed and attitude toward risk to explain the relationship further. We take a granular approach to facets of unethical behavior to gain deeper insights into the specificity of influences they pose on subsequent behavioral intentions. METHODOLOGY: Primary data were collected from 214 Kosovan managers employed in companies from different industries. Hypothesized relationships were tested by conducting hierarchical regression analyses. FINDINGS: Our results indicate that managers with higher EI are not necessarily unethical overall. We did not find support for the hypothesis that managers with stronger attitudes toward unethical behavior demonstrate higher entrepreneurial intentions. Focusing on dimensions of unethical behavior, we find that managers who favor bribery are more entrepreneurially inclined. Furthermore, we find that managers who are quick decision-makers and risk-takers express higher EI. IMPLICATIONS: Theoretically, we add to the existing body of research on ethics and entrepreneurship by empirically examining the relationship between attitude toward unethical behavior and EI and the viability of the Theory of Planned Behavior as a framework for integrating unethical behavior in entrepreneurship research. Our study affirms the extension of the theoretical and empirical underpinnings concerning ethics and entrepreneurship, contemplating that they are pervasive across contexts. We provide important practical implications for managers, especially in the corporate entrepreneurship and training context. Managers are encouraged to foster an entrepreneurial-friendly environment that abides by ethical standards. Our study also informs policymakers of the importance of formal education on entrepreneurship as a mechanism to enforce ethical awareness in future entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: This study is among the first attempts to test the relationship between unethical behavior and EI in a managerial sample and non-western context.

Link zum Artikel (open access): https://www.jemi.edu.pl/uploadedFiles/file/all-issues/vol20/issue2/JEMI_Vol20_Issue2_2024_Article3.pdf


Aufsatz über Intrapreneurship bei Managern im Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation

Making of intrapreneurial managers: Investigating unethical behavior, risk-taking, and decision-making speed as antecedents

In ihrem Beitrag untersuchen Rrezon Lajçi (TU Ilmenau), Gentrit Berisha (Universität Prishtina) und Besnik Krasniqi (Universität Prishtina) den Zusammenhang zwischen der Einstellung von Managern zu unethischem Verhalten und ihrer späteren unternehmerischen Absicht in einem Schwellenland.

Die Studie wurde im Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation veröffentlicht (Q2; IF=1.8; CS=3.9)


PURPOSE: The entrepreneurship-ethics nexus draws considerable interest from researchers and practitioners with little resolution. Our purpose with this paper is to contribute to the debate by shedding light on the relationship between managers’ attitudes toward unethical behavior and their subsequent entrepreneurial intention (EI) in an emerging economy context. Given the complex and multifaceted interplay between unethical behavior and EI, we extend our investigation by including decision-making speed and attitude toward risk to explain the relationship further. We take a granular approach to facets of unethical behavior to gain deeper insights into the specificity of influences they pose on subsequent behavioral intentions. METHODOLOGY: Primary data were collected from 214 Kosovan managers employed in companies from different industries. Hypothesized relationships were tested by conducting hierarchical regression analyses. FINDINGS: Our results indicate that managers with higher EI are not necessarily unethical overall. We did not find support for the hypothesis that managers with stronger attitudes toward unethical behavior demonstrate higher entrepreneurial intentions. Focusing on dimensions of unethical behavior, we find that managers who favor bribery are more entrepreneurially inclined. Furthermore, we find that managers who are quick decision-makers and risk-takers express higher EI. IMPLICATIONS: Theoretically, we add to the existing body of research on ethics and entrepreneurship by empirically examining the relationship between attitude toward unethical behavior and EI and the viability of the Theory of Planned Behavior as a framework for integrating unethical behavior in entrepreneurship research. Our study affirms the extension of the theoretical and empirical underpinnings concerning ethics and entrepreneurship, contemplating that they are pervasive across contexts. We provide important practical implications for managers, especially in the corporate entrepreneurship and training context. Managers are encouraged to foster an entrepreneurial-friendly environment that abides by ethical standards. Our study also informs policymakers of the importance of formal education on entrepreneurship as a mechanism to enforce ethical awareness in future entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: This study is among the first attempts to test the relationship between unethical behavior and EI in a managerial sample and non-western context.

Link zum Artikel (open access): https://www.jemi.edu.pl/uploadedFiles/file/all-issues/vol20/issue2/JEMI_Vol20_Issue2_2024_Article3.pdf