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Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Hongguang; Wang, Honglei; Wang, Dong; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Schaaf, Peter
Plasmon-enhanced light absorption below the bandgap of semiconducting SnS2 microcubes for highly efficient solar water evaporation. - In: Small, ISSN 1613-6829, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400588, S. 1-9

Semiconducting materials show high potential for solar energy harvesting due to their suitable bandgaps, which allow the efficient utilization of light energy larger than their bandgaps. However, the photon energy smaller than their bandgap is almost unused, which significantly limits their efficient applications. Herein, plasmonic Pd/SnS2 microcubes with abundant Pd nanoparticles attached to the SnS2 nanosheets are fabricated by an in situ photoreduction method. The as-prepared Pd/SnS2 microcubes extend the light-harvesting ability of SnS2 beyond its cutoff wavelength, which is attributed to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect of the Pd nanoparticles and the 3D structure of the SnS2 microcubes. Pd nanoparticles can also enhance the light absorption of TiO2 nanoparticles and NiPS3 nanosheets beyond their cutoff wavelengths, revealing the universality for promoting absorption above the cutoff wavelength of the semiconductors. When the plasmonic Pd/SnS2 microcubes are integrated into a hydrophilic sponge acting as the solar evaporator, a solar-to-vapor efficiency of up to 89.2% can be achieved under one sun. The high solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency and the broad applicability of extending the light absorption far beyond the cutoff wavelength of the semiconductor comprise the potential of innovative plasmonic nanoparticle/semiconductor composites for solar desalination.
Yan, Yong; Li, Tongxian; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Zhao, Yuguo; Wang, Shuo; Chen, Xin; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Xiayan; Guo, Guangsheng
Efficient tuning of the selectivity of Cu-based interface for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction by ligand modification. - In: Materials today, ISSN 2468-6069, Bd. 44 (2024), 101620, S. 1-12

The development of efficient strategies to tune the CO2RR selectivity of Cu-based catalytic interfaces, especially on specific domains, such as Cu (200) facets with high activity toward competitive hydrogenation evolution reaction (HER), remains a challenging task. In this work, Cu-based catalytic layers with thiocyanate (-SCN), cyanide (-CN), or ethylenediamine (-NH2R) coordination linkages are prepared on Cu nanocolumns arrays (Cu NCAs) with predominant (200) exposed facets. The coordination of these ligands induces more Cu+ species and inhibits the adsorption of H∗ on the Cu (200) facet, leading to enhanced CO2RR performance and substantially suppressing the competitive HER. The faradaic efficiency (FE) of Cu–SCN, Cu–CN, and Cu–NH2R NWAs for producing HCOOH, C2H4, and C1 mixture products (HCOOH and CO) reach to 66.5%, 21.1%, and 57.1%, respectively. In situ spectroscopic studies reveal Cu–SCN, Cu–CN, and Cu–NH2R exhibit more reasonable adsorption energy toward ∗OCHO, ∗CO, and ∗COOH intermediates, promoting the HCOOH, C2H4, and C1 mixture generation, respectively. This study might provide a new perspective for the development of high-performance Cu-based CO2RR catalytic electrodes based on the combination of various commercial free-standing Cu substrates and organic/inorganic ligands.
Jaekel, Konrad; Jiménez, Juan Jesús; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Influence of additional intermediate thick Al layers on the reaction propagation and heat flow of Al/Ni reactive multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400522, S. 1-8

This study investigates the effects of sputtering and electron beam evaporation (e-beam) on the microstructure and reactive properties of Al/Ni reactive multilayers (RMLs). The intermixing zone, a critical factor influencing reaction kinetics, is characterized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and found to be consistently 3 nm for both fabrication methods. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that e-beam samples, with thicker Al layers, exhibit slightly higher total molar enthalpy and maintain high reaction temperatures despite reduced reaction velocities in comparison to sputtered samples. X-ray diffraction confirms the formation of both Al3Ni2 and AlNi phases in the e-beam samples. These findings indicate that while thicker bilayer structures reduce reaction velocity, they keep thermal output and mitigate the impact of intermixing zones, leading to similar total molar enthalpy. This analysis underscores the significance of deposition technique and bilayer thickness in optimizing the performance of Al/Ni RML, offering the possibility to establish different phase formations in thicker RML. It advances the control over the reactive properties of RMLs in their applications, for example, reactive bonding.
Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Riegler, Sascha S.; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Peter, Nicolas J.; Vardo, Emina; Bartsch, Heike; Schwaiger, Ruth; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Gallino, Isabella; Schaaf, Peter
Controlling propagation velocity in Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems by periodic 2D surface structuring. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2302272, S. 1-11

The chemical energy released as heat during the exothermic reaction of reactive multilayer systems has shown potential applications in various technological areas, e.g., in joining applications. However, controlling the heat release rate and the propagation velocity of the reaction is required to enhance their performance in most of these applications. Herein, a method to control the propagation velocity and heat release rate of the system is presented. The sputtering of Al/Ni multilayers on substrates with periodic 2D surface structures promotes the formation of growth defects into the system. This modification in the morphology locally influences the reaction characteristics. Tailoring the number of 2D structures in the substrate enables the control of the velocity and maximum temperature of the propagation front. The morphology of the produced reactive multilayers is investigated before and after reaction using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the enthalpy of the system is obtained through calorimetric analysis. The self-sustained and self-propagating reaction of the systems is monitored by a high-speed camera and a high-speed pyrometer, thus revealing the propagation velocity and the temperatures with time resolution in the microsecond regime.
Graske, Marcus; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Vardo, Emina; Matthes, Sebastian; Schaaf, Peter
Mechanical ignition of Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems: influence of impacting material, its properties, and geometric characteristics. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2400479, S. 1-13

Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems (RMS) with a bilayer thickness of Λ = 50 nm and total thickness th = 5 μm on a SiO2 substrate exhibit a self-propagating reaction after ignition. A common method to initiate the self-propagating reaction is by electric spark ignition. Herein, RMS are ignited by a mechanical impact using various materials with indeterminate geometries to investigate the basic mechanisms. SiO2, glass, PMMA, and resin-bonded SiC particles are used as impacting material with different geometrical impact areas. The used materials are placed on top of the RMS and a mechanical impulse is applied. The ignition behavior of the RMS is subsequently evaluated and classified. Additionally, the impacted RMS are examined by microscopy to reveal the damage pattern. By correlating particle size ⟨Dparticle⟩ and spacing ⟨dhole⟩ of the penetrating materials, an ignition threshold can be established. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the energy input threshold can be reduced through a strategic distribution of particles within the impacting and penetrating geometry. This provides valuable insights into the mechanical ignition fundamental and supports future applications of mechanical ignition of RMS.
Wang, Honglei; Cheng, Pengfei; Wu, Bing; Yan, Yong; Schaaf, Peter; Sofer, Zdeněk; Wang, Dong
2D metal phosphorous trichalcogenides (MPCh3) for sustainable energy storage and conversion: nanoarchitectonics and advanced applications. - In: Advanced functional materials, ISSN 1616-3028, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2407432, S. 1-22

2D metal phosphorous trichalcogenides (MPCh3) have attracted considerable attention in sustainable energy storage and conversion due to their distinct physical and chemical characteristics, such as adjustable energy bandgap, significant specific surface area, and abundant active sites. However, research on 2D MPCh3 primarily focuses on electrocatalysis, and understanding its energy conversion and storage mechanisms remains incomplete. This review comprehensively summarizes recent advancements in energy storage and conversion using 2D MPCh3-based materials of various structures. It begins with a discussion of the distinctive properties and preparation techniques of 2D MPCh3, followed by a focus on the rational design and development of these materials for diverse energy-related applications, including rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, and desalination. Finally, it outlines the key challenges and prospects for future research on 2D MPCh3 materials.
Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Bartsch, Heike; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Impact of substrate thickness and surface roughness on Al/Ni multilayer reaction kinetics. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2302269, S. 1-10

Reactive multilayers comprising alternating nanoscale layers of Al and Ni exhibit potential across various applications, including localized heating for welding and joining. Control over reaction properties is pivotal for emerging applications, such as chemical time delays or neutralization of biological or chemical weapons. In this research, insights are offered into the intricate interplay between substrate thickness, surface roughness, and the behavior of Al/Ni reactive multilayers, opening avenues for tailored applications in various domains. To observe this interplay, silica with various thicknesses from 0.4 to 1.6 μm is deposited on polished single-crystalline Si and rough poly-Si base substrates. Additionally, to analyze the impact of varying silica thickness along the sample length on reaction behavior, silica in steplike shape is fabricated. Subsequently, Al/Ni multilayers with 5 μm total thickness and 20 or 50 nm bilayer periodicities are deposited. Reaction velocity and temperature are monitored with a high-speed camera and pyrometer. In the results, it is indicated that silica thickness significantly affects self-propagation in multilayers. The reaction is not self-sustained for silica layers ≤ 0.4 μm, depending on bilayer periodicity and substrate roughness. The velocity increases or decreases based on the direction of reaction propagation, whether it moves upward or downward, in relation to the thickness of silica.
Riegler, Sascha S.; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Frey, Maximilian; Neemann, Christian; Matthes, Sebastian; Vardo, Emina; Chegeni, Maryam R.; Bartsch, Heike; Busch, Ralf; Müller, Jens; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella
Nanocalorimetry of nanoscaled Ni/Al multilayer films: on the methodology to determine reaction kinetics for highly reactive films. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2302279, S. 1-10

Free-standing Ni/Al multilayer films with a planar morphology, a bilayer thickness of 20 nm, and an average composition of Ni50Al50 (at%) deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering are investigated by nanocalorimetry and conventional calorimetry. Both the novel fast differential scanning calorimeter (FDSC) Flash DSC 2+ from Mettler-Toledo (MT) and conventional calorimeter MT DSC 3 are used to cover a range of heating rates from 0.1 to 10^4 K s^−1. A quantitative kinetic study of the interdiffusion and phase reaction sequence is performed via a Kissinger analysis covering five orders of magnitude of heating rates. Using the calorimetric data, the derived apparent activation energies suggest monotonic reaction kinetics over the entire range of heating rates applied. To correct the thermal lag at the highest heating rates with the FDSC for nonadhered free-standing films, a new methodology for its correction is used. Overall, this work extends the application of commercial FDSC to nonadhered films.
Smyrnova, Kateryna; Sahul, Martin; Haršáni, Marián; Beresnev, Vyacheslav; Truchlý, Martin; Čaplovič, L’ubomír; Čaplovičová, Mária; Kusý, Martin; Kozak, Andrii; Flock, Dominik; Kassymbaev, Alexey; Pogrebnjak, Aleksandr Dmitrievič
Composite materials with nanoscale multilayer architecture based on cathodic-arc evaporated WN/NbN coatings. - In: ACS omega, ISSN 2470-1343, Bd. 9 (2024), 15, S. 17247-17265

Hard nitride coatings are commonly employed to protect components subjected to friction, whereby such coatings should possess excellent tribomechanical properties in order to endure high stresses and temperatures. In this study, WN/NbN coatings are synthesized by using the cathodic-arc evaporation (CA-PVD) technique at various negative bias voltages in the 50-200 V range. The phase composition, microstructural features, and tribomechanical properties of the multilayers are comprehensively studied. Fabricated coatings have a complex structure of three nanocrystalline phases: β-W2N, δ-NbN, and ε-NbN. They demonstrate a tendency for (111)-oriented grains to overgrow (200)-oriented grains with increasing coating thickness. All of the data show that a decrease in the fraction of ε-NbN phase and formation of the (111)-textured grains positively impact mechanical properties and wear behavior. Investigation of the room-temperature tribological properties reveals that with an increase in bias voltage from −50 to −200 V, the wear mechanisms change as follows: oxidative &flech; fatigue and oxidative &flech; adhesive and oxidative. Furthermore, WN/NbN coatings demonstrate a high hardness of 33.6-36.6 GPa and a low specific wear rate of (1.9-4.1) × 10-6 mm3/Nm. These results indicate that synthesized multilayers hold promise for tribological applications as wear-resistant coatings.
Zhao, Yuguo; Björk, Emma M.; Yan, Yong; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Dong
Recent progress in transition metal based catalysts and mechanism analysis for alcohol electrooxidation reactions. - In: Green chemistry, ISSN 1463-9270, Bd. 26 (2024), 9, S. 4987-5003

In order to address energy and environmental challenges effectively, there is a need to promote renewable energy-driven electrochemical conversion technologies, particularly electrosynthesis. Electrosynthesis has the potential to convert abundant molecules into valuable chemicals and fuels. However, the widespread adoption of electrosynthesis is often hindered by the slow oxygen evolution reaction (OER). To overcome this limitation, we can employ the more efficient alcohol electrooxidation reaction (AOR), utilizing renewable biomass-derived alcohols as an alternative to OER for producing high-value chemicals. Consequently, the development of efficient AOR catalysts, in conjunction with cathodic reduction reactions (hydrogen evolution, oxygen, and nitrogen electroreduction, etc.), is crucial for sustainable and environmentally-friendly advancements. A thorough understanding of AOR mechanisms is essential for catalyst design and can be achieved through the utilization of in situ characterization techniques and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This review summarizes recent progress in AOR catalysts, with a particular focus on the electrooxidation of monohydric alcohols, polyols, and associated studies on reaction mechanisms. Additionally, the review identifies key factors impeding AOR development and provides insights into future prospects.
Jaekel, Konrad; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Influence of increasing density of microstructures on the self-propagating reaction of Al/Ni reactive nanoscale multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 21 S.

Surface structuring methods are crucial in semiconductor manufacturing, as they enable the creation of intricate structures on the semiconductor surface, influencing the material’s electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties. This study employs one such structuring method known as reactive ion etching to create black Si structures on silicon substrates. After thermal oxidation, their influence on the reaction of Al/Ni nanoscale multilayers is. For this purpose, various densities of thermally oxidized black Si structures are investigated. It reveals distinct reactive behaviors without corresponding differences in energy release during differential scanning calorimetry measurements. Higher oxidized black Si structure densities result in elevated temperatures and faster reaction propagation, showing fewer defects and reduced layer connections in cross-sectional analyses. The properties of the reactive multilayers on high structure density show the same performance as a reaction on flat thermal SiO2, causing delamination when exceeding 23 structures per µm2. Conversely, lower structure density ensures attachment of reactive multilayers to the substrate due to an increased number of defects, acting as predetermined breaking points for the AlNi alloy. By establishing the adhesion between the reacted multilayer and the substrate, surface structuring could lead to a potential increase in bond strength when using reactive multilayers for bonding.
Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Tailoring the reaction path: external crack initiation in reactive Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2302271, S. 1-6

The influence of intentionally externally induced cracks in reactive Al/Ni multilayer systems is investigated. These cracks affect the reaction dynamics and enable tailoring of the reaction path and the overall velocity of the reaction front. The influence of layer variations onto mechanical crack formation and resulting reaction behavior are investigated. High-speed camera imaging shows the meandering propagation of the reaction front along the crack paths. Therefore, the mechanical cracking process significantly changes the total velocity of the reaction front and thus offers a possibility to control the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process. It is shown that the phase formation remains unaffected despite the applied strains and cracks. This favorable stability in phase formation ensures predictability and provides insight into the adaptation of RMS for precision applications in joints. The results expand the understanding of mechanical cracking as a tool to influence high-temperature synthesis in reactive multilayer coatings and provide an opportunity to expand the range of applications.
Glaser, Marcus; Ehlich, Kai; Matthes, Sebastian; Hildebrand, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Influence of metal surface structures on composite formation during polymer-metal-joining based on reactive Al/Ni multilayer foil. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 34 S.

Progressive developments in the field of lightweight construction and engineering demand continuous substitution of metals with suitable polymers. However, the combination of dissimilar materials results in a multitude of challenges based on different chemical and physical material properties. Reactive multilayer systems offer a promising joining method for flexible and low-distortion joining of dissimilar joining partners with an energy source introduced directly into the joining zone. Within this publication, hybrid lap joints between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and surface-structured austenitic steel X5CrNi18-10 (EN 1.4301) were joined using reactive Al/Ni multilayer foils of the type Indium-NanoFoil®. Main objective is to examine possibilities of influencing crack initiation in the foil plane by variation of joining pressure and different metal surface structures with regard to geometry, density and orientation. Thus, the position of foil cracks is superimposed onto the metal structure and associated filling with molten plastic is improved. Consequently, characterisation of occurring crack positions as function of joining pressure and metal structure, analysis of the composite in terms of structural filling and joint strength as well as possible causes of crack initiation are evaluated.
Mejia Chueca, Maria del Carmen; Winter, Andreas; Abdi, Azadeh; Baumer, Christoph; Ispas, Adriana; Stich, Michael; Riegler, Sascha; Ecke, Gernot; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Graske, Marcus; Gallino, Isabella; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Bund, Andreas
A novel method for preparation of Al-Ni reactive coatings by incorporation of Ni nanoparticles into an Al matrix fabricated by electrodeposition in AlCl3:1-eethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (1.5:1) ionic liquid containing Ni nanoparticles. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2302217, S. 1-17

Al/Ni reactive coatings are fabricated via electrochemical deposition (ECD) at different applied voltages for reactive bonding application. AlCl3:1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([EMIm]Cl) (1.5:1) ionic liquid electrolyte is used as source of Al, whereas Ni is in the bath and incorporated into final coatings as nanoparticles (NPs). Scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy reveal a homogeneous Ni particle dispersion, as well as a high amount of particle incorporation into the Al matrix. A maximum of 37 wt% (22 at%) of Ni is detected via atomic absorption spectroscopy in the Al/Ni coating deposited at −0.1 V from an electrolyte containing 20 g L−1 of Ni NPs. Previous literature show that for bonding application an ideal concentration is around 50 at% of Ni and 50 at% Al. However, this is achieved using high vacuum, time-consuming processes, and costly techniques like evaporation and magnetron sputtering. The ECD used in this work represents a more cost-efficient approach which is not reported up to date for the aforementioned application. The reactivity of the coatings is confirmed by Differential scanning calorimetry. Herein, an exothermic reaction is detected upon the mixing of Al and Ni occurring at high temperatures.
Hannappel, Thomas; Shekarabi, Sahar; Jaegermann, Wolfram; Runge, Erich; Hofmann, Jan Philipp; Krol, Roel van de; May, Matthias M.; Paszuk, Agnieszka; Hess, Franziska; Bergmann, Arno; Bund, Andreas; Cierpka, Christian; Dreßler, Christian; Dionigi, Fabio; Friedrich, Dennis; Favaro, Marco; Krischok, Stefan; Kurniawan, Mario; Lüdge, Kathy; Lei, Yong; Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Schaaf, Peter; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Schmidt, W. Gero; Strasser, Peter; Unger, Eva; Montoya, Manuel Vasquez; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Hongbin
Integration of multijunction absorbers and catalysts for efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures: a physical and materials science perspective. - In: Solar RRL, ISSN 2367-198X, Bd. 8 (2024), 11, 2301047, S. 1-49

Artificial leaves could be the breakthrough technology to overcome the limitations of storage and mobility through the synthesis of chemical fuels from sunlight, which will be an essential component of a sustainable future energy system. However, the realization of efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures requires integrated specialized materials such as semiconductor absorbers, catalysts, interfacial passivation, and contact layers. To date, no competitive system has emerged due to a lack of scientific understanding, knowledge-based design rules, and scalable engineering strategies. Here, we will discuss competitive artificial leaf devices for water splitting, focusing on multi-absorber structures to achieve solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies exceeding 15%. A key challenge is integrating photovoltaic and electrochemical functionalities in a single device. Additionally, optimal electrocatalysts for intermittent operation at photocurrent densities of 10-20 mA cm^-2 must be immobilized on the absorbers with specifically designed interfacial passivation and contact layers, so-called buried junctions. This minimizes voltage and current losses and prevents corrosive side reactions. Key challenges include understanding elementary steps, identifying suitable materials, and developing synthesis and processing techniques for all integrated components. This is crucial for efficient, robust, and scalable devices. Here, we discuss and report on corresponding research efforts to produce green hydrogen with unassisted solar-driven (photo-)electrochemical devices. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Schaaf, Peter; Constantinescu, Catalin; Matei, Andreea
Laser material processing: from fundamental interactions to innovative applications (E-MRS). - In: Applied surface science advances, ISSN 2666-5239, Bd. 21 (2024), 100592, insges. 1 S.
Zhang, Yuanpeng; Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong; Wang, Hui; Tang, Yongliang; Wang, Wei; Li, Yuhang; Sun, Zeqi; Lv, Wenmei; Liu, Qingxiang
Evaluating the field emission properties of N-type black silicon cold cathodes based on a three-dimensional model. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 16 (2024), 2, S. 2932-2939

Black silicon (BS), a nanostructured silicon surface containing highly roughened surface morphology, has recently emerged as a promising candidate for field emission (FE) cathodes in novel electron sources due to its huge number of sharp tips with ease of large-scale fabrication and controllable geometrical shapes. However, evaluating the FE performance of BS-based nanostructures with high accuracy is still a challenge due to the increasing complexity in the surface morphology. Here, we demonstrate a 3D modeling methodology to fully characterize highly disordered BS-based field emitters randomly distributed on a roughened nonflat surface. We fabricated BS cathode samples with different morphological features to demonstrate the validity of this method. We utilize parametrized scanning electron microscopy images that provide high-precision morphology details, successfully describing the electric field distribution in field emitters and linking the theoretical analysis with the measured FE property of the complex nanostructures with high precision. The 3D model developed here reveals a relationship between the field emission performance and the density of the cones, successfully reproducing the classical relationship between current density J and electric field E (J-E curve). The proposed modeling approach is expected to offer a powerful tool to accurately describe the field emission properties of large-scale, disordered nano cold cathodes, thus serving as a guide for the design and application of BS as a field electron emission material.
Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry
Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, (2024), S. 15-28

The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction of Mössbauer effect following by its unique utilization, which became known as Mössbauer spectroscopy. Mössbauer spectroscopy is based on the recoilless emission and following resonant absorption of gamma radiation by atomic nuclei and has been at the scientific forefront of physics, chemistry, biology, mineralogy for more than 60 years. Soon after the discovery of the Mössbauer effect, it became obvious that this effect can be used to study various properties of materials on a microscopic scale via hyperfine interactions with an unprecedented resolution. This was the beginning of a new analytical tool - Mössbauer spectroscopy. Today, it has developed into a standard analytical technique used in many laboratories and big research facilities. The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction, explains the underlying hyperfine interactions and gives examples of the possible application of the method.

Liu, Fengli; Yan, Yong; Chen, Ge; Wang, Dong
Recent advances in ambient electrochemical methane conversion to oxygenates using metal oxide electrocatalysts. - In: Green chemistry, ISSN 1463-9270, Bd. 26 (2024), 2, S. 655-677

To reach a decarbonized future, the conversion of greenhouse gases into green fuels and valuable chemicals is of crucial importance. Methane emissions are the second most significant contributor to global warming. Recent advances in electrocatalytic partial oxidation of methane to high-value fuels at ambient temperatures promise to sidestep the requirement of high temperature in conventional thermal catalysis and provide a revolutionary, sustainable, and decentralized alternative to flaring. Electrocatalysts that can selectively produce valuable compounds from methane under mild conditions are essential for commercialization. This review covers current developments in the electrochemical partial oxidation of methane to oxygenates, with an emphasis on metal oxide electrocatalysts. The regularly deployed strategies, including doping and interface engineering, are systematically reviewed in detail. In addition, the design of the electrolytic cell, the electrolyte, time, potential, and temperature are examined thoroughly and discussed.
Li, Feitao; Tan, Xinu; Flock, Dominik; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Qiu, Risheng; Schaaf, Peter
Structure-dependent oxidation behavior of Au-Cu nanoparticles. - In: Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN 1873-4669, Bd. 976 (2024), 173179, S. 1-8

Thermal oxidation is an easily controlled method to change the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles, thus optimizing and expanding their applications. Unfortunately, less attention has been paid to the role of the crystal structure whose atomic arrangements can be critical for oxidation. Au-Cu nanoparticles showing a fast order-disorder transformation are oxidized at two temperatures of ordered (L10) and disordered (A1) phase regions. The oxidation rates between the two phases are compared by the Arrhenius equation, and a lower oxidation rate is determined in the L10 lattice than in the A1 lattice based on the time required for the complete oxidation. One possible reason is attributed to the longer diffusion length in the L10 lattice compared to the A1 lattice due to the anisotropic diffusion path of the former while isotropic diffusion of the latter, resulting in longer oxidation time and then slower oxidation for the ordered sample. The crystalline phase of Au-Cu nanoparticles can be straightforwardly tuned and the resulting atomic disposition is a powerful tool to control oxidation evolution.
Grad, Marius; Honig, Hauke; Diemar, Andreas; Flock, Dominik; Spieß, Lothar
Complex material analysis of a TiC coating produced by hot pressing with optical light microscopy, EDS, XRD, GDOES and EBSD. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 476 (2024), 130265, S. 1-11

The present study investigates the interface between carbon steel and titanium samples annealed at different temperatures (ϑ1 = Image 1 and ϑ2 = Image 2). In both cases, an observable layer forms at the interface, with its thickness increasing from tϑ1 = 2.75 ± Image 3 at Image 1 to tϑ2 = 8.86 ± Image 4 at Image 2. The layer's composition and thickness evolve with temperature. Analysis reveals approximately 40 at.-% carbon concentration in the exterior region, indicating likely titanium carbide creation. X-ray diffraction identifies titanium carbide peaks, while microscopy and elemental mapping confirm compositional gradients at the interface. Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) shows a gradient in grain size near the TiC surface, reflecting TiC nucleation rates. XRD data detect both titanium carbide and titanium phases, with TiC becoming more prominent at Image 2. Rietveld analysis further confirms TiC formation. Notably, distinct diffraction patterns on the contact and rear sides suggest a Ti(C, O, N) presence. Depth profiles exhibit varying surface and depth carbon concentrations, attributed to temperature effects. The study successfully demonstrates TiC coating fabrication through hot pressing, wherein Ti(C, O, N) coatings arise from titanium's affinity for reacting with oxygen and nitrogen. This research contributes to the understanding of phase transformations and interfacial properties in titanium-carbon steel systems.
Li, Zhiyong; Chen, Guangshen; Cheng, Pengfei; Zhang, Zhang; Liu, Junming
Phototactic photocatalysis enabled by functionalizing active microorganisms with photocatalyst. - In: Advanced sustainable systems, ISSN 2366-7486, Bd. 8 (2024), 2, 2300302, S. 1-10

Positive phototropism enables plants to take advantage of sunlight more efficiently. However, positive phototropism of plant-like photocatalyst has not been reported yet, which cause people's limited understanding on it. Therefore, developing new photocatalysts that can move toward the light source and thus speed up the photocatalytic process, is a great challenge. Herein, a biologically active photocatalyst (graphitic carbon nitride combined with algae microorganisms, g-C3N4/alga) is reported first that can behave like green plants and move toward light source, leading to a great enhancement in photocatalysis. The photocatalytic degradation efficiency of the phototactic g-C3N4/alga is improved up to 570% than that of pure g-C3N4. The phototactic g-C3N4/alga photocatalyst can effectively utilize the synergy of phototaxis of microalgae and photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4 to promote the pollutant decomposition using sunlight. Imparting photocatalyst with positive phototropism will open a new door in photocatalysis field for clean energy production, pollutant treatment, and biomass conversion.
Wang, Honglei; Bo, Yifan; Klingenhof, Malte Philipp Helmuth; Peng, Jiali; Wang, Dong; Wu, Bing; Pezoldt, Jörg; Cheng, Pengfei; Knauer, Andrea; Hua, Weibo; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Sofer, Zdeněk; Strasser, Peter; Guldi, Dirk; Schaaf, Peter
A universal design strategy based on NiPS3 nanosheets towards efficient photothermal conversion and solar desalination. - In: Advanced functional materials, ISSN 1616-3028, Bd. 34 (2024), 8, 2310942, S. 1-11

2D nanomaterials are proposed as promising photothermal materials for interfacial photothermal water evaporation. However, low evaporation efficiency, the use of hazardous hydrofluoric solution, and poor stability severely limit their practical applications. Here, a mixed solvent exfoliation surface deposition (MSESD) strategy for the preparation of NiPS3 nanosheets and NiPS3/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) converter is successfully developed. The converter is obtained by drop-casting the NiPS3/PVA nanosheets onto a sponge. The PVA is mainly deposited on the edge of NiPS3 nanosheets, which not only improves the stability of NiPS3 nanosheets, but also adheres to the sponge to prepare a 3D photothermal converter, which shows an evaporation rate of 1.48 kg m−2 h−1 and the average photothermal conversion efficiency (PTCE) of 93.5% under a light intensity of 1 kW m−2. The photothermal conversion mechanism reveals that the energy of absorbed photons in NiPS3 nanosheets can be effectively converted into heat through non-radiative photon transitions as well as multiple optical interactions. To the best of the knowledge, this is the first report on the application of 2D metal-phosphorus-chalcogen (MPChx) for solar desalination, which provides new insights and guidance for the development of high-performance 2D photothermal materials.
Luo, Wenjun; Xuan, Xinmiao; Shen, Jinfeng; Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Zhang, Zhang; Liu, Junming
High performance photothermal carbon nanotubes/nanostructured hydrogel for solar electricity production and solar water sterilization. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 643 (2024), 158680

Solar energy is a promising renewable energy source with the potential to contribute to sustainable development. Efficient photothermal conversion is critical for solar energy acquisition and conversion. Here, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were gelatinized to obtain the nanostructured CNT/hydrogel, and then highly light-absorbing CNT/n-hydrogels with surface texture were obtained by replicating the micrometer structure from the black silicon (b-Si) surface onto CNT/hydrogels by using a PDMS mold. Through the synergistic effect of both surface texture and nanostructures, it demonstrates high efficiency of solar electricity production and solar sterilization. A small thermoelectric (TE) module with an area of 4 × 4 cm2 is integrated with CNT/n-hydrogel absorber for the investigation of photo-thermoelectric conversion. The output power of the CNT/n-hydrogel TE device is 1.42 W•m−2 under 1 sun. And by connecting four devices in series, it has successfully demonstrated for charging mobile phones under two different solar illuminations. This work provides a cost-effective and easy fabrication method for opening up the hydrogel as a photothermal absorber, which is low-cost, reproducible, high-efficiency solar water sterilization and high photothermal conversion efficiency.
Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Silies, Martin; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Photon-induced near-field interaction in ultrafast point-projection electron microscopy. - In: CLEO, (2023), JTu2A.133, insges. 2 S.

We report the first study of ultrafast, slow (<100 eV) free electron wavepackets with optical near fields. This interaction is probed in a point-projection-microscope with 50fs temporal resolution using strongly localized fields around a nano-antenna.
Diemar, Andreas; Gerth, Uwe; Lahmer, Tom; Teichert, Gerd; Könke, Carsten
Numerische Ermittlung von Zielgrößen und Prozessparametern des Einsatzhärtens unter Berücksichtigung des lokalen Beanspruchungszustandes versagensrelevanter Konstruktionsdetails :
Numerical determination of target values and process parameters of case hardening, taking into account the local stress state of failure-relevant construction details. - In: HTM - journal of heat treatment and materials, ISSN 2194-1831, Bd. 78 (2023), 6, S. 352-368

Through the thermochemical process of case hardening, the local material strength of steel components can be increased. In addition to the increase in stress due to the notch effect, the shape of construction details also has an effect on key component properties after case hardening, such as edge hardness and case hardening depth. The component-related specification of target values for case hardening is currently based on empirical values or expert knowledge. In addition, the effect of design details during case hardening is not taken into account when specifying process parameters in the control and regulation software of case hardening systems. This article presents a concept for the numerical determination of target values and process parameters for case hardening based on the stress state of the component. Compared to the empirically based determination of target values and process parameters for case hardening, the application of the concept makes it possible to adapt the case hardening of components to their stress in the failure range and thus significantly increase the energy and resource efficiency of case hardening.
Bohm, Sebastian; Grunert, Malte; Schwarz, Felix; Runge, Erich; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Chimeh, Abbas; Lienau, Christoph
Gold nanosponges: fascinating optical properties of a unique disorder-dominated system. - In: Journal of the Optical Society of America, ISSN 1520-8540, Bd. 40 (2023), 6, S. 1491-1509

Nanoporous gold is a three-dimensional bulk material that is percolated with a random network of nanometer-sized ligaments and made by selective corrosion of bimetallic alloys. It has intriguing geometric, catalytic, and optical properties that have fascinated scientists for many decades. When such a material is made into the form of small, 100-nm-sized particles, so-called nanosponges emerge that offer much flexibility in controlling their geometric, electronic, and optical properties. Importantly, these particles act as an antenna for light that can efficiently localize optical fields on a deep subwavelength scale in certain hotspots at the particle surface. This makes such nanosponges an interesting platform for plasmonic sensing, photocatalysis, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Since the optical properties of these nanosponges can be controlled to a large degree by tuning their geometry and/or composition, they have attracted increasing attention in recent years. Here, we provide a concise overview of the current state of the art in this field, covering their fabrication, computational modeling, and specifically the linear and nonlinear optical properties of individual and hybrid nanosponges, for example, plasmon localization in randomly disordered hotspots with a size <10 nm and a long lifetime with an exceptionally high Purcell factor. The resulting nonlinear optical and photoemission properties are discussed for individual and hybrid nanosponges. The results presented have strong implications for further applications of such nanosponges in photonics and photocatalysis.
Glaser, Marcus; Matthes, Sebastian; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella
Characterization of plastic-metal hybrid composites joined by means of reactive Al/Ni multilayers - evaluation of occurring thermal regime. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.3.056, S. 1-16

Present challenges in material science and joining technology are ever more subject to the desire for lightweight construction and engineering. Plastic-metal composites are suitable material combinations but also require the development and investigation of appropriate joining technologies. A particularly promising approach is the application of reactive multilayer foils. As an innovative method, these foils provide the possibility of flexible and low-distortion joining of dissimilar materials. The underlying reaction mechanism offers fast exothermic reaction propagation with well-known exothermic power output while the energy source is introduced directly into the joining zone. In this work, hybrid lap joints between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and structured austenitic stainless steel X5CrNi18-10 were joined using reactive Al/Ni multilayer foils. The self-propagating reaction provides immediate temperatures that are well above the melting point of used plastic but decays rapidly after only a few milliseconds. To support ongoing investigations regarding composite formation, analysis of occurring thermal regime is in the focus of this work. Conducted experiments are supported by accompanying thermal simulation in ANSYS Workbench. Besides the estimation regarding sensitivity of thermal material parameters the evaluation of formed melting zone and resulting thermally influenced area is a central topic.
Tan, Xi-Nu; Li, Feitao; Liu, Yu-Shun; Qiu, Ri-Sheng; Liu, Qing
Microstructure and properties of as-cast Zr-2.5Nb-1X (X = Ru, Mo, Ta and Si) alloys for biomedical application. - In: Rare metals, ISSN 1867-7185, Bd. 42 (2023), 10, S. 3497-3509
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2023/2024 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2023. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Mathew, Sobin; Reiprich, Johannes; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Abedin, Saadman; Kurtash, Vladislav; Thiele, Sebastian; Scheler, Theresa; Hähnlein, Bernd; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Gate-tunable hysteresis response of field effect transistor based on sulfurized Mo. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 13 (2023), 9, 095224, S. 095224-1-095224-7

Hysteresis effects and their tuning with electric fields and light were studied in thin film molybdenum disulfide transistors fabricated from sulfurized molybdenum films. The influence of the back-gate voltage bias, voltage sweep range, illumination, and AlOx encapsulation on the hysteresis effect of the back-gated field effect transistors was studied and quantified. This study revealed the distinctive contribution of MoS2 surface, MoS2/SiO2 interface defects and their associated traps as primary sources of of hysteresis.
Cheng, Pengfei;
Broadband solar energy harvesting enabled by micro and nanostructured materials. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (IV, 145 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

In der kommenden Ära des "Carbon Peak und der Kohlenstoffneutralität" ist es besonders wichtig, neue Energietechnologien zu entwickeln, die kostengünstig, umweltfreundlich und im industriellem Maßstab herstellbar sind, um die herkömmlichen fossilen Brennstoffe zu ersetzen, die weithin als Verursacher des Treibhauseffekts und häufiger extremer Wetterlagen gelten. Solarenergie ist sozusagen eine unerschöpfliche Energieform, die jedem Land der Erde kostenlos zur Verfügung steht. Daher ist sie im Vergleich zu Kernenergie, Windenergie und blauer Energie die vielversprechendste Alternative zu fossiler Energie. In dieser Arbeit werden breitbandige Materialien zur Gewinnung von Solarenergie als Lichtabsorber für Anwendungen zur Umwandlung von Solarenergie, wie Stromerzeugung, Wasserdampferzeugung und Wasserstofferzeugung, vorgestellt. Zunächst wird schwarzes Silizium (b-Si) mit einer Vielzahl von Mikro-Nanostrukturen durch reaktives Ionenätzen (RIE) hergestellt. Die so hergestellten b-Si-Proben mit ultra-breitbandiger Lichtabsorption können für die photo-thermoelektrische (P-TE) Stromerzeugung, die photothermische (PT) Wasserverdampfung und die photoelektrochemische (PEC) Wasserreduktion verwendet werden, was die Leistung der Solarenergieumwandlung aufgrund ihrer hervorragenden Lichtabsorption im gesamten Sonnenspektrum verbessert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine metastabile Atomlagenabscheidung (MS-ALD) mit Selbstorganisation zur Herstellung großflächiger plasmonischer 3D-AgSiO2 Hybrid-Nanostrukturen entwickelt. Diese zeigen auch eine ultrabreitbandige sehr hohe Absorption im gesamten Sonnenspektrum. Wenn sie für die P-TE- und PT-Wasserverdampfung verwendet werden, verbessert sich die Leistung der Solarenergieumwandlung im Vergleich zu b-Si-Proben.
Li, Feitao;
Nanometallurgical mechanisms during formation of Au-SiOx and Au-CuO nanostructures. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (XXII, 98 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Die Verbesserung der Metallurgie hält mit der Entwicklung der menschlichen Zivilisation Schritt. Aufstrebende Nanotechnologie-Industrien fördern kontinuierlich traditionelle metallurgische Untersuchungen bis hinunter in den Nanobereich. Daher wird ein neuer Begriff, Nanometallurgie, vorgeschlagen, um sich besser an die aufkommenden interdisziplinären Domänen anzupassen. Um die Mechanismen hinter verschiedenen nanometallurgischen Prozessen zu verstehen, sind zahlreiche Studien erforderlich, die für die maßgeschneiderte Herstellung von Nanostrukturen für unterschiedliche Anforderungen erforderlich sind. Die aktuelle Dissertation konzentriert sich auf das Wachstum zweier unterschiedlicher eindimensionaler Nanostrukturen: SiOx-Nanodrähte, katalysiert durch metallische Dünnfilme und CuO-Whisker, induziert durch thermische Oxidation. Die Bildung von SiOx-Nanodrähten basiert auf der Änderung des physikalischen Zustands der Si-Quelle ist gut etabliert. Es wurde jedoch nur wenig an der Existenz und Konkurenz mehrerer Si-Quellen geforscht. Nach dem schnellen hermischen Prozessieren von SiO2/Si-Systemen, die mit metallischen Einzel- oder Doppelschichten in einer reduzierenden Atmosphäre abgeschieden wurden, werden drei Si-Quellen, erstens Si-Diffusion aus dem Substrat, zweitens SiO-Gas aus der SiO2-Zersetzung und drittens aus der Si-Aktivoxidation identifiziert. Ihre relative Beteiligung und Einfluß hängt von dem Dicken der SiO2-Schichten ab. Zunehmende Dicke der SiO2-Schicht behindert die Si-Diffusion und die Zersetzung der SiO2-Schicht, was die Konzentrationen der zersetzten Bereiche verringert und wiederum die aktive Si-Oxidation schwächt. Außerdem werden die Einflüße verschiedener Si-Quellen durch die Glühzeit, Temperatur und Atmosphäre gesteuert. Daher wird eine kontrollierbare Bildung verschiedener Au-SiOx-Nanostrukturen erreicht, indem unterschiedliche Dicken der SiO2-Schicht und Temperparameter entworfen werden. Zwei nanometallurgische Prozesse, der Kirkendall-Effekt im Nanomaßstab und das Wachstum von Oxid-Nanodrähten während der Oxidation von Metallen, haben große Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Ihre Entwicklung hängt stark von der Oxidationsgeschwindigkeit ab. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die Oxidation normalerweise ein diffusionskontrollierter Prozess ist und das Legieren ein üblicher Weg ist, um die Diffusion verschiedener Metalle zu kontrollieren, werden gemischte und facettierte Au-Cu-Nanopartikel durch die Festkörperentnetzung der Au/Cu-Doppelschicht gebildet. Die Existenz von Kirkendall-Hohlräumen und CuO-Whiskern kann durch Oxidation bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen beobachtet werden, was zur Bildung von Au-CuO-Nanostrukturen führt. Darüber hinaus wird das Oxidationsverhalten von Cu auf verschiedenen Facetten von Au-Cu-Nanopartikeln überprüft und mit den Oxidationsraten von Kristallebenen in Beziehung gesetzt.
Mejia Chueca, Maria del Carmen; Graske, Marcus; Winter, Andreas; Baumer, Christoph; Stich, Michael; Mattea, Carlos; Ispas, Adriana; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schaaf, Peter; Stapf, Siegfried; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of reactive aluminum-nickel coatings in an AlCl3:[EMIm]Cl ionic liquid containing nickel nanoparticles. - In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ISSN 1945-7111, Bd. 170 (2023), 7, 072504

The electrodeposition of aluminum-nickel coatings was performed by pulsed direct current in the ionic liquid (IL) 1.5:1 AlCl3:EMIm]Cl containing nickel nanoparticles (Ni NPs), for reactive dispersion coating application. Several electrochemical and characterization techniques were used to shed more light on the mechanism of Ni particle incorporation into the Al matrix. Thus, particle incorporation at the early stage of the deposition would mainly take place via particle adsorption at the substrate. However, as the thickness of the coating increases, it seems that the main mechanism for particle incorporation is via the reduction of ions adsorbed at the particles surface. Although a considerable high incorporation of Ni NPs has been achieved from the IL containing the highest concentration of Ni NPs (i.e. ∼33 wt% from a 20 g/L of Ni NPs bath), a high concentration of NPs in the IL resulted having a negative effect in terms of quality of the coatings, due to solidification of the electrolyte in a poorly conductive compound. Moreover, almost equivalent amounts of Ni and Al (Ni ∼45 wt.%and Al ∼44 wt.%) have been detected in some areas of the coatings. Such a layer composition would be desired for the targeted application.
Jaekel, Konrad; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Ni/Al multilayer reactions on nanostructured silicon substrates. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 31, S. 12811-12826

Fast energy release, which is a fundamental property of reactive multilayer systems, can be used in a wide field of applications. For most applications, a self-propagating reaction and adhesion between the multilayers and substrate are necessary. In this work, a distinct approach for achieving self-propagating reactions and adhesion between deposited Ni/Al reactive multilayers and silicon substrate is demonstrated. The silicon surface consists of random structures, referred to as silicon grass, which were created by deep reactive ion etching. Using the etching process, structure units of heights between 8 and 13 µm and density between 0.5 and 3.5 structures per µm^2 were formed. Ni and Al layers were alternatingly deposited in the stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 using sputtering, to achieve a total thickness of 5 µm. The analysis of the reaction and phase transformation was done with high-speed camera, high-speed pyrometer, and X-ray diffractometer. Cross-sectional analysis showed that the multilayers grew only on top of the silicon grass in the form of inversed cones, which enabled adhesion between the silicon grass and the reacted multilayers. A self-propagating reaction on silicon grass was achieved, due to the thermally isolating air pockets present around these multilayer cones. The velocity and temperature of the reaction varied according to the structure morphology. The reaction parameters decreased with increasing height and decreasing density of the structures. To analyze the exact influence of the morphology, further investigations are needed.
Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Quenzel, Thomas; Silies, Martin; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Ultrafast coupling of optical near fields to low-energy electrons probed in a point-projection microscope. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 23 (2023), 12, S. 5528-5534

We report the first observation of the coupling of strong optical near fields to wavepackets of free, 100 eV electrons with <50 fs temporal resolution in an ultrafast point-projection microscope. Optical near fields are created by excitation of a thin, nanometer-sized Yagi-Uda antenna, with 20 fs near-infrared laser pulses. Phase matching between electrons and near fields is achieved due to strong spatial confinement of the antenna near field. Energy-resolved projection images of the antenna are recorded in an optical pump-electron probe scheme. We show that the phase modulation of the electron by transverse-field components results in a transient electron deflection while longitudinal near-field components broaden the kinetic energy distribution. This low-energy electron near-field coupling is used here to characterize the chirp of the ultrafast electron wavepackets, acquired upon propagation from the electron emitter to the sample. Our results bring direct mapping of different vectorial components of highly localized optical near fields into reach.
Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Influence of extrinsic induced tensile stress on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nanosized Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 24, S. 10085-10095

Reactive multilayer systems consisting of alternating nanoscale Al and Ni layers are applicable in joining, various pyrotechnic applications and thermal batteries. Since diffusion based high-temperature synthesis occurs without the presence of air, efforts have focused on investigating the understanding of the fundamental reaction processes and characteristics. The aim of this study is to expose the reactive multilayers to extrinsic induced tensile stress so that the self-propagating synthesis can proceed under these conditions. Further, the properties during and after the reaction will be investigated. Multilayers deposited by sputtering on Kapton® substrates with different bilayer- and total thicknesses as well as commercial Nanofoils® with thicknesses of 40 µm and 60 µm were used as samples. The investigations focused on the propagation velocity measured with a high-speed camera, the temperature regime determined with a high-speed pyrometer, and the formed phases after the synthesis examined via X-ray diffraction. The gained results of this study reveal important insights for the application of the reactive Al/Ni multilayer system in terms of stability or reliability related to propagation front velocity, maximum temperature and formed phases under induced external tensile stresses.
Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Ispas, Adriana; Reiprich, Johannes; Soydan, Alper K.; Moreira, Pedro H. O.; Thiele, Sebastian; Aliabadian, Bardia; Flock, Dominik; Knauer, Andrea; Jiménez, Juan J.; Bund, Andreas; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Novel gas phase route toward patterned deposition of sputter-free Pt/Al nanofoils. - In: Advanced Materials Technologies, ISSN 2365-709X, Bd. 8 (2023), 18, 2300448, S. 1-8

This article reports a new approach toward fabrication and directed assembly of nanoparticulate reactive system (Nanofoils) on patterned substrates. Different from current state-of-the-art, gas phase electrodeposition uses nanoparticles instead of atoms to form densely packed multilayered thin films at room temperature-pressure. On ignition, the multilayer system undergoes an exothermic self-propagating reaction. The numerous contact points between two metallic nanoparticulate layers aid in high heat release. Sub-10-nm Platinum (Pt) and Aluminum (Al) particles are synthesized through cathode erosion of metal electrodes in a flow of pure nitrogen gas (spark ablation). Pt/Al bilayer stacks with total thickness of 3–8 µm undergo self-propagating reaction with a 10.3 mm s−1 wavefront velocity on local ignition. The reaction wavefront is captured using high speed videography. Calorimetry studies reveal two exothermic peaks suggesting Pt/Al alloy formation. The peak at 135 &ring;C has a higher calorific value of 150 mW g−1 while the peak at 400 &ring;C has a 12 mW g−1 exothermic peak. X-ray diffraction study shows reaction-products are cubic Al2Pt with small quantities of orthorhombic Al6Pt and orthorhombic AlPt2. Electron microscopy studies help draw a correlation between film morphology, bimetallic interface, nanoparticle oxidation, and self-propagating reaction kinetics that is significant in broadening our understanding towards nanoparticulate reactive systems.
Heiniger-Schell, Juliana; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Naicker, Kimara; Masondo, Vusumuzi; Dang, Thien Thanh; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Díaz-Guerra, Carlos; Marschick, Georg; Masenda, Hilary; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Qi, Bingcui; Unzueta, Iraultza; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Adhikari, Rajdeep; Peters, Gerrard; Naidoo, Deena; Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Johnston, Karl; Becker, Sven; Jakob, Gerhard
Temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at Fe sites in Ba-doped BiFeO3 thin films studied by emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 13 (2023), 5, 724, S. 1-13

Emission 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS), following the implantation of radioactive 57Mn+ ions, has been used to study the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at Fe sites in Ba-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films. 57Mn β decays (t1/2 = 90 s) to the 14.4 keV Mössbauer state of 57Fe, thus allowing online eMS measurements at a selection of sample temperatures during Mn implantation. The eMS measurements were performed on two thin film BFO samples, 88 nm and 300 nm thick, and doped to 15% with Ba ions. The samples were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3 substrates. X-ray diffraction analyses of the samples showed that the films grew in a tetragonal distorted structure. The Mössbauer spectra of the two films, measured at absorber temperatures in the range 301 K-700 K, comprised a central pair of paramagnetic doublets and a magnetic sextet feature in the wings. The magnetic component was resolved into (i) a component attributed to hyperfine interactions at Fe3+ ions located in octahedral sites (Bhf); and (ii) to Fe3+ ions in implantation induced lattice defects, which were characterized by a distribution of the magnetic field BDistr. The hyperfine magnetic field at the Fe probes in the octahedral site has a room temperature value of Bhf = 44.5(9) T. At higher sample temperatures, the Bhf becomes much weaker, with the Fe3+ hyperfine magnetic contribution disappearing above 700 K. Simultaneous analysis of the Ba-BFO eMS spectra shows that the variation of the hyperfine field with temperature follows the Brillouin curve for S = 5/2.
Li, Feitao; Flock, Dominik; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of Ag/Ni bi-layers: accelerated void formation by the stress gradient in the bottom Ni layer. - In: Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN 1873-4669, Bd. 960 (2023), 170735

Solid-state dewetting (SSD) of the immiscible Ag/Ni bi-layers was studied. After annealing at 400 &ring;C for 1 min, the Ag film was dewetted on the Ni film, and this is the first observation about the SSD of one metal film on another metal film. The easier dewetting of Ag than Ni was attributed to its lower melting point, faster grain boundary self-diffusion and poor wettability between them. At 500 &ring;C, the void formation in the bottom Ni layer was highlighted and compared to Ni single layer: many voids in the former while no visible voids in the latter, indicating that the presence of Ag accelerated the SSD of Ni. It was attributed to the vertical stress gradient in the bottom Ni film of Ag/Ni bi-layers, which accelerated the Ni diffusion and formation of the voids in the underlying Ni film around and below the Ag particles. Besides, voids were more easily formed below the Ag particles than between them due to the large lattice mismatch at the Ag/Ni interface and the possible formation of Ag-Ni alloys. The destabilization of the Ag on the Ni film contributes to the understanding of dewetting kinetics, which is beneficial to realize the controllable nanofabrication.
Mathew, Sobin; Reiprich, Johannes; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Abedin, Saadman; Kurtash, Vladislav; Thiele, Sebastian; Hähnlein, Bernd; Scheler, Theresa; Flock, Dominik; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Three-dimensional MoS2 nanosheet structures: CVD synthesis, characterization, and electrical properties. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 13 (2023), 3, 448, S. 1-14

The proposed study demonstrates a single-step CVD method for synthesizing three-dimensional vertical MoS2 nanosheets. The postulated synthesizing approach employs a temperature ramp with a continuous N2 gas flow during the deposition process. The distinctive signals of MoS2 were revealed via Raman spectroscopy study, and the substantial frequency difference in the characteristic signals supported the bulk nature of the synthesized material. Additionally, XRD measurements sustained the material’s crystallinity and its 2H-MoS2 nature. The FIB cross-sectional analysis provided information on the origin and evolution of the vertical MoS2 structures and their growth mechanisms. The strain energy produced by the compression between MoS2 islands is assumed to primarily drive the formation of vertical MoS2 nanosheets. In addition, vertical MoS2 structures that emerge from micro fissures (cracks) on individual MoS2 islands were observed and examined. For the evaluation of electrical properties, field-effect transistor structures were fabricated on the synthesized material employing standard semiconductor technology. The lateral back-gated field-effect transistors fabricated on the synthesized material showed an n-type behavior with field-effect mobility of 1.46 cm2 V^-1 s^-1 and an estimated carrier concentration of 4.5 × 10^12 cm^-2. Furthermore, the effects of a back-gate voltage bias and channel dimensions on the hysteresis effect of FET devices were investigated and quantified.
Li, Feitao; Wan, Siyao; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of nanoflowers: Au and Ni silicide cores surrounded by SiOx branches. - In: Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, ISSN 2190-4286, Bd. 14 (2023), S. 133-140

This work reports the formation of nanoflowers after annealing of Au/Ni bilayers deposited on SiO2/Si substrates. The cores of the nanoflowers consist of segregated Ni silicide and Au parts and are surrounded by SiOx branches. The SiO2 decomposition is activated at 1050 &ring;C in a reducing atmosphere, and it can be enhanced more by Au compared to Ni. SiO gas from the decomposition of SiO2 and the active oxidation of Si is the source of Si for the growth of the SiOx branches of the nanoflowers. The concentration of SiO gas around the decomposition cavities is inhomogeneously distributed. Closer to the cavity border, the concentration of the Si sources is higher, and SiOx branches grow faster. Hence, nanoflowers present shorter and shorter branches as they are getting away from the border. However, such inhomogeneous SiO gas concentration is weakened in the sample with the highest Au concentration due to the strong ability of Au to enhance SiO2 decomposition, and nanoflowers with less difference in their branches can be observed across the whole sample.
Grunert, Malte; Bohm, Sebastian; Honig, Hauke; Wang, Dong; Lienau, Christoph; Runge, Erich; Schaaf, Peter
Structural and optical properties of gold nanosponges revealed via 3D nano-reconstruction and phase-field models. - In: Communications materials, ISSN 2662-4443, Bd. 4 (2023), 20, S. 1-13

Nanosponges are subject of intensive research due to their unique morphology, which leads among other effects to electrodynamic field localization generating a strongly nonlinear optical response at hot spots and thus enable a variety of applications. Accurate predictions of physical properties require detailed knowledge of the sponges’ chaotic nanometer-sized structure, posing a metrological challenge. A major goal is to obtain computer models with equivalent structural and optical properties. Here, to understand the sponges’ morphology, we present a procedure for their accurate 3D reconstruction using focused ion beam tomography. Additionally, we introduce a simulation method to create nanoporous sponge models with adjustable geometric properties. It is shown that if certain morphological parameters are similar for computer-generated and experimental sponges, their optical response, including magnitudes and hot spot locations, are also similar. Finally, we analyze the anisotropy of experimental sponges and present an easy-to-use method to reproduce arbitrary anisotropies in computer-generated sponges.
Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong
Easily repairable and high-performance carbon nanostructure absorber for solar photothermoelectric conversion and photothermal water evaporation. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 15 (2023), 6, S. 8761-8769

Carbon materials are a category of broadband solar energy harvesting materials that can convert solar energy into heat under irradiation, which can be used for photothermal water evaporation and photothermoelectric power generation. However, destruction of the carbon nanostructure during usage will significantly decrease the light-trapping performance and, thus, limit their practical applications. In this article, an easily repairable carbon nanostructure absorber with full-solar-spectrum absorption and a hierarchically porous structure is prepared. The carbon absorber shows a superhigh light absorption of above 97% across the whole solar spectrum because of multiple scatterings within the carbon nanostructure and photon interaction with the carbon nanoparticles. The excellent light absorption performance directly leads to a good photothermal effect. As a consequence, the carbon absorber integrated with a thermoelectric module can obtain a large power (133.3 μW cm-2) output under 1 sun. In addition, the carbon absorber combined with the sponge can achieve a high photothermal water evaporation efficiency of 83.6% under 1 sun. Its high-efficiency solar-to-electricity and photothermal water evaporation capabilities demonstrate that the carbon absorber with superhigh absorption, simple fabrication, and facile repairability shows great potential for practical fresh water production and electric power generation.
Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Bartsch, Heike; Matthes, Sebastian; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Jaekel, Konrad; Schaaf, Peter
Microstructural characterization and self-propagation properties of reactive Al/Ni multilayers deposited onto wavelike surface morphologies: influence on the propagation front velocity. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 220 (2023), 7, 2200765, S. 1-10

Reactive multilayer systems are nanostructures of great interest for various technological applications because of their high energy release rate during the self-propagating reaction of their components. Therefore, many efforts are aimed at controlling the propagation velocity of these reactions. Herein, reactive multilayer systems of Al/Ni in the shape of free-standing foils with a wavelike surface morphology prepared by using sacrificial substrates with well-aligned waves are presented and the propagation of the reaction along different directions of the reproduced waves is analyzed. During the ignition test, the propagation front is recorded with a high-speed camera, and the maximum temperature is measured using a pyrometer. The propagation of the reaction is favored in the direction of the waves, which points out the influence of the anisotropy generated by this morphology and how it affects the propagation dynamics and the resulting microstructure. Furthermore, compared to their counterparts fabricated on flat substrates, these reactive multilayers with wavelike morphology exhibit a remarkable reduction in the propagation velocity of the reaction of about 50%, without significantly affecting the maximum temperature registered during the reaction.
Wang, Honglei; Jiao, Yunfei; Wu, Bing; Wang, Dong; Hu, Yueqi; Liang, Fei; Shen, Chen; Knauer, Andrea; Ren, Dan; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Zhang, Hongbin; Sofer, Zdenek; Grätzel, Michael; Schaaf, Peter
Exfoliated 2D layered and nonlayered metal phosphorous trichalcogenides nanosheets as promising electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction. - In: Angewandte Chemie, ISSN 1521-3773, Bd. 62 (2023), 17, e202217253, S. 1-8

Two-dimensional (2D) materials catalysts provide an atomic-scale view on a fascinating arena for understanding the mechanism of electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction (CO2 ECR). Here, we successfully exfoliated both layered and nonlayered ultra-thin metal phosphorous trichalcogenides (MPCh3) nanosheets via wet grinding exfoliation (WGE), and systematically investigated the mechanism of MPCh3 as catalysts for CO2 ECR. Unlike the layered CoPS3 and NiPS3 nanosheets, the active Sn atoms tend to be exposed on the surfaces of nonlayered SnPS3 nanosheets. Correspondingly, the nonlayered SnPS3 nanosheets exhibit clearly improved catalytic activity, showing formic acid selectivity up to 31.6 % with -7.51 mA cm^-2 at -0.65 V vs. RHE. The enhanced catalytic performance can be attributed to the formation of HCOO* via the first proton-electron pair addition on the SnPS3 surface. These results provide a new avenue to understand the novel CO2 ECR mechanism of Sn-based and MPCh3-based catalysts.
Tan, Xinu; Liu, Yushun; Li, Feitao; Qiu, Risheng; Liu, Qing
Formation of nanocrystalline γ-ZrH in Zr-Nb alloy: crystal structure and twinning. - In: Micron, ISSN 1878-4291, Bd. 167 (2023), 103414

In the present work, the lattice parameter and the twins of γ-ZrH hydride in Zr-2.5Nb-1Si were characterized using high resolution electron microscopy. The lattice parameters of γ-ZrH (P42/mmc, Zr2H2 unit cell) is determined to be a= 0.336nm, c=0.508nm. Twinning γ-ZrH hydride ({011}<0̅11> type) is for the first time reported in zirconium alloys, whose orientation relationship with α-Zr is [100]γ-twins // [1̅210]α and (011)γ-twins // (0002)α. The formation process of γ-ZrH twins is also discussed based on a ‘grow-in’ mechanism during the transformation from α-Zr to γ-ZrH hydride.
Hähnlein, Bernd; Honig, Hauke; Schaaf, Peter; Krischok, Stefan; Tonisch, Katja
Effect of poly-crystallinity on the magnetoelectric behavior of TiN/AlN/Ni MEMS cantilevers investigated by finite element methods. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 220 (2023), 16, 2200839, S. 1-6

Herein, magnetoelectric microelectromechanical system (MEMS) cantilevers are investigated on basis of a TiN/AlN/Ni laminate derived from experimental sensors using finite-element simulations. With the anisotropic ΔE effect as an implication of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, the lateral sensitivity of the sensor is studied for different nickel layer thicknesses and boundary conditions. It is found that above 60% of the cantilever length, the nickel is effectively not contributing to the sensor sensitivity anymore which is supported by the investigation of sensors with partial nickel coverage. The boundary condition of the magnetostrictive layer is found to affect the sensitivity of thick layers while it is negligible for thinning layers. Further investigations on basis of polycrystalline untextured nickel with slightly preferred orientations reveal a stronger effect on thin layers than on thicker ones. It is found to arise from relatively large crystals in the high-sensitivity region near the clamping of the sensor. For thicker polycrystalline layers, the ΔE effect reproduces a characteristic based mainly on the (110) and (111) orientations while the (100) orientation appears to be underrepresented.
Glaser, Marcus; Matthes, Sebastian; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Hybrid thermoplastic-metal joining based on Al/Ni multilayer foils - analysis of the joining zone. - In: Materials and design, ISSN 1873-4197, Bd. 226 (2023), 111561, insges. 16 S.

Multi material pairings like metal-plastic hybrid compounds are becoming increasingly important across all industrial sectors. However, the substitution of metals by plastics leads to a multitude of challenges based on the combination of dissimilar materials. The variations in the chemical and physical properties of the used materials require innovative joining processes. The application of reactive multilayers represents an advanced joining method for flexible and low-distortion joining of dissimilar joining partners by means of a short-term and localized application of thermal energy. In the context of this publication, the joining process between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and austenitic stainless steel X5CrNi18-10(EN 1.4301 / AlSI304) based on reactive Al/Ni multilayers is investigated. In addition to evaluation of resulting joint strength, the focus of the work is in particular the characterization of the resulting failure behavior at the fracture interface under tensile load and the deriving binding mechanisms in the joint. From the results obtained, it is estimated that a direct bond can be generated between plastic and metal despite the presence of a residual reacted foil in the joining area. The structures present in the metal surface have a particularly positive influence on crack initiation and the resulting increased bond strength.
Cheng, Pengfei; Döll, Joachim; Romanus, Henry; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Reactive magnetron sputtering of large-scale 3D aluminum-based plasmonic nanostructure for both light-induced thermal imaging and photo-thermoelectric conversion. - In: Advanced optical materials, ISSN 2195-1071, Bd. 11 (2023), 6, 2202664, S. 1-7

Plasmonic nanostructures have attracted tremendous interest due to their special capability to trap light, which is of great significance for many applications such as solar steam generation and desalination, electric power generation, photodetection, sensing, catalysis, cancer therapy, and photoacoustic imaging. However, the noble metal-based (Au, Ag, Pd) plasmonic nanostructures with expensive costs and limitations to large-scale fabrication restrict their practical applications. Here, a novel and noble-metal-free Al/AlN plasmonic nanostructure fabricated by a reactive magnetron sputtering at the elevated temperature of 200 &ring;C is presented. The unique 3D Al/AlN plasmonic nanostructures show a highly efficient (96.8%) and broadband (full solar spectrum) absorption and a strong photothermal conversion effect on its surface, demonstrating the potential in applications in light-induced thermal imaging and photo-thermoelectric power generation. This simple fabrication method and the developed Al/AlN plasmonic nanostructure combine excellent light trapping performance, abundant and low-cost Al and N elements, good heat localization effect, and scalable fabrication method, suggesting a promising alternative to noble-metal plasmonic nanostructures for photonic applications.
Li, Feitao; Tan, Xinu; Flock, Dominik; Qiu, Risheng; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of CuO whiskers and facet-controlled oxidation during the oxidation of Au-Cu nanoparticles fabricated by solid-state dewetting. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 610 (2023), 155547

The fabrication of cupric oxide (CuO) nanowires from Cu particles via thermal oxidation provides a simple and scalable method to produce hierarchical structures. A stress-induced growth mechanism is believed to account for the nanowire formation while a slow oxidation rate is favored to sustain the driving force. Here, CuO whiskers are grown from Au-Cu nanoparticles because the formation of Au-Cu phases decreases the Cu diffusion rate and in turn slows down the oxidation rate. The driving force for the whisker growth is attributed to the compressive stress imposed by the CuO shell on the Au-Cu core, which is induced by the significantdifference in their linear thermal expansion coefficients. The contribution of the compressive stress is proved by the calculation. Moreover, preferred oxidation is observed and it is related to the crystalline structures of different facets existing on the surface of Au-Cu nanoparticles. The more compact the plane, the slower the diffusion rate through the plane, resulting in the formation of thinner CuO on the relevant facet. The results open a cost-effect way to fabricate hybrid nanostructures consisting of Cu-based core-shell nanoparticles attached with CuO whiskers and bring new insights into the oxidation behaviors of Cu on different crystal planes.
Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Silies, Martin; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Photon-induced near-field interaction in ultrafast low energy electron microscopy. - [Washington, D.C., USA] : Optica Publishing Group. - 1 Online-Ressource (Paper Tu3A.5)

We report the first observation of optical near-field coupling to an ultrafast wavepacket of free, low-energy electrons. Transient optical near-fields, highly spatially confined around a nanometer-sized Yagi-Uda-antenna are probed in a point-projection-microscope with 30-fs resolution.
Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry
Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Reference module in materials science and materials engineering, (2022), insges. 14 S.

The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction of Mössbauer effect following by its unique utilization, which became known as Mössbauer spectroscopy. Mössbauer spectroscopy is based on the recoilless emission and following resonant absorption of gamma radiation by atomic nuclei and has been at the scientific forefront of physics, chemistry, biology, mineralogy for more than 60 years. Soon after the discovery of the Mössbauer effect, it became obvious that this effect can be used to study various properties of materials on a microscopic scale via hyperfine interactions with an unprecedented resolution. This was the beginning of a new analytical tool - Mössbauer spectroscopy. Today, it has developed into a standard analytical technique used in many laboratories and big research facilities. The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction, explains the underlying hyperfine interactions and gives examples of the possible application of the method.
Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Mokhles Gerami, Adeleh; Masenda, Hilary; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Adhikari, Rajdeep; Johnston, Karl; Naicker, Kimara; Peters, Gerrard; Schell, Juliana; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Krastev, Petko; Mantovan, Roberto; Naidoo, Deena; Unzueta, Iraultza
Charge and spin state of dilute Fe in NaCl and LiF. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2469-9969, Bd. 106 (2022), 17, 174108, S. 174108-1-174108-10

There is an apparent mismatch between electron paramagnetic resonance and Mössbauer spectroscopy results on the charge and spin states of dilute Fe impurities in NaCl; Mössbauer spectroscopy data have been interpreted in terms of high-spin Fe2+, while electron paramagnetic resonance studies suggest low-spin Fe1+. In the present study, the charge and spin states of dilute substitutional Fe impurities in NaCl and LiF have been investigated with 57Mn&flech;57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. A scheme is proposed which takes into account the effects of nearest-neighbor distances and electronegativity difference of the host atoms on the Mössbauer isomer shift and allows for the unequivocal differentiation between high-spin Fe2+ and high/low-spin Fe1+ in Mössbauer spectroscopy. From these considerations, the Mössbauer results are found to be consistent with dilute Fe impurities in NaCl and LiF in a low-spin Fe1+ state. These conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations of isomer shifts and formation energies based on the density-functional theory. The experimental results furthermore suggest that charge compensation of dilute Mn2+ dopants in NaCl and LiF is achieved by Na vacancies and F− interstitials, respectively.
Liang, Zhengchen; Wang, Dong; Ziegler, Mario; Hübner, Uwe; Xie, Peng; Ding, Qi; Zhang, Hong; Wang, Wei
Coupling-induced tunable broadband superradiance in 2D metal-dielectric-metal nanocavity arrays. - In: Laser & photonics reviews, ISSN 1863-8899, Bd. 16 (2022), 11, 2200393, S. 1-8

Subradiance/superradiance, cooperative effects causing suppressed/enhanced radiative decay, are of particular interest in plasmonic systems as they play a very important role in modulating dampings and optical properties of resonant systems. However, subradiance/superradiance are generally limited in narrow spectral range with inaccessible tunability. Realizing broadband subradiant and superradiant plasmon modes with flexible tuning is still challenging. Here, a 2D periodic multilayer metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) nanostructure is rationally designed and fabricated to realize a tunable superradiant mode over a broad visible range. Angle-resolved spectroscopy combined with full quantum calculations reveal a sufficient hybridization of delocalized guided plasmons with localized plasmons and a plasmonic cavity mode, leading to an emissive superradiant hybrid mode over a broadband visible range, which can be readily tuned by controlling the spectral three-mode overlap. Greatly shortened polariton lifetimes down to 4 fs are achieved as direct consequence of the Rabi phases and considerable incoherent coupling strengths between interacting subsystems. Such a control of plasmon damping by cooperative mode interactions paves the way toward efficient manipulation of light emission for applications requiring bright, fast-emitting photon sources.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2022/2023 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2022. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Jaekel, Konrad; Bartsch, Heike; Müller, Jens; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Schaaf, Peter
Effect of line structures on the self-propagating reaction of Al/Ni multilayer. - In: 2022 IEEE 9th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), (2022), S. 379-382

This work investigates the influence of a structured chip surface on the propagation of a self-sustaining reaction that is aimed to be used as heat source for chip assembly. A silicon (100) surface was structured by a combination of thermal oxidation and dry and wet etching to obtain line structures with height lesser than 1 µm. To ensure reaction of 5 µm thick Al/Ni multilayers, 1 µm of SiO2 is used as thermal insulator. Different widths of lines and valleys, with a ratio of 1:1, were processed. Width values were chosen to be 30 µm, 50 µm and 80 µm. Bilayer thickness of 50 nm with a 50/50 at% of Al/Ni were deposited using magnetron sputtering. By using focused ion beam with integrated scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer the samples were analyzed prior to reaction. Velocity and temperature were measured with high-speed camera and high-speed pyrometer. Variations in reaction speed depending on the structure width were recorded and analyzed in perspective of the influence of the additional inclined reaction path. Calculation of the extended reaction paths and their influence on the reaction speed between the structures was performed. The results show that the additional distance has only a low influence on the velocity. Different reasons were identified, but it was not possible to determine the main cause. It was possible to slow down the reaction and keeping the temperature over 350 &ring;C for over 500 ms, which provides enough energy to melt solders. The influence of smaller structures can be applied to bonding applications with reactive multilayers.
Kurtash, Vladislav; Mathew, Sobin; Thiele, Sebastian; Scheler, Theresa; Reiprich, Johannes; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Manske, Eberhard; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Abedin, Saadman; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Hysteresis associated with intrinsic-oxide traps in gate-tunable tetrahedral CVD-MoS2 memristor. - In: IEEE 22nd International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), (2022), S. 527-530

We introduce back gated memristor based on CVD-grown 30-40 nm thick MoS2 channel. The device demonstrates bipolar behaviour and the measurements are consistent with the simulations performed within the intrinsic-oxide traps model. This confirms the theory that the source of hysteresis in thin-film MoS2 memristors is charge trapping on MoS2/SiO2 interface and the grain boundaries. The impact of back gate voltage bias, voltage sweep range and channel area on memristive effect was studied and quantified using hysteresis area. Hysteresis in bipolar memristors can be tuned by back gate voltage, which makes these devices promising for neuromorphic computing.
Quispe, Roger; Torres, Carlos; Eggert, Lara; Ccama, Gianella A.; Kurniawan, Mario; Hopfeld, Marcus; Zárate Moya, José Luis; Camargo, Magali K.; Rosenkranz, Andreas; Acosta, Julio A.; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Grieseler, Rolf
Tribological and mechanical performance of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 thin films. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 24 (2022), 10, 2200188, S. 1-11

Mn+1AXn (MAX) phases are novel structural and functional materials with a layered crystal structure. Their unique properties such as good machinability, high electrical conductivity, low friction, and corrosion resistance are appealing for many engineering applications. Herein, Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX thin films are synthesized by magnetron sputtering and subsequent thermal annealing. A multilayer approach is used to deposit single-element nanolayers of titanium, aluminum, and carbon onto silicon substrates with a double-layer-diffusion barrier of SiO2 and SixNy. Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 thin films (thickness ≈500 nm) are formed via rapid thermal annealing and verified by X-Ray diffraction. Nanoindentation tests show hardness values of about 11.6 and 5.3 GPa for Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2, respectively. The tribological behavior of the Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 thin films against AISI 52100 steel balls under dry sliding conditions is studied using ball-on-flat tribometry. The resulting coefficient of friction (CoF) for Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 ranges between 0.21-0.42 and 0.64-0.91, respectively. The better tribological behavior observed for Ti2AlC thin films is ascribed to its smaller grain size, reduced surface roughness, and higher hardness.
Mathew, Sobin; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Reiprich, Johannes; Scheler, Theresa; Hähnlein, Bernd; Thiele, Sebastian; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Kurtash, Vladislav; Abedin, Saadman; Manske, Eberhard; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Formation and characterization of three-dimensional tetrahedral MoS2 thin films by chemical vapor deposition. - In: Crystal growth & design, ISSN 1528-7505, Bd. 22 (2022), 9, S. 5229-5238

A method to synthesize the three-dimensional arrangement of bulk tetrahedral MoS2 thin films by solid source chemical vapor deposition of MoO3 and S is presented. The developed synthesizing recipe uses a temperature ramping with a constant N2 gas flow in the deposition process to grow tetrahedral MoS2 thin film layers. The study analyses the time-dependent growth morphologies, and the results are combined and presented in a growth model. A combination of optical, electron, atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction are used to study the morphological and structural features of the tetrahedral MoS2 thin layers. The grown MoS2 is c-axis oriented 2H-MoS2. Additionally, the synthesized material is further used to fabricate back-gated field-effect transistors (FETs). The fabricated FET devices on the tetrahedral MoS2 show on/off current ratios of 10^6 and mobility up to ∼56 cm^2 V^-1 s^-1 with an estimated carrier concentration of 4 × 10^16 cm-3 for VGS = 0 V.
Dang, Thien Thanh; Schell, Juliana; Boa, Andrea González; Lewin, Daniil; Marschick, Georg; Dubey, Astita; Escobar-Castillo, M.; Noll, Cornelia; Beck, Reinhard; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Glukhov, Konstantin E.; Yap, Ian Chang Jie; Mokhles Gerami, Adeleh; Lupascu, Doru C.
Temperature dependence of the local electromagnetic field at the Fe site in multiferroic bismuth ferrite. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2469-9969, Bd. 106 (2022), 5, 054416, S. 054416-1-054416-15

In this paper, we present a study of the temperature-dependent characteristics of electromagnetic fields at the atomic scale in multiferroic bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3 or BFO). The study was performed using time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) spectroscopy on implanted 111In (111Cd) probes over a wide temperature range. The TDPAC spectra show that substitutional 111In on the Fe3+ site experiences local electric polarization, which is otherwise expected to essentially stem from the Bi3+ lone pair electrons. Moreover, the TDPAC spectra show combined electric and magnetic interactions below the Néel temperature TN. This is consistent with simulated spectra. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was employed to investigate how high-temperature TDPAC measurements influence the macroscopic structure and secondary phases. With the support of ab initio DFT simulations, we can discuss the probe nucleus site assignment and can conclude that the 111In (111Cd) probe substitutes the Fe atom at the B site of the perovskite structure.
Haas, Heinz; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Dang, Thien T.; Yap, Ian C. J.; Michelon, Ilaria; Gaertner, Daniel; Gerami, Adeleh Mokhles; Noll, Cornelia; Beck, Reinhard
Confirming the unusual temperature dependence of the electric-field gradient in Zn. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 12 (2022), 8, 1064, S. 1-8

The electric-field gradient (EFG) at nuclei in solids is a sensitive probe of the charge distribution. Experimental data, which previously only existed in insulators, have been available for metals with the development of nuclear measuring techniques since about 1970. An early, systematic investigation of the temperature dependence of the EFG in metals, originally based on results for Cd, but then also extended to various other systems, has suggested a proportionality to T3/2. However, later measurements in the structurally and electronically similar material Zn, which demonstrated much more complex behavior, were largely ignored at the time. The present experimental effort has confirmed the reliability of this unexpected behavior, which was previously unexplained.
Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
A review on photothermal conversion of solar energy with nanomaterials and nanostructures: from fundamentals to applications. - In: Advanced sustainable systems, ISSN 2366-7486, Bd. 6 (2022), 9, 2200115, S. 1-19

Solar energy is a green, sustainable, and de facto inexhaustible energy source for mankind. The conversion of solar energy into other forms of energy has attracted extensive research interest due to climate change and the energy crisis. Among all the solar energy conversion technologies, photothermal conversion of solar energy exhibits unique advantages when applied for water purification, desalination, high-temperature heterogeneous catalysis, anti-bacterial treatments, and deicing. In this review, the various photothermal conversion mechanisms based on different forms of heat release are summarized and some of the latest examples are presented. In addition, the necessary prerequisites for solar-driven photothermal materials toward their practical applications are also discussed. Further, the latest advances in photothermal conversion of solar energy are discussed, focusing on different types of photothermal applications. Finally, a summary is given and the challenges and opportunities in the photothermal conversion of solar energy are presented. This review aims to give a comprehensive understanding of emerging solar energy conversion technologies based on the photothermal effect, especially by using nanomaterials and nanostructures.
Li, Yuhang; Wang, Dong; Liang, Zhengchen; Zeng, Lingxiao; Li, Wenxue; Xie, Peng; Ding, Qi; Zhang, Hong; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Wei
Evaluating the optical response of heavily decorated black silicon based on a realistic 3D modeling methodology. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 14 (2022), 31, S. 36189-36199

Combining black silicon (BS), a nanostructured silicon containing highly roughened surface morphology with plasmonic materials, is becoming an attractive approach for greatly enhancing light-matter interactions with promising applications of sensing and light harvesting. However, precisely describing the optical response of a heavily decorated BS structure is still challenging due to the increasing complexity in surface morphology and plasmon hybridization. Here, we propose and fully characterize BS-based multistacked nanostructures with randomly distributed nanoparticles on the highly roughened nonflat surface. We demonstrate a realistic 3D modeling methodology based on parametrized scanning electron microscopy images that provides high-precision morphology details, successfully linking the theoretical analysis with experimental optical response of the complex nanostructures. Far-field calculations very nicely reproduce experimental reflectance spectra, revealing the dependency of light trapping on the thickness of the conformal reflector and the atop nanoparticle size. Near-field analysis clearly identifies three types of stochastic “hotspots”. Their contribution to the overall field enhancement is shown to be very much sensitive to the nanoscale surface morphology. The simulated near-field property is then used to examine the measured surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) response on the multistacked structures. The present modeling approach combined with spectroscopic characterizations is expected to offer a powerful tool for the precise description of the optical response of other large-scale highly disordered realistic 3D systems.
Zhao, Yuguo; Yan, Yong; Liu, Chunyue; Zhang, Dongtang; Wang, Dong; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Du, Biao; Zhang, Zhengdong; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Xiayan
Plasma-assisted fabrication of molecularly imprinted NiAl-LDH layer on Ni nanorod arrays for glyphosate detection. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 14 (2022), 31, S. 35704-35715

An inorganic-framework molecularly imprinted NiAl layered double hydroxide (MI-NiAl-LDH) with specific template molecule (glyphosate pesticide, Glyp) recognition ability was prepared on Ni nanorod arrays (Ni NRAs) through electrodeposition followed by a low-temperature O2 plasma treatment. The freestanding Ni/MI-NiAl-LDH NRA electrode had highly enhanced sensitivity and selectivity. The electrocatalytic oxidation of Glyp was proposed to occur at Ni3+ centers in MI-NiAl-LDH, and the current response depended linearly on the Glyp concentration from 10.0 nmol/L to 1.0 μmol/L (R2 = 0.9906), with the limit of detection (LOD) being 3.1 nmol/L (S/N = 3). An exceptional discriminating capability with tolerance for other similar organophosphorus compounds was achieved. Molecular imprinting (N and P residues) affected the electronic structure of NiAl-LDH, triggering the formation of highly active NiOOH sites at relatively lower anodic potentials and substantially enhancing the electrocatalytic oxidation ability of the NiAl-LDH interface toward the C-N bonds in Glyp. In combination with the surface enrichment effect of MI-NiAl-LDH toward template molecules, the electrochemical oxidation signal intensity of Glyp increased significantly, with a greater peak separation from interfering molecules. These results challenge the common belief that the excellent performance of inorganic-framework molecularly imprinted interfaces arises from their specific adsorption of template molecules, providing new insight into the development of high-performance organic-pollutant-sensing electrodes.
Cheng, Pengfei; Liu, Yuanwu; Ziegler, Mario; Klingenhof, Malte; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Zhang; Strasser, Peter; Schaaf, Peter
Improving silicon photocathode performance for water reduction through dual interface engineering and integrating ReS2 photocatalyst. - In: ACS applied energy materials, ISSN 2574-0962, Bd. 5 (2022), 7, S. 8222-8231

Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting for H2 production is a possible alternative for fossil energy in the future. However, there exists three problems in PEC water splitting with the silicon (Si) photocathode: poor light absorption of the untreated Si substrate, bad stability in strong acid solution, and poor photocatalytic activity of Si. Here, a strategy of dual interface engineering and photocatalyst deposition is proposed to improve the PEC performance, which consists of fabricating black Si (b-Si) by reactive ion etching, depositing of TiO2 on the b-Si by atomic layer deposition, and growing ReS2 on top of the TiO2 by chemical vapor deposition. Owing to the suitable band alignment of b-Si, TiO2, and ReS2, the ReS2/TiO2/b-Si shows obviously enhanced PEC performance compared to b-Si, TiO2/b-Si, and ReS2/b-Si photocathodes. Results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Mott-Schottky plot analysis demonstrate that the TiO2 layer plays an important role and the charge-transfer kinetics of the system is clearly improved. Transient photocurrent measurements indicate that the ReS2/TiO2/b-Si photocathode has the most remarkable photocurrent response. In addition, the ReS2/TiO2/b-Si photocathode also shows excellent stability after being operated for 25 h.
Halm, Cynthia;
Grundlagenuntersuchung zur ultraschallunterstützten Aufbautechnik für Elektronik. - Ilmenau, 2022. - 121 Blätter
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2022

Die Einpresstechnik ist ein gut entwickelter Prozess, um eine elektrische Kontaktierung zwischen Pin und Leiterplatte herzustellen. Ein Vorteil der Einpresstechnik ist das Herstellen der Verbindung ohne weitere Hilfsmittel wie Lotpaste oder Wärme. Nachteile des Verfahrens sind zum Teil hohe Einpresskräfte, die zu Beschädigungen an der Leiterplatte führen können oder die Verwendung von zusätzlichen Beschichtungen, um ausreichend hohe Festigkeiten zu erzielen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer Prozess, ultraschallunterstützte Einpresstechnik, untersucht. Dabei wird die Leiterplatte während oder nach dem Einpressen mit Ultraschall angeregt. Das verwendete Materialsystem Kupfer- bzw. Aluminium-basierter Pin und Kupfer-Hülse weist keine zusätzliche metallische Beschichtung auf. Es werden verschiedene Einflussfaktoren des Prozesses auf Einpresskraft, Festigkeit und Qualität der Verbindungen untersucht. Der Prozess wird weiterentwickelt, um eine Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten und die Prozessparameter werden optimiert. Weiterhin wird eine neue geeignete Pingeometrie entwickelt und ihr Verhalten mit einer flexiblen Pingeometrie verglichen. Der Wirkmechanismus des Ultraschalls wird anhand der Verformung der Fügezone und Veränderungen im Werkstoff erläutert. Zu weiteren Erklärung werden statistische und thermische Modelle aufgestellt. Damit ist eine Voraussage der Auspresskraft und der Temperatur in der Fügezone möglich.

Schell, Juliana; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Gon¸calves, João N.; Díaz-Guerra, Carlos; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Martín-Luengo, Aitana Tarazaga; Schaaf, Peter; Bonanni, Alberta; Masenda, Hilary; Dang, Thien Thanh; Mølholt, Torben E.; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Unzueta, Iraultza; Mantovan, Roberto; Johnston, Karl; Hafliði Pétur Gíslason; Krastev, Petko B.; Naidoo, Deena; Qi, Bingcui
Anisotropy of the electric field gradient in two-dimensional α-MoO3 investigated by 57Mn(57Fe) emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 12 (2022), 7, 942, S. 1-13

Van der Waals α-MoO3 samples offer a wide range of attractive catalytic, electronic, and optical properties. We present herein an emission Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS) study of the electric-field gradient (EFG) anisotropy in crystalline free-standing α-MoO3 samples. Although α-MoO3 is a two-dimensional (2D) material, scanning electron microscopy shows that the crystals are 0.5-5-µm thick. The combination of X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy, performed after sample preparation, provided evidence of the phase purity and crystal quality of the samples. The eMS measurements were conducted following the implantation of 57Mn (t1/2 = 1.5 min), which decays to the 57Fe, 14.4 keV Mössbauer state. The eMS spectra of the samples are dominated by a paramagnetic doublet (D1) with an angular dependence, pointing to the Fe2+ probe ions being in a crystalline environment. It is attributed to an asymmetric EFG at the eMS probe site originating from strong in-plane covalent bonds and weak out-of-plane van der Waals interactions in the 2D material. Moreover, a second broad component, D2, can be assigned to Fe3+ defects that are dynamically generated during the online measurements. The results are compared to ab initio simulations and are discussed in terms of the in-plane and out-of-plane interactions in the system.
Unzueta, Iraultza; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Pall; Mølholt, Torben Esmann; Masenda, Hilary; Gerami, Adeleh Mokhles; Krastev, Petko; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Naidoo, Deena; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Plazaola, Fernando; Schell, Juliana; Qi, Bingcui; Zhao, Xupeng; Xiao, Jiaxing; Zhao, Jianhua; Mantovan, Roberto
Compositional dependence of epitaxial L10-Mnx Ga magnetic properties as probed by 57Mn/Fe and 119In/Sn emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1521-3951, Bd. 259 (2022), 7, 2200121, S. 1-11

The magnetic properties of Mn x Ga alloys critically depend on composition x, and the atomic-scale origin of those dependences is still not fully disclosed. Molecular beam epitaxy has been used to produce a set of Mn x Ga samples (x = 0.7 ÷ 1.9) with strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, and controllable saturation magnetization and coercive field depending on x. By conducting 57Mn/Fe and 119In/Sn emission Mössbauer spectroscopy at ISOLDE/CERN, the Mn and Ga site-specific chemical, structural, and magnetic properties of Mn x Ga are investigated as a function of x, and correlated with the magnetic properties as measured by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Hyperfine magnetic fields of Mn/Fe (either at Mn or Ga sites) are found to be greatly influenced by the local strain induced by the implantation. However, In/Sn probes show clear angular dependence, demonstrating a huge transferred dipolar hyperfine field to the Ga sites. A clear increase of the occupancy of Ga lattice sites by Mn for x > 1 is observed, and identified as the origin for the increased antiferromagnetic coupling between Mn and Mn at Ga sites that lowers the samples' magnetization. The results shed further light on the atomic-scale mechanisms driving the compositional dependence of magnetism in Mn x Ga.
Wang, Hongmei; Cheng, Xing; Kups, Thomas; Sun, Shaorui; Chen, Ge; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Hydrogenated TiO2 nanoparticles loaded with Au nanoclusters demonstrating largely enhanced performance for electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia. - In: Energy technology, ISSN 2194-4296, Bd. 10 (2022), 7, 2200085, S. 1-9

Pristine TiO2/Au (P-TiO2/Au) is modified by hydrogen plasma (H-TiO2/Au) or hydrogen and oxygen plasma (H-O-TiO2/Au) treatment, and then used as electrochemical catalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR). H-TiO2/Au shows enhanced performance for the NRR process compared with both P-TiO2/Au and H-O-TiO2/Au. After hydrogenation treatment, some disordered regions on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles are formed, and a large number of oxygen vacancies are incorporated into the TiO2 crystalline structures. When the samples are used as catalysts for electrochemical NRR, the yield of NH3 of H-TiO2/Au is about ten times compared to that of P-TiO2/Au and about three times that of H-O-TiO2/Au, while the highest Faradaic efficiency of 2.7% is also obtained at the potential of -0.1 V for the H-TiO2/Au catalyst. The density functional theory (DFT) calculation results confirm that H-TiO2/Au with oxygen vacancies and the disordered surface layer is much preferred energetically for the NRR process. It proves that enhanced adsorption of N2 molecules on the catalyst and reduced reaction barriers due to the presence of defects play an important role in improving catalysts’ performances. The results show that the plasma hydrogenation technique can be used as an efficient method to modify catalysts for electrochemical NRR processes.
Hähnlein, Bernd; Sagar, Neha; Honig, Hauke; Krischok, Stefan; Tonisch, Katja
Anisotropy of the ΔE effect in Ni-based magnetoelectric cantilevers: a finite element method analysis. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 22 (2022), 13, 4958, S. 1-16

In recent investigations of magnetoelectric sensors based on microelectromechanical cantilevers made of TiN/AlN/Ni, a complex eigenfrequency behavior arising from the anisotropic ΔE effect was demonstrated. Within this work, a FEM simulation model based on this material system is presented to allow an investigation of the vibrational properties of cantilever-based sensors derived from magnetocrystalline anisotropy while avoiding other anisotropic contributions. Using the magnetocrystalline ΔE effect, a magnetic hardening of Nickel is demonstrated for the (110) as well as the (111) orientation. The sensitivity is extracted from the field-dependent eigenfrequency curves. It is found, that the transitions of the individual magnetic domain states in the magnetization process are the dominant influencing factor on the sensitivity for all crystal orientations. It is shown, that Nickel layers in the sensor aligned along the medium or hard axis yield a higher sensitivity than layers along the easy axis. The peak sensitivity was determined to 41.3 T−1 for (110) in-plane-oriented Nickel at a magnetic bias flux of 1.78 mT. The results achieved by FEM simulations are compared to the results calculated by the Euler-Bernoulli theory.
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Correia, João G. M.; Vetter, Ulrich; Schaaf, Peter
Perturbed angular correlation technique at ISOLDE/CERN applied for studies of hydrogenated titanium dioxide (TiO2): observation of Cd-H Pairs. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 12 (2022), 6, 756, S. 1-10

Profound understanding of the local electronic and defect structure in semiconductors always plays a vital role in the further developing of applications of such materials. In the present work an investigation of the electronic structure in hydrogenated TiO2 (rutile) thin films is conducted by virtue of Time-Differential γ-γ Perturbed Angular Correlation spectroscopy (TDPAC or PAC) with 111mCd/Cd isotope, produced and implanted at ISOLDE/CERN. The measurements were performed at 581 K as a function of the temperature of the samples during hydrogenation. Despite the fact, that rutile single crystals usually show the presence of two local environments, when are studies with Cd/In isotopes, the current pristine thin films sample had a single electric field gradient. Upon various degrees of hydrogenation, Cd probe atoms showed underwent alterations, resulting in up to 3 different local surroundings, generally with high electric field gradients. Broad EFG distributions are likely due to randomly distributed point defects in the neighbourhood of Cd acceptors. Observed results suggest that hydrogenations performed at RT and 423 K are not able to promote unique defect configurations, while in the range of 473-573 K the formation of such configurations is observed. Therefore, one may assume that the formation of Cd-defect complexes (Cd-H pairs) is temperature enhanced. At higher levels of hydrogenation (663 K), the samples become partly amorphous that further hinders any atomistic studies with strong damped PAC spectra. Cd-H complexes seem to be stable up to annealing up to 581 K annealing. The obtained results give a deep insight into complex hydrogen defects, their interactions and bond formations with Cd acceptor.
Li, Feitao; Wang, Dong; Klingenhof, Malte; Flock, Dominik; Wang, Honglei; Strasser, Peter; Schaaf, Peter
Controllable Si oxidation mediated by annealing temperature and atmosphere. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 57 (2022), 24, S. 10943-10952

The morphology evolution by thermal annealing induced dewetting of gold (Au) thin films on silicon (Si) substrates with a native oxide layer and its dependences on annealing temperature and atmosphere are investigated. Both dewetting degree of thin film and Au/Si interdiffusion extent are enhanced with the annealing temperature. Au/Si interdiffusion can be observed beyond 800 &ring;C and Au-Si droplets form in both argon and oxygen (Ar + O2) and argon and hydrogen (Ar + H2) environments. In Ar + O2 case, the passive oxidation (Si + O2 &flech; SiO2) of diffused Si happens and thick silicon oxide (SiOx) covering layers are formed. A high temperature of 1050 &ring;C can even activate the outward growth of free-standing SiOx nanowires from droplets. Similarly, annealing at 800 &ring;C under Ar + H2 situation also enables the slight Si passive oxidation, resulting in the formation of stripe-like SiOx areas. However, higher temperatures of 950-1050 &ring;C in Ar + H2 environment initiate both the SiOx decomposition and the Si active oxidation (2Si + O2 &flech; 2SiO(g)), and the formation of solid SiOx is absent, leading to the only formation of isolated Au-Si droplets at elevated temperatures and droplets evolve to particles presenting two contrasts due to the Au/Si phase separation upon cooling.
Biele, Lukas; Schaaf, Peter; Schmid, Florian
Influence of contact pressure on the specific electrical contact resistance of copper. - In: IEEE transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology, ISSN 2156-3985, Bd. 12 (2022), 6, S. 973-980

The specific electrical contact resistance (SECR) [ Ωm2 ] of Cu-ETP (CW004A) contacts is characterized in dependence of contact pressure up to high pressures close to the tensile strength of the base material. Two different material states are considered, R200 (soft) and R300. Static four-wire measurements are carried out on a special experimental setup, which favors homogeneous contact states during mechanical loading. A finite-element simulation is utilized for interpretation and evaluation of the measurements, including the deformation of the samples during the test. The results show that the SECR of the harder material state R300 is higher than that of the softer material R200. The developed data show a decrease of SECR with increasing contact pressure. For contact pressures up to 0.5 of the tensile strength σt of the base material, the SECR decreases according to a power law. For contact pressures above 0.6 σt , the decrease shifts toward a linear behavior. In addition, the measurements show that the SECR vanishes at contact pressures in region of the tensile strength of the base material.
Schulz, Thomas; Knauer, Andrea; Schaaf, Peter; Töpfer, Jörg
Tuning of high-temperature dielectric properties in the system (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-BaTiO3-CaZrO3. - In: Ceramics international, ISSN 1873-3956, Bd. 48 (2022), 15, S. 22228-22236

Solid solutions of the (1-x)(0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3)-xCaZrO3 system are regarded as promising dielectrics for high-temperature capacitors as they exhibit a remarkable flat trend of the permittivity over a large temperature range coupled with comparable low dielectric losses. In this work, the composition 0.8(0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3)-0.2CaZrO3 was chosen in an attempt to optimize especially the high-temperature dielectric properties above 200 &ring;C. In particular, the influence of excess bismuth to account for element losses caused by evaporation, and the effect of manganese as acceptor dopant are reported. Conventional solid-state reaction route was used to synthesize selected compositions. X-ray diffraction was used to confirm a pseudo-cubic perovskite main phase in all examined compositions, although small traces of a zirconia secondary phase were also detected. All samples exhibit an expected flat trend of the relative permittivity with a maximum deviation of the permittivity lower than 15% between -80 &ring;C and 300 &ring;C. The unmodified base composition shows small dielectric loss (<2%) between -55 &ring;C and 265 &ring;C. By using small quantities of manganese doping, the small-loss temperature range was extended (-70 &ring;C and 300 &ring;C). Excess bismuth also affects the temperature-dependent dielectric losses, resulting in a narrowed temperature range, eventually limiting the application possibilities.
Grieseler, Rolf; Gallino, Isabella; Duboiskaya, Natallia; Döll, Joachim; Shekhawat, Deepshikha; Reiprich, Johannes; Guerra, Jorge A.; Hopfeld, Marcus; Honig, Hauke; Schaaf, Peter; Pezoldt, Jörg
Silicon carbide formation in reactive silicon-carbon multilayers. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 1062 (2022), S. 44-48

An alternative low thermal budget silicon carbide syntheses route is presented. The method is based on self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of binary silicon-carbon-based reactive mul­tilayers. With this technique, it is possible to obtain cubic polycrystalline silicon carbide at relatively low annealing temperatures by a solid state reaction. The reaction starts above 600 &ring;C. The transformation process proceeds in a four-step process. The reaction enthalpy was determined to be (-70 ± 4) kJ/mol.
Zhang, Xuyan; Cheng, Pengfei; Song, Weiming; Rong, Shiya; Huang, Jieming; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Zhou, Guofu; Zhang, Zhang; Liu, Junmin
Photo-thermoelectric conversion and photo-induced thermal imaging using 2D/3D ReS2carbon framework with enhanced photon harvesting. - In: The chemical engineering journal, ISSN 1873-3212, Bd. 446 (2022), 137084

Solar energy is a promising renewable energy with the potential for the sustainable development of the world. Efficient photo-thermal conversion is essential for harvesting and conversion of solar energy, therefore, the main challenge is the development of efficient and low-cost photothermal conversion materials. Carbon framework can be considered as a candidate but somehow its application potential can be still constrained due to the limited absorption of near-infrared (NIR) light. Herein, we propose a general strategy for preparing two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides nanosheets and three-dimensional (3D) carbon framework composites (2D/3D ReS2C) as a photothermal material, which has an excellent broadband light absorption performance (in the wavelength range from 200 to 2500 nm). A small thermoelectric (TE) module with an area of 4 × 4 cm2 is integrated with annealed ReS2@C as a light absorber for the investigation of photo-thermoelectric conversion. The open-circuit voltage of the assembled device increases clearly under solar illumination and reaches the maximum value of 136.3 mV, which is ∼ five times larger than that without the absorber. In addition, 20 TE modules coated with ReS2@C absorber layers are connected in series, which can produce a maximum open-circuit voltage of 2.12 V (∼66.25 V/m2) to light up a red light-emitting diode (LED) under natural sunlight. Moreover, the annealed ReS2@C powder demonstrates a rapid and strong photothermal response under NIR light (wavelength >800 nm), which indicates a great application potential in photothermal imaging and photothermal cancer therapy.
Cheng, Pengfei; Ziegler, Mario; Ripka, Valentin; Wang, Honglei; Pollok, Kilian; Langenhorst, Falko; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Black silver: three-dimensional Ag hybrid plasmonic nanostructures with strong photon coupling for scalable photothermoelectric power generation. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 14 (2022), 14, S. 16894-16900

The conversion of solar energy into electric power has been extensively studied, for example, by photovoltaics. However, photo-thermoelectric (P-TE) conversion as an effective solar-to-electricity conversion process is less studied. Here, we present an efficient full-solar-spectrum plasmonic absorber for scalable P-TE conversion based on a simple integration of light absorber and commercial thermoelectric modules. Our developed light absorber of silica-silver hybrid structures achieves an average absorption of 99.4% in the wavelength range from 200 to 2500 nm, which covers over 98% solar energy in this range. It thus appears fully matte black and is named black silver. The light absorber includes a hierarchical structure with Ag nanoparticles attached on three-dimensional SiO2 nanostructures, resulting in ultrahigh absorption. Strong localized surface plasmon resonance hybridization together with multiple scattering causes the perfect light absorption. Using the black silver as a light absorber for P-TE power generation, it can achieve a peak voltage density as high as 82.5 V m-2 under a solar intensity of 100 mW cm-2, which is large enough to power numerous electronic devices. By assembling 20 thermoelectric modules in series, we test their possibility of practical application, and they can also achieve an average voltage density of 70.66 V m-2. Our work opens up a promising technology that facilitates high-efficiency and scalable solar energy conversion via the P-TE effect.
Muñoz-Piña, Sandra; Alcaide, A. M.; Limones-Ahijón, Blanca; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Rico, Victor; Alcalá, German; González, Maria U.; García-Martín, Jose M.; Alvarez, Rafael; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; González-Elipe, Agustin R.; Palmero, Alberto
Thin film nanostructuring at oblique angles by substrate patterning. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 436 (2022), 128293, insges. 12 S.

It is demonstrated that, besides classical nanocolumnar arrays, the oblique angle geometry induces the growth of singular structures in the nanoscale when using wisely designed patterned substrates. Well-ordered array of crosses, cylindrical nanorods or hole structures arranged in square or hexagonal regular geometries are reported as examples, among others. The fundamental framework connecting substrate topography and film growth at oblique angles is presented, allowing the use of substrate patterning as a feasible thin film nanostructuring technique. A systematic analysis of the growth of TiO2 thin films on 4 different lithographic patterned substrates in 4 different scale lengths is also presented. A first conclusion is the existence of a height-based selective growth in the initial stages of the deposition, by which the film preferentially develops on top of the tallest substrate features. This behavior is maintained until the film reaches a critical thickness, the so-called Oblivion Thickness, above which the film topography becomes gradually independent of the substrate features. A general formula relating the spatial features of the pattern, the coarsening exponent and the Oblivion Thickness has been deduced.
Smyrnova, Kateryna; Sahul, Martin; Haršáni, Marián; Pogrebnjak, Aleksandr Dmitrievič; Ivashchenko, Volodymyr; Beresnev, Vyacheslav; Stolbovoy, Vyacheslav; Čaplovič, &hacek;Lubomír; Čaplovičová, Mária; Vančo, &hacek;Lubomír; Kusý, Martin; Kassymbaev, Alexey; Satrapinskyy, Leonid; Flock, Dominik
Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of advanced layered WN/MeN (Me = Zr, Cr, Mo, Nb) nanocomposite coatings. - In: Nanomaterials, ISSN 2079-4991, Bd. 12 (2022), 3, 395, S. 1-23

Due to the increased demands for drilling and cutting tools working at extreme machining conditions, protective coatings are extensively utilized to prolong the tool life and eliminate the need for lubricants. The present work reports on the effect of a second MeN (Me = Zr, Cr, Mo, Nb) layer in WN-based nanocomposite multilayers on microstructure, phase composition, and mechanical and tribological properties. The WN/MoN multilayers have not been studied yet, and cathodic-arc physical vapor deposition (CA-PVD) has been used to fabricate studied coating systems for the first time. Moreover, first-principles calculations were performed to gain more insight into the properties of deposited multilayers. Two types of coating microstructure with different kinds of lattices were observed: (i) face-centered cubic (fcc) on fcc-W2N (WN/CrN and WN/ZrN) and (ii) a combination of hexagonal and fcc on fcc-W2N (WN/MoN and WN/NbN). Among the four studied systems, the WN/NbN had superior properties: the lowest specific wear rate (1.7 × 10^-6 mm^3/Nm) and high hardness (36 GPa) and plasticity index H/E (0.93). Low surface roughness, high elastic strain to failure, Nb2O5 and WO3 tribofilms forming during sliding, ductile behavior of NbN, and nanocomposite structure contributed to high tribological performance. The results indicated the suitability of WN/NbN as a protective coating operating in challenging conditions.
Li, Feitao; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Effect of SiO2 interlayer thickness in Au/SiO2/Si multilayer systems on Si sources and the formation of Au-based nanostructures. - In: Advanced materials interfaces, ISSN 2196-7350, Bd. 9 (2022), 2, 2101493, insges. 9 S.

Si sources involved in the growth of Au-SiOx nanostructures are investigated through the rapid thermal annealing of gold thin films on SiO2/Si substrates with various SiO2 layer thicknesses (3, 25, 100, 500 nm) in a reducing atmosphere. This method reveals three Si sources whose involvement depends on the thickness of the SiO2 layers, i.e., Si diffusion from the substrate, and SiO from SiO2 decomposition and from Si active oxidation. Increasing thicknesses of the SiO2 layer hampers the Si diffusion and the decomposition of regions of the SiO2 layer, which decreases the concentrations of discovered regions weakening the Si active oxidation. These discovered regions appear in systems with a SiO2 layer of 25 or 100 nm, while they are absent for a 500 nm layer. Furthermore, Au-SiOx nanostructures of different shapes form in each system. Both behaviors indicate that the influence and transport mechanisms of the different Si sources are largely dependent on the thicknesses of the SiO2 layers and that they control the evolution of the Au-SiOx nanostructures. A clear understanding of the relationship between these thicknesses and the possible Si sources and their roles in the evolution of the nanostructures makes the tailored fabrication of nanostructures possible.
Bohm, Sebastian; Grunert, Malte; Honig, Hauke; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Zhong, Jinhui; Lienau, Christoph
Optical properties of nanoporous gold sponges using model structures obtained from three-dimensional phase-field Simulation. - In: 2021 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), (2021), S. 517-523

Nanoporous sponge structures show fascinating optical properties related to a strong spatial localization of field modes and a resulting strong field enhancement. In this work, a novel efficient method for the generation of three-dimensional nanoporous sponge structures using time-resolved phase-field simulations is presented. The algorithm for creating the geometries and the underlying equations are discussed. Different sponge geometries are generated and compared with sponges that have been experimentally measured using FIB tomography. Meaningful parameters are defined for the comparison of the geometric properties of the random sponge structures. In addition, the optical properties of the simulated sponges are compared with the experimentally measured sponges. It is shown that a description using effective media does not provide a good agreement to the actual spectra. This shows that the optical properties are largely determined by the local structures. In contrast, the numerically obtained spectra of the phase-field sponge models accounting for the real-space structure show excellent agreement with the spectra of the experimentally measured sponges.
Wang, Qi; Cheng, Xing; Sun, Yukun; Sun, Zaicheng; Wang, Dong; Chen, Ge; Schaaf, Peter
A synergetic effect between photogenerated carriers and photothermally enhanced electrochemical urea-assisted hydrogen generation on the Ni-NiO/nickel foam catalyst. - In: Materials advances, ISSN 2633-5409, Bd. 2 (2021), 6, S. 2104-2111

The urea-assisted water electrolysis reactions are of great significance for solving the increasingly serious energy crisis and environmental pollution. Recently, the photo-driven effect strategy has been demonstrated to be an efficient external driving force for improving electrocatalytic activities. Herein, we synthesized Ni-NiO heterostructured nanosheet arrays grown on Ni foam (denoted as Ni-NiO/NF) as a bifunctional electrocatalyst enhancing the urea oxidation reaction (UOR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activities simultaneously under light irradiation. Moreover, when the catalyst is used in a two-electrode system for the urea-assisted water electrolysis reaction, the cell potential could be reduced to 1.48 V to achieve the current density of 10 mA cm-2 after exposure to light irradiation, as well as remarkable stability. Our studies demonstrate that the enhancement of the HER & UOR activities is attributed to a synergetic effect between photogenerated carriers and photothermy.
Cheng, Pengfei; Kampmann, Ronald; Wang, Dong; Sinzinger, Stefan; Schaaf, Peter
Tailoring patterned visible-light scattering by silicon photonic crystals. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 13 (2021), 50, S. 60319-60326

Searching for the relationship between the nanostructure and optical properties has always been exciting the researchers in the field of optics (linear optics as well as non-linear optics), energy harvesting (anti-reflective Si solar cells, perovskite solar cells, ..., etc.), and industry (anti-reflection coating on car windows, sunglasses, etc.). In this work, we present an approach for nanostructuring the silicon substrate to silicon photonic crystals. By precisely controlling the etching time and etching path after using nanoimprint lithography, ordered arrays of inverted Si nanopyramids and Si nanopillars with good homogeneity, uniform surface roughness, high reproducibility of pattern transfer, and a controllable aspect ratio are prepared. Experimental investigation of the optical properties indicates that the reflections of these Si nanostructures are mainly determined by the aspect ratio as well as the period of nanostructures. Furthermore, we have experimentally observed visible-light scattering (V-LS) patterns on inverted Si nanopyramids and Si nanopillars, and their corresponding patterns can be precisely controlled by the patterned nanostructures. The V-LS pattern, background, and "ghost peaks" on the angle-resolved scattering results are caused by constructive interference, destructive interference, and the interference situation between both. This controllable nanopatterning on crystalline Si substrates with precisely tunable optical properties shows great potential for applications in many fields, for example, optics, electronics, and energy.
Schulz, Alexander; Bartsch, Heike; Gutzeit, Nam; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Ruh, Andreas; Müller, Jens; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Wiese, Steffen
Characterization of reactive multilayer systems deposited on LTCC featuring different surface morphologies. - In: MikroSystemTechnik, (2021), S. 506-510

Baloochi, Mostafa; Shekhawat, Deepshikha; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Gallino, Isabella; Pezoldt, Jörg
Influence of initial temperature and convective heat loss on the self-propagating reaction in Al/Ni multilayer foils. - In: Materials, ISSN 1996-1944, Bd. 14 (2021), 24, 7815, insges. 15 S.

A two-dimensional numerical model for self-propagating reactions in Al/Ni multilayer foils was developed. It was used to study thermal properties, convective heat loss, and the effect of initial temperature on the self-propagating reaction in Al/Ni multilayer foils. For model adjustments by experimental results, these Al/Ni multilayer foils were fabricated by the magnetron sputtering technique with a 1:1 atomic ratio. Heat of reaction of the fabricated foils was determined employing Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Self-propagating reaction was initiated by an electrical spark on the surface of the foils. The movement of the reaction front was recorded with a high-speed camera. Activation energy is fitted with these velocity data from the high-speed camera to adjust the numerical model. Calculated reaction front temperature of the self-propagating reaction was compared with the temperature obtained by time-resolved pyrometer measurements. X-ray diffraction results confirmed that all reactants reacted and formed a B2 NiAl phase. Finally, it is predicted that (1) increasing thermal conductivity of the final product increases the reaction front velocity; (2) effect of heat convection losses on reaction characteristics is insignificant, e.g., the foils can maintain their characteristics in water; and (3) with increasing initial temperature of the foils, the reaction front velocity and the reaction temperature increased.
Wu, Xuping; Chen, Honglei; Luo, Xuemei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Zhang, Guangping
Ultrasensitive strain sensors based on Cu-Al alloy films with voided cluster boundaries. - In: Advanced Materials Technologies, ISSN 2365-709X, Bd. 6 (2021), 12, 2100524, insges. 12 S.
Cheng, Pengfei; Ziegler, Mario; Ripka, Valentin; Wang, Dong; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Schaaf, Peter
Bio-inspired self-assembly of large area 3D AgSiO2 plasmonic nanostructures with tunable broadband light harvesting. - In: Applied materials today, ISSN 2352-9407, Bd. 25 (2021), 101238

Tremendous efforts have been made to fabricate large-scale plasmonic nanostructures, which show wide applications in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing, catalytic conversion, photothermal conversion, optoelectronics, photothermal therapy. However, unable to fabricate over 5 cm^2 plasmonic nanostructures with good controllability hinders their further applications. Here, super large-scale (153 cm^2) 3D AgSiO2 hybrid plasmonic nanostructures with adjustable and ultra-broadband light absorption are fabricated by a simple and controllable two-step approach. The metastable atomic layer deposition (MS-ALD) is combined with physical vapor deposition (PVD) to generate these structures in a self-assembly manner. The structures look like coral tentacles. These excellent properties are attributed to multiple forward scatterings and extinction effects produced by Ag@SiO2 nanostructures. Using 3D Ag@SiO2 plasmonic nanostructures as light absorber for bottom-heating-based evaporation, the water evaporation rate remarkably improves seven times under 1 Sun than that in dark condition. Our results pave the avenue for developing super large-scale Ag-based plasmonic nanostructure with potential applications in solar energy conversion.
Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Jaekel, Konrad; Schmauch, Jörg; Pauly, Christoph; Schäfer, Christian; Bartsch, Heike; Mücklich, Frank; Gallino, Isabella; Schaaf, Peter
Phase transformation and characterization of 3D reactive microstructures in nanoscale Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Bd. 11 (2021), 19, 9304, S. 1-13

Reactive multilayer systems represent an innovative approach for potential usage in chip joining applications. As there are several factors governing the energy release rate and the stored chemical energy, the impact of the morphology and the microstructure on the reaction behavior is of great interest. In the current work, 3D reactive microstructures with nanoscale Al/Ni multilayers were produced by alternating deposition of pure Ni and Al films onto nanostructured Si substrates by magnetron sputtering. In order to elucidate the influence of this 3D morphology on the phase transformation process, the microstructure and the morphology of this system were characterized and compared with a flat reactive multilayer system on a flat Si wafer. The characterization of both systems was carried out before and after a rapid thermal annealing treatment by using scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the cross sections, selected area diffraction analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The bent shape of multilayers caused by the complex topography of silicon needles of the nanostructured substrate was found to favor the atomic diffusion at the early stage of phase transformation and the formation of two intermetallic phases Al0.42Ni0.58 and AlNi3, unlike the flat multilayers that formed a single phase AlNi after reaction.
Biele, L.; Schmid, F.; Schaaf, Peter
Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit des elektrischen Kontaktwiderstands von Kupfer. - In: DVS Congress 2021, (2021), S. 536-542

Yan, Yong; Liu, Haocen; Liu, Chunyue; Zhao, Yuguo; Liu, Shuzhen; Wang, Dong; Fritz, Mathias; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Xiayan
Efficient preparation of Ni-M (M = Fe, Co, Mo) bimetallic oxides layer on Ni nanorod arrays for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution. - In: Applied materials today, ISSN 2352-9407, Bd. 25 (2021), 101185

Fabrication of economic and high-performance electrodes for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) accounts for a crucial issue associated with developing powerful and practical water splitting systems. In this work, free-standing Ni/Ni-M (M = Fe, Co, Mo) bimetallic oxides core/shell nanorod arrays (Ni/Ni-M NRAs) were prepared through electroless deposition of transition metal species on black nickel sheet (nickel nanorod arrays (Ni NRAs)) followed by electrochemical oxidation. All three types of Ni/Ni-M NRAs demonstrated enhanced electrocatalytic activity toward oxygen evolution reactions (OER). Especially, Ni/Ni-Fe NRAs electrode exhibit small onset potential of 1.535 V at current density of 10 mA&hahog;cm^-2. In contrast, the OER durability of these three samples was distinct. At 500 mV constant overpotential, the current density loss in OER of Ni/Ni-Fe NRAs was merely 13.5% for a period of 20000 s; but Ni/Ni-Mo and Ni/Ni-Co NRAs had almost disappeared catalytic activity under the identical conditions. According to many reports, the results were different for the superior OER stability of Ni-based bimetallic catalysts. Electrochemical analysis revealed that the NRAs structure dramatically improves charge transfer efficiency and electrochemically active surface area (ECSA). The present study might provide a new insight to design and fabricate more practical and high-performance Ni-based electrodes for OER.
Herre, Patrick; Will, Johannes; Dierner, Martin; Wang, Dong; Yokosawa, Tadahiro; Zech, Tobias; Wu, Mingjian; Przybilla, Thomas; Romeis, Stefan; Unruh, Tobias; Peukert, Wolfgang; Spiecker, Erdmann
Rapid fabrication and interface structure of highly faceted epitaxial Ni-Au solid solution nanoparticles on sapphire. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 220 (2021), 117318, insges. 12 S.

Supersaturated Ni-Au solid solution particles were synthesized by rapid solid-state dewetting of bilayer thin films deposited onto c-plane sapphire single-crystals. Rapid thermal annealing above the miscibility gap of the Ni-Au system followed by quenching to room temperature resulted in textured and faceted submicron-sized particles as a function of alloying content in the range of 0-28 at% Au. Morphologically, the observed kinetic crystal shapes are confined by close-packed planes; in addition, high-index facets are identified as a function of alloying content by TEM cross-sectioning and equilibrium crystal shape simulations. All samples exhibit a distinct <111> out-of-plane as well as in-plane texture along densely packed directions. Lattice parameters extracted from independent orthogonal X-ray and electron diffraction techniques prove the formation of a solid solution without tetragonal distortion imposed by the sapphire substrate. At the particle-substrate interface of highly alloyed particles segregation of Au atoms as well as dislocations in stand-off position are found. These observations are in-line with a semi-coherent interface, where Au segregation is triggered by the reduction of the overall strain energy due to: (i) a lower shear modulus on the particle side of the interface, (ii) the shifting of misfit dislocations in stand-off position further away from the stiffer substrate and (iii) a reduction of intrinsic misfit dislocation strain energy on the tensile side. In addition, the mechanical properties of pure and alloyed particles were characterized by in situ compression experiments in the SEM. Typical force-displacement data of defect-free single-crystals were obtained, reaching the theoretical strength of Ni for particles smaller than 400 nm. Alloying changes the mechanical response from an intermittent and discrete plastic flow behavior into a homogeneous deformation regime at large compressive strain.
Biele, Lukas; Schaaf, Peter; Schmid, Florian
Specific electrical contact resistance of copper in resistance welding. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 218 (2021), 19, 2100224, insges. 11 S.

The electrical contact resistance (ECR) of copper (Cu-ETP R200, soft) contacts for resistance welding (RW) is characterized. ECR plays a major role in the RW process and provides local heat generation between the parts. A special determination method is used on different testing variants to observe the influence of contact pressure (two levels: 68, 155 MPa), contact temperature (20-550 &ring;C), and surface parameters, like roughness or oxide layer thickness, on the specific electrical contact resistance (SECR). For each surface parameter, three different levels are investigated. The study shows decreasing SECR with higher mechanical load on the contact and a more complex behavior for increase in contact temperature. SECR shows a characteristic behavior for contact states near the temperature-dependent tensile strength of the base material for rough and clean surfaces, where SECR approaches toward zero. The variation of oxide layer thickness and surface roughness has a strong influence on the resulting SECR and both surface parameters show a strong coupling regarding their effects.
Hergert, Germann; Wöste, Andreas; Vogelsang, Jan; Quenzel, Thomas; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Probing transient localized electromagnetic fields using low-energy point-projection electron microscopy. - In: ACS photonics, ISSN 2330-4022, Bd. 8 (2021), 9, S. 2573-2580

Low kinetic energy electrons are of interest for probing nanoscale dynamic processes using ultrafast electron microscopy techniques. Their low velocities reduce radiation doses and enhance the interaction with confined electromagnetic fields and, thus, may enable ultrafast spectroscopy of single nanostructures. Recent improvements in the spatial and temporal resolution of ultrafast, low-energy electron microscopy have been achieved by combining nanotip photoemitters and point-projection imaging schemes. Here, we use such an ultrafast point-projection electron microscope (UPEM) to analyze the interaction of low-energy electrons with transient electric fields created by photoemission from a nanogap antenna. By analyzing their kinetic energy distribution, we separate angular deflection due to radial field components from electron energy gain and loss due to their axial acceleration. Our measurements open up a route toward the spatial and temporal characterization of vectorial near-fields by low-energy electron streaking spectroscopy.
Li, Feitao; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Formation and evolution of Au-SiOx heterostructures: from nanoflowers to nanosprouts. - In: Materials and design, ISSN 1873-4197, Bd. 209 (2021), 109956, insges. 11 S.

This work reports the formation of circular cavities and Au-SiOx nanoflowers after annealing of thin Au film deposited on SiO2/Si substrates, and the transformation of nanoflowers to nanosprouts with increasing the annealing time. Two reference experiments indicate that both H2 and Si are indispensable for the above structures. The formation of cavities can be attributed to the SiO2 layer decomposition and the product, volatile SiO, provides a Si source for the formation of nanoflowers at the early stage. A model is proposed to indicate that SiO gas produced at the Si/SiO2 interface can diffuse to the surface assisted by the defects in the SiO2 layer before the decomposed cavities are exposed. Then the exposing of those cavities introduces another volatile SiO from the active oxidation of Si substrate, provoking a change in the direction of the main Si source, which in turn makes the one nanoparticle of the nanoflower split in two and finally form the nanosprout. The model about the escape of SiO further details SiO2 decomposition process, and the transformation mechanism from nanoflowers to nanosprout sheds light on a feasible nanofabrication method to design tunable size and shape of nanoparticles.
Schaaf, Peter; Constantinescu, Catalin; Matei, Andreea
Preface on laser material interactions: from basic science to industrial applications (LaserMaterInter2020). - In: Applied surface science advances, ISSN 2666-5239, Bd. 6 (2021), 100133, insges. 1 S.
Wang, Honglei; Cheng, Pengfei; Shi, Jun; Wang, Dong; Wang, Hongguang; Pezoldt, Jörg; Stich, Michael; Chen, Runfeng; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Huang, Wei; Schaaf, Peter
Efficient fabrication of MoS2 nanocomposites by water-assisted exfoliation for nonvolatile memories. - In: Green chemistry, ISSN 1463-9270, Bd. 23 (2021), 10, S. 3642-3648

Efficient and green exfoliation of bulk MoS2 into few-layered nanosheets in the semiconducting hexagonal phase (2H-phase) remains a great challenge. Here, we developed a new method, water-assisted exfoliation (WAE), for the scalable synthesis of carboxylated chitosan (CC)/2H-MoS2 nanocomposites. With facile hand grinding of the CC powder, bulk MoS2 and water followed by conventional liquid-phase exfoliation in water, this method can not only efficiently exfoliate the 2H-MoS2 nanosheets, but also produce two-dimensional (2D) CC/2H-MoS2 nanocomposites. Interestingly, the intercalated CC in MoS2 nanosheets increases the interlayer spacing of 2H-MoS2 to serve as good candidates for the semiconductor devices. 2D CC/2H-MoS2 nanocomposites show superior electronic rectification effects in nonvolatile write-once-read-many-times memory (WORM) behavior with an ON/OFF ratio over 103, which can be rationally controlled by the weight ratios of CC and MoS2. These findings by the WAE method would open tremendous potential opportunities to prepare commercially available semiconducting 2D nanocomposites for promising high-performance device applications.
Wang, Anni; Gallino, Isabella; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Lin, Yi-Ting; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Flock, Dominik; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Yen, Hung-Wei; Schaaf, Peter
Ultrafast formation of single phase B2 AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy films by reactive Ni/Al multilayers as heat source. - In: Materials and design, ISSN 1873-4197, Bd. 206 (2021), 109790, insges. 12 S.

High entropy alloy films of AlCoCrFeNi B2-ordered structure are formed during an ultrafast heating process by reactive Ni/Al multilayers. The self-propagating high-temperature reaction occurring in reactive Ni/Al multilayers after ignition represents an ultrafast heat source which is used for the transformation of a thin films Al/CoFe/CrNi multilayer structure into a single-phase high entropy alloy film. The materials design of the combined multilayers thus determines the phase formation. Conventional rapid thermal annealing transforms the multilayer into a film with multiple equilibrium phases. Ultrafast combustion synthesis produces films with ultrafine-grained single-phase B2-ordered compound alloy. The heating rates during the combustion synthesis are in the order of one million K/s, much higher than those of the rapid thermal annealing, which is about 7 K/s. The results are compared with differential scanning calorimetry experiments with heating rates ranging from about 100 K/s up to 25000 K/s. It is shown that the heating rate clearly determines the phase formation in the multilayers. The rapid kinetics of the combustion prevents long-range diffusion and promotes the run-away transformation. Thus, multilayer combustion synthesis using reactive Ni/Al multilayers as heat source represents a new pathway for the fabrication of single phase high-entropy alloy films.
Hotovy, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Kemeny, Martin; Ondrejka, Peter; Kostic, Ivan; Mikolasek, Miroslav; Spieß, Lothar
Preparation and gas-sensing properties of very thin sputtered NiO films. - In: Journal of electrical engineering, ISSN 1339-309X, Bd. 72 (2021), 1, S. 61-65

We present results on very thin NiO films which are able to detect 3 ppm of acetone, toluene and n-butyl acetate in synthetic air and to operate at 300&ring;C. NiO films with 25 and 50 nm thicknesses were prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering on alumina substrates previously coated by Pt layers as heater and as interdigitated electrodes. Annealed NiO films are indexed to the (fcc) crystalline structure of NiO and their calculated grain sizes are in the range from 22 to 27 nm. Surface morphology of the examined samples was influenced by a rough and compact granular structure of alumina substrate. Nanoporous NiO film is formed by an agglomeration of small grains with different shapes while they are created on every alumina grain.
Dulanto, Jorge; Sevillano-Bendezú, Miguel Ángel; Grieseler, Rolf; Guerra, Jorge A.; Korte, Lars; Dittrich, Thomas; Töfflinger, Jan Amaru
Silicon interface passivation studied by modulated surface photovoltage spectroscopy. - In: Peruvian Workshop on Solar Energy 2020 (JOPES 2020), 25-26 June 2020, Lima, Peru, (2021), 012003, S. 1-7

We demonstrate that the modulated surface photovoltage spectroscopy (modulated SPS) technique can be applied to investigate interface states in the bandgap, i.e. interface passivation, of crystalline silicon coated with a downshift layer such as hydrogenated aluminum nitride with embedded terbium ions by suppressing straylight with a cut-off filter. Different hydrogen contents influence the surface photovoltage spectra at photon energies below the bandgap of crystalline silicon. Modulated SPS reveals that at higher hydrogen content there is a lower signal and, thus, a lower density of surface defect states. Our experiments show that modulated SPS can become a powerful tool for characterizing defect states at interfaces which cannot be easily studied by other methods.
Reiß, Stephanie; Hopfeld, Marcus; Romanus, Henry; Pfeifer, Kerstin; Krischok, Stefan; Rädlein, Edda
Chemical changes of float glass surfaces induced by different sand particles and mineralogical phases. - In: Journal of non-crystalline solids, ISSN 0022-3093, Bd. 566 (2021), 120868

Particles play an important role in the storage, transportation and natural weathering of glasses, but their influence on glass degradation is little studied. In this work, the influence of main sand components is investigated. Feldspar exhibits the strongest leaching rate for the network former Na, while quartz has the lowest. The leaching rate of natural sands is in between. Based on these findings, a model describing the leaching mechanism was developed: Hereby, hydroxyl groups adhering on sand grains adsorb network modifiers by substituting their hydrogen by network formers from the glass surface. The amount of available hydroxyl groups determines the leaching rate. This model is supported by loss on ignition performed for the sands, which might be a suitable method to roughly estimate their leaching rates. The adsorption of network modifiers suppresses carbonate formation, dendritic growth and Mg diffusion in the glass surface region. Pimple-like crystal growth is observed.
Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Honglei; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
High-efficiency photothermal water evaporation using broadband solar energy harvesting by ultrablack silicon structures. - In: Advanced energy & sustainability research, ISSN 2699-9412, Bd. 2 (2021), 4, 2000083, S. 1-9

Development of broadband absorption materials for solar energy harvesting is an important strategy to address global energy issues. Herein, it is demonstrated that an ultrablack silicon structure with abundant surface texturing can absorb about 98.7% solar light within the wavelength range of 300 to 2500 nm, i.e., a very large range and amount. Under 1 sun irradiation, the ultrablack silicon sample's surface temperature can increase from 21.2 to 51.2 &ring;C in 15 min. During the photothermal water evaporation process, the ultrablack silicon sample's surface temperature can still reach a highest temperature of 43.2 &ring;C. The average photothermal conversion efficiency (PTCE) can be as high as 72.96%. The excellent photothermal performance to the excellent light-trapping ability of the pyramidal surface nanostructures during solar illumination, which leads to extremely efficient absorption of light, is attributed. In addition, the large water contact area also enables fast vapor transport. The stability of the photothermal converter is also examined, presenting excellent structure and performance stabilities over 10 cycles. This indicates that the ultrablack Si absorber can be a promising photothermal conversion material for seawater desalination, water purification, photothermal therapy, and more.
Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Schade, Philipp; Zobel, Christoph; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Morphological and compositional mapping of supersaturated AuNi alloy nanoparticles fabricated by solid state dewetting. - In: Applied surface science advances, ISSN 2666-5239, Bd. 4 (2021), 100082, insges. 6 S.

The solid state dewetting (SSD) of metallic bilayers is a straightforward method for the fabrication of alloy nanoparticles. In particular, alloys that present a gap of miscibility offer a rich phenomenology regarding not only the particle formation but also the composition of their phases. In the present work, AuNi precursor bilayers have been annealed at different temperatures and times to produce AuNi alloy nanoparticles. The evolution of the shape, size, and interparticle distance as well as the composition of the different phases formed in the nanoparticles, allow to unravel the role of the annealing temperatures and times for the fabrication of AuNi supersaturated alloys. Furthermore, the results offer a morphological and compositional map for the fabrication of AuNi alloys nanoparticles of different shapes, sizes, and compositions. Therefore, this map is a useful tool for the tailored design of supersaturated or decomposed nanoparticles by SSD.
Chen, Hong-Lei; Luo, Xue-Mei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Zhang, Guang-Ping
Achieving very high cycle fatigue performance of Au thin films for flexible electronic applications. - In: Journal of materials science & technology, ISSN 1941-1162, Bd. 89 (2021), S. 107-113
Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Flock, Dominik; Rico, Víctor; González-Elipe, Agustín R.; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of gold on stochastically periodic SiO2 nanocolumns prepared by oblique angle deposition. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 13 (2021), 9, S. 11385-11395
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Mikolasek, Miroslav; Kostic, Ivan; Sojkova, Michaela; Romanus, Henry; Hulman, Martin; Buc, Dalibor; Rehacek, Vlastimil
Layered WS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization of sputtered W films. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 544 (2021), 148719
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

We present structural, optical and electrical investigations of layered WS2 films prepared on tungsten. A two-step technique has been used to synthesize layered WS2 films using sulfurization of W films sputtered with thinner (1 and 2 nm) and thicker (14 and 28 nm) thicknesses at 800 &ring;C. XRD analysis revealed that the examined films are polycrystalline with texture and have a 2H-WS2 hexagonal microstructure. Using Raman spectroscopy with the 532 nm laser excitation, the presence of E12g and A1g vibration modes was observed and the layered nature of WS2 was confirmed. FE SEM observations showed two different surface morphologies. The samples grown on thinner W films were not compact over the surface and agglomeration of nanosize grains in combination of triangles and flakes was visible. In another group the surface was lamellar and contained plenty of nanorods embedded vertically and/or inclined at different angles to the surface. Layered WS2 films exhibited a direct band gap in the range of 2.1-2.5 eV and they were n-type semiconductors with the sheet resistance in the order of several MΩ at room temperature.
Yan, Yong; Liu, Chunyue; Jian, Hanwen; Cheng, Xing; Hu, Ting; Wang, Dong; Shang, Lu; Chen, Ge; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Xiayan; Kan, Erjun; Zhang, Tierui
Substitutionally dispersed high-oxidation CoOx clusters in the lattice of rutile TiO2 triggering efficient Co-Ti cooperative catalytic centers for oxygen evolution reactions. - In: Advanced functional materials, ISSN 1616-3028, Bd. 31 (2021), 9, 2009610, insges. 13 S.
Im Titel sind "x" und "2" tiefgestellt

The development of economical, highly active, and robust electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is one of the major obstacles for producing affordable water splitting systems and metal-air batteries. Herein, it is reported that the subnanometric CoOx clusters with high oxidation state substitutionally dispersed in the lattice of rutile TiO2 support (Co-TiO2) can be prepared by a thermally induced phase segregation process. Owing to the strong interaction of CoOx clusters and TiO2 support, Co-TiO2 exhibits both excellent intrinsic activity and durability for OER. The turnover frequency of Co-TiO2 is up to 3.250 s-1 at overpotentials of 350 mV; this value is one of the highest in terms of OER performance among the current Co-based active materials under similar testing conditions; moreover, the OER current density loss is only 6.5% at a constant overpotential of 400 mV for 30 000 s, which is superior to the benchmark Co3O4 and RuO2 catalysts. Mechanism analysis demonstrates that charge transfer occurs between Co sites and their neighboring Ti atoms, triggering the efficient Co-Ti cooperative catalytic centers, in which OH* and O* are preferred to be adsorbed on the bridging sites of Co and Ti with favorable adsorption energy, inducing a lower energy barrier for O2 generation.
Chavez, Jhohan; Ziolkowski, Marek; Schorr, Philipp; Spieß, Lothar; Böhm, Valter; Zimmermann, Klaus
A method to approach constant isotropic permeabilities and demagnetization factors of magneto-rheological elastomers. - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 527 (2021), 167742

The use of non-conventional materials is nowadays of much interest in scientific community. Magneto-rheological elastomers are hybrid materials, which in presence of magnetic fields state a change in their mechanical properties. They are composed by an elastomeric matrix with embedded magnetic particles. One of the most attractive features of these materials is that as soon as the magnetic field is removed from the material, the original mechanical properties are completely recovered, with negligible differences in comparison to the original state. This paper focuses on the study of magnetic characteristics of these smart materials, such as relative permeability and demagnetizing factors, for samples with different volume concentration of ferromagnetic particles.
Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Honglei; Müller, Björn; Müller, Jens; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Photo-thermoelectric conversion using black silicon with enhanced light trapping performance far beyond the band edge absorption. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 13 (2021), 1, S. 1818-1826
Schricker, Klaus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Hopfeld, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Effect of thermoplastic morphology on mechanical properties in laser-assisted joining of polyamide 6 with aluminum. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 65 (2021), 4, S. 699-711

This paper examined the joining zone between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and aluminum EN AW 6082 in laser-based joining and evaluated the mechanical properties of the joint. The joint tests were carried out in overlap configuration and a characterized in terms of energy per unit length. The mechanical properties were examined to the point of cohesive failure. An increasing energy per unit length resulted in a reduced crosshead displacement in short-term testing and a decreased fatigue strength. Further material testing was carried out locally at various positions within the joining zone. The mechanical properties were correlated with results of a hardness test, thermoplastic morphology, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). By combining the findings with heat-treated samples at elevated temperatures, secondary crystallization was identified and evidenced as a primary effect among the changes in mechanical properties due to the heat treatment of the thermoplastic material.
Biele, Lukas; Schaaf, Peter; Schmid, Florian
Method for contact resistance determination of copper during fast temperature changes. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 56 (2021), 5, S. 3827-3845
Wang, Anni; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Caplovicova, Maria; Vretenar, Viliam; Böttcher, Julius; Hopfeld, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Flock, Dominik; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of CuCrCoFeNiO high entropy alloy thin films by rapid thermal processing of Cu/CrNiO/FeCo multilayers. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 405 (2021), 126563
Torres, Carlos; Quispe, Roger; Calderón, Noely Z.; Eggert, Lara; Hopfeld, Marcus; Rojas, Christopher; Camargo, Magali K.; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Grieseler, Rolf
Development of the phase composition and the properties of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX-phase thin films - A multilayer approach towards high phase purity. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 537 (2021), 147864

MAX phase thin films have been synthesized by thermal treatment of a Ti-Al-C multilayer system. The preparation of the multilayer system was carried out via magnetron sputtering. Based on the thickness ratio among the individual nanoscale monolayers (Ti, Al, C), the resulting MAX phase stoichiometry can be controlled. This paper describes the synthesis of both Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 MAX phases from the same precursor multilayer system which is composed of a sequence of Ti/Al/C pure elemental single layers with thicknesses of 14, 6, and 3.5 nm, respectively. This sequence is repeated 22 times with a total thickness of around 500 nm. Rapid thermal treatment tests were performed to study the phase development. The Ti2AlC MAX phase forms in a temperature range below 850 &ring;C, whereas the Ti3AlC2 MAX phase starts to form at temperatures above 850 &ring;C and reaches its highest phase purity at 950 &ring;C. The thin film structures were studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, the electrical and mechanical properties were investigated to gain more insights regarding the phase transformation and their influence on the thin film properties.
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Synthesis and characterization of size controlled bimetallic nanosponges. - In: Multifunctional materials, (2020), S. 1-34

Metallic and bimetallic nanosponges with well-defined size and form have attracted increasing attention due to their unique structural properties and their potential for many applications. In this chapter, the recently developed methods for the synthesis and preparation of metallic and bimetallic nanosponges are presented. These methods can be mainly cataloged in two groups: dealloying-based methods and reduction reaction-based methods. Different topographical reconstruction methods for the investigation of their structural properties are then reviewed briefly. The optical properties of the metallic nanosponges are clearly different from those of the solid counterparts due to the tailored disordered structure. The recent advances in the exploration of the distinct linear and non-linear optical properties of the nanosponges are summarized.
Marschick, Georg; Schell, Juliana; Stöger, Berthold; Gon¸calves, J. N.; Karabasov, Maksim O.; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Welker, Andree; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Gärtner, Daniel; Efe, Ipek; Santos, Robinson Alves; Laulainen, Joonatan E. M.; Lupascu, Doru C.
Multiferroic bismuth ferrite: perturbed angular correlation studies on its ferroic α-β phase transition. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2469-9969, Bd. 102 (2020), 22, S. 224110-1-224110-11
Ziegler, Mario; Dathe, André; Pollok, Kilian; Langenhorst, Falko; Hübner, Uwe; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Metastable atomic layer deposition: 3D self-assembly toward ultradark materials. - In: ACS nano, ISSN 1936-086X, Bd. 14 (2020), 11, S. 15023-15031

Black body materials are promising candidates to meet future energy demands, as they are able to harvest energy from the total bandwidth of solar radiation. Here, we report on high-absorption near-blackbody-like structures (>98% for a wide solar spectrum range from 220 to 2500 nm) consisting of a silica scaffold and Ag nanoparticles with a layer thickness below 10 m, fabricated using metastable atomic layer deposition (MS-ALD). Several effects contribute collectively and in a synergistic manner to the ultrahigh absorption, including the pronounced heterogeneity of the nanoparticles in size and shape, particle plasmon hybridization, and the trapping of omnidirectionally scattered light in the 3D hierarchical hybrid structures. We propose that, in the future, MS-ALD needs to be considered as a simple and promising method to fabricate blackbody materials with excellent broadband absorption.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2020/2021 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2020. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Wang, Hongmei; Xiong, Jie; Cheng, Xing; Fritz, Mathias; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Chen, Ge; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Ni3N-coated Ni nanorod arrays for hydrogen and oxygen evolution in electrochemical water splitting. - In: ACS applied nano materials, ISSN 2574-0970, Bd. 3 (2020), 11, S. 10986-10995
Im Titel ist "3" tiefgestellt

Designing high efficiency non-noble metal catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions (HER and OER) is a challenging and promising task. In the present work, a large-scale self-supported black nickel sheet composed of nickel nanorod arrays (B-Ni) was successfully fabricated via electroplating with a nanostructured Si template assisted strategy, and Ni3N coating layer was coated on the structured surface followed by a nitrogen plasma treatment with different treatment durations. The black color is due to the immensely enhanced light absorption through the surface nanostructures with high aspect ratio. The samples show promising catalytic performance when used as electrochemical catalysts for both HER and OER in alkaline electrolyte. Benefiting from the nanostructure and the Ni3N coating, B-Ni_N2_10 min exhibits low onset potentials of 1.560 and 0.165 V at a current density of 10 mA/cm2 for OER and HER, respectively. The calculated electrochemical surface area (ECSA) for B-Ni is 10 times higher than the pristine Ni sheet (P-Ni), while after nitrogen plasma treatment, the ECSA for B-Ni_N2_10 min is 21 times higher than that of the P-Ni. In addition, all the catalysts show good electrochemical stabilities. All the improvements for the electrochemical performances suggest that nanostructured nickel nitride could be a promising inexpensive catalyst system for both OER and HER processes.
Reiprich, Johannes; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Kups, Thomas; Hopfeld, Marcus; Ecke, Gernot; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Localized and programmable chemical vapor deposition using an electrically charged and guided molecular flux. - In: ACS nano, ISSN 1936-086X, Bd. 14 (2020), 10, S. 12885-12894

Chemical vapor deposition is a widely used material deposition technique. It commonly provides a uniform material flux to the substrate to cause uniform thin film growth. However, the ability to precisely adjust the local deposition rate would be highly preferable. This communication reports on a chemical vapor deposition method performed in a localized and programmable fashion by introducing an electrically charged and guided molecular flux. This allows for local adjustments of the deposition rate and three-dimensional shape by controlling the electric fields. Specifically, the precursor molecules are charged and then guided by arrays of electrodynamic funnels, which are created by a patterned dielectric layer, to predetermined deposition locations with a minimal spot size of 250 nm. Furthermore, nearest neighbor coupling is reported as a shaping method to cause the deposition of three-dimensional nanostructures. Additionally, the integration of individually addressable domain electrodes offers programmable charge dissipation to achieve an ON/OFF control. The described method is applicable to a wide variety of materials and precursors. Here, the localized and programmable deposition of three-dimensional copper oxide, chromium oxide, zinc oxide, and carbon nanowires is demonstrated.
Qi, Bingcui; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Páll; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Gislason, Haflidi Pétur; Thorsteinsson, Einar Baldur; Arnalds, Unnar Bjarni; Mantovan, Roberto; Unzueta l, Iraultza; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Ram, Krishanlal Bharuth; Johnston, Karl; Krastev, Petko Borislavov; Mølholt, Torben Esmann; Masenda, Hilary; Martín-Luengo, Aitana Tarazaga; Naidoo, Deena; Schell, Juliana
Metal-insulator transition in crystalline V2O3 thin films probed at atomic-scale using emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 714 (2020), 138389
Im Titel sind "2" und "3" tiefgestellt

Microscopic understanding the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in strongly correlated materials is critical to the design and control of modern "beyond silicon" Mott nanodevices. In this work, the local MIT behaviors in single crystalline V2O3 thin films were probed on an atomic scale by online 57Fe emission Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS) following dilute (<10^-3 at.%) implantation of 57Mn+ (T1/2 = 90 s). Both the epitaxial and the textured V2O3 thin films grown by direct current magnetron sputtering were studied. Three structural components were resolved and identified in the eMS spectra with parameters characteristic of Fe in the 2+ valence state, which are attributable to Fe in either lattice damage or structural defects and Fe in the intrinsic crystal structure of V2O3, respectively. The results prove that the oxygen vacancies are common in the V2O3 thin films. With co-existence of both the non-stoichiometry and epitaxial strain in the thin films, the epitaxial strain plays a dominant role in controlling the global MIT properties of the film. The atomic scale structural transition captured by the eMS affirms the early-stage dynamics of the MIT of V2O3 thin film reported previously. These results approve the feasibility to tune the electronic transport of the V2O3 thin films for the next-generation Mott nanodevices by the epitaxial strain via the sample growth parameters.
Honig, Hauke; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Preparation and properties of Co/Fe multilayers and Co-Fe alloy films for application in magnetic field sensors. - In: Materials science and smart materials, (2020), S. 61-66

Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Revealing time resolved electron-electron interactions on the nanoscale with ultrafast electron microscopy. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), O 33.9

Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Zhong, Jinhui; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Fluctuation-modulated third harmonic deep ultraviolet emission from randomly disordered Si nanograss. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), O 18.10

Zhong, Jin-Hui; Vogelsang, Jan; Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Wittenbecher, Lukas; Mikaelsson, Sara; Korte, Anke; Chimeh, Abbas; Arnold, Cord L.; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; L'Huillier, Anne; Mikkelsen, Anders; Lienau, Christoph
Nonlinear plasmon-exciton coupling enhances sum-frequency generation from a Au/ZnO nanohybrid. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), O 18.9

Korte, Anke; Chimeh, Abbas; Zhong, Jinhui; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Lienau, Christoph
Strong surface plasmon localization in gold nanosponges probed by plasmonic nanofocusing spectroscopy. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), O 9.12

Reiprich, Johannes; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Hopfeld, Marcus; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Corona assisted tuning of gallium oxide growth on 3C-SiC(111)/Si(111) pseudosubstrates. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 1004 (2020), S. 102-109

Gallium oxide was grown on silicon carbide substrates using a corona discharge assisted vapor phase epitaxy process and gold catalyst. It is shown that by implementing the corona discharge the morphology of the gallium oxide can be transformed. The excitation of the gas phase and the generation of excited species directly influence the growth morphology suppressing nanowire growth and supporting the transformation into heteroepitaxial growth.
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Vetter, Ulrich; Linderhof, Fredericus; Schaaf, Peter
eMIL: advanced emission Mössbauer spectrometer. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), O 48.9

Wang, Qiang; Wang, Haijiang; Cheng, Xiaopeng; Fritz, Mathias; Wang, Dong; Li, Hao; Bund, Andreas; Chen, Ge; Schaaf, Peter
NiCo2O4Ni2P nanorods grown on nickel nanorod arrays as a bifunctional catalyst for efficient overall water splitting. - In: Materials today, ISSN 2468-6069, Bd. 17 (2020), 100490

The development of efficient and durable non-noble metal catalysts remains a challenge in electrocatalytic water splitting applications. To address this, a bifunctional catalyst involving hierarchical NiCo2O4Ni2P nanorods grown on nickel nanorod arrays (NiCo2O4@Ni2P/NAs) was designed and fabricated in this study for overall water splitting that provided high activity and acceptable stability. And if used as the cathode and anode in alkaline media, the NiCo2O4@Ni2P/NAs only required 1.58 V to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm^-2, which is superior to most reported catalysts and can be attributed to a unique core-shell structure and coexisting crystalline/amorphous Ni2P phases.
Zyabkin, Dmitry;
Defect complexes interplay and its influence on the hyperfine structure of hydrogenated TiO2. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 126 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2020

Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

Die Bestimmung von Faktoren, welche die Kinetik von photokatalytischen Prozessen beeinflussen und das Nachvollziehen von deren Funktion in Übergangsmetalloxiden, ist das Hauptthema beim Design von effizienten Materialien. Vorhergehende Studien haben gezeigt, dass Punktdefekte wie zum Beispiel Substitutionsatome, Zwischengitteratome und Leerstellen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Bandstruktur und zu den chemischen Eigenschaften eines Materials beitragen. Die Veränderung dieser Eigenschaften beeinflusst die Performance von Materialien in gewissen Anwendungsbereichen stark. Die Erwartung, dass ein fundamentales Verständnis von solchen Gitterdefekten positiv zur Aufklärung von deren Wirkung auf die Eigenschaften eines Materials beiträgt, ist die treibende Kraft hinter theoretischer und praktischer Forschung an dotierten und reduzierten Materialien. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die Veränderung der elektronischen Struktur von Rutil und Anatas TiO2, welche die Modellsysteme von Übergangsmetalloxiden darstellen, unter der Beeinflussung von niedrigen Dotierungen mit Wasserstoff, Eisen und Cadmium sowie den Einfluss von Punktdefekten, zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurden Untersuchungen mir der Gestörte y-y Winkelkorrelation (englisch: time-differential perturbed angular correlation oder PAC) Methode, gemeinsam mit Mössbauer Spektroskopie und Tracer Diffusionsexperimenten durchgeführt, welche durch theoretische Studien und Untersuchungen mit Standardmethoden ergänzt wurden. Des Weiteren präsentiert der Autor einen neuen Versuchsaufbau zur Durchführung von Emissions-Mössbauer Messungen (eMIL), welches während dieser Arbeit entwickelt und konstruiert wurde. Die beobachteten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Dotandenverhalten nicht leicht voraussehbar ist und das Cd als Dotand in monokristallinem Rutil nicht nur am Kationenplatz sitzt, sondern dass Anteile davon auch andere Umgebungen, die von Leerstellenkonfigurationen beeinflusst werden, besetzen. Beide entdeckten Probenumgebungen scheinen hohen Temperaturen zu wiederstehen, allerdings sind Änderungen im Anteilverhalten sichtbar. Bei Emissions-Mössbauer Messungen zeigen dünne Schichten von Anastase ein temperaturabhängiges Verhalten im gesamten Messbereich. Dies hat zur Folge, dass zwei Anlass Stufen entstehen, welche durch Leerstellenbewegung und deren Interaktion mit Ti Zwischengitteratomen hervorgerufen werden. Die Oxidationsstufe Fe3+, welche eine Spin-Gitter-Relaxation zeigt, ändert sich durch Hydrierung. Dies impliziert, dass Wasserstoff ein sogenannter flacher Donator ist. Experimente in einem bestimmten Temperaturbereich zeigen, dass Leerstellen und Leerstellenansammlungen die Wasserstoffbewegung beeinflussen. Weitere PAC Experimente an den Temperaturwerten, an denen die Wasserstoffbewegung startet, zeigen eine Abhängigkeit des Verhaltens des Dotanden (Wasserstoff), zum Beispiel eine Kopplung mit Cd, von der Hydrierungsstärke. Längere Hydrierungsdauern zeigen, dass nach Dotierungs- bzw. Reduktionsprozessen Erholungseffekte folgen können. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass die Methoden der Hyperfeinwechselwirkungen Informationen über die Natur und das Verhalten von Defekten in Übergangsmetalloxiden bereitstellen können. Diese Ergebnisse können einfach evaluiert und mit detaillierten Dichtefunktionaltheoriesimulationen verglichen werden.
Halm, Cynthia; Otto, Andreas; Stark, Tilman; Schaaf, Peter
Ultrasonic excitation during press-fit joining of electrical contacts. - In: The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, ISSN 1433-3015, Bd. 109 (2020), 7/8, S. 2215-2220
Ziegler, Mario;
Metastable atomic layer deposition. - Ilmenau, 2020. - XVII, 154 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2020

Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese von breitbandig absorbierenden dreidimensionalen Hybrid-Nanostrukturen unter Verwendung eines neuartiges Abscheideprozesses: Metastabile Atomlagenabscheidung (kurz MS-ALD). Klassischerweise wird die Atomlagenabscheidung für die Abscheidung von planaren, binären Dünnschichten verwendet. Dabei werden zwei Präkursoren abwechselnd in einen Reaktor eingelassen. Die Präkursoren reagieren jeweils mit der Substratoberfläche, wobei die Reaktionen selbstlimitierend sind. So bindet nur eine Monolage der Präkursoren an der Oberfläche an. Dadurch lassen sich Dünnschichten mit perfekter Schichtdickenkontrolle homogen und winkeltreu herstellen. Im Gegensatz dazu können mit MS-ALD 3D-Strukturen hergestellt werden. Essentiell für diesen Prozess ist die Auswahl des Substrates. Das Substrat reagiert, im Gegensatz zur klassischen ALD, mit einem der beiden Präkursoren und bildet eine metastabile Phase aus. Diese metastabile Phase zerfällt augenblicklich in ihren ursprünglichen Anfangszustand unter Freigabe des Präkursors. Die Reaktion führt zum einen zu einer morphologischen Veränderung der Substratoberfläche und zum anderen zu einer Anreicherung des freigegebenen Präkursors an der Substratoberfläche. Durch den Einlass des zweiten Präkursors kommt es zu weiteren Reaktionen mit dem freigegebenen Präkursor. Diese Nebenreaktionen bewirken die Entstehung der beobachtbaren 3D-Strukturen. Kern dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Prozessparameter der MS-ALD bei Verwendung zweier unterschiedlicher Substrate auf die Morphologie der resultierenden Strukturen. Da MS-ALD im Verlauf der Arbeit entwickelt wurde, wird zudem ein möglicher Wachstumsprozess diskutiert. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit untersucht die Absorptionseiegenschaften der Strukturen vom ultravioletten bis zum nahem Infrarotbereich. Die hergestellten Strukturen erscheinen matt-schwarz und weisen eine extrem hohe Absorption bei senkrecht einfallender Strahlung auf (mehr als 99 % im Bereich von 220 nm bis 1582 nm). Die hohe Absorption und die Möglichkeit der problemlosen Skalierbarkeit des MS-ALD-Prozesses können dazu beitragen, neue Lösungsansätze für die Nutzung von Solarenergie zur regenerativen Stromerzeugung zu entwickeln.

Wang, Hongmei; Xiong, Jie; Cheng, Xing; Chen, Ge; Kups, Thomas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Hydrogen-nitrogen plasma assisted synthesis of titanium dioxide with enhanced performance as anode for sodium ion batteries. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 10 (2020), 11817, S. 1-12
Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Mikolasek, Miroslav; Kostic, Ivan; Romanus, Henry
Structural and morphological evaluation of layered WS2 thin films. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 179 (2020), 109570
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Páll; Gon¸calves, João N.; Bharuth-Ram, Krishanlal; Qi, Bingcui; Unzueta, Iraultza; Naidoo, Deena; Mantovan, Roberto; Masenda, Hilary; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Peters, Gerrard; Schell, Juliana; Vetter, Ulrich; Dimitrova, Anna; Krischok, Stefan; Schaaf, Peter
Experimental and theoretical study of electronic and hyperfine properties of hydrogenated anatase (TiO2): defect interplay and thermal stability. - In: The journal of physical chemistry, ISSN 1932-7455, Bd. 124 (2020), 13, S. 7511-7522
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Siang-Lin; Rico-Gavira, Víctor; López-Santos, Carmen; Fan, Shih-Kang; González-Elipe, Agustín R.
Optofluidic liquid sensing on electromicrofluidic devices. - In: Materials Research Express, ISSN 2053-1591, Volume 7 (2020), number 3, 036407, 7 Seiten
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Vetter, Ulrich; Linderhof, Fredericus M. A.; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Schaaf, Peter
eMIL: advanced emission Mössbauer spectrometer for measurements in versatile conditions. - In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research, ISSN 0168-9002, Bd. 968 (2020), 163973, S. 1-6
Zhong, Jin-Hui; Vogelsang, Jan; Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Wittenbecher, Lukas; Mikaelsson, Sara; Korte, Anke; Chimeh, Abbas; Arnold, Cord L.; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; L' Huillier, Anne; Mikkelsen, Anders; Lienau, Christoph
Nonlinear plasmon-exciton coupling enhances sum-frequency generation from a hybrid metal/semiconductor nanostructure. - In: Nature Communications, ISSN 2041-1723, Bd. 11 (2020), 1464, S. 1-10
Fey, Andreas; Ulrich, Stefan; Jahn, Simon; Schaaf, Peter
Numerical analysis of temperature distribution during laser deep welding of duplex stainless steel using a two-beam method. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 64 (2020), 5, S. 623-632
Schell, Juliana; Dang, Thanh T.; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Mansano, Ronaldo Domingues; Gärtner, Daniel; Carbonari, Artur Wilson
Investigation of the local environment of SnO2 in an applied magnetic field. - In: Physica, ISSN 1873-2135, Bd. 586 (2020), 412120, insges. 6 S.
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Ziegler, Mario; Thamm, Sophie; Stolle, H. Lisa K. S.; Dellith, Jan; Hübner, Uwe; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
3D structure evolution using metastable atomic layer deposition based on planar silver templates. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 514 (2020), 145770, insges. 8 S.
Sevillano-Bendezú, Miguel Ángel; Dulanto, Jorge A.; Conde, L.A.; Grieseler, Rolf; Guerra, Jorge A.; Töfflinger, Jan Amaru
Capacitance voltage curve simulations for different passivation parameters of dielectric layers on silicon. - In: Peruvian Workshop on Solar Energy (JOPES 2019), (2020), 012007, S. 1-8
Behúl, Miroslav; Vojs, Marian; Marton, Marián; Michniak, Pavol; Mikolášek, Miroslav; Kurniawan, Mario; Honig, Hauke; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Spieß, Lothar; Flock, Dominik; Bund, Andreas; Papula, Martin; Redhammer, Robert
Nanostructured boron doped diamond enhancing the photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2/BDD heterojunction anodes. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Volume 171 (2020), 109006, Seite 1-5
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Schwarz, Felix; Bohm, Sebastian; Runge, Erich; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Zhong, Jinhui; Yi, Juemin; Lienau, Christoph
Natural cavities with huge Purcell factors in gold nano sponges. - In: Quantum science and information technologies, (2019), FM 85.8

Schaaf, Peter; Schneider, Kirsti
Verbund: 05K2016 - EkoMarl : Schlussbericht : Förderzeitraum: 01.07.2016-30.06.2019. - [Ilmenau] : Technische Universität Ilmenau. - 1 Online-Ressource (19 Seiten, 4,13 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 05K16SI1
Ulrich, Stefan; Gemse, Felix; Jahn, Simon; Schaaf, Peter
Influence of the process parameters on the transformation behaviour of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel during laser beam welding. - In: Materials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition 2019 (MS & T '19), (2019), S. 1018-1026

Wang, Hongmei;
Hydrogen and nitrogen plasma treated materials with disordered surface layer used for energy storage and conversion devices. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (XX, 108 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

Die Plasmabehandlung gilt als eine einfache und effektive Methode zur Modifikation der Materialoberfläche von Elektroden für elektrochemische Energiespeicher- und Umwandlungs-vorrichtungen, um die Leistungen zu verbessern. Infolgedessen konnten nach der Hochleistungsplasmabehandlung ungeordnete Oberflächenschichten und Atomleerstellen entstehen, die eine wichtige Rolle bei der Leistungssteigerung von Energiespeicher- und Umwandlungsmaterialien spielen. In dieser Arbeit werden Wasserstoff- und Stickstoffplasma verwendet, um Lithium- und Natriumionenbatterien (LIBs und SIBs) Anodenmaterialien und elektrochemische Katalysatoren für die Stickstoffreduktionsreaktion (NRR) zu modifizieren, und die elektrochemischen Anwendungsleistungen dieser Materialien zu untersuchen. Erstens, werden WS2-Nanopartikel durch Wasserstoff-Plasma-Behandlung bei 300 &ring;C für 2 Stunden modifiziert, und die hydrierten WS2 (H-WS2)-Nanopartikel zeigen eine deutlich verbesserte elektrochemische Leistung als Anodenmaterial für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LIBs) und Natrium-Ionen-Batterien (SIBs). Die TEM-Untersuchung zeigt eine ungeordnete Oberflächenschicht mit einer Dicke von etwa 2,5 nm nach der Behandlung, was auch durch die Ergebnisse der Raman Spektroskopie bestätigt wird. Die Verschiebung der XPS-Peaks deutet an, dass die Oberflächenstörungen der Struktur in die kristalline Struktur integriert sind. Die H-WS2-basierten LIBs und SIBs weisen eine deutlich höhere spezifische Kapazität bei unterschiedlichen Stromdichten auf. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Untersuchung der elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie (EIS) eine drastische Verringerung des Ladungsübertragungswiderstands sowohl für LIB als auch für SIB. Das bedeutet, dass die plasmahydrierte Elektrode für den Elektronentransport während des elektrochemischen Prozesses vorteilhafter ist. Die verbesserte Leistung von H-WS2 in beiden Anwendungen von Li und Na Ionenbatterien ist auf den reduzierten Ladungsübertragungswiderstand an der ungeordneten Oberflächenschicht und die verbesserte elektronische Leitfähigkeit durch die Störungsoberfläche in der kristallinen Struktur zurückzuführen. Zweitens, werden stickstoffdotierte TiO2 (N-TiO2)-Nanopartikel durch Stickstoffplasma-Behandlung hergestellt und als Anodenmaterial von Natriumionenbatterien (SIBs) untersucht. Die N-TiO2-Nanopartikel weisen eine wesentlich bessere Ratenleistung auf und liefern Entladekapazitäten von etwa 621 mAh-g-1 bei 0,1 C und 75 mAh-g-1 bei 5 C sowie eine deutlich verbesserte Kapazitätserhaltung (mehr als 98% nach mehr als 400 Zyklen) als das unbehandelte TiO2. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen stickstoffdotierten TiO2, von denen in der Literatur berichtet werden, bildet sich in den N-TiO2-Nanopartikeln nach der N2-Plasmabehandlung eine ungeordnete Oberflächenschicht mit einer Dicke von etwa 2,5 nm. Sowohl der dotierte Stickstoff als auch die ungeordnete Oberflächenschicht spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Natriumspeicherleistung. Drittens, haben wir das TiO2-Au (P-TiO2-Au, Goldnanocluster, unterstützt durch P25 TiO2-Nanopartikel, Au-Belastung: ˜ 2 wt%) als elektrochemische Katalysatoren für die Stickstoffreduktionsreaktion benutzt. Das Material wurde mit H2-Plasma modifiziert und bildete dann einen blau-schwarzen H-TiO2-Au-Katalysator, der eine verbesserte Leistung für den Prozess der Stickstoffreduktionsreaktion (NRR) im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Probe zeigte. Aus den TEM-Untersuchungen konnten wir einige ungeordnete Positionen an der Oberfläche finden, und auch die Raman-Intensitäten von H-TiO2-Au sind viel niedriger als das unbehandelte Material, das auf die ungeordnete Oberfläche und die Bildung von Sauerstoffleerstellen zurückzuführen ist. Darüber hinaus konnte nach der Wasserstoff-Plasma-Behandlung ein kleiner Peak-Shift im XPS -Spektrum festgestellt werden. Wenn die Probe für die elektrochemische NRR verwendet wurde, ist die Ausbeute an NH3 von blau-schwarzem H-TiO2-Au etwa 9,5 mal höher als die unbehandelte Probe, während die höchste faradaysche Effizienz von 2,7 % auch bei dem Potential von -0,1V erreicht wird. Die Ergebnisse der DFT-Berechnung bestätigen, dass H-TiO2-Au bei Sauerstoffleerstellen und ungeordneter Oberflächenschicht für den NRR-Prozess sehr bevorzugt wird. Es zeigt außerdem, dass der Reduktionsprozess der H2-Plasma-Behandlung eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Leistung von Katalysatoren spielt. Es könnte das erste Mal sein, dass die Plasmatechnik zur Modifikation des Katalysators für elektrochemische NRR-Prozesse eingesetzt wurde.
Reiprich, Johannes; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Hopfeld, Marcus; Ecke, Gernot; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Corona discharge assisted growth morphology switching of tin-doped gallium oxide for optical gas sensing applications. - In: Crystal growth & design, ISSN 1528-7505, Bd. 19 (2019), 12, S. 6945-6953
Pezoldt, Jörg; Zgheib, Charbel; Stauden, Thomas; Ecke, Gernot; Kups, Thomas; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Weih, Petia
Germanium Incorporation in Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Layers Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy on 4H-SiC Substrates. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials 2018, (2019), S. 127-130

Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Schwarz, Felix; Zhong, Jinhui; Chimeh, Abbas; Korte, Anke; Zhan, Jinxin; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Doubly resonant plasmonic hot spot-exciton coupling enhances second harmonic generation from Au/ZnO hybrid porous nanosponges. - In: ACS photonics, ISSN 2330-4022, Bd. 6 (2019), 11, S. 2779-2787
Skriniarova, Jaroslava; Suslik, Lubos; Andok, Robert; Pudis, Dusan; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Dong
Effect of a thin Au and ZnO layer on optical properties of 1D PhC structures patterned in LED surface. - In: Optik, ISSN 1618-1336, Bd. 199 (2019), S. 163333
Hergert, Germann; Wöste, Andreas; Vogelsang, Jan; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Femtosecond streaking and control of electrons from a plasmonic nanofocusing taper by photoemitted charges in a nanoantenna. - In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), (2019), insges. 1 S.
Zhong, Jinhui; Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Korte, Anke; Chimeh, Abbas; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Observing nonlinear plasmon-exciton coupling for enhanced harmonic generation. - In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), (2019), insges. 1 S.
Honig, Hauke; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Simulation of the plasmonic properties of gold nanosponges with nanotomographically reconstructioned models. - In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), (2019), insges. 1 S.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2019/2020 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2019. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Ulrich, Stefan; Schmitz, M.; Jahn, Simon; Schaaf, Peter
Zeitliche Modulation des Energieeintrages beim Laserschweißen von Duplexstählen. - In: DVS Congress 2019, (2019), S. 404-409

Wang, Fang; Luo, Xue-Mei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Fatigue behavior of nanoscale Mo/W multilayers on flexible substrates. - In: MRS advances, ISSN 2059-8521, Bd. 4 (2019), 43, S. 2309-2317
Liang, Fei; Wang, Dong; Li, Xi; Luo, Xue-Mei; Schaaf, Peter; Zhang, Guang-Ping
A model revealing grain boundary arrangement-dominated fatigue cracking behavior in nanoscale metallic multilayers. - In: MRS communications, ISSN 2159-6867, Bd. 9 (2019), 3, S. 936-940

In order to reveal the quantitative relationship between fatigue crack deflection path and cross-sectional grain boundary (GB) arrangement of metallic nanolayered composites (NLCs), a stochastic model was established based on the interface-dominant fatigue damage for the ultrafine-scale NLCs. The model indicates that the crack deflection length decreases with decreasing GB arrangement deviation and grain size of constituent layers. The observation and quantitative analysis of fatigue cracking behavior of the Cu/W multilayers with a layer thickness of 5 and 20 nm was conducted to verify the model.
Wang, Hongmei; Xiong, Jie; Cheng, Xing; Chen, Ge; Kups, Thomas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
N-doped TiO2 with a disordered surface layer fabricated via plasma treatment as an anode with clearly enhanced performance for rechargeable sodium ion batteries. - In: Sustainable energy & fuels, ISSN 2398-4902, Bd. 3 (2019), 10, S. 2688-2696
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Schell, Juliana; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Lupascu, Doru C.; Hofsäss, Hans-Christian; Karabasov, Maksim O.; Welker, Andree; Schaaf, Peter
A hyperfine look at titanium dioxide. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 9 (2019), 8, 085208, insges. 5 S.
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Gärtner, Daniel; Dang, Thanh T.; Gon¸calves, João N.; Marschick, Georg; Schaaf, Peter
Hyperfine interactions and diffusion of Cd in TiO2 (rutile). - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 126 (2019), 1, 015102, insges. 8 S.
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Wöckel, Julia;
Funktionalisierung von diamantartigen Kohlenstoffschichten durch variable Dotierung mit Silizium. - Ilmenau, 2019. - 149 Blätter
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2019

In der Automobilindustrie werden Injektorkomponenten mit kohlenstoffhaltigen Verschleißschutzschichten, den sogenannten diamond like carbon Schichten (DLC oder auch a-C:H), beschichtet. Aufgrund des niedrigen Reibwertes und des hohen Verschleißwiderstandes werden diese Schichten häufig zur Erhöhung der Lebensdauer im Einspritzbereich verwendet. (1) Eine a-C:H-Schicht weist standardmäßig eine Temperaturbeständigkeit von circa 350 &ring;C auf. Bei Temperaturen höher 350 &ring;C degradiert die Schicht langsam und verliert an Leistungsfähigkeit. Durch zunehmende Anforderungen im Realbetrieb steigen die Drücke und damit Einsatztemperaturen im Injektor. (2,3) In der Literatur wird oftmals die Dotierung der a-C:H-Schichten mit Silizium zur Erhöhung der thermischen Beständigkeit diskutiert. Silizium verschiebt die thermische Beständigkeit zu höheren Temperaturen. Je mehr Silizium in der a-C:H-Schicht enthalten ist, desto höher wird die thermische Beständigkeit. Allerdings verändern sich auch andere Schichteigenschaften mit steigendem Silizium-Gehalt. Zum Beispiel sinkt der Reibwert durch eine Silizium-Dotierung. Die Verschleißbeständigkeit verschlechtert sich hingegen drastisch. Weiterhin nimmt die Härte mit steigendem Silizium-Gehalt ab. (4) Eine derartig dotierte a-C:H:Si-Schicht würde demnach im Realbetrieb eines Injektors deutlich schneller verschleißen als eine undotierte DLC-Schicht. Die Entwicklung einer thermisch und gleichzeitig verschleißbeständigen Schicht ist somit für die Automobilindustrie notwendig. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erhöhung der thermischen Beständigkeit unter Beibehaltung der herausragenden Verschleißschutzeigenschaften einer a-C:H-Schicht. Es wurde der Einfluss zweier unterschiedlicher kohlenwasserstoffhaltiger Prozess-gase in Abhängigkeit von Bias-Spannung, Bias-Strom und Gasfluss untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden jeweils die optimierten Schichten, die aus diesen Prozessgasen hergestellt werden konnten, zur Erhöhung der thermischen Stabilität mit Silizium dotiert. Durch die systematische Analyse verschiedener Dotierungs- und Schichtvariationen wurde eine a-C:H:Si-Schicht entwickelt, welche die Anforderung der höheren thermischen Beständigkeit bei gleichbleibendem Verschleißschutz erfüllt.

Chen, Hong-Lei; Luo, Xue-Mei; Wang, Dong; Ziegler, Mario; Hübner, Uwe; Zhang, Bin; Zhang, Guang-Ping
Length-scale dominated thermal fatigue behavior in nanocrystalline Au interconnect lines. - In: Materialia, ISSN 2589-1529, Volume 7 (2019), article 100337
Will, Johannes; Herre, Patrick; Zech, Tobias; Schubert, Johanna; Wu, Mingjian; Yokosawa, Tadahiro; Schwenger, Jan; Romeis, Stefan; Wang, Dong; Unruh, Tobias; Peukert, Wolfgang; Spiecker, Erdmann
Correlative TEM and XRD study of the role of Au on the solid state dewetting behavior of Au/Ni bilayers on [alpha]-Al2O3. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), MM 35.6

Korte, Anke; Zhong, Jinhui; Chimeh, Abbas; Schwarz, Felix; Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Zhan, Jinxin; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Strong spatial and spectral localization of surface plasmons in individual randomly disordered gold nanosponges. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), O 76.8

Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Schwarzer, Robert; Behnken, Herfried; Genzel, Christoph
Moderne Röntgenbeugung : Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker
3., überarbeitete Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (XVI, 635 Seiten). - (Springer eBooks) ISBN 978-3-8348-8232-5

Einleitung -- Erzeugung und Eigenschaften von Röntgenstrahlung -- Beugung von Röntgenstrahlung -- Hardware für die Röntgenbeugung -- Methoden der Röntgenbeugung -- Phasenanalyse -- Zellparameterbestimmung -- Mathematische Beschreibung von Röntgenbeugungsdiagrammen -- Kristallstrukturanalyse -- Röntgenographische Spannungsanalyse -- Röntgenographische Texturanalyse -- Bestimmung der Kristallorientierung -- Untersuchungen an dünnen Schichten -- Spezielle Verfahren -- Komplexe Anwendung -- Zusammenfassung -- Lösung der Aufgaben
Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Hofsäss, Hans-Christian; Lupascu, Doru C.
The speech of strangers in material science. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), MM 37.5

Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Synthesis and characterization of size controlled bimetallic nanosponges. - In: Physical sciences reviews, ISSN 2365-659X, Bd. 4 (2019), 6, S. 20180125
Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Vetter, Ulrich; Schaaf, Peter
Structure evolution of hydrogenated TiO2 by means of perturbed angular correlation. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), DS 25.11
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

Schaaf, Peter; Honig, Hauke; Wang, Dong
Revealing the distinct structural and plasmonic properties of gold nanosponges through FIB nanotomographical reconstruction. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), DS 1.7

Hergert, Germann; Wöste, Andreas; Vogelsang, Jan; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Dynamic imaging of plasmonic nanostructures with an ultrafast point-projection electron microscope. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), CPP 35.7
Auch enthalten in: O 50.7

Zhong, Jinhui; Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Korte, Anke; Chimeh, Abbas; Schaaf, Peter; Lienau, Christoph
Revealing plasmon-exciton coupling for SHG enhancement by interferometric frequency resolved autocorrelation. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), CPP 27.8
Auch enthalten in: O 31.8

Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Schwarz, Felix; Zhong, Jinhui; Chimeh, Abbas; Korte, Anke; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Enhanced second harmonic emission from zinc oxide nanoparticles infiltrated into the pores of gold nanosponges. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019 (DPG Spring Meeting 2019) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Division Radiation and Medical Physics and the Working Groups Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG; Symposia, exhibition of scientific instruments and literature, (2019), CPP 27.7
Auch enthalten in: O 31.7

Wang, Hongmei; Yuan, Qian; Wang, Dong; Chen, Ge; Cheng, Xing; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Disordered surface formation of WS2 via hydrogen plasma with enhanced anode performances for lithium and sodium ion batteries. - In: Sustainable energy & fuels, ISSN 2398-4902, Bd. 3 (2019), 3, S. 865-874
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanoparticles have attracted much attention recently for lithium and sodium ion batteries (LIBs and SIBs) due to their layered structures, which act as host lattices when reacting with ions to yield intercalation compounds. In the present article, WS2 nanoparticles are modified through hydrogen plasma treatment, and the hydrogenated WS2 (H-WS2) nanoparticles demonstrate clearly enhanced electrochemical performance as an anode material for LIBs and SIBs. H-WS2 nanoparticles are fabricated via hydrogen plasma treatment at 300 &ring;C for 2 hours. A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigation shows that the nanoparticles have a disordered surface layer with a thickness of around 2.5 nm after the treatment, and this is confirmed by the results of Raman spectroscopy. A shift in the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) peaks indicates that the structural surface disorders are incorporated in the crystalline structure. The H-WS2 based LIBs and SIBs possess significantly higher specific capacities at different current densities. In addition, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) reveals a drastic decrease in the charge-transfer resistance for both the LIBs and SIBs, which implies that the plasma hydrogenated electrode is more favorable for electron transportation during the electrochemical process. The improved rate performance of H-WS2 when applied to both LIBs and SIBs can be attributed to the reduced charge-transfer resistivity at the disordered surface layer and the improved electronic conductivity due to the disordered surface in the crystalline structure.
Reiprich, Johannes; Kups, Thomas; Schlag, Leslie; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Biswas, Shantonu; Breiling, Jonas; Schaaf, Peter; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Corona assisted gallium oxide nanowire growth on silicon carbide. - In: Journal of crystal growth, Bd. 509 (2019), S. 107-111
Yan, Yong; Cheng, Xing; Zhang, Wanwan; Chen, Ge; Li, Hongyi; Konkin, Alexander; Sun, Zaicheng; Sun, Shaorui; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Plasma hydrogenated TiO2/nickel foam as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. - In: ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering, ISSN 2168-0485, Bd. 7 (2019), 1, S. 885-894
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

Electrochemical water splitting is one of the most efficient technologies for hydrogen production and fabrication of low-cost, robust, and highly active electrocatalysts. It is attractive because replacing noble metal-based materials is a key issue in current catalysis research. By using H2 plasma treatment, the TiO2/nickel foam composite is converted to be an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst toward both hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in the alkaline electrolyte. The investigation reveals the existence of abundant oxygen vacancies of TiO2, which might lead to the dramatic improvement of electrical conductivity and faster charge transfer rate; also, density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that the oxygen vacancies activate surrounding surface lattice oxygen to induce favorable reactive-intermediate adsorption energy of TiO2 for hydrogen evolution and adjust the strength of the chemical bonds between the TiO2 surface and reactive intermediates to more favorable values, inducing a lower energy barrier for oxygen evolution. The finding confers a unique function to TiO2 that is different from its widely accepted role as an electrocatalytically inert semiconductor material, suggesting the H2 plasma treated TiO2/nickel foam could be a bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting.
Qi, Bingcui; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Páll; Mokhles Gerami, Adeleh; Gislason, Haflidi Pétur; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Magnus, Fridrik; Mølholt, Torben Esmann; Masenda, Hilary; Tarazaga Martín-Lueugo, Aitana; Bonanni, Alberta; Krastev, Petko Borislavov; Masondo, V.; Unzueta, Iraultza; Bharuth-Ram, Krishanlal; Johnston, Karl; Naidoo, Deena; Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter
57Fe Mössbauer study of epitaxial TiN thin film grown on MgO (1 0 0) by magnetron sputtering. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 464 (2019), S. 682-691
Im Titel ist "57" hochgestellt
Schricker, Klaus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Hopfeld, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Characterization of the joining zone in laser direct joining between thermoplastics and metals. - In: Hybrid Materials and Structures, (2018), S. 210-215
Spieß, Lothar; Stürzel, Thomas; Rosenberg, Dirk; Kais, Anke; Schiermeyer, Susanne; Teichert, Gerd
Bearbeitungszustände sind zerstörungsfrei mit der Röntgendiffraktometrie analysierbar. - In: DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2018, (2018), S. 1-8

Jandura, Daniel; Schaaf, Peter; Pudis, Dusan; Gaso, Peter; Bonko, A.
3D waveguide device with Fabry-Perot resonator for sensing applications. - In: ASDAM 2018, (2018), insges. 4 S.
Stürzel, Thomas;
Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Recycling Al-Druckgusslegierungen für Powertrain-Anwendungen. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (xxviii, 160 Seiten, Seite xxix-lxx)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2018

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird das Eigenschaftsspektrum der Al-Recyclinglegierung 226D (AlSi9Cu3Fe) unter Optimierung der Zusammensetzung und Wärmebehandlung erweitert. Neben thermodynamischen Simulationen mit JMatPro® und der Vorgehensweise nach DfSS Design-for-Six-Sigma werden Legierungsversuche im Labor- und Industriemaßstab, Makrohärte- und Dichtemessungen, Kerbschlagbiege- und Zugversuche, Bestimmung der Dauerschwellfestigkeit, DSC- und Dilatometermessungen sowie Licht- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie mit EDX und zudem Röntgendiffraktometrie durchgeführt. Die Kombination aus DfSS und JMatPro® liefert im ersten Schritt eine Einschränkung der Legierung 226D hinsichtlich intermetallischer Phasen und Dehngrenze. Laborversuche zeigen durch 0,1 wt% Mo die Unterdrückung von nadeligen ß-Al5FeSi Phasen und stattdessen die Bildung verrundeter neuartiger AlFeMoMnSi-Phasen. Dies führt zu einer um bis zu 35 % gesteigerten Bruchdehnung. Der Übertrag auf ein Druckguss-Kurbelgehäuse zeigt ebenso eine Kennwertsteigerung. Dabei können Gefügebestandteile sicher mit JMatPro® vorhergesagt werden. Dies wird durch REM und XRD bestätigt. Die reduzierte Auslagerung T5mod 200 zeigt im Vergleich zur Referenz bereits eine signifikant höhere Dehngrenze und teils erhöhte Dauerschwellfestigkeit bis Pü50 = 57 MPa. Diese Steigerungen sind auf veränderte Ausscheidungsspezies und -dichte zurückzuführen. Optimiertes Lösungsglühen findet bei 738 K (465 &ring;C) mit 3 h Haltezeit statt und liefert in Kombination mit reduzierter Auslagerung bei 473 K (200 &ring;C) die höchste Dehngrenze bis 300 MPa. Dies führt auch bei der Kurzzeitwarmfestigkeit zu deutlicher Kennwertsteigerung. Bei 500 h Temperaturbelastung ist allerdings nur bis 453 K (180 &ring;C) ein Vorteil zu erzielen, wohingegen nach 473 K (200 &ring;C) / 500 h alle Varianten auf Rp0,2 [rund] 150 MPa abfallen. Der Spagat zwischen hoher Dehngrenze und geringem irreversiblem thermischem Wachstum zeigt sich insbesondere zwischen Auslagerungstemperaturen sowie ein- bzw. zweistufiger Wärmebehandlung. Durch Optimierung der Zusammensetzung und Wärmebehandlung wird eine deutliche Steigerung der korrelierenden Werte Quality-Index QIDJR und Sicherheitsprodukt Rp0,2 x A erreicht. Außerdem besteht ein tendenzieller Zusammenhang zwischen Sicherheitsprodukt und Kerbschlagarbeit.
Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Sojkova, Michaela; Kostic, Ivan; Mikolasek, Miroslav; Predanocy, Martin; Romanus, Henry; Hulman, Martin; Rehacek, Vlastimil
Structural and optical properties of WS2 prepared using sulfurization of different thick sputtered tungsten films. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 461 (2018), S. 133-138
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Sen, Seema;
Development of PVD-coated and nanostructured reactive multilayer films. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (XVII, 166 Seiten). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; Band 19)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2018

Als eine neue Klasse von energetischen Materialien speichern die reaktiven Multilagensysteme die chemische Energie. Sie setzen eine große Menge der Energie durch eine schnelle Reaktionspropagation nach einer Aktivierung in der Form von Wärme frei. Im Zusammenhang mit dem zunehmenden Potenzial in den hochmodernen Fügetechnologien und den anderen Industrieanwendungen finden solche Typen von reaktiven Mehrschichtensystemen große Aufmerksamkeit. Das hohe Interesse konzentriert sich auf die Anwendung der sehr schnellen und lokalisierten Energie Freisetzung. Die Kenntnisse über die Materialkombinationen und Morphologie spielt eine wichtige Rolle, um reaktive Mehrschichtensysteme mit entsprechenden Reaktionseigenschaften und Wärmemenge herzustellen. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stehen daher die Entwicklung der Schichtweise abgeschiedenen reaktiven Multilagenschichten und die Charakterisierung der Reaktionseigenschaften. Die eingestellten Bereiche können wie folgt zusammengefasst werden; - Die reaktiven Multilagenschichten von binären Ti-Al, Zr-Al und ternären Ti-Al-Si Kombinationen wurden mittels Magnetronsputtern-Deposition produziert, die zu der niedrigen Medium oder hohen Energieklasse gehören. - Die selbstverbreitenden Reaktionseigenschaften wurden in Bezug auf Wärme, Temperatur, Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit und Propagationsweisen charakterisiert. - Herstellung der großflächigen freistehenden reaktiven Folien wurde aufgezeigt. Für die Bestimmung der Reaktionswärme wurde die Standardbildungsenthalpie zu Beginn der Arbeit durch thermodynamische Simulationen mit Thermo-Calc 3.1 berechnet. Die Menge der Reaktionswärme hängt von der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Ti-Al-, Zr-Al- und Ti-Si Systems ab. Dann wurden Ti/Al, Zr/Al und Ti/Si/Ti/nAl Multilagenschichten für unterschiedliche Periodendicken, Molverhältnisse und Multischichtaufbau abgeschieden. Die Ti/nAl (n = 1-3) reaktiven Multilagenschichten wurden mit verschiedenen Al-Molverhältnissen hergestellt. Die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit änderte sich zwischen (0.68±0.4) m/s und (2.57±0.6) m/s. Die Reaktionstemperatur änderte sich im Bereich 1215-1298 &ring;C. Die 1Ti/3Al Schicht zeigt auch eine instationäre Reaktionspropagation mit der Kräuselungsbandbildung. Außerdem wurden der Temperaturfluss und die chemische Vermischung in nanoskalige Schichten von 1Ti/1Al Zusammensetzung (für 20 nm Periodendicke) erstmals mittels Strömung Simulation berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der Temperaturfluss viel schneller als das chemische Mischen während der fortschreitenden Reaktion ist. Die 1Zr/1Al Schichten wurden mit der verschiedenen Periodendicken von 20 nm bis 55 nm untersucht. Die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit und Reaktionstemperatur änderten sich im Bereich 0.23-1.22 m/s und 1581-1707 &ring;C. Hier wurde auch die Oxidationsreaktion während der fortschreitenden Reaktion aufgezeigt. Zum ersten Mal wurden ternäre Multilagenschichten von Ti, Si und Al-Reaktanten für verschiedene Schichtenanordnung (Si/Ti/Al/Si und Ti/Si/Ti/nAl, n = 1-3) abgeschieden. Hier, Reaktionseigenschaften hängten von Schichtenanordnung und Al-Molverhältnissen ab. Für den Ti/Si/Ti/Al Schicht konnte eine maximale Reaktionspropagation von (9.2±2) m/s und eine Reaktionstemperatur von (1807±30) &ring;C bestimmt werden. Danach wurden die vorgenannten ternären Folien erstmals in einem reaktiven Fügeprozess eingesetzt. Für die Herstellung großflächiger freistehenden RMS, würde der Einfluss der Substratwerkstoffe in Hinblick auf der Ablöseverhalten nach der Beschichtung untersucht. Die Verwendung des Kupfersubstrats zeigt eine einfache und schnelle Weise, freistehende Folie zu produzieren. Diese Methode ermöglicht die Produktion von freistehenden 1Zr/1Al und 1Ti/1Si/1Ti/Al Folien mit der großen Fläche von 11 cm × 2 cm × 45 [my]m und 8 cm × 4 cm × 52 [my]m. Außerdem zeigt diese Arbeit einen verbesserten Herstellungsprozess mit der Skalierbarkeit und homogenen Mikrostrukturen von Multilagenschichten. Die Untersuchungen in dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die Zusammensetzung und Morphologie die Reaktionseigenschaften unmittelbar beeinflussen und bieten potenzielle Möglichkeiten als eine kontrollierbare Wärmequelle auf der Basis Ti/Al-, Zr/Al- und Ti/Si/Al RMS zur Verfügung stellen. Andererseits schließt die Reaktion die Effekte der Oxidation und instationären Reaktionspropagation ein, die dabei hilfreich wären, die Reaktionskinetik zu verstehen. Die Ergebnisse in dieser Arbeit können als ein Beitrag zu einem Modell um ideale RMS in Bezug auf Reaktionseigenschaften zu entwickeln.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2018/2019 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Ziegler, Mario; Yüksel, Sezin; Goerke, Sebastian; Cialla-May, Dana; Hübner, Uwe; Wang, Dong; Schmidt, Heidemarie; Schaaf, Peter
Controlled synthesis of self-assembled 3D nanostructures using metastable atomic layer deposition. - In: Materials today, ISSN 2468-5194, Bd. 10 (2018), S. 112-119
Mbule, Pontsho; Wang, Dong; Grieseler, Rolf; Schaaf, Peter; Muhsin, Burhan; Hoppe, Harald; Mothudi, Bakang; Dhlamini, Mokhotjwa
Aluminum-doped ZnO thin films deposited on flat and nanostructured glass substrates: quality and performance for applications in organic solar cells. - In: Solar energy, ISSN 1471-1257, Bd. 172 (2018), Part 2, Seite 219-224
Vogelsang, Jan; Hergert, Germann; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Observing charge separation in nanoantennas via ultrafast point-projection electron microscopy. - In: Light, ISSN 2047-7538, Bd. 7 (2018), (22. Aug.), 55, insges. 8 S.
Hergert, Germann; Wöste, Andreas; Vogelsang, Jan; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Ultrafast point-projection electron microscopy with a time-of-flight delay-line detector. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), O 63.2

Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Vetter, Ulrich; Santos, Robinson; Schaaf, Peter
Perturbed angular correlation studies of H2 plasma treated rutile. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), DS 31.17
Im Titel ist "2" hochgestellt

Yi, Jue-Min; Wang, Dong; Schwarz, Felix; Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Groß, Petra; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Functionalized nanoporous Au particles for enhanced optical nonlinearities. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), HL 52.5

Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Hofsäss, Hans-Christian; Lupascu, Doru C.
40 years of material science at ISOLDE-CERN using TDPAC and MS. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), MM 75.2

Zyabkin, Dmitry; Schell, Juliana; Vetter, Ulrich; Pall Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur; Masenda, Hilary; Schaaf, Peter
Defects investigation in black anatase. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), DS 7.8

Halbedel, Bernd; Prikhna, Tatiana; Quiroz, Pamela; Schawohl, Jens; Kups, Thomas; Monastyrov, Mykola
Iron oxide nanopowder synthesized by electroerosion dispersion (EED) - properties and potential for microwave applications. - In: Current applied physics, ISSN 1567-1739, Bd. 18 (2018), 11, S. 1410-1414

Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) have attracted considerable interest in many fields of research and applied science due to their impressive properties. In the past, especially biomedical problems have promoted the development of MNPs. For technical applications e.g. wastewater treatment and absorption of electromagnetic waves, the existing synthesis approaches are too expensive and/or the producible quantities are too low. In this work we present a method for simple preparation of size-controlled magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles by electroerosion dispersion (EED) of carbon steel in water. We describe the synthesis method, the laboratory installation and discuss the structural, chemical and electromagnetic properties of the synthetized EED powders as well as their applicability for microwave absorption compared to other available ferrite powders.
Zhong, Jinhui; Chimeh, Abbas; Korte, Anke; Schwarz, Felix; Yi, Juemin; Wang, Dong; Zhan, Jinxin; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Strong spatial and spectral localization of surface plasmons in individual randomly disordered gold nanosponges. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 18 (2018), 8, S. 4957-4964
Bartsch, Heike; Grieseler, Rolf; Mánuel, Jose; Pezoldt, Jörg; Müller, Jens
Magnetron sputtered AlN layers on LTCC multilayer and silicon substrates. - In: Coatings, ISSN 2079-6412, Bd. 8 (2018), 8, 289, S. 1-19
Spieß, Lothar; Oltmanns, Sabine; Schiermeyer, Susanne; Kups, Thomas; Kais, Anke; Rossberg, Diana; Hamann, Bernd
Sensor technologies for enhanced safety and security of buildings and its occupants (SafeSens) : Teilprojekt: Strukturanalytik und Demonstrator an Metalloxiden für die Gasanalyse (SADMOX) : Abschlußbericht : Projektbeginn: 01.04.2014, Förderzeitraum: 01.07.2014-31.03.2017, Projektende: 30.11.2017. - [Ilmenau] : [Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUIL), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Fachgebiet Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik]. - 1 Online-Ressource (211 Seiten, 49,52 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 16ES0226. - Verbund-Nummer 01152795
Gonzalez, Diego; Hopfeld, Marcus; Berger, Frank; Schaaf, Peter
Investigation on contact resistance behavior of switching contacts using a newly developed model switch. - In: IEEE transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology, ISSN 2156-3985, Bd. 8 (2018), 6, S. 939-949
Wang, An-Ni; Nonemacher, Juliane Franciele; Yan, Gang; Finsterbusch, Martin; Malzbender, Jürgen; Krüger, Manja
Mechanical properties of the solid electrolyte Al-substituted Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) by utilizing micro-pillar indentation splitting test. - In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN 1873-619X, Bd. 38 (2018), 9, S. 3201-3209
Im Titel sind "7", "3", "2" und "12" tiefgestellt
El Shabrawy, Samha; Miglierini, Marcel; Schaaf, Peter; Tzankov, Dimitar; Georgieva, Milena; Harizanova, Ruzha; Rüssel, Christian
Mössbauer spectroscopy of ZnxMg1-x Fe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.74) nanostructures crystallized from borate glasses. - In: Journal of nanoparticle research, ISSN 1572-896X, Bd. 20 (2018), 3, 81, insges. 12 S.
Im Titel sind "x", "1-x", "2" und "4" tiefgestellt
Wang, Ming; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Layer thickness effect on fracture behavior of Al/Si3N4 multilayer on Si substrate under three-point bending. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 445 (2018), S. 563-567
Im Titel sind "2" und "3" tiefgestellt

The fracture behavior of multilayers in the nanometer thickness range has attracted an increased attention due to microelectronics and high-speed technologies. In this work, Al/Si3N4 multilayers fabricated by magnetron sputtering on the silicon substrate were subjected to three-point bend testing. It was investigated that the fracture behavior of Al/Si3N4 multilayers with different individual layer thickness (50, 100, 250 nm) but with the same total thickness (1.0 [my]m). There is a significant layer thickness effect on the fracture behavior of the whole multilayer-substrate system: when the individual layer thickness is large (250 nm), the failure of the whole system was dominated by the fracture of the substrate, while the failure of the whole system was dominated by the fracture of the multilayer with smaller individual layer thickness (50 nm). This effect is clearly obvious, although the total thickness of the multilayer is very small compared with that of the substrate. As the individual layer thickness decreased from 250 nm to 50 nm, the fracture strain on the Al/Si3N4 multilayer decreased from 0.073% to 0.026%.
Halm, Cynthia; Otto, Andreas; Stark, Tilman; Schaaf, Peter
Enhancing the retention force of press-fit connections by ultrasonic excitation. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 215 (2018), 6, S. 1700598, insges. 8 S.
Herz, Andreas; Theska, Felix; Roßberg, Diana; Kups, Thomas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of Au-Ni bi-layer films mediated through individual layer thickness and stacking sequence. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 444 (2018), S. 505-510

In the present work, the solid-state dewetting of Au-Ni bi-layer thin films deposited on SiO2/Si is systematically studied with respect to individual layer thickness and stacking sequence. For this purpose, a rapid heat treatment at medium temperatures is applied in order to examine void formation at the early stages of the dewetting. Compositional variations are realized by changing the thickness ratio of the bi-layer films, while the total thickness is maintained at 20 nm throughout the study. In the event of Au/Ni films annealed at 500 &ring;C, crystal voids exposing the substrate are missing regardless of chemical composition. In reverse order, the number of voids per unit area in two-phase Au-Ni thin films is found to be governed by the amount of Au-rich material. At higher temperatures up to 650 &ring;C, a decreased probability of nucleation comes at the expense of a major portion of cavities, resulting in the formation of bubbles in 15 nm Ni/5 nm Au bi-layers. Film buckling predominantly occurred at phase boundaries crossing the bubbles.
Zheng, Si-Xue; Luo, Xue-Mei; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Guang-Ping
A novel evaluation strategy for fatigue reliability of flexible nanoscale films. - In: Materials Research Express, ISSN 2053-1591, Volume 5 (2018), number 3, 035012, Seite 1-8
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Plasmonic nanosponges. - In: Advances in Physics: X, ISSN 2374-6149, Bd. 3 (2018), 1, Article: 1456361, insges. 19 S.

Gold nanosponges, or nanoporous gold nanoparticles, possess a percolated nanoporous structure over the entire nanoparticles. The optical and plasmonic properties of gold nanosponges and its related hybrid nanosponges are very fascinating due to the unique structural feature, and are controllable and tuneable in a large scope by changing the structural parameters like pore/ligament size, porosity, particle size, particles form, and hybrid structure. The nanosponges show the strong polarization dependence and multiple resonances behavior. Besides, the nanosponges exhibit a significantly higher local field enhancement than the solid nanoparticles. Strong nonlinear optical properties are confirmed by their high-order photoemission behavior, whereby long-lived plasmon modes are also clearly observed. All this is very important and relevant for the applications in enhanced Raman scattering, fluorescence manipulation, sensing, and nonlinear photonics.
Yuan, Qian; Döll, Joachim; Romanus, Henry; Wang, Hongmei; Bartsch, Heike; Albrecht, Arne; Hoffmann, Martin; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Dong
Surface-nanostructured Al-AlN composite thin films with excellent broad-band antireflection properties fabricated by limited reactive sputtering. - In: ACS applied nano materials, ISSN 2574-0970, Bd. 1 (2018), 3, S. 1124-1130

Al-AlN composite thin films with surface nanostructures possessing excellent broad-band antireflection properties can be simply fabricated by using a simple sputtering-based method, namely, limited reactive sputtering at elevated temperature. A mixture of Ar and N2 gases with limited gas flow of N2 is used. During the process, the limited amount of the N ions and radicals can only consume some of the sputtered Al atoms for the formation of AlN, so that the Al-AlN composite thin film can finally be deposited on the substrate. Compared to the traditional cosputtering for composite deposition, which works necessarily with two or more targets simultaneously, here only a single Al target is required. When the substrate temperature is higher than 100 &ring;C, surface nanostructures can be evolved because of the different diffusion kinetics of Al and AlN. The total reflection was reduced drastically (<10%) in the spectral range 300-2000 nm. The Al-AlN composite thin films exhibit also a good electric conductivity.
Kosinova, Anna; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Sharma, Amit; Klinger, Leonid; Rabkin, Eugen
Whiskers growth in thin passivated Au films. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 149 (2018), S. 154-163
Sen, Seema; Lake, Markus; Schaaf, Peter
Experimental investigation of high temperature oxidation during self-propagating reaction in Zr/Al reactive multilayer films. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 340 (2018), S. 66-73
Vidal, Cynthia; Sivun, Dmitry; Ziegler, Johannes; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Hrelescu, Calin; Klar, Thomas A.
Plasmonic horizon in gold nanosponges. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 18 (2018), 2, S. 1269-1273

An electromagnetic wave impinging on a gold nanosponge coherently excites many electromagnetic hot-spots inside the nanosponge, yielding a polarization-dependent scattering spectrum. In contrast, a hole, recombining with an electron, can locally excite plasmonic hot-spots only within a horizon given by the lifetime of localized plasmons and the speed carrying the information that a plasmon has been created. This horizon is about 57 nm, decreasing with increasing size of the nanosponge. Consequently, photoluminescence from large gold nanosponges appears unpolarized.
Tucto, Karem; Flores, J.; Guerra, Jorge; Töfflinger, Jan; Dulanto, Jorge; Grieseler, Rolf; Osvet, Andres; Batentschuk, Miroslaw; Weingärtner, Roland
Production and characterization of Tb3+/Yb3+ Co-activated AlON thin films for down conversion applications in photovoltaic cells. - In: MRS advances, ISSN 2059-8521, Bd. 2 (2017), 52, S. 2989-2995
Im Titel ist "3+" hochgestellt
Bartsch, Heike; Mánuel, José Manuel; Grieseler, Rolf
Influence of nanoscaled surface modification on the reaction of Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Technologies, ISSN 2227-7080, Bd. 5 (2017), 4, 79, insges. 11 S.
Uherek, Frantisek; Škriniarová, Jaroslava; Kuzma, Anton; Šušlik, &hacek;Luboš; Lettrichova, Ivana; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Surface photonic crystal structures for LED emission modification. - In: Photonics, Devices, and Systems VII, (2017), S. 1060319, insges. 7 S.
Yüksel, Sezin; Ziegler, Mario; Görke, Sebastian; Hübner, Uwe; Weber, Karina; Schaaf, Peter; Meyer, Hans-Georg; Cialla-May, Dana; Popp, Jürgen
Hierarchically-designed 3D flower-like composite nanostructures as an ultrastable, reproducible, and sensitive SERS substrate. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 9 (2017), 44, S. 38854-38862
Schlag, Leslie; Reiprich, Johannes; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Selbstjustierendes Wachstum von 3D-Nanobrückenverbindungen. - In: MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017 "MEMS, Mikroelektronik, Systeme", (2017), S. 317-320

Gonzalez, Diego; Hopfeld, Marcus; Berger, Frank; Schaaf, Peter
Investigation of the contact resistance behaviour of Ag/Ni10 contacts under the influence of different wall materials for the arc-chamber :
Untersuchung des Kontaktwiderstandverhaltens von Ag/Ni10-Kontaktstücken unter Einfluss verschiedener Schaltkammer-Wandmaterialien. - In: Kontaktverhalten und Schalten, (2017), S. 106-113

Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2017/2018 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2017. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Lupascu, Doru C.
Perturbed angular correlations at ISOLDE: a 40 years young technique. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 7 (2017), 10, 105017, insges. 8 S.
Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Schwarz, Felix; Wang, Dong; Kollmann, Heiko; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph; Runge, Erich; Schaaf, Peter
Long-lived electron emission reveals localized plasmon modes in disordered nanosponge antennas. - In: Light, ISSN 2047-7538, Bd. 6 (2017), (20. Okt.), e17075, insges. 8 S.

We report long-lived, highly spatially localized plasmon states on the surface of nanoporous gold nanoparticles-nanosponges-with high excitation efficiency. It is well known that disorder on the nanometer scale, particularly in two-dimensional systems, can lead to plasmon localization and large field enhancements, which can, in turn, be used to enhance nonlinear optical effects and to study and exploit quantum optical processes. Here, we introduce promising, three-dimensional model systems for light capture and plasmon localization as gold nanosponges that are formed by the dewetting of gold/ silver bilayers and dealloying. We study light-induced electron emission from single nanosponges, a nonlinear process with exponents of n approximate to 5...7, using ultrashort laser pulse excitation to achieve femtosecond time resolution. The long-lived electron emission process proves, in combination with optical extinction measurements and finite-difference time-domain calculations, the existence of localized modes with lifetimes of more than 20 fs. These electrons couple efficiently to the dipole antenna mode of each individual nanosponge, which in turn couples to the far-field. Thus, individual gold nanosponges are cheap and robust disordered nanoantennas with strong local resonances, and an ensemble of nanosponges constitutes a meta material with a strong polarization independent, nonlinear response over a wide frequency range.
Vidal, Cynthia; Sivun, Dmitry; Ziegler, Johannes; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Hrelescu, Calin; Klar, Thomas A.
Unpolarized photoluminescence from d-band holes versus polarized scattering of single gold nanosponges. - In: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe-EQEC), ISBN 978-1-5090-6736-7, (2017), insges. 1 S.
Sen, Seema; Lake, Markus; Grieseler, Rolf; Schaaf, Peter
Effects of multilayer arrangement in ternary reactive film on self-propagating reaction properties. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 327 (2017), S. 25-31
Schell, Juliana; Schaaf, Peter; Vetter, Ulrich; Lupascu, Doru C.
TDPAC study of Fe-implanted titanium dioxide thin films. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 7 (2017), 9, 095010, insges. 7 S.
Ziegler, Mario; Yüksel, Sezin; Goerke, Sebastian; Weber, Karina; Cialla-May, Dana; Popp, Jürgen; Pollok, Kilian; Wang, Dong; Langenhorst, Falko; Hübner, Uwe; Schaaf, Peter; Meyer, Hans-Georg
Growth of hierarchically 3D silver-silica hybrid nanostructures by metastable state assisted atomic layer deposition (MS-ALD). - In: Advanced Materials Technologies, ISSN 2365-709X, Bd. 2 (2017), 7, 1700015, insges. 7 S.
Schwarz, Felix; Vogelsang, Jan; Hergert, Germann; Wang, Dong; Kollmann, Heiko; Groß, Petra; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph; Schaaf, Peter
(The road to) understanding localization of light in nanosponges. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2017), O 28.10
Auch enthalten in: HL 39.10

Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Schwarz, Felix; Wang, Dong; Kollmann, Heiko; Groß, Petra; Runge, Erich; Schaaf, Peter; Lienau, Christoph
Long-lived electron emission reveals ultra-localized plasmon modes in gold nanosponges. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2017), O 59.22

Grieseler, Rolf; Camargo, Magali K.; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schmidt, Udo; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
Copper-MAX-phase composite coatings obtained by electro-co-deposition: a promising material for electrical contacts. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 321 (2017), S. 219-228
Sen, Seema; Lake, Markus; Wilden, Johannes; Schaaf, Peter
Synthesis and characterization of Ti/Al reactive multilayer films with various molar ratios. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 631 (2017), S. 99-105
Tucto Salinas, Karem Yoli; Flores Escalante, Loreleyn F.; Guerra Torres, Jorge Andres; Grieseler, Rolf; Kups, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Osvet, Andres; Batentschuk, Miroslaw; Weingärtner, Roland
Effect of post-annealing treatment on the structure and luminescence properties of AIN:Tb3+ thin films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 890 (2017), S. 299-302
Im Titel ist "3+" hochgestellt
Böttcher, René; Spieß, Lothar; Linne, Stefan; Beinersdorf, Heiko
Bestimmung von Presskräften mittels Ultraschall : (Impuls-Echo-Verfahren). - In: ZfP-Zeitung, ISSN 1616-069X, Bd. 153 (2017), S. 33-35

Rao, Wenye; Wang, Dong; Kups, Thomas; Baradács, Eszter; Parditka, Bence; Erdélyi, Zoltán; Schaaf, Peter
Nanoporous gold nanoparticles and Au/Al2O3 hybrid nanoparticles with large tunability of plasmonic properties. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 9 (2017), 7, S. 6273-6281
Im Titel sind "2" und "3" tiefgestellt
Lemlikchi, Safia; Asmani, Mohammed; Djelouah, Hakim; Schaaf, Peter
Direct transduction method for measuring the ultrasonic attenuation in Si(111) in the frequency range 100 MHz-1 GHz. - In: Measurement, ISSN 1873-412X, Bd. 100 (2017), S. 279-287
Kosinova, Anna; Wang, Dong; Baradács, Eszter; Parditka, Bence; Kups, Thomas; Klinger, Leonid; Erdélyi, Zoltán; Schaaf, Peter; Rabkin, Eugen
Tuning the nanoscale morphology and optical properties of porous gold nanoparticles by surface passivation and annealing. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 127 (2017), S. 108-116
Sen, Seema; Lake, Markus; Kroppen, Norman; Farber, Peter; Wilden, Johannes; Schaaf, Peter
Self-propagating exothermic reaction analysis in Ti/Al reactive films using experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulation. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 396 (2017), S. 1490-1498
Suslik, Lubos; Pudis, Dusan; Goraus, Matej; Nolte, Rainer; Kovac, Jaroslav; Durisova, Jana; Gaso, Peter; Hronec, Pavol; Schaaf, Peter
Photonic crystal and photonic quasicrystal patterned in PDMS surfaces and their effect on LED radiation properties. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 395 (2017), S. 220-225
Lemlikchi, Safia; Asmani, Mohammed; Djelouah, Hakim; Schaaf, Peter; Hopfeld, Marcus; Aouimeur, Walid
Ultrasonic response of a piezoelectric aluminum nitride film deposited on silicon. - In: Instrumentation science & technology, ISSN 1525-6030, Bd. 45 (2017), 2, S. 137-150
El Shabrawy, Samha; Bocker, Christian; Miglierini, Marcel; Schaaf, Peter; Tzankov, Dimitar; Georgieva, Milena; Harizanova, Ruzha; Rüssel, Christian
Mössbauer study and magnetic properties of MgFe2O4 crystallized from the glass system B2O3/K2O/P2O5/MgO/Fe2O3. - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 421 (2017), S. 306-315
Im Titel sind "2", "3", "4" und "5" tiefgestellt
Grieseler, Rolf; Camargo, Magali K.; Hopfeld, Marcus; Diaz Tang, Isabel; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
MAX phase thin films as electrical-conductive corrosion-protective coatings with self-healing abilities. - In: Meeting abstracts, ISSN 2151-2043, Bd. MA2016-02 (2016), 14, 1369
Hotový, Ivan; Haščík, Štefan; Predanocy, Martin; Mikolášek, Miroslav; Řeháček, Vlastimil; Kostič, Ivan; Nemec, Pavol; Benčurová, nna; Roßberg, Diana; Spieß, Lothar
The effect of process parameters and annealing on the properties of Ti/Pt films for miniature temperature sensors. - In: ASDAM 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-3083-5, (2016), S. 85-88
Huang, Weixin; Kobayashi, Hikaru; Montemor, Fatima; Opila, Robert L.; Rudolph, Henrik; Schaaf, Peter
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Surface Science : July 27-30, 2016, Shanghai, China. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2016. - Seite 1-604. - (Applied surface science ; 388.2016,Part A)
Ulrich, S.; Wichmann, J.; Bliedtner, Jens; Jahn, Simon; Schaaf, Peter
Nahtvorbereitung und deren Einfluss auf die Schweißeigenschaften von Duplex-Stählen beim Laserstrahlschweißen. - In: Lasermaterialbearbeitung in der digitalen Produktion, (2016), S. 261-268

Sen, Seema; Babaei, Mohammad; Lake, Markus; Schaaf, Peter
Characterization of self-propagating exothermic reaction in bimetallic Zr/Al reactive multilayer nanofoil. - In: Smarte Strukturen und Systeme, ISBN 978-3-11-046734-5, (2016), S. 320-329
Gonzalez, Diego; Berger, Frank; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Model switch experiments for determining the evolution of contact resistance of electrical contacts in contactors. - In: Electrical contacts - 2016, (2016), S. 129-134
Herz, Andreas; Friák, Martin; Roßberg, Diana; Hentschel, Martin; Theska, Felix; Wang, Dong; Holec, David; Šob, Mojm&hacek;ir; Schneeweiss, Oldřich; Schaaf, Peter
Facet-controlled phase separation in supersaturated Au-Ni nanoparticles upon shape equilibration. - In: 80th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2016), MM 2.2, insges. 1 S.
Richtiger Name des 4. Verfassers: Martin Hentschel

Hergert, Germann; Vogelsang, Jan; Robin, Jörg; Groß, Petra; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Runge, Erich; Lienau, Christoph
Plasmon dynamics on nanoporous gold particles revealed by strong field photoemission. - In: 80th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2016), O 52.10, insges. 1 S.

Herz, Andreas;
On the solid-state dewetting of Au-Ni and Au-W bilayer polycrystalline thin films and the formation of alloy micro- and nanoparticles. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (116 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2016

In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich das Entnetzen dünner Schichten (Dewetting) wegen seiner Bedeutung in der Mikroelektronik zu einem breiten Forschungsfeld entwickelt. Ein Hauptgrund für das Versagen elektronischer Bauteile auf Dünnschichtbasis ist das Entnetzen beziehungsweise thermisch induzierte Agglomerieren der betreffenden Schichtmaterialien. Das Phänomen des Entnetzens kann umgekehrt gezielt angewendet werden um maßgeschneiderte Partikel im Submikrometerbereich zu erzeugen. Dieser Präparationsweg hat sich als einfacher und kosteneffizienter Ansatz im Bereich der Nanotechnologie etabliert. Kombiniert mit anderen Techniken wie der Lithographie können dann auf einfache Art und Weise präzise Nanopartikelanordnungen realisiert werden, welche vielversprechend für verschiedenste Anwendungen sind. Das Entnetzen im festen Zustand wird, weit unterhalb der Schmelztemperatur des betreffenden Schichtmaterials, durch die Bildung von Poren (also Lücken in der Schicht, sogenannte Voids) initiiert. Das anschließende Void-Wachstum hängt dann zum Beispiel davon ab, ob eine ein- oder polykristalline Mikrostruktur vorliegt. Begleitet von Kornwachstum und Texturänderungen stellt das Entnetzen eine vielschichtige Naturerscheinung dünner Schichten dar. Solche mikrostrukturellen Veränderungen spielen beim Entnetzen von Flüssigkeiten demgegenüber keine Rolle. Die Fülle an Einflussgrößen, welche das Entnetzen im festen Zustand bestimmen, macht es ungleich schwieriger eine in sich geschlossene "Dewetting-Theorie" zu entwickeln. Das Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen war daher Gegenstand zahlreicher Arbeiten in jüngerer Vergangenheit. Nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit wurde dabei auf das Entnetzen dünner Schichten bestehend aus (metallischen) Doppel- beziehungsweise Multilagen oder auch Legierungen gerichtet. Die Motivation der vorliegenden Dissertation besteht darin, Effekte der Legierungsbildung auf das Entnetzen dünner Doppelschichten aufzuzeigen. Hierbei werden Au basierte Zweistoffsysteme herangezogen: Au-Ni und Au-W. Die Selbstanordnung solcher Schichten über das Entnetzen wird ferner benutzt um maßgeschneiderte, funktionelle Legierungspartikel zu generieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass Schichtreihenfolge, Einzelschichtdicke sowie Löslichkeit der beteiligten Komponenten die Void-Bildung und -Entwicklung maßgeblich beeinflussen. Feste Lösung und Übersättigung werden eine zentrale Rolle bei der Untersuchung der Phasenbildung in Au-Ni Partikeln spielen. Physikalische Gesetzmäßigkeiten auf der Nanoskala werden darüber hinaus zur Erklärung der beobachteten Erscheinungen herangezogen.
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Hats off to self-organisation and self-assembly!. - In: German research, ISSN 1522-2322, Bd. 38 (2016), 2, S. 26-29
Yan, Yong; Radu, Andreea Ioana; Rao, Wenye; Wang, Hongmei; Chen, Ge; Weber, Karina; Wang, Dong; Cialla-May, Dana; Popp, Jürgen; Schaaf, Peter
Mesoscopically Bi-continuous Ag-Au hybrid nanosponges with tunable plasmon resonances as bottom-up substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. - In: Chemistry of materials, ISSN 1520-5002, Bd. 28 (2016), 21, S. 7673-7682

Ag-Au hybrid nanosponges (NSs) with controlled porosity and composition ratio were fabricated through the cyclic electroless deposition of Ag into the porous Au NSs. In the Ag-Au hybrid NSs, both Au and Ag components with mesoscaled ligament size are bicontinuously percolated over the entire structure. The plasmonic properties of the Ag-Au hybrid NSs differ clearly from those of the Au NSs and the solid Au-Ag alloy nanoparticles, and two distinct plasmon peaks were observed which can be attributed to Au and Ag components, respectively. The plasmonic properties can be well tuned by controlling the cycles of Ag deposition. Both plasmon peaks attributed to Au and Ag components blue shift with increasing amount of Ag. The volume porosity decreases upon increasing amount of deposited Ag. The results of the theoretical calculations reveal that the deceasing porosity could play an important role in the blue shift. Moreover, the Ag-Au hybrid NSs exhibit higher sensitivity in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection of butter yellow (BY) than the Au NSs due to the presence of Ag and of the porous structure. Also, the as-prepared structures present a built-in preference for hydrophobic analytes.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter
Das physikalische Praktikum. - Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2016. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Gonzalez, Diego; Berger, Frank; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Model switch for low voltage applications. - In: 28th International Conference on Electric Contacts, (2016), S. 105-110

The paper presents a new model switch for the investigation of the different aspects of switching arcs as well as their interaction with the involved parts of switching devices in low voltage appliances. The constructed model was designed to accomplish experimental series according to IEC 60947. Focusing as a first approach on the investigation of factors influencing the long-term behaviour of contact resistance, several experimental series combining Ag/Ni 10 contacts with different housing materials for the arc chamber walls were carried out. This paper presents the main characteristics of the constructed device and first results regarding its application with AC-arcs both from electrical and material engineering points of view.

Nsimama, Patrick D.; Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Influence of the substrate on the morphological evolution of gold thin films during solid-state dewetting. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 388 (2016), Part A (1. Dez.), Seite 475-482
Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Böttcher, René; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Only the combination of different NDT methods of material characterization is the key to success. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 21 (2016), 7, WCNDT 2016, Session: Materials Characterisation, insges. 6 S.
Sen, Seema; Langels, G.; Lake, Markus; Schaaf, Peter
Effects of melting layers on nanobonding using reactive multilayer nanofoils. - In: 2. Internationale Konferenz Euro Hybrid Materials and Structures, (2016), S. 257-261
Wang, Dong;
Preparation and properties of tailored nanomaterials and nanocomposites. - Ilmenau. - 1 Band (verschiedene Zählungen)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Habilitationsschrift 2016

Fang, Jun; Schlag, Leslie; Park, Se-Chul; Stauden, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Approaching gas phase electrodeposition: process and optimization to enable the self-aligned growth of 3D nanobridge-based interconnects. - In: Advanced materials, ISSN 1521-4095, Bd. 28 (2016), 9, S. 1770-1779
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Selbstorganisation - Chapeau!. - In: Forschung, ISSN 1522-2357, Bd. 41 (2016), 1, S. 14-17
Grieseler, Rolf; Theska, Felix; Stürzel, Thomas; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stubenrauch, Mike; Hopfeld, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter
Elastic properties of nanolaminar Cr2AlC films and beams determined by in-situ scanning electron microscope bending tests. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 604 (2016), S. 85-89
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Müller, Jens; Hannappel, Thomas; Hoffmann, Martin; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Lei, Yong; Rangelow, Ivo W.; Schaaf, Peter
Application of nanostructuring, nanomaterials and micro-nano-integration for improved components and system's performance. - In: 2016 Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium (Pan Pacific), ISBN 978-0-9888873-9-8, (2016), insges. 10 S.
Herz, Andreas; Franz, Anna; Theska, Felix; Hentschel, Martin; Kups, Thomas; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of single- and bilayer Au-W thin films: unraveling the role of individual layer thickness, stacking sequence and oxidation on morphology evolution. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 6 (2016), 3, 035109, insges. 10 S.
Kosinova, Anna; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Kovalenko, Oleg; Klinger, Leonid; Rabkin, Eugen
Fabrication of hollow gold nanoparticles by dewetting, dealloying and coarsening. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 102 (2016), S. 108-115

A sequence of diffusion-controlled processes, namely, thin film dewetting, dealloying and thermal coarsening was employed for producing of hollow gold nanoparticles. The porous gold nanoparticles on silica substrate were obtained by solid state dewetting of Au-Ag bi-layers followed by selective dealloying of Ag. We studied in detail the last stage of the proposed method enabling the transformation of porous nanoparticles into hollow ones due to curvature-driven surface diffusion. The porous nanoparticles were annealed at 350 &ring;C in air and in vacuum and characterized by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. The microstructure evolution of the particles during thermal treatment was studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction. The observed decrease of compressive strain in the particles during coarsening was discussed in terms of Weissmüller-Cahn model. Annealing in ambient air resulted in faster coarsening of gold nanoparticles compared to annealing in vacuum. The isolated pores trapped in the particle bulk as well as the pores located at the particle/substrate interface were observed in the particles annealed in air. A qualitative model illustrating the observed coarsening behavior is proposed.
Spieß, Lothar; Böttcher, René; Stürzel, Thomas; Teichert, Gerd
Bestimmung von Werkstoffkennwerte mit dem Ultraschallverfahren - Anwendung auf weitere Werkstoffgruppen. - In: DACH-Jahrestagung 2015, (2015), insges. 5 S.
Poster 22

Böttcher, René; Spieß, Lothar
Bestimmung von Werkstoffkennwerten mit Ultraschallverfahren - ist der "Goldbarren" echt?. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 20 (2015), 3, DGZfP 2014, Session: Ultraschallverfahren (UT), Poster 50, insges. 7 S.
Aristizabal Tolosa, Ekine;
Finite element simulation for the cold-joining of high power connectors. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2015. - 1 Online-Ressource (XVII, 133 Seiten). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 13)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2015

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode zur Beschreibung von massiven Kupfer-Einpresskontakte entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Pressverbänden nach DIN 7190 ist bei der Auslegung von massiven Kupferkontakten nicht anwendbar da während des Fügevorganges hohe Verformungsgrade und Reibspannungen auftreten. Das neue Modell bietet nicht nur verkürzte und effiziente Auslegungszyklen für neue Hochleistungskontakte (HLK) an, sondern vertieft auch das Grundverständnis des Fügeprozesses und der Kontakteigenschaften. Nach einer kurzen Motivation des Themas und einer Einführung in die kalte Kontaktiertechnik, werden im dritten Kapitel die Grundlagen der experimentellen Arbeiten sowie der Simulationsmethoden erarbeitet. Die Herausforderungen bei der Modellierung von Fügeprozessen liegen in der Materialbeschreibung und Reibungscharakterisierung. Deshalb werden die beiden Themen in zwei eigenständigen Kapiteln vorgestellt, ausgehend vom jeweiligen Stand der Technik bis zur Validation der entwickelten Methoden und Modelle. Das vierte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Materialbeschreibung und beinhaltet zwei neue Methoden zur bauteilnahen Ermittlung der Fließeigenschaften von Kupferwerkstoffen. Das Reibverhalten in einem Einpressvorgang wird im fünften Kapitel untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein neuer Prüfstand zur Ermittlung von Reibkoeffizienten und Beschreibung der auftretenden Verschleißmechanismen aufgebaut. Die Materialbeschreibung und die Reibungscharakterisierung sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Beide Modelle wurden deshalb in ein Finiten-Elementen (FE)-Tool zusammengeführt, um die komplexen Wechselwirkungen beschreiben zu können. Für eine genaue aber mit möglichst wenig Aufwand verbundene FE-Beschreibung von Einpressvorgängen werden Richtlinien erarbeitet und vorgeschlagen. Auf Basis des FE-Modells werden neue Hochstromkontakte entwickelt. Über den Vergleich der simulierten und der realen Eigenschaften wurde das Modell erfolgreich validiert und seine Aussagekraft eindrücklich nachgewiesen.
Yan, Yong; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Plasma-assisted synthesis of hydrogenated TiO 2 for energy storage and conversion. - In: 79th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Divisions: History of Physics, Gravitation and Relativity, Microprobes, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, and Working Groups: Energy, Equal Opportunities, Information, Philosophy of Physics, Physics and Disarmament, young DPG ; March, 15 - 20, 2015, Technische Universität Berlin, 2015, AKE 8.3

Wang, Dong; Herz, Andreas; Herz, Andreas *1986-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Metallic nanoparticles and nanoalloys fabricated via solid state deweting. - In: 79th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the Divisions: History of Physics, Gravitation and Relativity, Microprobes, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, and Working Groups: Energy, Equal Opportunities, Information, Philosophy of Physics, Physics and Disarmament, young DPG ; March, 15 - 20, 2015, Technische Universität Berlin, 2015, MM 28.18

Yan, Yong;
Plasma-assisted synthesis of hydrogenated TiO 2 for energy storage and conversion. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2015. - 1 Online-Ressource. - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 14)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2015

Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Titandioxid (TiO 2) wird bereits häufig in den Bereichen Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung eingesetzt. Aufgrund der begrenzten Solarabsorption, Ladungsübertragungsgeschwindigkeit und elektrochemischer Aktivität ist die Leistung des TiO 2 allerdings wesentlich niedriger als es für die praktische Anwending erforderlich ist. In dieser Studie wird hydriertes TiO 2 (H-TiO 2) mit unterschiedlichen physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften durch Wasserstoff (H 2)-Plasmabehandlung kontrolliert hergestellt, welches hervorragende Leistungen in der Anwendung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Fotokatalyse und fotothermischer Umwandlung aufweist. Darüber hinaus werden die Mikrostrukturen des H-TiO 2 und die Abhängigkeit der Anwendungsleistung des H-TiO 2 von den Vorliegenden Mikrostrukturen umfassend untersucht. Diese Studie bietet neue Erkenntnisse über Synthese, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen von H-TiO 2, durch welche die Entwicklung leistungsfähiger und vielseitiger TiO 2-Materialien für die Energiespeicherung und -umwandlung ermöglicht werden kann. Erstens werden hydrierte Anatas TiO 2-Nanopartikel mit deutlich verbesserter Speicherleistung von Lithium-Ionen durch eine Hochtemperatur (390 &ring;C) H 2-Plasmabehandlung in hergestellt. Die systematische elektrochemische Analyse zeigt, dass sich aus dem verbesserten Beitrag der pseudokapazitiven Lithium-Speicherung auf der Partikeloberfläche eine verbesserte Leistungsdichte von H-TiO 2 ergibt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die ungeordneten Oberflächenschichten und die vorliegenden Ti 3+ -Spezies von H-TiO 2 eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung der pseudokapazitiven Lithiumspeicherung spielen. Zweitens erfolgt eine schnelle Synthese des H-TiO 2 mit unterschiedlichem Hydrierungsgrad durch Hochleistungs-H 2-Plasmabehandlung. Dessen fotokatalytische Aktivitäten werden mit Hilfe von Methylenblau (MB)-Degradation und CO 2-Reduktion in wässrigen und gasförmigen Medien ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen TiO 2 zeigt das leicht hydrierte TiO 2 (s-H-TiO 2) eine weiße Färbung und eine verbesserte Fotoaktivität, während das graue oder schwarze H-TiO 2 mit höherem Hydrierungsgrad (h-H-TiO 2) eine viel schlechtere katalytische Leistung aufweist. Wie weitere Untersuchungen gezeigt haben, stellen das höhere Verhältnis der gefangenen Löcher (O - -Zentren) und die niedrige Rekombinationsrate, welche durch die Erhöhung der Oberflächendefekte verursacht sind, die kritischen Faktoren für die hohe Aktivität von s-H-TiO 2 dar. Im Gegensatz dazu besitzt das h-H-TiO 2 eine hohe Konzentration an Gitterdefekten, was zu einer signifikant verringerten Menge an O-Zentren und der vergrößerten strahlungslosen Rekombination führt. Dadurch sinkt die Fotokatalyseaktivität deutlich. Drittens wird das hydrierte schwarze TiO 2 mit großer Infrarotabsorption (aufgrund seiner erheblich vergrößerten, strahlungslosen Rekombination) für die fotothermische Tumortherapie untersucht. Um die Stabilität der Suspension zu verbessern, wurden die H-TiO 2-Nanopartikel (NP s) mit Polyethylenglycol (PEG) beschichtet. Nach PEG-Beschichtung zeigen die H-TiO 2 NP s einen erhöhten fotothermischen Umwandlungswirkungsgrad von 40,8% und eine gute Suspensionsstabilität im Serum. Der Therapieeffekt von H-TiO 2-PEG NP s zeigt, dass dieses Material eine geringe Toxizität besitzt und MCF07- sowie 4T1-Tumorzellen (transplantierbaren Tumorzellen des menschlichen Brustgewebes) unter Infrarotstrahlung effektiv abtöten kann. Zusätzlich werden Si (core) / N-dotiertes TiO 2 (shell) Nanopillar-Arrays mit einer nanoporösen Struktur durch ein einfaches, proteinvermittelndes TiO 2-Abscheidungsverfahren hergestellt. Dieses Ergebnis kann als ein fortschrittlicher Ansatz für die großtechnische Herstellung der H-TiO 2 basierten Nanokompositen angesehen werden.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2015. - (Universitätsdrucke)
Vidal, Cynthia; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Hrelescu, Calin; Klar, Thomas A.
Optical plasmons of individual gold nanosponges. - In: ACS photonics, ISSN 2330-4022, Bd. 2 (2015), 10, S. 1436-1442

The search for novel plasmonic nanostructures, which can act simultaneously as optical detectors and stimulators, is crucial for many applications in the fields of biosensing, electro- and photocatalysis, electrochemistry, and biofuel generation. In most of these areas, a large surface-to-volume ratio, as well as high density of active surface sites, is desirable. We investigate sponge-like, that is, fully porous, nanoparticles, called nanosponges, where both the gold and the air phase are fully percolated in three dimensions. We correlate, on a single nanoparticle basis, their optical scattering spectra (using dark field microscopy) with their individual morphology (using electron microscopy). We find that the scattering spectra of nanosponges depend only weakly on their size and outer shape, but are greatly influenced by their unique percolation, in qualitative agreement with numerical simulations.
Gonzalez, Diego; Hopfeld, Marcus; Berger, Frank; Schaaf, Peter
Experimental switching device of the competency center for electrical contacts Ilmenau - KEKI :
Modellschalter-Versuchsstand des Kompetenzzentrums für Elektrische Kontakte - KEKI. - In: Kontaktverhalten und Schalten, (2015), S. 96-102

Wang, Ming; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Size effect on the mechanical behavior of Al/Si multilayers deposited on Kapton substrate. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-482X, Bd. 26 (2015), 10, S. 8224-8228
Borchers, Christine; Garve, Clemens; Tiegel, Marie; Deutges, Martin; Herz, Andreas; Edalati, Kaveh; Pippan, Reinhard; Horita, Zenji; Kirchheim, Reiner
Nanocrystalline steel obtained by mechanical alloying of iron and graphite subsequently compacted by high-pressure torsion. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 97 (2015), S. 207-215
Herz, Andreas; Friák, Martin; Roßberg, Diana; Hentschel, Martin; Theska, Felix; Wang, Dong; Holec, David; Šob, Mojmir; Schneeweiss, Oldřich; Schaaf, Peter
Facet-controlled phase separation in supersaturated Au-Ni nanoparticles upon shape equilibration. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 107 (2015), 7, S. 073109, insges. 5 S.

Solid-state dewetting is used to fabricate supersaturated, submicron-sized Au-Ni solid solution particles out of thin Au/Ni bilayers by means of a rapid thermal annealing technique. Phase separation in such particles is studied with respect to their equilibrium crystal (or Wulff) shape by subsequent annealing at elevated temperature. It is found that {100} faceting planes of the equilibrated particles are enriched with Ni and {111} faces with Au. Both phases are considered by quantum-mechanical calculations in combination with an error-reduction scheme that was developed to compensate for a missing exchange-correlation potential that would reliably describe both Au and Ni. The observed phase configuration is then related to the minimization of strongly anisotropic elastic energies of Au- and Ni-rich phases and results in a rather unique nanoparticle composite state that is characterized by nearly uniform value of elastic response to epitaxial strains all over the faceted surface. The same conclusion is yielded also by evaluating bi-axial elastic moduli when employing interpolated experimental elastic constants. This work demonstrates a useful route for studying features of physical metallurgy at the mesoscale.
Wang, Ming; Wang, Dong; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Size effect on mechanical behavior of Al/Si3N4 multilayers by nanoindentation. - In: Materials science & engineering, ISSN 1873-4936, Bd. 644 (2015), S. 275-283
Ren, Wenzhi; Van, Yong; Zeng, Leyong; Shi, Zhenzhi; Gong, An; Schaaf, Peter; Wang, Dong; Zhao, Jinshun; Zou, Baobo; Yu, Hongsheng; Chen, Ge; Brown, Eric Michael Bratsolias; Wu, Aiguo
A near infrared light triggered hydrogenated black TiO2 for cancer photothermal therapy. - In: Advanced healthcare materials, ISSN 2192-2659, Bd. 4 (2015), 10, S. 1526-1536
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt

White TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) have been widely used for cancer photodynamic therapy based on their ultraviolet light-triggered properties. To date, biomedical applications using white TiO2 NPs have been limited, since ultraviolet light is a well-known mutagen and shallow penetration. This work is the first report about hydrogenated black TiO2 (H-TiO2) NPs with near infrared absorption explored as photothermal agent for cancer photothermal therapy to circumvent the obstacle of ultraviolet light excitation. Here, it is shown that photothermal effect of H-TiO2 NPs can be attributed to their dramatically enhanced nonradiative recombination. After polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating, H-TiO2-PEG NPs exhibit high photothermal conversion efficiency of 40.8%, and stable size distribution in serum solution. The toxicity and cancer therapy effect of H-TiO2-PEG NPs are relative systemically evaluated in vitro and in vivo. The findings herein demonstrate that infrared-irradiated H-TiO2-PEG NPs exhibit low toxicity, high efficiency as a photothermal agent for cancer therapy, and are promising for further biomedical applications.
Soulière, Veronique; Alassaad, Kassem; Cauwet, Fran¸cois; Peyre, Herve; Kups, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Kwasnicki, Pawel; Ferro, Gabriel
Ge addition during 4H-SiC epitaxial growth by CVD: mechanism of incorporation. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 821/823 (2015), S. 115-120
Szabó, Ondrej; Kováčová, S.; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Novotný, Ivan; Šutta, Pavol; Netrvalová, Marie; Roßberg, Diana; Schaaf, Peter
Nanocolumnar growth of sputtered ZnO thin films. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 591.2015, Part B, S. 230-236
Aristizabal Tolosa, Ekine; Günter, Friedhelm; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Improved description of the flow characteristics of copper for the finite element simulation of the cold joining process for high current electrical contacts. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 17 (2015), 4, S. 467-473
Grieseler, Rolf;
Untersuchung der Eigenschaften sowie der Anwendung von reaktiven Mehrschichtsystemen in der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2015. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 140 S., 16,15 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 12)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2015

Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit den thermischen Eigenschaften reaktiver Mehrschichtsysteme. Reaktive Mehrschichtsysteme sind schichtweise aufgebaute Materialien oder Folien, die zumeist aus Einzelschichtdicken zwischen 1 und 100 nm und einer Gesamtschichtdicke zwischen 1 und 500 [my]m bestehen. In den meisten Fällen sind derartige Schichten aus metallischen oder oxidischen Materialien aufgebaut, die nach dem Erreichen der Aktivierungsenergie exotherm reagieren. Im Fall von metallischen Schichten geschieht die Erzeugung von Wärme meist unter Bildung intermetallischer Phasen. Die Vorteile bei rein metallischen Schichten bzw. Folien liegen darin, dass die Reaktion ohne Zufuhr von Sauerstoff oder anderen Gasen stattfinden kann. Die erreichten Temperaturen können dabei mehr als 1600&ring;C betragen. Demzufolge sind diese Schichten und Folien gut geeignet, um Bauteile stoffschlüssig zu fügen. Die Reaktionszeiten liegen dabei lediglich im Mikro- und Millisekundenbereich. Dadurch kann die thermische Belastung für die zu fügenden Bauteile sehr viel geringer sein als bei herkömmlichen Fügemethoden, zum Beispiel dem Schweißen. Ziel der folgenden Ausführungen und Untersuchungen war die Analyse verschiedener Materialkombinationen, die als reaktive Mehrschichtsysteme zum Fügen von Bauteilen geeignet erscheinen. Als mögliche Materialkombinationen wurden die Systeme Aluminium-Nickel, Aluminium-Titan, Titan-Silizium und Aluminium-Kupfer untersucht. Diese sollten insbesondere auf die erzeugte Wärmemenge und auf die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit bzw. die Geschwindigkeit der Reaktionsfront hin untersucht werden. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass auch das Wissen um die Diffusionseigenschaften der Materialien essenziell für die Bestimmung verschiedener thermischer Eigenschaften derartiger Materialsysteme ist. Die Diffusionskoeffizienten für die vier genannten Materialsysteme wurden mittels optischer Glimmentladungsspektroskopie an 2 [my]m dicken Doppelschichtsystemen bestimmt. Resultierend aus der im Vergleich zur Literatur geringeren Aktivierungsenergie für die Diffusion wurde als dominierender Diffusionsmechanismus für diese gesputterten Schichten die Korngrenzendiffusion ermittelt. Die Geschwindigkeiten der Reaktionsfront lagen zwischen 0,5 m/s für das Aluminium-Kupfer System als Beispiel für ein langsam reagierendes System und 22 m/s für das Titan-Silizium System als das am schnellsten reagierende Mehrschichtsystem. Die Reaktionsenergie wurde mittels Differential Thermoanalyse untersucht. Dabei konnte neben den Reaktionsenthalpien auch die Aktivierungsenergie für reaktive Mehrschichtsysteme in Abhängigkeit von der Gesamtschichtdicke ermittelt werden. Es zeigte sich, dass zwei verschiedene Mechanismen als entscheidend für die Reaktion in Betracht kommen. Zum Einen ist bei den Systemen Aluminium-Nickel, Titan-Silizium und Aluminium-Kupfer die Diffusion die treibende Kraft der Reaktion und somit die Aktivierungsenergie der Reaktion auch sehr nah zur Aktivierungsenergie der Diffusion. Zum Anderen zeigte sich im System Aluminium-Titan, dass die Reaktion eher durch Grenzflächenmechanismen bestimmt wird, was zu einer erhöhten Aktivierungsenergie der Reaktion im Vergleich zur Diffusion führt. Weiterhin wurde die Anwendung reaktiver Mehrschichtsysteme zum Bonden zweier Bauteile untersucht. Dazu wurden neben den gesputterten Schichten aus dem Aluminium-Nickel System auch kommerziell erhältliche Nanofoils ® basierend auf dem gleichen Schichtsystem untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verwendung solcher reaktiven Schichten vergleichsweise gut geeignet ist, um Materialien und Bauteile miteinander zu fügen. Es konnte eine maximale Haftfestigkeit für das Bonden zweier Aluminiumoxid-Substrate mit Hilfe kommerzieller Nanofoils® von 10 bis 30 N/mm 2 erreicht werden. Zudem zeigte sich, welchen Einfluss die Rauheit der Bauteile auf die Qualität des Bonds hat und inwieweit reaktive Schichten im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Lotmaterialien auf Grund ihrer Wärmeleitfähigkeit nach der Reaktion geeignet sind, um wärmeerzeugende Bauteile mit Wärmesenken zu verbinden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse können als Beitrag für das Erstellen eines Modells genutzt werden, um sowohl die Reaktion als auch den Einfluss der Reaktion und der daraus resultierenden Temperatur auf die umgebenden Materialien und Bauteile abzubilden und zu beschreiben. Sinnvoll wäre in einem nachfolgenden Schritt die Implementierung eines solchen Modells, um einem zukünftigen Anwender reaktiver Mehrschichtsysteme die Möglichkeit zu geben, aus der Vielzahl reaktiver Mehrschichtsysteme die am Besten geeigneten für den jeweiligen Anwendungsbereich zu ermitteln und den Einfluss auf die Bondpartner zu erhalten.
Tippmann, Herbert;
Partnerschaft 7 - Institut für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik, Fachgebiet Elektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (TU Ilmenau) und Institut für Elektronik und Photonik, Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik (STU Bratislava). - In: Retrospektive 50 Jahre Zusammenarbeit Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava - Technische Universität Ilmenau, (2015), S. 77-81

Uhlmann, F. Hermann; Töpfer, Hannes; Töpfer, Hannes *1962-*; Tippmann, Herbert
Partnerschaft 6 - Institut für Informationstechnik, Fachgebiet Elektromagnetische Felder/Theoretische Elektrotechnik (TU Ilmenau) - Lehrstuhl Theoretische und Experimentelle Elektrotechnik (STU Bratislava). - In: Retrospektive 50 Jahre Zusammenarbeit Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava - Technische Universität Ilmenau, (2015), S. 69-77

Tippmann, Herbert; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar; Schaaf, Peter; Tvarožek, Vladimír; Novotný, Ivan
Partnerschaft 1 - Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Fachgebiet Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik (TU Ilmenau) und Institut für Elektronik und Photonik, Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik (STU Bratislava). - In: Retrospektive 50 Jahre Zusammenarbeit Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava - Technische Universität Ilmenau, (2015), S. 13-37

Tippmann, Herbert;
Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit - Suche nach Gemeinsamkeiten in Lehre und Forschung. - In: Retrospektive 50 Jahre Zusammenarbeit Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava - Technische Universität Ilmenau, (2015), S. 4-12

Tippmann, Herbert;
Ein Blick in die Historie - Zeittafel. - In: Retrospektive 50 Jahre Zusammenarbeit Slowakische Technische Universität Bratislava - Technische Universität Ilmenau, (2015), S. 1-3

Spieß, Lothar; Miersch, Helfried; Kups, Thomas;
Grundlegende Betrachtungen zur Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie 2013/59 : "Schutz vor den Gefahren einer Exposition gegenüber ionisierender Strahlung" aus der Sicht der Ausbildung und Industrie. - Saarbrücken : Südwestdt. Verl. für Hochschulschriften, 2015. - VI, 131 S. ISBN 978-3-8381-5091-8
Literaturverz. S. 127 - 131

Katkhouda, Kamal;
Aluminum-based PVD rear-side metallization for front-junction nPERT silicon solar cells. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2015. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 204 S., 28,10 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 11) : Dissertation, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2014
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Al-basierter physikalischer Gasphasenabscheidung als alternatives Herstellungsverfahren einer Rückseitenmetallisierung für nPERT Siliziumsolarzellen. Al-basierte Metallisierungssysteme wie Al, Al-Si-Legierung (1 at% Si) und Al-Si/Al- Schichtstapel wurden in Bezug auf Al-Spiking, spezifischem Kontaktwiderstand und Rückseitenreflexion untersucht und verglichen. Bei Verwendung einer Al-Einzelschichtmetallisierung kam es zur Bildung von Al-Spikes. Wurde eine Al-Si-Legierung aufgebracht, konnte das Al-Spiking vermieden werden, jedoch gleichzeitig mit einer Bildung von starkausgeprägten Si-Präzipitaten. Deswegen wurde ein neuer Ansatz mit einem Al-Si/Al-Schichtstapel statt Einzelschichtsystemen entwickelt. Mit diesem Ansatz und mit einer optimierten Dicke der Al-Si-Schicht konnten sowohl das Al-Spiking als auch die Si-Präzipitation deutlich reduziert werden. Der optimierte Al-Si/Al-Schichtstapel zeigte zusätzlich einen ausreichend niedrigen spezifischen Kontaktwidestand und eine hohe Rückseitenreflexion und darüber hinaus eine deutlich höhere thermische Stabilität verglichen mit dem Al-Einzelschichtmetallisierung.
Tarish, Samar; Wang, Zhijie; Al-Haddad, Ahmed; Wang, Chengliang; Ispas, Adriana; Romanus, Henry; Schaaf, Peter; Lei, Yong
Synchronous formation of ZnO/ZnS core/shell nanotube arrays with removal of template for meliorating photoelectronic performance. - In: The journal of physical chemistry, ISSN 1932-7455, Bd. 119 (2015), 3, S. 1575-1582
Correction. - Bd. 119 (2015), 25, S. 14461
Pjeviâc, Dejan; Obradoviâc, Marko; Marinkoviâc, Tijana; Grce, Ana; Milosavljeviâc, Momir; Grieseler, Rolf; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Properties of sputtered TiO2 thin films as a function of deposition and annealing parameters. - In: Physica, ISSN 1873-2135, Bd. 463 (2015), S. 20-25
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Katkhouda, Kamal; Schubert, Daniela; Grohe, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
Quick determination of specific contact resistance of metal-semiconductor point contacts on highly doped silicon. - In: IEEE journal of photovoltaics, ISSN 2156-3403, Bd. 5 (2015), 1, S. 299-306
Höche, Daniel; Kaspar, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter;
Laser nitriding and carburization of materials. - In: Laser surface engineering, (2015), S. 33-58
Literaturverz. S. 51 - 58

Wang, Dong; Yan, Yong; Schaaf, Peter; Sharp, Thomas; Schönherr, Sven; Ronning, Carsten; Ji, Ran
ZnO/porous-Si and TiO2/porous-Si nanocomposite nanopillars. - In: Journal of vacuum science & technology, ISSN 1520-8559, Bd. 33 (2015), 1, S. 01A102-1-01A102-7
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Grieseler, Rolf; Camargo, Magali K.; Hopfeld, Marcus; Bund, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
Copper-nanolaminate composites - a new and promising material for electrical contacts in high voltage and high current applications. - In: Meeting abstracts, ISSN 2151-2043, Bd. MA2014-02 (2014), 15, 812
Ivanov, Svetlozar; Grieseler, Rolf; Cheng, Lin; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Electrochemical performance of Si modified TiO2 nanotube arrays investigated in Li-ion containing ionic liquid electrolyte. - In: Meeting abstracts, ISSN 2151-2043, Bd. MA2014-02 (2014), 5, 360
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd
"Röntgen" kann noch mehr. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 19 (2014), 3, DGZfP 2013, Session: Materialcharakterisierung, Di.2.C.1, insges. 8 S.
Teichert, Gerd; Abawi, Sabine; Camargo, Magali K.; Halbedel, Bernd; Lerp, Marianne; Schmidt, Udo; Wilke, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Zerstörungsfreie Charakterisierung mechanischer Eigenschaften von hartstoffpartikelhaltigen Passivierungsschichten auf galvanischen Zink- und Zinklegierungsschichten. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 19 (2014), 3, DGZfP 2013, Session: Korrosion, Mi.3.B.2, insges. 8 S.
Chen, Yu Zeng; Herz, Andreas; Borchers, Christine; Shi, X. H.; Ma, X.Y.; Liu, F.; Kirchheim, Reiner
Inhibition of grain coarsening in nanocrystalline Fe-C alloys by interaction between carbon and grain boundaries. - In: Material science, manufacturing technology and advanced design technology, (2014), S. 184-188

Pudiš, Dusan; Šušlik, Lubos; Nolte, Rainer; Schaaf, Peter; Kováč, Jaroslav; Gašo, Peter
LEDs with polydimethylsiloxane 2D PhC membrane in the surface. - In: 2014 10th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), ISBN 978-1-4799-5476-6, (2014), insges. 4 S.
Suslik, Lubos; Pudis, Dusan; Gaso, Peter; Lettrichova, Ivana; Kovac, Jaroslav; Hronec, Pavol; Nolte, Rainer; Schaaf, Peter
Far-field pattern modification of LEDs with 2D PhC PDMS membrane. - In: 19th Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 2014, 94411O, insges. 6 S.

Grieseler, Rolf; Au, Ivan S.; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Diffusion in thin bilayer films during rapid thermal annealing. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 211 (2014), 11, S. 2635-2644
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Handbuch 2014/2015 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 10 Tabellen. - Das Physikalische Praktikum ; Bd. 1. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2014. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: VIII, 117 S.)
Zheng, Yan; Wang, Wenxin; Fu, Qun; Wu, Minghong; Shayan, Kamran; Wong, Kin Mun; Singh, Sukhdeep; Schober, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter; Lei, Yong
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate based on large-area well-defined gold nanoparticle arrays with high SERS uniformity and stability. - In: ChemPlusChem, ISSN 2192-6506, Bd. 79 (2014), 11, S. 1622-1630
Hopfeld, Marcus; Grieseler, Rolf; Vogel, Anneka; Romanus, Henry; Schaaf, Peter
Tribological behavior of selected M n+1 AX n phase thin films on silicon substrates. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 257 (2014), S. 286-294
Hähnlein, Bernd; Schaaf, Peter; Schaaf, Peter *1963-*;
Size effect of Young's modulus in AlN thin layers. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 116 (2014), 12, 124306, insges. 4 S.
Schaaf, Peter; Kaspar, Jörg; Höche, Daniel;
Laser gas-assisted nitriding of Ti alloys. - In: Laser machining and surface treatment, (2014), S. 261-278

Sahoo, Pratap K.; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Tunable plasmon resonance of semi-spherical nanoporous gold nanoparticles. - In: Materials Research Express, ISSN 2053-1591, Volume 1 (2014), number 3, 035018, Seite 1-10
Retraction notice enthalten in: Volume 2 (2015), number 3, 039701
Ivanov, Svetlozar; Grieseler, Rolf; Cheng, Lin; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Electrochemical lithiation of Si modified TiO 2 nanotube arrays, investigated in ionic liquid electrolyte. - In: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, ISSN 1873-2569, Bd. 731 (2014), S. 6-13
Aristizabal Tolosa, Ekine; Günter, Friedhelm; Günter, Friedhelm *1980-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Impact of inhomogeneous material description for punched edges on the force-fitting simulation of copper high current connectors. - In: Proceedings, (2014), S. 307-312

Suslik, Lubos; Pudis, Dusan; Gaso, Peter; Jandura, Daniel; Nolte, Rainer; Hronec, Pavol; Schaaf, Peter; Kovac, Jaroslav; Lettrichova, Ivana; Berezina, Sofia
PDMS membranes with 2D PhC for LEDs far-field pattern modification. - In: 2014 Elektro, ISBN 978-1-4799-3722-6, (2014), S. 670-673
Novotny, Ivan; Flickyngerova, Sona; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Sutta, Pavol; Netrvalova, Marie; Roßberg, Diana; Schaaf, Peter
Surface morphology and crystalline structure of sequentially sputtered ZnO nanocoatings. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 312 (2014), S. 167-171
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of Au/Ni bilayers: the effect of alloying on morphology evolution. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 116 (2014), 4, 044307, insges. 7 S.
Yan, Yong; Han, Moyan; Konkin, Alexander; Koppe, Tristan; Wang, Dong; Andreu, Teresa; Chen, Ge; Vetter, Ulrich; Morante, Joan Ramón; Schaaf, Peter
Slightly hydrogenated TiO 2 with enhanced photocatalytic performance. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 2050-7496, Bd. 2 (2014), 32, S. 12708-12716
Wang, Dong; Gruber, Patric Alfons; Volkert, Cynthia A.; Kraft, Oliver
Influences of Ta passivation layers on the fatigue behavior of thin Cu films. - In: Materials science & engineering, ISSN 1873-4936, Bd. 610 (2014), S. 33-38
Schaaf, Peter;
Kleine Werkstoffe für die große Energiewende : Nanomaterialien. - In: Nanotechnologie aktuell, ISSN 1866-4997, Bd. 7 (2014), S. 40-44

Alassaad, Kassem; Soulière, Véronique; Cauwet, Fran¸cois; Peyre, Hervé; Carole, Davy; Kwasnicki, Pawel; Juillaguet, Sandrine; Kups, Thomas; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ferro, Gabriel
Ge incorporation inside 4H-SiC during homoepitaxial growth by chemical vapor deposition. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 75 (2014), S. 219-226
Camargo, Magali K.; Schmidt, Udo; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Marcus; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of Zn-TiO2 dispersion coatings: study of particle incorporation in chloride and sulfate baths. - In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ISSN 1945-7111, Bd. 161 (2014), 4, S. D168-D175
Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Predanocy, Martin; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Racko, Juray
Sputtered nanocrystalline NiO thin films for very low ethanol detection. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 107 (2014), S. 129-131
Yan, Yong; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Fabrication of N-doped TiO 2 coatings on nanoporous Si nanopillar arrays through biomimetic layer by layer mineralization. - In: Dalton transactions, ISSN 1477-9234, Bd. 43 (2014), 22, S. 8480-8485
Wang, Chengliang; Wen, Liaoyong; Kups, Thomas; Vellacheri, Ranjith; Fang, Yaoguo; Schaaf, Peter; Zhao, Huaping; Lei, Yong
Growth control of AgTCNQ nanowire arrays by using template-assisted electro-deposition method. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section [SKM] together with the DPG Divisions: Microprobes, the Working Groups: Industry and Business, young DPG as well as the Committee Accelerator Physics ; March 30 - April 4, 2014, Technical University of Dresden, 2014, HL 117.4

Schaaf, Peter; Höche, Daniel;
Industrial applications of laser-material interactions for coating formation. - In: Lasers in materials science, (2014), S. 345-357

Wang, Dong; Ihlemann, Jürgen; Schaaf, Peter;
Complex patterned gold structures fabricated via laser annealing and dealloying. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 302 (2014), S. 74-78
Hähnlein, Bernd; Tonisch, Katja; Ecke, Gernot; Grieseler, Rolf; Michael, Steffen; Schaaf, Peter; Pezoldt, Jörg
AlGaN based MEMS structures. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1610-1642, Bd. 11 (2014), 2, S. 239-243
Gruia, Violeta-Tincuta; Ispas, Adriana; Wilke, Marcus; Efimov, Igor; Bund, Andreas
Application of acoustic impedance method to monitoring of sensors: metal deposition on viscoelastic polymer substrate. - In: Electrochimica acta, ISSN 1873-3859, Bd. 118 (2014), S. 88-91
Ivanov, Svetlozar; Vlaic, Codruta A.; Du, Song; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Electrochemical performance of nanoporous Si as anode for lithium ion batteries in alkyl carbonate and ionic liquid-based electrolytes. - In: Journal of applied electrochemistry, ISSN 1572-8838, Bd. 44 (2014), 1, S. 159-168
Grieseler, Rolf; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stubenrauch, Mike; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Hopfeld, Marcus; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter
Nanostructured plasma etched, magnetron sputtered nanolaminar Cr 2 AlC MAX phase thin films. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 292 (2014), S. 997-1001
Karl, Andreas;
Laserauftragschweißen hochlegierter Duplexstähle. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2014. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 230 S., 12,29 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 10) : Dissertation, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2013
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung korrosionsbeständiger Beschichtungen auf dem niedrig legierten Druckbehälterstahl P265GH beschrieben. Die Funktionsschichten aus Duplexstahl werden über den Prozess des Laserauftragschweißens aufmischungsarm erzeugt. Abhängig von den Prozessparametern entstehen 1 bis 2 mm dicke, nahezu defektfreie, Schichten mit einer Porosität von unter 1 %. Über eine hohe Energiedichte und dem daraus resultierenden lokal eng begrenzten Schmelzbad auf der Substratoberfläche ist es möglich, einen Aufschmelzgrad von unter 3 % ohne Anbindungsfehler zu erzielen. Die Parameter des laserbasierten Beschichtungsprozesses wurden aus numerischen Berechnungen abgeschätzt und auf die vorhandene Anlage übertragen. Haupteinflüsse sind neben der Laserleistung und dem Vorschub der zugeführte Pulvermassenstrom. Für den Spur- bzw. Schichtaufbau besitzt außerdem die geometrische Ausrichtung der Komponenten zueinander einen großen Einfluss. Für den Schweißprozess kommen pulvermetallurgisch erzeugte Eisen-Basiswerkstoffe mit einem Cr/Ni-Äquivalent zwischen 1,5 und 3,4 zum Einsatz. Daraus resultieren im rasch erstarrten Gefüge Austenitanteile zwischen 100 und 20 %. Hierbei ist zu beachten dass das Gefüge in mehrere Zonen unterteilt ist, welche abhängig von der jeweiligen lokalen Wärmezufuhr innerhalb der aufgebrachten Schicht unterschiedliche Phasenverhältnisse und Morphologien aufweisen. Speziell Stickstoff besitzt dabei einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die Phasenbildung der Duplexstähle. Eine ortsaufgelöste Analyse der Stickstoffverteilung im Schweißgefüge zeigt, dass sich Stickstoff im Gegensatz zu den substituierenden Legierungselementen Chrom, Nickel und Molybdän trotz der raschen Abkühlung fast vollständig im Austenit anreichert. Jedoch bilden sich innerhalb großer Ferritkörner bei Abkühlung aus der Schmelze Chromnitride. Gründe hierfür sind eine geringe Löslichkeit von Stickstoff im kubisch raumzentrierten Gitter sowie kurze Diffusionslängen. Abschließend wird mit der Entwicklung eines cannerbasierten Schweißprozesses aufgezeigt, wie die Auftragsrate deutlich gesteigert werden kann. Hieraus ergeben sich Potentiale eines laserbasierten Beschichtungsprozesses im Hinblick auf Kostenersparnis und Ressourcenschonung.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2014 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tafeln. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2014. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 264 S., 5 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke) ISBN 978-3-86395-157-3
Literaturverz. S. 236 - 240

Das Handbuch 2014 ist die Anleitung zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Katkhouda, Kamal; Martinez-Limia, Alberto; Bornschein, Lutz; Koseva, Radinka; Geppert, Torsten; Grohe, Andreas; Krokoszinski, Hans-Joachim; Schaaf, Peter
Aluminum-based rear-side PVD metallization for nPERT silicon solar cells. - In: IEEE journal of photovoltaics, ISSN 2156-3403, Bd. 4 (2014), 1, S. 160-167
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Dewetting of Au/Ni bilayer films on prepatterned substrates and the formation of arrays of supersaturated Au-Ni nanoparticles. - In: Journal of vacuum science & technology, ISSN 2166-2754, Bd. 32 (2014), 2, S. 021802, insges. 5 S.
Spieß, Lothar; Wilke, Marcus; Kais, Anke; Teichert, Gerd
Materialcharakterisierung an Messing-Legierungen, Computertomographie zur Gefügebeurteilung. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 18 (2013), 5, DGZfP 2012, Session: Materialcharakterisierung, Poster 20, insges. 7 S.
Spieß, Lothar; Weidauer, Ulrich; Kais, Anke; Teichert, Gerd
Zerstörungsfreie Materialuntersuchungen an einem Pferdemaulkorb aus dem Jahr 1597 aus dem Angermuseum Erfurt. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 18 (2013), 5, DGZfP 2012, Session: Materialcharakterisierung, Di.1.C.1, insges. 8 S.
Chen, Y. Z.; Herz, Andreas; Lib, Y. J.; Borchers, Christine; Choi, P.; Raabe, Dierk; Kirchheim, Reiner
Nanocrystalline Fe-C alloys produced by ball milling of iron and graphite. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 61 (2013), 9, S. 3172-3185
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Formation of supersaturated AuNi nanoparticles via solid state dewetting of Au/Ni thin bilayers. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section [SKM], with its Divisions: Biological Physics, Chemical and Polymer Physics, Crystallography, Dielectric Solids, Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetism, Metal and Material Physics, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, Semiconductor Physics, Surface Science, Thin Fils, Vacuum Science and Technology, together with the Divisions: Microprobes, and Radiation and Medical Physics as well as the Working Groups: Industry and Business, and "Young DPG" ; March 10 - 15, 2013, University of Regensburg, 2013, DS 27.10

Trynogga, Marie Christine; Herz, Andreas; Chen, Yuzeng; Borchers, Christine; Kirchheim, Reiner
Stabilization of nanocrystalline iron by segregation of carbon at the grain boundaries. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section [SKM], with its Divisions: Biological Physics, Chemical and Polymer Physics, Crystallography, Dielectric Solids, Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetism, Metal and Material Physics, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, Semiconductor Physics, Surface Science, Thin Fils, Vacuum Science and Technology, together with the Divisions: Microprobes, and Radiation and Medical Physics as well as the Working Groups: Industry and Business, and "Young DPG" ; March 10 - 15, 2013, University of Regensburg, 2013, MM 51.3

Aristizabal Tolosa, Ekine; Günter, Friedhelm; Günter, Friedhelm *1980-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Challenges in design and simulation of cold-joined connectors for high current applications. - In: Elektrische und optische Verbindungstechnik 2013, (2013), S. 221-227

Guerra, J. Andres; Benz, F.; Montañez, L.; Grieseler, Rolf; Schaaf, Peter; De Zela, Francisco; Winnacker, Albrecht; Strunk, H. P.; Weingärtner, Roland
Concentration quenching of Tb3+ doped SiC:H and AlN thin films in photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence measurements. - In: Lanthanide nanomaterials for imaging, sensing and optoelectronics, (2013), S. 1-6

Čizmoviâc, M.; Kovač, J.; Milosavljeviâc, Momir; Petroviâc, S.; Dražiâc, G.; Mitriâc, M.; Obradoviâc, M.; Schaaf, Peter; Peruško, D.
Intermixing in Al/Ti multilayer structures induced by nanosecond laser pulses. - In: Physica scripta, ISSN 1402-4896, (2013), T157, 014008, S. 1-6

Structural and compositional modifications of multilayered Al/Ti nano-structures induced by nanosecond laser pulses were investigated. Five and ten (Al/Ti) bilayers, with total thicknesses of 130 and 260 nm, respectively, were deposited by dc ion sputtering onto (100) Si wafers. The structures were irradiated in air with nanosecond Nd:YAG unfocused laser pulses. Characterizations of the samples were performed by x-ray diffraction analysis, Auger electron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. It was found that laser treatment of both structures induced complete intermixing of all deposited metallic films, their mixing with silicon substrate and formation of Al–Ti intermetallic and silicide compounds. This effect was achieved even for one applied laser pulse. Comparing these results with that for picosecond laser treatment of similar multilayered structures, it was concluded that materials involved within the heat diffusion length participated in the formation of new phases.
Hilse, Maria; Herfort, Jens; Jenichen, Bernd; Trampert, Achim; Hanke, Michael; Schaaf, Peter; Geelhaar, Lutz; Riechert, Henning
GaAs-Fe 3 Si core-shell nanowires: nanobar magnets. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 13 (2013), 12, S. 6203-6209
Wang, Chengliang; Wen, Liaoyong; Kups, Thomas; Mi, Yan; Vellacheri, Ranjith; Fang, Yaoguo; Schaaf, Peter; Zhao, Huaping; Lei, Yong
Growth control of AgTCNQ nanowire arrays by using a template-assisted electro-deposition method. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 2050-7534, Bd. 1 (2013), 48, S. 8003-8006
Schaaf, Peter;
Wie und wo studiert man Nano?. - In: Nanotechnologie aktuell, ISSN 1866-4997, Bd. 6 (2013), S. 126-128

Schaaf, Peter;
Nanotechnologie braucht Nanoanalytik und Nano-Werkstoffprüfung. - In: Nanotechnologie aktuell, ISSN 1866-4997, Bd. 6 (2013), S. 54-56

Spieß, Lothar; Roßberg, Diana; Predanoci, Martin; Hotovy, Ivan
Sensorschichten - Ergebnisse methodischer Werkstoffuntersuchungen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 61-66
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Pezoldt, Jörg; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stubenrauch, Mike; Tonisch, Katja; Grieseler, Rolf; Vanco, Lubomir; Schaaf, Peter
Verspannungsanalyse mit Raman-Spektroskopie an MEMS aus Gruppe III-Nitriden. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 101-106
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Katkhouda, Kamal; Bornschein, Lutz; Koseva, Radinka; Geppert, Torsten M.; Grohe, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
Physikalische Gasphasenabscheidung (PVD) als alternatives Herstellungsverfahren einer Rückseitenmetallisierung für kristalline Silizium-Solarzellen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 157-162
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Wang, Dong *1977-*; Schaaf, Peter;
Formation of alloy nanoparticles via solid-state dewetting of metallic bilayer thin films. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 201-202
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Ivanov, Svetlozar; Vlaic, Codru¸ta; Du, Song; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Nanoporous silicon nanostructures as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 205-206
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grieseler, Rolf; Stubenrauch, Mike; Michael, Steffen; Klaus, Jenny; Tonisch, Katja; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter
Ermittlung mechanischer Eigenschaften neuer Materialien mittels freistehender Balkenstrukturen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 209-210
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Vlaic, Codru¸ta; Ivanov, Svetlozar; Yan, Yong; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Electrochemical performance of nanoporous silicon nanopillars as anodes for Li-ion batteries. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 211-212
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Romanus, Henry; Hopfeld, Marcus; Roßberg, Diana; Albrecht, Arne; Schaaf, Peter
3D-Nanoanalyse-Cross-Beam-System - FIB Auriga 60. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 215-216
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Hopfeld, Marcus; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter
Schnelle thermische Prozesse in der Synthese von nanolaminaren M n+1 AX n -Phasen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 217-218
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Morgenbrodt, Sören; Schaaf, Peter;
Quantifizierung des Austenit Phasengehaltes im Duplexstrahl mit Hilfe des Ultraschallreflexionsverfahrens. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 219-220
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Schaaf, Peter
Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013 : Werkstoffe-Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft ; Technische Universität Ilmenau, 21. März 2013
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 226 S., 15,08 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 9)Literaturangaben

Der Tagungsband "Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013" sind die Proceedings des 11. Thüringer Werkstofftages, der im März 2013 an der TU Ilmenau unter dem Motto "Werkstoffe - Wissenschaft -Wirtschaft" stattfand. Der Band beinhaltet die Wissenschaftlichen Beiträge (Vorträge und Poster), die auf dem Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013 vorgestellt wurden und die als Manuskript zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht wurden. Somit wird hier ein kleiner Überblick über die aktuelle Werkstoffforschung in Thüringen gegeben.
Grieseler, Rolf; Stubenrauch, Mike; Michael, Steffen; Klaus, Jenny; Tonisch, Katja; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter
Ermittlung mechanischer Eigenschaften neuer Materialien mittels freistehender Balkenstrukturen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2013, (2013), S. 209-210

Yan, Yong; Hao, Bo; Wang, Dong; Chen, Ge; Markweg, Eric; Albrecht, Arne; Schaaf, Peter
Understanding the fast lithium storage performance of hydrogenated TiO 2 nanoparticles. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 2050-7496, Bd. 1 (2013), 46, S. 14507-14513
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter;
Silicon/silicide grown out of nanoporous gold nanoparticles. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 210 (2013), 8, S. 1512-1515
Wang, Dong; Schönherr, Sven; Ji, Ran; Herz, Andreas; Ronning, Carsten; Schaaf, Peter
Ordered arrays of patterned nanoporous silicon. - In: Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, ISSN 1361-6439, Bd. 23 (2013), 7, 074004, insges. 6 S.
Wang, Ming; Wang, Dong; Hopfeld, Marcus; Grieseler, Rolf; Roßberg, Diana; Schaaf, Peter
Nanoindentation of nano-Al/Si 3 N 4 multilayers with Vickers and Brinell indenters. - In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN 1873-619X, Bd. 33 (2013), 12, S. 2355-2358
Herz, Andreas; Wang, Dong; Müller, Robert; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of supersaturated Au-Ni nanoparticles via dewetting of an Au/Ni bilayer. - In: Materials letters, ISSN 1873-4979, Bd. 102/103 (2013), S. 22-25
Wulfmeier, Hendrik; Albrecht, Daniel; Ivanov, Svetlozar; Fischer, Julian; Grieseler, Rolf; Schaaf, Peter; Ulrich, Sven; Bund, Andreas; Fritze, Holger
Thin film calorimetry - device development and application to lithium ion battery materials. - In: MRS online proceedings library, ISSN 1946-4274, Bd. 1496 (2013), S. 54-59
Spieß, Lothar;
Strahlungsanwendung in der Technik : technische Entwicklung macht Korrektur von StrlSchV, RöV und nachgelagerter Richtlinien notwendig. - In: Strahlenschutz-Praxis, ISSN 0947-434X, Bd. 19 (2013), 1, S. 34-37

Hopfeld, Marcus; Grieseler, Rolf; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Thin film synthesis of Ti3SiC2 by rapid thermal processing of magnetron-sputtered Ti-C-Si multilayer systems. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 15 (2013), 4, S. 269-275
Im Titel sind "3" und "2" tiefgestellt
Wang, Dong; Schönherr, Sven; Du, Song; Ronning, Carsten; Schaaf, Peter
Luminescent ordered arrays of nanoporous silicon nanopillars and silicon nanopillars with nanoporous shells. - In: Materials letters, ISSN 1873-4979, Bd. 98 (2013), S. 186-189
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2013 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tafeln. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2013. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 264 S., 3,6 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke)Literaturverz. S. 236 - 240

Das Handbuch 2013 ist die Anleitung zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Keller, Thomas F.; Reichert, Jörg; Pham, Tam Thanh; Adjiski, Ranko; Spieß, Lothar; Berzina-Cimdina, Liga; Jandt, Klaus D.; Bossert, Jörg
Facets of protein assembly on nanostructured titanium oxide surfaces. - In: Acta biomaterialia, ISSN 1878-7568, Bd. 9 (2013), 3, S. 5810-5820
Pudis, Dusan; Suslik, Lubos; Skriniarova, Jaroslava; Kovac, Jaroslav; Kovac, Jaroslav; Kubicova, Ivana; Martincek, Ivan; Hascik, Stefan; Schaaf, Peter
Effect of 2D photonic structure patterned in the LED surface on emission properties. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 269 (2013), S. 161-165
Kosc, Ivan; Hotovy, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Griesseler, Rolf; Predanocy, Martin; Wilke, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Sputtered TiO 2 thin films with NiO additives for hydrogen detection. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 269 (2013), S. 110-115
Hotovy, Juraj; Hüpkes, Jürgen; Böttler, Wanjiao; Marins, E.; Spieß, Lothar; Kups, Thomas; Smirnov, Vladimir; Hotovy, Ivan; Kováč, Jaroslav
Sputtered ITO for application in thin-film silicon solar cells: relationship between structural and electrical properties. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 269 (2013), S. 81-87
Worsch, Christian; Büttner, Markus; Schaaf, Peter; Harizanova, Ruzha; Rüssel, Christian; Schmidl, Frank; Seidel, Peter
Magnetic properties of multicore magnetite nanoparticles prepared by glass crystallisation. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 48 (2013), 6, S. 2299-2307
Wang, Dong; Ji, Ran; Du, Song; Albrecht, Arne; Schaaf, Peter
Ordered arrays of nanoporous silicon nanopillars and silicon nanopillars with nanoporous shells. - In: Nanoscale research letters, ISSN 1556-276X, Bd. 8.2013, 1, Article 42, insges. 20 S.
Predanocy, Martin; Hotový, Ivan; Čaplovičová, Mária; Řeháček, Vlastimil; Košč, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar
Sputtered NiO thin films for organic vapours testing. - In: 2012 Ninth International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), ISBN 978-1-4673-1198-4, (2012), S. 291-294
Gavril, Mihaela-Daniela; Schmidt, Udo; Gheorghies, Constantin; Kups, Thomas; Ispas, Adriana; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of Co and Co-Cu nanowires in porous alumina substrates by pulse and pulse reverse plating. - In: Symposium Anodisieren - vom Korrosionsschutz bis zur Nanotechnologie, (2012), S. 57-63

Welker, Tilo; Grieseler, Rolf; Müller, Jens; Schaaf, Peter
Bonding of ceramics using reactive NanoFoil®. - In: 4th Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-4645-0, (2012), insges. 4 S.

A new bonding technique with reactive NanoFoils® developed by Indium Corp. was presented recently. These 40 m thick foils consist of aluminum - nickel multilayers, which react in a short but extensive exothermal heat pulse after an ignition. Additionally, these foils are sometimes covered with 5 m tin layers on each side, in order to improve bonding results. The foils act as local heat source for the bonding process. The short reaction time reduces the thermal stress to the package, what offers the possibility to join materials with different thermal expansions. In an evolutionary approach the tensile strength of the bond was tested. Therefor alumina ceramics and low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) with a silver-based metallization were bonded together. The NanoFoil® was activated by an electrical discharge. Also a LTCC package with integrated activation methods was build to make allowance for the fact, that the NanoFoils® are difficult to access during the bond process. Using NanoFoils® without tin layers resulted in micro cracks within the reacted foil. The additional tin layers melted and filled the micro cracks. The bond strength of the joints was tested with good results. Additionally, the thermal performance of the bonds was investigated. Therefore, a small thermal test chip with an integrated heater was bonded on a metalized alumina using NanoFoils® with tin layers. The generated heat was measured with IR spectroscopy. To compare the thermal performance with common die attach processes the test chip was also soldered and glued on the alumina carrier. It could be shown, that the bond had a good thermal performance, which was comparable to the performance of the classic bonds.
Gavril, Mihaela-Daniela; Schmidt, Udo; Gheorghies, Constantin; Ispas, Adriana; Kups, Thomas; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of Co-Cu nanowires in alumina templates. - In: Tagungsband zum Zweiten Workshop Oberflächentechnik, ISBN 978-3-938843-72-7, (2012), S. 20-24

Schnapp, Jürgen Dieter; Weber, Heike; Schilling, Jörg; Wilke, Marcus
Glimmentladungsanalyse (GD-OES) buntgehärteter Stahloberflächen. - In: Materials testing, ISSN 0025-5300, Bd. 54 (2012), 10, S. 707-712

Morgenbrodt, Sören; Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Bamberger, Menachem; Schaaf, Peter
Comparative investigation on the determination of the austenite content in bainitic cast iron (ADI) :
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Austenitgehalts austenitisch-ferritischen Gusseisens mit Kugelgraphit (ADI). - In: HTM - journal of heat treatment and materials, ISSN 2194-1831, Bd. 67 (2012), 6, S. 393-401

Der Austenitgehalt bestimmt maßgeblich die mechanischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Konstruktionselementen in Eisenwerkstoffen. So werden zum Beispiel die dynamische Festigkeit und das Korrosionsverhalten von Eisenlegierungen durch den Austenitgehalt beeinflusst. Die korrekte Quantifizierung dieses Gefügebestandteils in materialwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen, in der Produktion und auch in der Qualitätskontrolle ist somit von großer Bedeutung. Aus der Vielzahl von Verfahren werden in dieser Arbeit das Wirbelstromverfahren, die magnetinduktive Methode, die Mössbauerspektroskopie, die Metallographie sowie die Röntgenbeugung zur Untersuchung von austenitisch-ferritischem Gusseisen mit Kugelgraphit (ADI) angewendet und miteinander verglichen. Die Messergebnisse der genannten Methoden zeigen zwar alle die gleiche Tendenz im Verlauf des Austenitgehalts auf, die gemessenen Absolutwerte variieren jedoch. Da Austenit und Martensit in Schliffbildern kaum voneinander zu separieren sind, eignet sich die Metallographie bei ADI-Proben nicht zur Quantifizierung.
Grieseler, Rolf; Klaus, Jenny; Stubenrauch, Mike; Tonisch, Katja; Michael, Steffen; Pezoldt, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter
Residual stress measurements and mechanical properties of AlN thin films as ultra-sensitive materials for nanoelectromechanical systems. - In: The philosophical magazine: a journal of theoretical experimental and applied physics, ISSN 1941-5869, Bd. 92 (2012), 25/27, S. 3392-3401
Wang, Dong; Schönherr, Sven; Ronning, Carsten; Schaaf, Peter
Patterned array of nanoporous silicon. - In: 23rd Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Workshop, (2012), insges. 4 S.

Predanocy, Martin; Hotovy, Ivan; Kosc, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Kostic, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar
Simulation, development and characterization of platinum microheater on polyimide membrane. - In: 23rd Micromechanics and Microsystems Europe Workshop, (2012), insges. 4 S.

Zimmermann, Stefan; Specht, Uwe; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Krischok, Stefan; Himmerlich, Marcel; Ihde, Jörg
Improved adhesion at titanium surfaces via laser-induced surface oxidation and roughening. - In: Materials science & engineering, ISSN 1873-4936, Bd. 558 (2012), S. 755-760
Wang, Dong; Ji, Ran; Albrecht, Arne; Schaaf, Peter
Ordered arrays of nanoporous gold nanoparticles. - In: Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, ISSN 2190-4286, Bd. 3 (2012), S. 651-657
Vlaic, Codru¸ta Aurelia; Hühn, C.; Grohmann, L.; Schulze, L.; Ivanov, Svetlozar Dimitrov; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter; Bund, Andreas
Electrochemical behavior of Si nanostructures in ionic liquids. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 17-21
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Hronec, Pavol; Kováč, Jaroslav; Škriniarová, J.; Žochovec, Svjatoslav; Schaaf, Peter
Investigation of photonic crystal LED coupling properties using spectroscopic ellipsometry. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 23-28
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Aristizabal Tolosa, Ekine; Günter, Friedhelm; Günter, Friedhelm *1980-*; Schaaf, Peter;
A new method to characterize material properties of copper by microindentation. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 29-45
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Kotlár, Mário; Vretenár, Viliam; Veselý, Marian; Redhammer, Róbert; Schaaf, Peter
Carbon nanotubes - properties and applications. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 55-60
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Michniak, Pavol; Vojs, Marian; Behul, Miroslav; Veselý, Marian; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Vincze, Andrej; Wilke, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Rossberg, Diana; Schaaf, Peter
Boron doped diamond for trace metal detection. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 61-66
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Tvarozek, Vladimir; Flickyngerova, Sona; Novotny, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Rossberg, Diana; Kups, Thomas; Schaaf, Peter; Sutta, Pavol
Enhancement of fingerprint topology by sputtered nano-columnar thin films. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 67-72
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Marton, Marian; Kotlár, Mário; Michniak, Pavol; Wilke, Marcus; Grieseler, Rolf; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter; Veselý, Marian
Incorporation of copper nanoparticles into DLC films during growth by DC PE-CVD method. - In: Materials for energy and power engineering, (2012), S. 85-89
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Schaaf, Peter
Materials for energy and power engineering : (Werkstoffe für die Elektrotechnik) ; Ilmenau University of Technology, 4 - 7 September 2012
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2012. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 106 S., 6,95 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 7)Literaturangaben

This booklet represents the proceedings of the workshop "Materials for Energy and Power Engineering" held in September 2012 during the IWK 2012 in Ilmenau. Here, the latest developments related to materials in energy and power engineering are reported. This comprises the latest research results and developments from university and industry. The topics are covering advanced materials for energy transport, advanced materials for energy distribution and delivery, advanced materials for energy storage, advanced materials for energy conversion, and advanced materials for energy control and management. Thus, it gives a current overview of the field of materials for energy and power engineering.
Pezoldt, Jörg; Grieseler, Rolf; Schupp, Thorsten; As, Donat J.; Schaaf, Peter
Mechanical properties of cubic SiC, GaN and AlN thin films. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 717/720 (2012), S. 513-516
Grieseler, Rolf; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Hopfeld, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of Ti 2 AlN nanolaminate films by multilayer-deposition and subsequent rapid thermal annealing. - In: Materials letters, ISSN 1873-4979, Bd. 82 (2012), S. 74-77
Lange, Christian; Hopfeld, Marcus; Wilke, Marcus; Schawohl, Jens; Kups, Thomas; Barsoum, Michel W.; Schaaf, Peter
Pulsed laser deposition from a presynthesized Cr2AlC MAX phase target with and without ion-beam assistance. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 209 (2012), 3, S. 545-552
Grieseler, Rolf; Welker, Tilo; Müller, Jens; Schaaf, Peter
Bonding of low temperature co-fired ceramics to copper and to ceramic blocks by reactive aluminum/nickel multilayers. - In: Physica status solidi. Applications and materials science. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2005- , ISSN: 1862-6319 , ZDB-ID: 1481091-8, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 209 (2012), 3, S. 512-518
Worsch, Christian; Schaaf, Peter; Harizanova, Ruzha; Rüssel, Christian
Magnetisation effects of multicore magnetite nanoparticles crystallised from a silicate glass. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 47 (2012), 15, S. 5886-5890
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2012 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2012. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 262 S., 3,3 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke)Literaturverz. S. [234] - 238

Das Handbuch 2012 ist die "Anleitung" zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Wang, Dong; Kups, Thomas; Schawohl, Jens; Schaaf, Peter
Deformation behavior of Au/Ti multilayers under indentation. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-482X, Bd. 23 (2012), 5, S. 1077-1082
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter;
Nanoporous gold nanoparticles. - In: Journal of materials chemistry, ISSN 1364-5501, Bd. 22 (2012), 12, S. 5344-5348
Rehacek, Vlastimil; Hotovy, Ivan; Vojs, Marian; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
Nafion-coated bismuth film electrodes on pyrolyzed photoresist/alumina supports for analysis of trace heavy metals. - In: Electrochimica acta, ISSN 1873-3859, Bd. 63 (2012), S. 192-196
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter;
Thermal dewetting of thin Au films deposited onto line-patterned substrates. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 47 (2012), 4, S. 1605-1608
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter;
Ni-Au bi-metallic nanoparticles formed via dewetting. - In: Materials letters, ISSN 1873-4979, Bd. 70 (2012), S. 30-33
Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Wilke, Marcus
Die Materialcharakterisierungsverfahren Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA) und Glimmentladungsspektroskopie (GDOES) im Alltag eines Werkstoffprüflabors. - In: The e-journal of nondestructive testing & ultrasonics, ISSN 1435-4934, Bd. 16 (2011), 1, DGZfP 2010, Session: Materialcharakterisierung, Di.1.C.1, insges. 8 S.
Kosc, Ivan; Hotovy, Ivan; Grieseler, Rolf; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Wilke, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar
Thin compound oxide films based on NiO and TiO 2 for gas detection. - In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, APCOM 2011, June 22 - 24, 2011, Spa Nový Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, (2011), S. 268-271

Marton, Marián; Kovalčík, David; Zdravecká, Eva; Varga, Marián; Gajdošová, Lenka; Vavrinský, Erik; Veselý, Marian; Redhammer, Robert; Hopfeld, Marcus
The influence of substrate bias on nanohardness of a-C:N films deposited on CoCrMo alloy. - In: Chemické listy, ISSN 0009-2770, Bd. 105.2011, 17, S. s832-s833

Spieß, Lothar; Morgenbrodt, Sören; Teichert, Gerd; Schaaf, Peter
Restaustenitbestimmung-vergleichende Untersuchung mit zerstörungsfreien Messmethoden. - In: DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2011 Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, (2011), insges. 7 S.

Spieß, Lothar; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Markus; Teichert, Gerd; Schaaf, Peter
Bestimmung von Werkstoffkenngrößen mittels der instrumentierten Eindringhärteprüfung. - In: DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2011 Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung, (2011), insges. 5 S.

Wang, Dong; Ji, Ran; Schaaf, Peter
Formation of precise 2D Au particle arrays via thermally induced dewetting on pre-patterned substrates. - In: Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, ISSN 2190-4286, Bd. 2 (2011), S. 318-326
Tonisch, Katja; Jatal, Wael; Niebelschütz, Florentina; Romanus, Henry; Baumann, Uwe; Schwierz, Frank; Pezoldt, Jörg
AlGaN/GaN-heterostructures on (111) 3C-SiC/Si pseudo substrates for high frequency applications. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 520 (2011), 1, S. 491-496
Wilke, Marcus; Teichert, Gerd; Gemma, Ryōota; Pundt, Astrid; Kirchheim, Reiner; Romanus, Henry; Schaaf, Peter
Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy for accurate and well resolved analysis of coatings and thin films. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 520 (2011), 5, S. 1660-1667
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2011 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2011. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 261 S., 11 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke) ISBN 978-3-941875-89-0
Literaturverz. S. [234] - 238

Das Handbuch 2011 ist die "Anleitung" zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Leineweber, Andreas; Lienert, Franziska; Glock, S.; Woehrle, T.; Schaaf, Peter; Wilke, Marcus; Mittemeijer, Eric J.
X-ray diffraction investigations on gas nitrided nickel and cobalt. - In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, ISSN 1869-1315, (2011), 1, S. 293-298

Reháček, Vlastimil; Hotový, Ivan; Vojs, Marian; Kotlár, Mário; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
Pyrolyzed photoresist film electrodes for application in electroanalysis. - In: Journal of electrical engineering, ISSN 1339-309X, Bd. 62 (2011), 1, S. 49-53
Höche, Daniel; Schaaf, Peter
Laser nitriding: investigations on the model system TiN : a review. - In: Heat and mass transfer, ISSN 1432-1181, Bd. 47 (2011), 5, S. 519-540
Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter;
Two-dimensional nanoparticle arrays formed by dewetting of thin gold films deposited on pre-patterned substrates. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-482X, Bd. 22 (2011), 8, S. 1067-1070
Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas; Stubenrauch, Mike; Fischer, Michael
Black luminescent silicon. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1610-1642, Bd. 8 (2011), 3, S. 1021-1026
Schaaf, Peter; Spieß, Lothar; Kups, Thomas; Romanus, Henry; Grieseler, Rolf; Hopfeld, Marcus; Wilke, Marcus; Stauden, Thomas; Lorenz, David; Fischer, Andreas
Schichten über Schichten : innovative Beschichtungen für komplexe Anwendungen. - In: Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis, ISSN 1522-2454, Bd. 23 (2011), 3, S. 24-32
Koch, Jürgen;
Laserendbearbeitung metallischer Werkstoffe
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2011. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 230 S., 37,32 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 5) : Zugl.: Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2010
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Die Laserendbearbeitung metallischer Werkstoffe fasst die Einzelprozesse der abtragenden Mikromaterialbearbeitung von Metallen mit Laserpulsen von ns-Dauer zusammen. Dabei wird erstmals die Strahlausbreitung in die Betrachtungen einbezogen. Somit gelingt es, ein Modell zu erarbeiten, das Vorhersagen zu Optimierungsbemühungen erlaubt und ein tieferes Verständnis dieser Abtragprozesse ermöglicht. Schließlich führen Optimierungsergebnisse auf Basis der entwickelten Modellvorstellung zu einer Verkürzung der Prozesskette. So gelingt einerseits die Aufteilung des Bearbeitungsprozesses in Schruppen und Schlichten, andererseits motiviert die Beobachtung von erstarrten Schmelzefilmen zur Erzeugung einer definierten Schmelzeschicht. Damit kann die Qualität der gefertigten Oberflächen bei reduzierter Bearbeitungszeit gesteigert werden, wobei sich die Fertigung in einer Aufspannung realisiert lässt.
Teichert, Gerd; Wilke, Marcus; Spieß, Lothar; Schaaf, Peter
Komplexe Materialprüfung und Schadensanalyse - Praxisbeispiele aus dem Ofenbau-, Beschichtungs- und Automobilbereich. - In: Materials testing, ISSN 0025-5300, Bd. 53 (2011), 3, S. 150-158

Schaaf, Peter;
Studium der Werkstoffwissenschaft an der TU Ilmenau : eine gute Verbindung von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. - In: Thüringer Mitteilungen, 2011 (Jan./Mrz), S. 11

Meinhardt, Jürgen;
Entwicklung nanostrukturierter Kohlenstoff-Fluor-Plasmapolymerschichten für Mikrosysteme. - Ilmenau. - Getr. Zählung : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2011

Hotový, Ivan; Kups, Thomas; Hotový, Juraj; Liday, Jozef; Búc, Dalibor; Čaplovičová, Mária; Reháček, Vlastimil; Sitter, Helmut; Simbrunner, Clemens; Bonnani, Alberta; Spieß, Lothar
Structural evolution of sputtered indium oxide thin films. - In: Journal of electrical engineering, ISSN 1339-309X, Bd. 61 (2010), 6, S. 382-385
Skriniarov`a, J.; Novotn`y, I.; Tonisch, Katja; Schaaf, Peter
UV-source assisted GaN wet etching. - In: Programme and book of abstracts, (2010), S. 61

Grosser, Michaela; Münch, M.; Brenner, J.; Wilke, Marcus; Seidel, H.; Bienert, C.; Roosen, A.; Schmid, U.
Study on microstructural, chemical and electrical properties of tantalum nitride thin films deposited by reactive direct current magnetron sputtering. - In: Microsystem technologies, ISSN 1432-1858, Bd. 16 (2010), 5, S. 825-836
Schaaf, Peter; Günschmann, Sabine; Hopfeld, Marcus; Wilden, Johannes; Drescher, Viktor; Borschel, Christian; Ronning, Carsten
Self-organized nanostructuring of composite coatings at high temperatures for drag reduction and self-cleaning. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 205 (2010), 5, S. 1584-1588
Carpene, Ettore; Höche, Daniel; Schaaf, Peter;
Fundamentals of laser-material interactions. - In: Laser processing of materials, (2010), S. 21-44

Schaaf, Peter;
Introduction. - In: Laser processing of materials, (2010), S. 1-4

Kups, Thomas;
Crystalline calibration standard for NPM : the use of well known lattice plane distances. - In: Imaging & microscopy, ISSN 1439-4243, Bd. 12 (2010), 2, S. 38-39

Kosc, Ivan; Hotovy, Ivan; Kompitsas, Michael; Grieseler, Rolf; Wilke, Marcus; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Predanocy, Martin; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
The compound oxides based on TiO2 and NiO thin films for low temperature gas detection. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 337-340
Predanocy, Martin; Fasaki, I.; Wilke, Marcus; Hotovy, Ivan; Kosc, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar
Study of optical and electrical properties of sputtered indium oxide films. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 297-300
Novotný, Ivan; Kotorová, D.; Flickyngerová, Sona; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Spieß, Lothar; Schaaf, Peter; Netrvalová, Marie; Šutta, Pavol
Effect of substrate temperature on oblique-angle sputtered ZnO:Ga thin films. - In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2010, (2010), S. 73-76
Wilden, Johannes; Drescher, Viktor E.; Schaaf, Peter; Günschmann, Sabine
Composite coatings with drag reduction and self-cleaning properties. - In: Conference proceedings, (2010), insges. 5 S.

Amran, Yogev; Katsman, Alexander; Schaaf, Peter; Bamberger, Menachem
Influence of copper addition and temperature on the kinetics of austempering in ductile iron. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 41 (2010), 5, S. 1052-1058
Tvarožek, Vladimír; Novotny, Ivan; Sutta, Pavol; Netrvalova, Marie; Flickyngerova, Sona; Spieß, Lothar; Schaaf, Peter
Sputtering of ZnO:Ga thin films with the inclined crystalic texture. - In: 2010 27th International Conference on Microelectronics proceedings (MIEL), ISBN 978-1-4244-7200-0, (2010), S. 177-180
Hopfeld, Marcus; Wilden, Johannes; Drescher, Viktor E.; Schaaf, Peter
In-situ synthesis of Y2W3O12 within a Co-based superalloy powder mixture. - In: International journal of materials research, ISSN 2195-8556, Bd. 101 (2010), 8, S. 1042-1045
Im Titel sind "2", "3" und "12" tiefgestellt
Schilling, Jörg;
Werkstoffwissenschaftliche und technologische Untersuchungen zum Bunteinsatzhärten. - Ilmenau, 2010. - Getr. Zählung : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2010
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Die im Verlaufe diese Arbeit erworbenen Erkenntnisse zum Bunteinsatzhärten basieren auf Recherchen zu historischen Entwicklung der Verfahrenstechnologie, einem Vergleich heute noch existierenden Anwender und der wissenschaftlich-methodischen Auswertung durchgeführter Versuchsreihen von über 200 Proben. Sie entstanden aber auch durch die Verknüpfung unterschiedlicher Fachgebiete, wie der Waffentechnik, der Härtereitechnik, der Werkstoffwissenschaften, der Chemie und der Optik. Aufgrund dieser gegebenen Komplexität, lag die Schwierigkeit bei der Probenauswertung insbesondere in der Eingrenzung der analytischen Methoden zur Bestimmung der für das Verfahren typischen Härte- und Farbparameter. Im Ergebnis dieser Arbeiten wurde auf die neue Technologie zum Bunteinsatzhärten ein Verfahrens-Patent erteilt (Pat.Nr. 10156326). Damit ist es erstmals möglich diese spezielle Wärmebehandlung mit reproduzierbaren Parametern durchzuführen und auf heutige legierte und kohlenstoffreiche Stahlwerkstoffe mit einem sehr kleinen technologischen Fenster zu applizieren. – Als eines der wesentlichsten Erkenntnisse aus den Untersuchungen ist hervorzuheben, dass es sich beim Bunthärten nicht um ein typisches Einsatzhärteverfahren, sondern um ein gezieltes Zementieren unterhalb der 1. Umwandlungstemperatur (A C1) des Stahls handelt. Die Bildung einer 1-3mym dicken Zementitphase mit einer defektfreien Verzahnung zum Grundwerkstoff ist dabei entscheidendes Kriterium für fehlerfreie, farbige Oxidschichten. Moderne legierte und kohlenstoffreiche Stahlsorten neigen durch das entstehende Kohlenstoff-Konzentrationsgefälle bei der Austenitisierung und karbidbildende Legierungselemente (Mangan und Chrom)zum Ablösen der Deckschicht. Es wurde im Rahmen der Versuche festgestellt, dass durch eine spezielle Glühbehandlung diese Erscheinung vermieden werden kann. Es konnte weiterhin nachgewiesen werden, dass die signifikanten Deckschichten eine charakteristische Oberflächenmorphologie aufweisen und vorwiegend aus eisenoxidischen, Mikrokristalliten bestehen. Aufgrund des auftretenden Interferenzeffektes an dünnen Schichten, als Grundlage der Farbentstehung, konnte für die markantesten Farben eine Zuordnung der Schichtdicken (d=24-230nm) und der Reflexionswerte vorgenommen werden. Die mit anteiliger Verwendung von Knochenkohle (ab 40 Ma%) bei der Zementierung auftretende katalysatorische Wirkung des Kalziumkarbonates ermöglicht bereits bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen (ab T a=650 C) auch das verzugsarme Bunthärten geometrisch instabiler Bauteile.

Hotovy, Ivan; Pezoldt, Jörg; Kadlecikova, M.; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar; Breza, Juraj; Sakalauskas, Egidijus; Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Rehacek, Vlastimil
Structural characterization of sputtered indium oxide films deposited at room temperature. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 518 (2010), 16, S. 4508-4511
Günter, Friedhelm;
Ausfallmechanismen, Ausfallmodelle und Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung von kalten Kontaktiertechniken
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2010. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 192 S., 17,29 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 3) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Schadensbildern, Ausfallmechanismen und Zuverlässigkeitsbewertungen von Schneid-Klemm-Verbindungen (SKV) sowie Einpress-Verbindungen (EPV) unter thermischen und mechanischen Belastungen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden hierzu neuartige Prüfkonzepte entwickelt, die einerseits eine Trennung der mechanischen und thermischen Belastungen ermöglichen und andererseits für die produktunabhängige Erprobung realer Kontaktgeometrien geeignet sind. Die Grundidee die mechanische Belastung direkt und nicht über eine thermomechanische Belastung einzubringen wurde für vier verschiedene Schneid-Klemm-Verbindungen und zwei Verbindungen aus der Einpresstechnik in Labor-Prüfeinrichtungen umgesetzt. Anhand dieser Prüfstände wurden in einem ersten Schritt die Schadensbilder und Ausfallmechanismen der Verbindungen unter niederfrequenten, weggesteuerten mechanischen Belastungen detailliert erarbeitet. Für die Praxis wurde hierdurch eine breite Basis zur Beurteilung von Feldausfällen und zur Auslegung der Verbindungen geschaffen. Außerdem wurde aus den Versuchsergebnissen ein Kriterium abgeleitet, dass eine Abschätzung des aktivierten Ausfallmechanismus bereits in FE-Modellen ermöglicht. Aufbauend auf der systematischen Beschreibung der Ausfallmechanismen und ausgehend von Grundkonzepten zur Reibkorrosion wurde für die 1,5-mm-SKV eine Methode zur Lebensdauervorhersage entwickelt. Die Form der Kraft-Weg-Kurve und deren Entwicklung unter einer mechanischen Last ermöglichen Belastungsregime einzuführen. Diese Einteilung eine Abschätzung der Lebensdauer bereits nach wenigen Lastwechseln, also in einem frühen Stadium der Belastung. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Methodik der Kraft-Weg-basierten Lebensdauerprognose erfolgreich auf Einpressverbindung\-en übertragen. Am Beispiel der 1,5-mm-SKV wurde im vierten Teil der Arbeit das Grundlagenverständnis der Schadensbilder sowohl auf statische Temperaturauslagerungen wie auch auf die Kombination von thermischen und mechanischen Belastungen erweitert. Rein statische Temperaturbelastungen beeinträchtigen die Lebensdauer der Verbindung unter extremen Belastungen (T=220 grad C und t>1 Jahr). Grundvoraussetzung für einen Ausfall bei Umgebungstemperaturen bis 150 grad C ist hingegen die Kombination mit eine mechanische Belastung der Kontaktzone. Die Gegenüberstellung von Temperaturwechselversuchen und direkter mechanischer Belastung bildet die Basis neuer Erprobungskonzepte, die durch den Einsatz einer direkten mechanischen Wechselbelastung Entwicklungszeiträume deutlich verkürzen. Über die im Rahmen der Arbeit eingeführte Trennung von thermischer und mechanischer Belastung konnten drei Faktoren identifiziert werden, die die Lebensdauer der Verbindungen beeinflussen: thermisch-aktivierte Ausfallmechanismen (Oxidation und Spannungsrelaxation), mechanische Belastungen und die Umlagerungsgeschwindigkeit. Aus dieser differenzierten Beschreibung ergibt sich die Möglichkeit in weiteren Versuchen Alterungsgesetze für kraft- und formschlüssige Verbindungen abzuleiten. Auch aus neuen Anwendungsfeldern ergeben sich eine Vielzahl an offenen Arbeitsthemen. Mit der zunehmenden Anzahl an Fahrzeugen mit Hybrid- oder Elektroantrieb steigen auch die Anforderungen an die Stromtragfähigkeit von kraft- und formschlüssigen Kontakten. Um diesen gestiegenen Erwartungen sicher begegnen zu können, sind Untersuchungen an bestromten Kontakten und an neuen Werkstoffpaarungen erforderlich.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2010 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2010. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 260 S., 21,7 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke)

Das Handbuch 2010 ist die "Anleitung" zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Schaaf, Peter
Laser processing of materials : fundamentals, applications and developments. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - XIV, 231 S.. - (Springer series in materials science ; 139) ISBN 3-642-13280-4
Literaturangaben. - Zusätzliches Online-Angebot unter

Spieß, Lothar; Kups, Thomas; Hotovy, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Wilke, Marcus
Struktur und Oberflächenmorphologie von gesputterten TiO2-Schichten. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 121-126
Spieß, Lothar; Westphal, Hartmut; Tümmler, Michael; Schmidt, Denny; Wilke, Marcus; Kups, Thomas
Schichteigenschaftsbestimmung an Hartmetallen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 127-132
Hofmann, Martin; Teichert, Gerd; Teichert, Gerd *1957-*; Spieß, Lothar;
Darstellung der Eigenschaftsverteilung in einer einsatzgehärteten Randschicht mit verschiedenen Methoden. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 133-138
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen
Grieseler, Rolf; Romanus, Henry; Schaaf, Peter; Remdt, Elvira; Spieß, Lothar
Untersuchung zur Phasenausbildung von Platinsiliziden mittels PVD und unterschiedlicher Temperprozesse. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 149-154
Günschmann, Sabine; Wilden, Johannes; Drescher, Viktor; Hopfeld, Marcus; Remdt, Elvira; Schaaf, Peter; Borschel, Christian; Ronning, Carsten
Selbststrukturierende Oberflächen von Verbundschichten bei Hochtemperaturanwendungen mit Minderung des Strömungswiderstandes und Selbstreinigungseffekt. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 177-182
Kups, Thomas; Knote, Andreas; Kern, Heinrich; Remdt, Elvira; Spieß, Lothar
Structural characterization of metal-ceramic coatings by electron microscopy. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 189-194
Wilke, Marcus; Schmidt, Udo; Lerp, Marianne; Schlütter, F.; Romanus, Henry; Remdt, Elvira; Teichert, Gerd
Erhöhung der Verschleiß- und Korrosionsbeständigkeit passivierter Trommelware durch Hartstoffpartikeleinbau. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 195
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Der Druck durch die weltweit immer strenger werdenden Umweltverordnungen sowie Qualitäts-anforderungen führte in den letzten Jahren bei vielen Oberflächen-Schutzsystemen zu Umstel-lungen. Im Bereich der Automobilindustrie, die eine der wichtigsten Kundengruppen der Oberflächentechnik darstellt, wurde 2007 im Rahmen der EU-Altautoverordnung der Einsatz von hexavalentem Chrom in allen Fahrzeugbauteilen verboten. Somit ist die Anwendung der über die Jahre entwickelten und durch sehr gute Korrosionsschutzeigenschaften gekennzeichneten Chrom(VI)-haltigen Gelb-, Schwarz- sowie Olivchromatierungen für Zink- und Zinklegierungsschichten, die das mengenmäßig größte Metallisierungsverfahren in der Galvanotechnik darstellen, stark eingeschränkt. Aufgrund des Cr(VI)-Verbotes werden heute neben Blaupassivierungen vor allem Dickschichtpassivierungen eingesetzt. Ohne den für Cr(VI)-haltige Schichten beschriebenen "Selbstheilungseffekt" sind diese Schichtsysteme aufgrund ihrer geringen Härte anfällig bezüglich mechanischen Verletzungen, so dass speziell bei Trommelware die geforderten Korrosionsschutzeigenschaften nur durch zusätzliche silikatische oder organische Topcoats erreicht werden können. Der Beitrag soll zeigen, wie durch die Einlagerung von Hartstoffpartikeln in die Passivierungsschicht die Verschleißbeständigkeit und hierüber durch die Vermeidung von Verletzungen während der Herstellung sowie des Bauteiltransportes auch die Korrosionsbeständigkeit erhöht werden kann. Im Vergleich zu bereits am Markt erhältlichen SiO2-haltigen Dickschichtpassivierungen, die lediglich eine Anlagerung im oberflächennahen Bereich zeigen, konnte durch die Verwendung von Al2O3-Hartstoffpartikeln ein Einbau über die gesamte Schicht realisiert werden. Die abgeschiedenen Schichtsysteme werden mittels optischer Glimmentladungsspektroskopie (GDOES), Rasterelektronenmikroskop (REM) sowie Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (TEM) charakterisiert. Ein Vergleich zum Einbauverhalten weiterer Hartstoffpartikel (Metall-Oxide, -Nitride, -Carbide) findet satt. Durch eine geeignete Partikelvorbehandlung sowie sterische Stabilisierung konnte die Agglomeration der Hartstoffpartikel im stark sauren Milieu der Passivierungslösung sowie bei den hohen Ionendichten unterdrückt werden. Hierdurch sind wichtige Voraussetzungen für einen industriellen Einsatz als innovatives Passivierungsverfahren verzinkter Massenware geschaffen worden. Weitere Einflussfaktoren auf den Partikeleinbau sowie die Partikelstabilität werden diskutiert.
Hopfeld, Marcus; Wilke, Marcus; Lange, C.; Kups, Thomas; Remdt, Elvira; Schaaf, Peter
Nanolaminare MAX-Phasen als Hochtemperatur-Funktionsschichten. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010, (2010), S. 197
Spieß, Lothar; Rädlein, Edda; Schaaf, Peter
Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010 : Technische Universität Ilmenau, 24. März 2010 ; wissenschaftliche Beiträge
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2010. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: IX, 214 S., 18,42 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 2)Literaturangaben

Der Tagungsband "Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010" sind die Proceedings des 8. Thüringer Werkstofftages, der im März 2010 an der TU Ilmenau stattfindet. Der Band beinhaltet die Wissenschaftlichen Beiträge (Vorträge und Poster), die auf dem Thüringer Werkstofftag 2010 vorgestellt werden und die als Manuskript zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht wurden. Für alle weiteren Beiträge, für die kein Manuskript eingereicht wurde, ist die Zusammenfassung des jeweiligen Beitrages in den Tagungsband aufgenommen worden.
Hähnel, Veronika; Fähler, Sebastian; Schaaf, Peter; Miglierini, Marcel; Mickel, Christine; Schultz, Ludwig; Schlörb, Heike
Towards smooth and pure iron nanowires grown by electrodeposition in self-organized alumina membranes. - In: Acta materialia, ISSN 1873-2453, Bd. 58 (2010), 7, S. 2330-2337
Meier, Leopold; Schaaf, Peter; Cusenza, Salvatore; Höche, Daniel; Bamberger, Menachem; Amran, Yogev; Weiss, K.; Hofmann, Michael; Hoffmann, Hartmut
Monitoring phase transition kinetics in austempered ductile iron (ADI). - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 638/642 (2010), S. 3394-3399
Schaaf, Peter; Höche, Daniel;
Free electron laser synthesis of functional coatings. - In: Laser-surface interactions for new materials production, (2010), S. 295-306

Žochovec, Svjatoslav; Spieß, Lothar; Spieß, Lothar *1956-*; Gobsch, Gerhard;
Spectroscopic ellipsometry of wurtzite ZnO and GaN: examination of a special case. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 107 (2010), 2, 023509, insges. 10 S.
Schaaf, Peter; Binczycka, Halina; Kahle, Michael; Cusenza, Salvatore; Höche, Daniel; Carpene, Ettore
Transformation of expanded austenite to an amorphous ferromagnetic surface layer during laser carburization of austenitic stainless steel. - In: HTM - journal of heat treatment and materials, ISSN 2194-1831, Bd. 64 (2009), 4, S. 242-248

The presented experiments that were carried out in order to advance the understanding of the transformation of expanded austenite into an amorphous ferromagnetic surface layer during laser carburization of austenitic stainless steel. Therefore laser carburized austenitic stainless steel was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Rutherford backscattering and magneto-optical Kerr-effect. Five to seven sub-spectra attributed to different iron sites were resolved in the Mössbauer spectra for this iron-carbon austenite. The isomer shifts, the quadrupole splittings and in particular the subspectra fractions depend on the carbon content. The formation of an amorphous and soft ferromagnetic phase was found in the laser treated surface.
Hotovy, Ivan; Tengeri, David; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Hascik, Stefan; Pullmannova, Andrea; Kosc, Ivan; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
Gas sensing micromachined structure based on gallium arsenide. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 8 S.
Hotovy, Ivan; Predanocy, Martin; Hotovy, Juraj; Pezoldt, Jörg; Wilke, Marcus; Kups, Thomas; Kosc, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Spieß, Lothar
Nanostructured indium oxide thin films deposited at room temperature. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 4 S.
Richtiger Name des Verf.: Jörg Pezoldt
Rehacek, Vlastimil; Hotovy, Ivan; Vojs, Marian; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
An effect of bismuth film electroplating variables on electrode performance in electroanalysis. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 7 S.
Lange, Christian; Guo, Qingchuan; Kups, Thomas; Wilke, Marcus; Barsoum, Michel W.; Schaaf, Peter
Ion beam-assisted pulsed laser deposition from a pre-synthesized Ti 3 SiC 2 MAX-pase target. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2009), insges. 6 S.
Wilden, Johannes; Jahn, Simon; Drescher, Viktor E.; Schaaf, Peter
Drag reduction and self-cleaning of thermal sprayed surfaces by the combination of materials with positive and negative thermal expansion coefficients. - In: Expanding thermal spray performance to new markets and applications, (2009), S. 1112-1116

Schaaf, Peter; Rädlein, Edda;
Thüringer Modell der Werkstoffwissenschaft : der konsekutive Bachelor/Master-Studiengang Werkstoffwissenschaft an der TU Ilmenau. - In: Im Fokus: Werkstofftechnologien, (2009), S. 40-41

Kups, Thomas; Knote, Andreas; Krüger, Horst Günter; Winkler, Heinz-Volker; Kern, Heinrich; Spieß, Lothar
Formation and characterization of metal-ceramic coatings :
Herstellung und komplexe Charakterisierung von Metall-Keramik-Verbundschichten. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 40 (2009), 12, S. 894-900
Hotovy, Ivan; Pullmannová, Andrea; Predanocy, Martin; Hotový, Juraj; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar
Structural and morphological investigations of TiO2 sputtered thin films. - In: Journal of electrical engineering, ISSN 1335-3632, Bd. 60 (2009), 6, S. 354-357

Canulescu, S.; Borca, C. N.; Döbeli, M.; Schaaf, Peter; Lippert, T.; Wokaun, A.
Processing and properties of thin manganite films. - In: Magnetic properties of solids, (2009), S. 179-202

Wilden, Johannes; Jahn, Simon; Drescher, Viktor E.; Schaaf, Peter
Thermal spraying layers characterized by reduced resistance of gases flow and self-cleaning effect :
Natryskiwane cieplnie powłoki charakteyzujace sie zredukowanym oporem przepływu gazów i efektem samooczyszczania. - In: Przegl&onced;ad spawalnictwa, ISSN 0033-2364, Bd. 61 (2009), 9, S. 71-75
Zsfassung in engl. Spr.

Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas; Stauden, Thomas; Schröter, Bernd
Polarity determination and control of SiC grown on Si. - In: Materials science and engineering, ISSN 1873-4944, Bd. 165 (2009), 1/2, S. 28-33
Kups, Thomas; Tonisch, Katja; Voelskow, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Konkin, Alexander L.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Structure and lattice location of Ge implanted 4H-SiC. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 600/603 (2009), S. 623-626
Höche, Daniel; Müller, Sven; Rapin, Gerd; Shinn, Michelle; Remdt, Elvira; Gubisch, Maik; Schaaf, Peter
Marangoni convection during free electron laser nitriding of titanium. - In: Metallurgical and materials transactions, ISSN 1543-1916, Bd. 40 (2009), 4, S. 497-507
Gupta, Ratnesh; Khandelwal, A.; Gupta, Ajay; Schaaf, Peter
Characterization of iron oxide films prepared by laser irradiation in oxygen atmosphere. - In: Journal of physics, ISSN 1361-6463, Bd. 42 (2009), 18, 185305, S. 1-4
Angermann, André;
Nasschemische Herstellung und Eigenschaften verlustarmer Mangan-Zink-Ferrite für Hochfrequenzanwendungen
[Online-Ausg.]. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2009. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: XIV, 230 S., 34,66 MB). - (Werkstofftechnik aktuell ; 1) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2009
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Im Zuge des Miniaturisierungstrends elektronischer Bauelemente sind höhere Arbeitsfrequenzen gefordert, wobei die Bauteile das gleiche Niveau der Energieübertragung besitzen sollen. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, werden neue Mangan-Zink-Ferritmaterialien mit geringer Verlustleistung bei hohen Arbeitsfrequenzen benötigt. Mangan-Zink-Ferrite sind weichmagnetische Materialien, die zur verlustarmen Leistungsübertragung, z.B. in den Schaltungsnetzteilen eingesetzt werden. Es gibt drei Beiträge zum Gesamtleistungsabfall: Hysterese- (PH), Wirbelstrom- (PE) und Restverluste (PR), wobei die beiden letztgenannten die dominierenden Verlustbeiträge bei hohen Arbeitsfrequenzen (> 500 kHz) sind. In dieser Arbeit wird das Potenzial von Mangan-Zink-Ferritnanopulvern für die Herstellung verlustleistungsarmer Ferrite erforscht. Dafür werden nanoskalige Ferritpulver mit Hilfe nasschemischer Präparationsverfahren synthetisiert. Der Einfluss von oxidischen Dotierungen und des Sinterprozesses auf die Verlustleistungseigenschaften sind ebenfalls Gegenstand der Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit.
Schaaf, Peter; Cusenza, Salvatore; Bamberger, Menachem; Amran, Yogev; Weiss, Konrad; Meier, Leo; Wasmuth, Uwe; Hofmann, Michael
Phase transition kinetics in austempered ductile iron (ADI). - In: International foundry research, ISSN 0046-5933, Bd. 61 (2009), 2, S. 14-21

Liu, Yonghe; Gubisch, Maik; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Sliding friction of nanocomposite WC1-x/C coatings: transfer film and its influence on tribology. - In: Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, ISSN 1533-4899, Bd. 9 (2009), 6, S. 3499-3505
Voelskow, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas
Controlled localised melting in silicon by high dose germanium implantation and flash lamp annealing. - In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Beam interactions with materials and atoms. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 1984- , ZDB-ID: 1466524-4, Bd. 267 (2009), 8/9, S. 1269-1272
Cusenza, Salvatore; Schaaf, Peter;
Formation and characterization of NaCl-type FeC. - In: Materials letters, ISSN 1873-4979, Bd. 63 (2009), 16, S. 1445-1447
Höche, Daniel; Shinn, Michelle; Müller, Sven; Schaaf, Peter
Diffusion, convection, and solidification in cw-mode free electron laser nitrided titanium. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 105 (2009), 8, 083503, insges. 6 S.

Titanium sheets were irradiated by free electron laser radiation in cw mode in pure nitrogen. Due to the interaction, nitrogen diffusion occurs and titanium nitride was synthesized in the tracks. Overlapping tracks have been utilized to create coatings in order to improve the tribological properties of the sheets. Caused by the local heating and the spatial dimension of the melt pool, convection effects were observed and related to the track properties. Stress, hardness, and nitrogen content were investigated with x-ray diffraction, nanoindention, and resonant nuclear reaction analysis. The measured results were correlated with the scan parameters, especially to the lateral track shift. Cross section micrographs were prepared and investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy. They show the solidification behavior, phase formation, and the nitrogen distribution. The experiments give an insight into the possibilities of materials processing using such a unique heat source.
Große-Knetter, Jörn; Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2009 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2009. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: IX, 262 S., 5,7 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke)

Das Handbuch 2009 ist die "Anleitung" zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Cusenza, Salvatore; Jürgens, Daniel; Uhrmacher, Michael; Schaaf, Peter
Nitrided amorphous stainless steel coatings deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering from an austenitic stainless steel target. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 11 (2009), 1/2, S. 17-25

Stainless steel films were reactively magnetron sputtered in argon/nitrogen gas flow onto oxidized silicon wafers using austenitic AISI 316 stainless-steel targets. The deposited films of about 300 nm thickness were characterized by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy, magneto-optical Kerreffect, X-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, and resonant nuclear reaction analysis. These complementary methods were used for a detailed examination of the nitriding effects for the sputtered stainless-steel films. The formation of an amorphous and soft ferromagnetic phase in a wide range of the processing parameters was found. Further, the influence of postvacuum-annealing was examined by perturbed angular correlation to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the nitriding process and phase formation. The amorphous phase is not very stable and crystallization can be observed at 973 K.
Cusenza, Salvatore; Schaaf, Peter;
Amorphous stainless steel coatings prepared by reactive magnetron-sputtering from austenitic stainless steel targets. - In: Applied physics, ISSN 1432-0630, Bd. 94 (2009), 1, S. 139-154

Stainless steel films were reactively magnetron sputtered in argon/methane gas flow onto oxidized silicon wafers using austenitic stainless-steel targets. The deposited films of about 200 nm thickness were characterized by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetooptical Kerr-effect, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, atomic force microscopy, corrosion resistance tests, and Raman spectroscopy. These complementary methods were used for a detailed examination of the carburization effects in the sputtered stainless-steel films. The formation of an amorphous and soft ferromagnetic phase in a wide range of the processing parameters was found. Further, the influence of the substrate temperature and of post vacuum-annealing were examined to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the carburization process and phase formation.
Spieß, Lothar
Moderne Röntgenbeugung : Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker
2., überarb. und erw. Aufl.. - Wiesbaden : Vieweg + Teubner, 2009. - XIV, 564 S.. - (Studium) ISBN 978-3-8351-0166-1
Literaturverz. S. [543] - 554

Wilke, Marcus; Teichert, Gerd;
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der Verbindungsschicht beim Nitrocarburieren. - In: Fortschritte in der Metallographie, (2008), S. 209-304

Hotovy, Juraj; Kups, Thomas; Kovac, Jaroslav; Spieß, Lothar; Novotny, Ivan; Kovac, Jaroslav
Growth and characterization of ZnO thin films using XRD and AFM. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 10 S.
Hotovy, Ivan; Predanocy, Martin; Hotovy, Juraj; Kups, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar; Wang, Chunyu; Rehacek, Vlastimil
Growth and characterization of indium oxide films for ozone detection. - In: Prospects in mechanical engineering, (2008), insges. 11 S.
Kups, Thomas; Knote, Andreas; Spieß, Lothar;
SEM and TEM investigations of electrophoretical deposited Si3N4 and SiC particles in siloxane of steel substrate. - In: Materials science, (2008), S. 695-696

Kups, Thomas; Kremin, Christoph; Hoffmann, Martin; Spieß, Lothar
Surface investigation of SU-8 by atomic force and scanning electron microscopy. - In: Materials science, (2008), S. 693-694

Wilden, Johannes; Jahn, Simon; Drescher, Viktor; Schaaf, Peter
High-temperature-functionalization of surfaces: drag reduction and self-cleaning. - In: Thermal spray crossing borders, (2008), insges. 6 S.

Kups, Thomas; Voelskow, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Soueidan, M.; Ferro, G.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Lattice location determination of Ge in SiC by ALCHEMI. - In: Microscopy of semiconducting materials 2007, (2008), S. 353-358

Hauguth-Frank, Sindy; Lebedev, Vadim; Tonisch, Katja; Romanus, Henry; Kups, Thomas; Büchner, Hans-Joachim; Jäger, Gerd; Ambacher, Oliver; Schober, Andreas
Structural and photoconducting properties of MBE and MOCVD grown III-nitride double-heterostructures. - In: Materials and devices for laser remote sensing and optical communication, (2008), S. 155-161

Höche, Daniel; Schikora, Hendrik; Zutz, Hayo; Emmel, Andreas; Queitsch, Robert; Schaaf, Peter
TiN-coating formation by pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation of titanium in nitrogen. - In: Journal of coatings technology and research, ISSN 1935-3804, Bd. 5 (2008), 4, S. 505-512

Titanium was treated by pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation in nitrogen atmosphere, which led to nitrogen in-diffusion and TiN coating formation. The thickness of the TiN films was about 1.2 æm and the coatings had a universal hardness of about 11 GPa. The layers were investigated by X-ray diffraction at grazing incidence and resonant nuclear reaction analysis for nitrogen depth profiling. Fitting of the experimental depth profiles gave information about the physical processes (diffusion time and depth) with respect to the achieved hardness. The microscopic properties like lattice constants and the variation of the nitrogen content were evaluated. A relationship between laser scan parameters and coating properties could be revealed. Thus, it was possible to determine the physical limits such as film thickness, nitrogen content, and hardness of this direct laser synthesis. Keywords: Titanium, Hardness, Melting depth, Laser synthesis, Titanium nitride, Coatings
Wang, Chunyu; Dai, Ye; Pezoldt, Jörg; Lu, Bo; Kups, Thomas; Cimalla, Volker; Ambacher, Oliver
Phase stabilization and phonon properties of single crystalline rhombohedral indium oxide. - In: Crystal growth & design, ISSN 1528-7505, Bd. 8 (2008), 4, S. 1257-1260
Voelskow, Matthias; Yankov, Rossen; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas
Buried melting in germanium implanted silicon by millisecond flash lamp annealing. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 93 (2008), 15, S. 151903, insges. 3 S.
Schaaf, Peter;
Das physikalische Praktikum : Handbuch 2008 für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik ; mit 21 Tabellen. - Göttingen : Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2008. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: IX, 263 S., 4,83 MB). - (Universitätsdrucke)Literaturangaben

Das Handbuch 2008 ist die Anleitung zum Grundpraktikum für Studentinnen und Studenten der Physik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Es beschreibt die Versuche und deren Grundlagen, die im Göttinger Physikalischen Praktikum vom zweiten bis zum vierten Semester durchzuführen sind.
Schaaf, Peter; Schikora, Hendrik; Höche, Daniel; Lange, Christian; Drescher, Viktor; Wilden, Johannes
Laser clad surfaces for shark-skin effect by high-temperature activation. - In: Surface and coatings technology, ISSN 1879-3347, Bd. 203 (2008), 5/7, S. 470-475

Embedding ceramic particles with a negative thermal expansion coefficient into a metallic corrosion resistant coating can establish a reversible thermal activation of a defined surface microstructure with the aim of having a shark-skin at high temperatures (in use) and self-cleaning at low temperatures (out of use). For that, CoNiCrAlY alloy is intermixed with yttrium and tungsten oxide as powder and then laser cladded onto a substrate. This coating is implanted with energetic ions in order to incubate the formation of Y2W3O12 which is a ceramic with strong negative thermal expansion. Such prepared coatings are then exposed to high temperature and the effects are investigated in detail. Results of phase formation, surface micro-morphology, microstructure and properties of the coatings are presented.
Leutwein, Hans-Ulrich;
Einfluss von Autofrettage auf die Schwingfestigkeit an innendruck-belasteter Bauteile aus Kugelgraphitguss. - Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2008. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 198 S., 14,05 MB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2008
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

Diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit behandelt die Ermüdungsfestigkeit von autofrettierten Bauteilen aus Kugelgraphitguss EN-GJS unter Innendruck-Schwellbeanspruchung. An Bauteilproben mit einer 90&ring;-Bohrungsverschneidung aus EN-GJS-400-18, EN-GJS-500-7 und EN-GJS-600-3 wurden die Bauteil-Wöhlerlinien in Einstufenversuchen bei den Spannungsverhältnissen R ˜ 0 und R = 0,5 ermittelt und die Druckfestigkeitssteigerung durch die Autofrettage bestimmt. Weiter wurden Innendruckschwell-Zweistufenversuche bei konstantem Maximaldruck durchgeführt, um den Schädigungseinfluss (Omission-Level) von kleinen Schwingspielen auf die Druckfestigkeit dieser Bauteile zu bewerten. Auf der Basis des Kerbdehnungs-Berechnungskonzepts wurden die vollständigen Anriss-Wöhlerlinien der nicht autofrettierten und autofrettierten Bauteilproben berechnet und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen verglichen. Die hier eingehenden Werkstoffkennwerte ergaben sich aus statischen Zugversuchen und dehnungs-kontrollierten Schwingversuchen an nicht gekerbten Zugstäben. Für die nicht autofrettierten Bauteile wurde zusätzlich mit dem Konzept der Synthetischen Wöhlerlinien die Bruch-Wöhlerlinie konstruiert und den Ergebnissen aus den Innendruckschwell-Einstufenversuchen gegenübergestellt.
Wang, Chunyu; Ali, Majdeddin; Kups, Thomas; Röhlig, Claus-Christian; Cimalla, Volker; Stauden, Thomas; Ambacher, Oliver
NOx sensing properties of In2O3 nanoparticles prepared by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. - In: Sensors and actuators, ISSN 0925-4005, Bd. 130 (2008), 2, S. 589-593
Höche, Daniel; Schikora, Hendrik; Zutz, Hayo; Queitsch, Robert; Emmel, Andreas; Schaaf, Peter
Microstructure of TiN coatings synthesized by direct pulsed Nd:YAG laser nitriding of titanium: development of grain size, microstrain, and grain orientation. - In: Applied physics, ISSN 1432-0630, Bd. 91 (2008), 2, S. 305-314
. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 10 S., 780,33 KB)

Pure titanium was irradiated by pulsed Nd:YAG laser irradiation in nitrogen atmosphere. As a result, nitrogen uptake and diffusion occurred and a TiN layer was synthesized at the titanium surface. These TiN coatings were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and the diffraction patterns were investigated in detail, in order to obtain more information about the physical processes during the coating formation. The diffraction peaks were fitted by Pearson VII profiles and the grain size and the microstrain were determined by the analysis of line broadening and peak shifts, using the Williamson-Hall and the Warren-Averbach formalisms. Additional single-line analyses were performed by means of the method of Langford and Keijser to obtain information about the preferred grain orientation and the texture development. The maximum grain size was about 100 nm and a corresponding average lattice strain of 0.002 was found. A relation between the treatment parameters and the coating properties, such as grain size and microstrain, can be shown. Thus, it was possible to determine optimal scan parameters for material processing and to establish the physical limits of the coating properties. PACS 81.65.Lp; 81.15.Fg; 61.10.Nz; 68.55.Jk
Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Lebedev, Vadim; Kups, Thomas; Ecke, Gernot; Hauguth, Sindy; Ambacher, Oliver; Lozano, Juan Gabriel; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; González, David
InN/In2O3 heterostructures. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1610-1642, Bd. 5 (2008), 6, S. 1627-1629
Lebedev, Vadim; Wang, Chunyu; Hauguth, Sindy; Polyakov, Vladimir; Schwierz, Frank; Cimalla, Volker; Kups, Thomas; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Lozano, Juan Gabriel; González, David; Himmerlich, Marcel; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Krischok, Stefan; Ambacher, Oliver
Electron transport properties of indium oxide - indium nitride metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1610-1642, Bd. 5 (2008), 2, S. 495-498
Blank, Claudia; Krischok, Stefan; Gutt, Richard; Engel, Michael; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian; Ecke, Gernot; Schrempel, Frank; Hüger, Erwin; Hildebrand, Gerhard; Liefeith, Klaus
Ion implanted titanium surfaces for hard tissue replacement :
Ionenimplantierte Titanoberflächen für den Hartgewebeersatz. - In: Biomaterialien, ISSN 2191-4672, Bd. 8 (2007), 4, S. 285-292
Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Wulf, Sven-Erik; Hänsel, Thomas; Kosinskiy, Mikhail; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Nanolayered and nanoparticle-dispersed WC/C coatings: frictional and wear behavior. - In: 71st annual meeting of the DPG and spring meeting of the Condensed Matter Division and the sections: Biological Physics, Environmental Physics, Extraterrestrial Physics, History of Physics, Physics Education, Radiation and Medical Physics as well as the working groups: Energy Matters, Equal Opportunities, Industry and Economy, Information, Physics and Disarmament, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, 2007, MM 20.29

Kosinskiy, Mikhail; Liu, Yonghe; Gubisch, Maik; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Tribological performance of WC/C coatings on rough substrates. - In: 71st annual meeting of the DPG and spring meeting of the Condensed Matter Division and the sections: Biological Physics, Environmental Physics, Extraterrestrial Physics, History of Physics, Physics Education, Radiation and Medical Physics as well as the working groups: Energy Matters, Equal Opportunities, Industry and Economy, Information, Physics and Disarmament, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, 2007, MM 39.1

Flickyngerova, Sona; Ovadekova, R.; Novotny, Ivan; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Labuda, J.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian
Preparation of nanostructured thin-film interfaces applicable in biosensors. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 82 (2007), 2, S. 303-306
Hildebrand, Gerhard; Grohmann, Steffi; Rupprecht, Bernd; Spieß, Lothar; Rechtenbach, Annett; Liefeith, Klaus
Physiko-chemische und zellbiologische Untersuchungen an ätztechnisch modifizierten Titanproben zur Verbesserung der Osteointegration. - In: Oberflächentechnik für die Praxis, (2007), S. 291-297

Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas; Voelskow, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang
Ion beam synthesis of 4H-(Si 1-x C 1-y )Ge x+y solid solutions. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 204 (2007), 4, S. 998-1001
Spickenreuther, Matthias;
Untersuchungen zur Berechnung der Dauerfestigkeit von randschichtgehärteten Dieseleinspritzdüsen. - Ilmenau, 2007. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 303 S., 2312 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Vorhandene Methoden und Richtlinien zur Berechnung der Dauerfestigkeit einsatzgehärteter Dieseleinspritzdüsen liefern für sich alleine gesehen keine zufriedenstellenden Ergebnisse. In verschiedenen Versuchsreihen wurden die für die hier vorliegenden Lastfälle relevanten Übertragungsfaktoren quantitativ ermittelt und den selektiv den veröffentlichten Methoden und Richtlinien entnommenen Berechnungsvorschlägen gegenübergestellt. Besonderes Augenmerk lag dabei auf der Oberflächenfeingestalt, der Mittelspannungsempfindlichkeit, der lokalen Härte und der absoluten Kerbgröße. Basierend auf den Übertragungsfaktoren wurde nach dem örtlich-elastischen Konzept eine Berechnungsmethode vorgestellt. Die Überprüfung ihrer Anwendbarkeit anhand 11 unabhängiger Versuchsreihen lieferte befriedigende Resultate, die nur vom Versuchsumfang begrenzt werden. Potentiale zur Steigerung der zulässigen Maximalbelastung wurden in der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit, dem Einbringen lastinduzierter Druckspannungen und für nadelhubgesteuerte Einspritzsysteme in der Berücksichtigung der tatsächlichen Betriebsbelastung gefunden.
Hotový, Ivan; Liday, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Čaplovičová, Mária; Búc, Dalibor; Sitter, Helmuth; Bonanni, Alberta; Vogrinčič, Peter
TEM investigations of Au-NiO nanocrystalline thin films as gas sensing material. - In: Journal of electrical engineering, ISSN 1335-3632, Bd. 58 (2007), 6, S. 347-350

Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Capone, Simonetta; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Taurino, A. M.; Donoval, D.; Siciliano, Pietro
Au-NiO nanocrystalline thin films for sensor application. - In: Journal of physics, ISSN 1742-6596, Bd. 61 (2007), S. 435-439
Kups, Thomas; Wang, Chunyu; Gubisch, Maik; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
TEM investigation of sputtered and epitaxial grown indium oxide layers for ozone sensors. - In: Microscopy and microanalysis, ISSN 1435-8115, Bd. 13.2007, Suppl. S03, S. 406-407
Knote, Andreas; Krüger, Horst Günter; Selve, Sören; Kups, Thomas; Kern, Heinrich; Spieß, Lothar
Metal-ceramic composite layers on stainless steel through the combination of electrophoretic deposition and galvanic processes. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 42 (2007), 12, S. 4545-4551
Krischok, Stefan; Blank, Claudia; Engel, Michael; Gutt, Richard; Ecke, Gernot; Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar; Schrempel, Frank; Hildebrand, Gerhard; Liefeith, Klaus
Influence of ion implantation on titanium surfaces for medical applications. - In: Surface science, ISSN 1879-2758, Bd. 601 (2007), 18, S. 3856-3860
Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Kups, Thomas; Röhlig, Claus-Christian; Romanus, Henry; Lebedev, Vadim; Pezoldt, Jörg; Stauden, Thomas; Ambacher, Oliver
Photoreduction and oxidation behavior of In2O3 nanoparticles by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 102 (2007), 4, 044310, insges. 6 S.
Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Romanus, Henry; Cimalla, Volker; Niebelschütz, Merten; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
Using defined structures on very thin foils for characterizing AFM tips. - In: Ultramicroscopy, ISSN 1879-2723, Bd. 107 (2007), 10/11, S. 1086-1090
Cimalla, Volker; Machleidt, Torsten; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Hotovy, Ivan; Romanus, Henry; Ambacher, Oliver
Analysis of nanocrystalline films on rough substrates. - In: Ultramicroscopy, ISSN 1879-2723, Bd. 107 (2007), 10/11, S. 989-994
Lebedev, Vadim; Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Hauguth, Sindy; Kups, Thomas; Ali, Majdeddin; Ecke, Gernot; Himmerlich, Marcel; Krischok, Stefan; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Ambacher, Oliver; Polyakov, Vladimir M.; Schwierz, Frank
Effect of surface oxidation on electron transport in InN thin films. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 101 (2007), 12, 123705, insges. 6 S.
Wang, Chunyu; Cimalla, Volker; Romanus, Henry; Kups, Thomas; Niebelschütz, Merten; Ambacher, Oliver
Tuning of electrical and structural properties of indium oxide films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 515 (2007), 16, S. 6611-6614
Wang, Chunyu; Lebedev, Vadim; Cimalla, Volker; Kups, Thomas; Tonisch, Katja; Ambacher, Oliver
Structural studies of single crystalline In2O3 films epitaxially grown on InN(0001). - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 90 (2007), 22, S. 221902, insges. 3 S.
Romanus, Henry; Schadewald, Jens; Cimalla, Volker; Niebelschütz, Merten; Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
Preparation of defined structures on very thin foils for characterization of AFM probes. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 84 (2007), 3, S. 528-531
Romanus, Henry; Schadewald, Jens; Cimalla, Volker; Niebelschütz, Merten; Machleidt, Torsten; Franke, Karl-Heinz; Spieß, Lothar; Ambacher, Oliver
Markers prepared by focus ion beam technique for nanopositioning procedures. - In: Microelectronic engineering, Bd. 84 (2007), 3, S. 524-527
Reháková, Andrea; Tengeri, David; Hotový, Ivan; Lalinský, Tibor; Reháček, Vlastimil; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Ha&bovko;s&bovko;cík, Stefan
Preparation and characterization of microhotplate for gas sensors. - In: International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, 2006, (2006), insges. 4 S.
Hotovy, Ivan; Lalinsky, Tibor; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Hascik, Stefan; Rehakova, Andrea
Fabrication and characterization of a microheater on GaAs for gas sensors. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 9 S.
Rehacek, Vlastimil; Hotovy, Ivan; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik
Determination of trace heavy metals by anodic stripping voltammetry at mercury-plated silicon microelectrodes. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 7 S.
Fischer, Michael; Stubenrauch, Mike; Kups, Thomas; Romanus, Henry; Morales, Francisco M.; Ecke, Gernot; Hoffmann, Martin; Knedlik, Christian; Ambacher, Oliver; Pezoldt, Jörg
Self organization and properties of Black Silicon. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 9 S.
Schadewald, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Romanus, Henry; Hülsenberg, Dagmar
New results of the crystallization behaviour of hexagonal barium ferrites from a glassy matrix. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 8 S.
Flickyngerova, Sona; Novotny, Ivan; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Nigrovicova, Martina; Satka, Alexander; Kovac, Jaroslav; Sutta, Pavel; Breternitz, Volkmar; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian
Zinc oxide - unique material for micro-/nanotechnology. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 11 S.
Wilke, Marcus; Analytis, Minas; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Teichert, Gerd
Recalibration-free measurement of the compound layer thickness of nitrocarburized samples by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES). - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 4 S.
Hamann, Bernd; Schawohl, Jens; Kraffert, Cornelia
Large hexaferrite single crystals grown in a DC magnetic field. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 20 S.
Selve, Sören; Knote, Andreas; Kups, Thomas; Krüger, Horst Günter; Spieß, Lothar; Kern, Heinrich
Festkörperphysikalische Analyse an nanoskaligen funktionellen Keramik-Verbund-Schichten. - In: Information technology and electrical engineering - devices and systems, materials and technologies for the future, (2006), insges. 21 S.
Liu, Yonghe; Gubisch, Maik; Hänsel, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Evaluation of the friction of WC/DLC solid lubricating films in vacuum. - In: Tribology international, ISSN 1879-2464, Bd. 39 (2006), 12, S. 1584-1590
Hotovy, Ivan; Donoval, D.; Huran, Jozef; Hascik, S.; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Capone, Simonetta
NiO nanostructured films with Pt coating prepared by magnetron sputtering. - In: Czechoslovak journal of physics, ISSN 1572-9486, Bd. 56.2006, Suppl. 2, S. B1192-B1198
Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Buc, D.; Kosiba, Rastislav
NiO-based nanostructured thin films with Pt surface modification for gas detection. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 515 (2006), 2, S. 658-661
Tonisch, Katja; Cimalla, Volker; Förster, Christian; Romanus, Henry; Ambacher, Oliver; Dontsov, Denis
Piezoelectric properties of polycrystalline AlN thin films for MEMS application. - In: Sensors and actuators, ISSN 1873-3069, Bd. 132 (2006), 2, S. 658-663
Schadewald, Uwe; Halbedel, Bernd; Romanus, Henry; Hülsenberg, Dagmar
Neue Ergebnisse zum Kristallisationsverhalten von Bariumhexaferrit in einer Glasmatrix :
New results of the crystallization behaviour of hexagonal barium ferrites from a glassy matrix. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 37 (2006), 11, S. 941-944
Pezoldt, Jörg; Kups, Thomas; Weih, Petia; Stauden, Thomas; Ambacher, Oliver
Atomic layer epitaxy of (Si1-xC1-y)Gex+y layers on 4H-SiC. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials - 2005, (2006), S. 1559-1562

Kups, Thomas; Weih, Petia; Voelskow, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Pezoldt, Jörg
High dose high temperature ion implantation of Ge into 4H-SiC. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials - 2005, (2006), S. 851-854

Knedlik, Christian;
Bedarf und Perspektiven der Prüftechnik in Thüringen. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 1-13

Hamann, Bernd; Schawohl, Jens; Kraffert, Cornelia; Potherat, Alban; Knedlik, Christian
Large hexaferrite single crystals grown in a DC magnetic field :
Herstellung großer Hexaferrit-Einkristalle im magnetischen Gleichfeld. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 122-143

Cyriaci, Stefan; Breternitz, Volkmar; Gubisch, Maik; Knedlik, Christian
Mikrozugversuch an Dünnschichtstrukturen. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 107-114

Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Romanus, Henry; Breiter, Manuela; Müller, Ch.; Knedlik, Christian
Tungsten carbide layers for nanomeasuring systems. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 105-106

Hofmann, Martin; Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Knedlik, Christian
Vergleichende Darstellung von Methoden zur Bewertung der Randentkohlung am Werkstoff 100Cr6. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 72-78

Gräbner, Frank; Teichert, Gerd; Blaschta, Frieder; Knedlik, Christian
Absorption experiments of Ni-Zn ferrite thin films for EMC applications. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 69-71

Teichert, Gerd; Gräbner, Frank; Blaschta, Frieder; Romanus, Henry; Knedlik, Christian
Ni-Zn ferrite thin films and multilayers for EMC applications. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 65-68

Gubisch, Maik; Romanus, Henry; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian
Prozess, Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften von dünnen Wolframkarbidschichten. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 56-64

Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Tippmann, Herbert; Schawohl, Jens; Jacobs, Th.; Gutermuth, U.
Short-time and long-time tests for evaluating the ageing of tin-lead soldering layers on bronze semi-finished products. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 24-31

Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Schwenke, B.; Spieß, Lothar; Krischok, Stefan; Ecke, Gernot; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Knedlik, Christian
Tribological characteristics of tungsten carbide films. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 18-19

Řeháček, Vaclav; Gubisch, Maik; Vitek, T.; Novotný, I.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Spieß, Lothar; Tippmann, Herbert; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Knedlik, Christian
SEM and EDX analyses of thin-film ITO and diamond microelectrodes modified by mercury for use in electrochemical microsensors. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 16-17

Reinhäckel, Kerstin; Breternitz, Volkmar; Scharmann, Friedhelm; Schawohl, Jens; Knedlik, Christian
XRD studies of solidification phenomena in Ga-In-Sn liquid metals. - In: Festschrift zum Ehrenkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Knedlik, (2006), S. 14-15

Kehr, Alexander; Schramm, Leander; Schawohl, Jens; Dzur, Birger
Vergleichende Studie zum thermischen Spritzen oxidkeramischer Werkstoffe. - In: Tagungsband, (2006), S. 30-37

Ali, Majdeddin; Cimalla, Volker; Lebedev, Vadim; Romanus, Henry; Tilak, V.; Merfeld, D.; Sandvik, P.; Ambacher, Oliver
Pt/GaN Schottky diodes for hydrogen gas sensors. - In: Sensors and actuators, ISSN 0925-4005, Bd. 113 (2006), 2, S. 797-804
Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Romanus, Henry; Schawohl, Jens
Hydrogen microsensors based on NiO modified thin films. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [04.14], insges. 2 S.
Parallel als Druck- und CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Kups, Thomas; Romanus, Henry; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Knedlik, Christian
Entwicklung von nanoskaligen Wolframkarbid-Schichtsystemen für funktionelle Oberflächen einer NPM-Maschine. - In: Maschinenbau von Makro bis Nano, 2005, [01.10], insges. 2 S.
Parallel als Druck- und CD-ROM-Ausg. erschienen
Himmerlich, Marcel; Eremtchenko, Maxim; Krischok, Stefan; Stolz, Th.; Zeman, M. C.; Gubisch, Maik; Nemanich, R. J.; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Thermal decomposition of indium phosphide : monitoring of metallic cluster growth. - In: 2005 International Conference Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, (2005), S. 402-405

Schober, Andreas; Kittler, Gabriel; Buchheim, Carsten; Majdeddin, Ali; Cimalla, Volker; Fischer, Michael; Yanev, Vasil; Himmerlich, Marcel; Krischok, Stefan; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Romanus, Henry; Sändig, Torsten; Burgold, Jörg; Weise, Frank; Wurmus, Helmut; Drüe, Karl-Heinz; Hintz, Michael; Thust, Heiko; Gebinoga, Michael; Kittler, Mario
A novel class of sensors for system integrative concepts in biotechnological applications. - In: NSTI BioNano, (2005), S. 489-492

Lebedev, Vadim; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Romanus, Henry; Krischok, Stefan; Ecke, Gernot; Cimalla, Volker; Himmerlich, Marcel; Stauden, Thomas; Cengher, Dorin; Ambacher, Oliver
The role of Si as surfactant and donor in molecular-beam epitaxy of AlN. - In: Journal of applied physics, ISSN 1089-7550, Bd. 98 (2005), 9, 093508, insges. 6 S.
Oberseider, Michael; Jakob, Christine; Petrova, Maria; Noncheva, Z.; Schawohl, Jens
Untersuchung von chemisch abgeschiedenen nanoskaligen Nickeldispersionsschichten. - In: Galvanotechnik, ISSN 0016-4232, Bd. 96 (2005), 5, S. 1214-1224

Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Krischok, Stefan; Ecke, Gernot; Spieß, Lothar; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Knedlik, Christian
Tribological characteristics of WC1-x9 W2C and WC tungsten carbide films. - In: Life cycle tribology, (2005), S. 409-417

Liu, Yonghe; Gubisch, Maik; Hild, Wolfram; Scherge, Matthias; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian; Schäfer, Jürgen A.
Nanoscale multilayer WC/C coatings developed for nanopositioning: Part II. Friction and wear. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 488 (2005), 1, S. 140-148
Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Krischok, Stefan; Ecke, Gernot; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Knedlik, Christian
Nanoscale multilayer WC/C coatings developed for nanopositioning: Part I. Microstructures and mechanical properties. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 488 (2005), 1, S. 132-139
Spieß, Lothar; Schwarzer, Robert; Behnken, Herfried; Teichert, Gerd
Moderne Röntgenbeugung : Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker
1. Aufl.. - Wiesbaden : Teubner, 2005. - XII, 523 S.. - (Teubner Lehrbuch Physik) ISBN 978-3-519-00522-3

Hotovy, Ivan; Kremmer, J.; Huran, Jozef; Siciliano, Pietro; Capone, Simonetta; Spieß, Lothar
Characterization and gas sensing properties of NiO thin films. - In: Sensors and microsystems, (2004), S. 185-190

Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Schawohl, Jens
NiO modified thin films for gas monitoring. - In: The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, 2004, (2004), S. 303-306
Gupta, Vinay; Scharff, Peter; Risch, Katrin; Romanus, Henry; Müller, René
Synthesis of C60 intercalated graphite. - In: Solid state communications, ISSN 1879-2766, Bd. 131 (2004), 3/4, S. 153-155
Cui, Shen; Scharff, Peter; Siegmund, Carmen; Schneider, Doreen; Risch, Katrin; Klötzer, Susann; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Schawohl, Jens
Investigation on preparation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by DC arc discharge under N2 atmosphere. - In: Carbon, ISSN 1873-3891, Bd. 42 (2004), 5/6, S. 931-939
Schober, Andreas; Kittler, Gabriel; Buchheim, Carsten; Majdeddin, Ali; Cimalla, Volker; Fischer, Michael; Yanev, Vasil; Himmerlich, Marcel; Krischok, Stefan; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Romanus, Henry; Sändig, Torsten; Burgold, Jörg; Weise, Frank; Wurmus, Helmut; Drüe, Karl-Heinz; Hintz, Michael; Thust, Heiko; Gessner, Jörg; Kittler, Mario; Schwierz, Frank; Doll, Theodor; Manske, Eberhard; Mastylo, Rostyslav; Jäger, Gerd; Knedlik, Christian; Winkler, Gerd; Kern, Heinrich; Hoffmann, R.; Spieß, Lothar; Spitznas, Armin; Gottwald, Eric; Weibezahn, Karl-Friedrich; Wegener, Dennis; Schwienhorst, Andreas; Ambacher, Oliver
A novel class of sensors for system integrative concepts in biotechnological applications. - In: Technische Systeme für Biotechnologie und Umwelt, (2004), S. 163-169

Hild, Wolfram; Hungenbach, Gudrun; Liu, Yonghe; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Gubisch, Maik; Scherge, Matthias
Einfluss der Korngröße auf die tribologischen Eigenschaften und das Einlaufverhalten von gesputterten Chromschichten. - In: Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß, (2004), insges. 10 S.

Gubisch, Maik; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Schawohl, Jens; Knedlik, Christian
Bias-magnetron sputtering of tungsten carbide coatings on steel :
Bias-Magnetron Sputtern von Wolframkarbid-Schichten auf Stahl. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 35 (2004), 10/11, S. 916-923
Romanus, Henry; Romankiewicz, Katja; Schwenke, B.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Teichert, Gerd
Untersuchungen zu Nickel-Zink-Ferrit-Schichten auf Kupferfolien für Leiterplatten. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 125-130

Cimalla, Volker; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Ambacher, Oliver
Lateralkraftmikroskopie an elektrischen Kontakten. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 203-211

Cimalla, Volker; Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Hotovy, Ivan; Romanus, Henry; Ambacher, Oliver
Analyse nanokristalliner Schichten auf rauen Substraten. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 177-183

Gubisch, Maik; Liu, Yonghe; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Knedlik, Christian
Nanoschichten für die Nanopositionierung. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 131-136

Romanus, Henry; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian; Lindner, Jörg K. N.
Definierte Präparation von hexagonalem WSi2 und Wolframsilizidmetallisierungen mit einstellbarem Temperaturkoeffizient der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 119-124

Fröhlich, Toni; Scharff, Peter; Schliefke, Willy; Romanus, Henry; Gupta, Vinay; Siegmund, Carmen; Ambacher, Oliver; Spieß, Lothar
Insertion of C60 into multi-wall carbon nanotubes : a synthesis of C60MWCNT. - In: Carbon, ISSN 1873-3891, Bd. 42 (2004), 12/13, S. 2759-2762
Ibrahim, Maher al-; Roth, Hans Klaus; Sensfuss, Steffi; Knedlik, Christian; Ambacher, Oliver
Anforderungen an Werkstoffe und Technologien zur Herstellung von effizienten langzeitstabilen Polymersolarzellen. - In: Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004, (2004), S. 31-36

Romanus, Henry;
Siliziumkarbidelektronik : technologische und werkstoffwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Metallisierung/Kontaktierung. - Ilmenau, 2004. - 5,84 MB, Text : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2004
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Siliziumkarbid (SiC) hat als Halbleitermaterial vielfältige Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Optoelektronik, der Hochfrequenztechnik, der Leistungselektronik und vor allem in der Hochtemperaturelektronik. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich speziell mit der Herstellung Ohmscher Kontakte auf p-dotiertem 4H-SiC und 6H-SiC für künftige elektronische Anwendungen.Anhand von theoretischen Betrachtungen und vergleichenden Berechnungen der Ladungsträgerkonzentration wird gezeigt, daß sich die Berechnung der elektrisch aktiven Akzeptoren stark vereinfachen läßt. Detailliert werden die Eigenschaften des SiC und ihr Einfluß auf die Kontaktbildung beschrieben. Die Herstellung Ohmscher p-SiC-Kontakte erfordert eine hohe Löcherkonzentration an der Grenzfläche zwischen p-SiC und Metallisierung, welche sich durch Ionenimplantation mit Aluminium erreichen läßt. Mittels Implantation durch eine dünne Al-Schicht wird das Maximum der Akzeptorkonzentration zur Substratoberfläche hin verschoben und somit eine hohe Akzeptorkonzentration im oberflächennahen Bereich erreicht. Amorphe Bereiche lassen sich nach der Implantation und Ausheilung in den hochdotierten p-SiC-Schichten nicht nachweisen. Aus den temperaturabhängigen Flächenwiderstandswerten wird sowohl der spezifische Widerstand berechnet als auch die Ladungsträgerkonzentration und -beweglichkeit abgeschätzt. Die sehr hohe Löcherbeweglichkeit läßt auf einen nahezu vollständigen Einbau der Akzeptoren durch die Implantations- und Ausheilprozedur schließen. Für die Metallisierung / Kontaktierung der SiC-Proben werden Wolframsilizide und -karbide verwendet, um unerwünschte Grenzflächenreaktionen zwischen Halbleiter und Metallisierung zu vermeiden. Dazu wird die Präparation von Wolframsilizid- und Wolframkarbidschichten unter Variation der Substrate und Substrattemperatur beim Sputtern bzw. co-Sputtern und der Temperbedingungen eingehend untersucht. Als Wolframsilizid wird das hexagonale WSi2 verwendet, welches sich auf in-vacuo geheizten Substraten ausbildet. WC und W2C werden als Wolframkarbidmetallisierungen genutzt. Das phasenreine WC bildet sich bei einer hohen Propankonzentration von 2% in einer Propan-Wasserstoff-Atmosphäre und bei Tempertemperaturen oberhalb von 825&ring;C. Die W2C-Phase indes läßt sich phasenrein bei einer geringen Propankonzentration von <= 0,02% und bei Tempertemperaturen im Bereich von 750&ayn;C bis 1050&ayn;C präparieren. Eine Al/Ti-Metallisierung dient als Referenzmaterial.Es wird gezeigt, daß sich auf den p-4H- und p-6H-SiC-Proben hexagonales WSi2 und phasenreines W2C bildet, in den WC-Schichten jedoch ein geringer W2C-Anteil nachzuweisen ist. Für die drei wolframbasierten Metallisierungen ist keine Reaktion mit den SiC-Substraten nachweisbar. Die erzielten spezifischen Kontaktwiderstände von hexagonalem WSi2 auf p-4H- bzw. p-6H-SiC stellen mit rho_K = 6 10^-4 Ohm cm^2 bzw. 1,2 10^-3 Ohm cm^2 eine Verbesserung bisheriger Ergebnisse um mehr als zwei Größenordnungen dar. Die minimalen spezifischen Kontaktwiderstände von WC bzw. W2C auf p-4H-SiC liegen bei 8,9 10^-4 Ohm cm^2 bzw. 1,7 10^-3 Ohm cm^2 und auf p-6H-SiC bei 1,8 10^-2 Ohm cm^2 bzw. 2,5 10^-3 Ohm cm^2. Der geringste spezifische Kontaktwiderstand aller Proben wurde mit dem Referenzmaterial Al/Ti auf einer 4H-SiC-Probe mit 1,9 10^-4 Ohm cm^2 erreicht. Die spezifischen Kontaktwiderstände der wolframbasierten Metallisierungen und des Referenzmaterials liegen in der gleichen Größenordnung.
Spieß, Lothar; Kern, Heinrich; Knedlik, Christian
Thüringer Werkstofftag 2004 : [Vorträge und Poster]
1. Aufl.. - Berlin : Köster, 2004. - VIII, 219 S.. - (Schriftenreihe Werkstoffwissenschaften ; 18) ISBN 3-89574-519-7

Hotovy, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Siciliano, Pietro; Capone, Simonetta; Spieß, Lothar
NiO thin films for gas sensing applications. - In: Sensors for Enviromental Control, (2003), S. 58-63

Spieß, Lothar; Gubisch, Maik; Romanus, Henry; Breiter, Manuela; Müller, Ch.; Cimalla, Volker; Ecke, Gernot; Liu, Yonghe; Knedlik, Christian
Tungsten carbide layers for nanomeasuring systems. - In: Proceedings, (2003), S. 165-170

Cui, S.; Scharff, Peter; Siegmund, Carmen; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Schawohl, Jens; Risch, Katrin; Schneider, Doreen; Klötzer, Susann
Preparation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by DC arc discharge under a nitrogen atmosphere. - In: Carbon, ISSN 1873-3891, Bd. 41 (2003), 8, S. 1648-1651
Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Spieß, Lothar; Liday, Jozef; Sitter, Helmut; Hascik, S.
The influence of process parameters and annealing temperature on the physical properties of sputtered NiO thin films. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 69 (2003), 1/3, S. 237-242
Rehacek, Vlastimil; Novotny, Ivan; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Vavrinsky, Erik; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar
Thin-film gold, palladium and indium tin oxide microelectrodes modified by mercury. - In: Proceedings and our portrait, (2003), insges. 16 S.

Ibrahim, Maher al-; Sensfuss, Steffi; Roth, Hans-Klaus; Zhokhavets, Uladzimir; Gobsch, Gerhard; Ayuk Mbi Egbe, Daniel; Klemm, Elisabeth; Knedlik, Christian
Optical and electrochemical measurements looking for new donor-acceptor pairs and their application in polymer solar cells. - In: Proceedings and our portrait, (2003), insges. 2 S.

Jakubec, Andrej; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Novotny, I.; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar
Charakterisierung von Indium-Zinn-Sauerstoff-Dünnschichtmikroelektroden für biomedizinische Anwendung :
Characterization of Indium-Tin-Oxide thin film microelectrodes for biomedical use. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 34 (2003), 7, S. 662-665
Gräbner, Frank; Teichert, Gerd; Knedlik, Christian; Hildenbrandt, S.; Romanus, Henry; Hungsberg, A.; Koledintseva, M.
Simulation of layer-sequence of Ni-Zn ferrite thin films and multilayers for EMC applications > 1000 MHz :
Untersuchung zur Schichtfolge eines Multilayerschichtsystems NiZn Ferrit/Si bzw. SiO 2 für Höchstfrequenzleiterplatten im Frequenzbereich größer 1000 MHz. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 34 (2003), 7, S. 603-607
Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian;
Use of material structure sizes as measuring-normal :
Nutzung von Werkstoffstrukturgrößen als Messnormale. - In: Materials science and engineering technology, ISSN 1521-4052, Bd. 34 (2003), 7, S. 648-653
Cimalla, Volker; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ecke, Gernot; Kosiba, Rastislav; Ambacher, Oliver; Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Lu, Hai; Schaff, William J.
Growth of cubic InN on r-plane sapphire. - In: Applied physics letters, ISSN 1077-3118, Bd. 83 (2003), 17, S. 3468-3470
Weih, Petia; Cimalla, Volker; Förster, Christian; Pezoldt, Jörg; Stauden, Thomas; Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Hermann, Martin; Eickhoff, Martin; Masri, Pierre; Ambacher, Oliver
High-resolution XRD investigations of the strain reduction in 3C-SiC thin films grown on Si (111) substrates. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials 2002, (2003), S. 433-436

Hotovy, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Siciliano, Pietro; Capone, Simonetta; Spieß, Lothar
Sensing characteristics of NiO thin films as NO2 gas sensors. - In: Thin solid films, ISSN 1879-2731, Bd. 418 (2002), 1, S. 9-15
Im Titel ist "2" tiefgestellt
Jakubec, A.; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Novotny, I.; Ivanic, R.; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Knedlik, Christian; Breternitz, Volkmar; Spieß, Lothar
Thin films for electrochemical sensoric interfaces. - In: Conference proceedings, (2002), S. 321-324

Gräbner, Frank; Teichert, Gerd; Blaschta, Frieder; Knedlik, Christian; Hildenbrandt, St.; Hungsberg, A.
Dünne Ferritschichtsysteme für Höchstfrequenzanwendungen in der Informationstechnik und Computertechnik. - In: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, (2002), S. 65-74

Gräbner, Frank; Teichert, Gerd; Knedlik, Christian; Hildenbrand, S.; Romanus, Henry; Hungsberg, A.; Koledintseva, Marina
Untersuchung zur Schichtfolge eines Multilayerschichtsystems NiZn Ferrit. - In: 47. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (2002), insges. 11 S.

Jakubec, Andrej; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Novotny, Ivan; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar
Characterization of thin film ITO microelectrodes for biomedical use. - In: 47. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (2002), insges. 6 S.

Scharmann, Friedhelm;
Siliziumcarbid-Bildung auf Silizium unter den Bedingungen der Molekularstrahlepitaxie. - Ilmenau, 2002. - Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 150 S., 4690 KB) : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2002
Parallel als Druckausg. erschienen

In dieser Arbeit wurden erstmalig umfassend die ersten Stadien der Wechselwirkung des Kohlenstoffs mit Si(100) und Si(111) mit einem einheitlichen Instrumentarium untersucht. Die während der Interaktion mit Kohlenstoff auf den beiden Si-Oberflächen auftretenden Rekonstruktionen wurden systematisch untersucht. In Phasendiagrammen sind die Existenzgebiete der Oberflächenrekonstruktionen zusammengefaßt worden. Der Oberflächendiffusionskoeffizient des Kohlenstoffs konnte erstmalig während der Ausbildung der Kohlenstoff induzierten Si(111)Wurzel 3-C- und der Si(100) c(4x4)-C-Rekonstruktion experimentell ermittelt werden. Mit einem detailierten Modell der Keimbildung mit klassischen Ansätzen, konnte sowohl die Größe des kritischen Keimes für die SiC-Bildung auf den beiden Si-Oberflächen als auch die Art des weiteren Wachstums der SiC-Keime für den Parameterraum beschrieben werden. Es konnte hier zwischen dem mononuklearen und dem polynuklearen Wachstum unterschieden werden. In Abhängigkeit von dem Wachstumstyp ergaben sich Zusammenhänge zur Keimgröße, zur Keimdichte und zur Morphologie der Keime. Desweiteren konnte der Existenzbereich der zweidimensionalen und der dreidimensionalen Keimbildung für den Bereich niedriger Temperaturen bestimmt werden. Die Kenntnis der Keimbildung ist eine wesentliche technologische Voraussetzung für folgende Anwendungen: Die zweidimensionale SiC-Keimbildung ist prinzipiell für die Herstellung von Antidot-Strukturen geeignet, die mit lithographischen Methoden nur schwer zu erzeugen sind. Für das dreidimensionale SiC-Wachstum liegt in der Nanotechnologie ebenfalls eine mögliche Verwendung vor. Mit 3D-SiC-Keimen könnten Nanokathoden hergestellt werden. - Die Beherrschung der Initialstadien bei der Wechselwirkung von Kohlenstoff ist außerdem notwendig für die Ausbildung defektarmer Grenzflächen und einkristallinem Wachstum. Mit einem otimierten SiC-Initialwachstum auf Si lassen sich SiC-Schichten herstellen, die als Pseudosubstrat für eine GaN-Abscheidung geeignet sind. Damit ist die Basis geschaffen für die Integration von Breitbandhalbleitern für die Optoelektronik auf Si. Für spezielle Anwendungen in der Sensorik wird die SiC-Schicht direkt als aktive Schicht benutzt. Der große Vorteil bei diesen Bauelementen ist die mögliche Integration in die Si-Elektronik. Für die Auswertung und Simulation von Beugungsbildern, die auf Elektronenbeugung basieren, muß das mittlere innere Potential (MIP) bekannt sein. Das MIP für Silizium und für 6H-SiC wurde daher experimentell bestimmt und mit theoretischen Werten verglichen. Neben der experimentellen Auswertung von RHEED-Bildern wurde durch entsprechende Simulationen eine Strukturaufklärung durchgeführt. Die Struktur der kohlenstoffinduzierten Rekonstruktionen auf Silizium ist derzeit noch nicht bekannt. Es wurden daher unterschiedliche Strukturmodelle mit RHEED verifiziert. Bei der Si(111) Wurzel 3 - C-Rekonstruktion lieferte die S5 - Positionierung des Kohlenstoffs die beste Übereinstimmung zu dem experimentellen RHEED-Bild. Für die Si(100) c(4x4)-C-Rekonstruktion ist mit Kohlenstoff in exponierter Lage, in Form von C-Dimeren, eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Experiment und Simulation erreicht worden. Für die kontrollierte Abscheidung von SiC-Schichten in der Nanotechnologie ist die Kenntnis des Einflußbereiches der Polarität auf die RHEED-Untersuchungen notwendig. Mit RHEED-Simulationen konnte der Zusammenhang zwischen der Eindringtiefe des Elektronenstrahles und der Bestimmbarkeit der Polarität mittels RHEED-Bild aufgezeigt werden. Die unterschiedlichen elektronischen Strukturen der einzelnen SiC-Polytype ermöglichen prinzipiell die Schaffung von chemisch homogenen Hetero- und niedrigdimensionalen Strukturen. Dies könnte für die Entwicklung von neuartigen Quantenbauelementen, unter Ausnutzung von unterschiedlich großen Bandabständen, genutzt werden. Dies setzt die in situ Steuerung des Wachstums und die Detektierbarkeit der SiC-Polytype voraus. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die RHEED-Beungungsbilder der SiC-Polytype sowohl für den Fall der dreidimensionalen- als auch der zweidimensionalen Beugung untersucht. Bei der zweidimensionalen Beugung konnte erstmalig die Möglichkeit der Detektion der hexagonalen Polytype 4H- und 6H-SiC mittels Simulation nachgewiesen werden.
Ivanic, R.; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Novotny, I.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian; Tvarotzek, V.
Sputtered yttrium oxide thin films appropriate for electrochemical sensors. - In: Vacuum, ISSN 0042-207X, Bd. 61 (2001), 2/4, S. 229-234
Gräbner, Frank;
Untersuchung von Ferriten, Modellierung des Verhaltens und Anwendung in einem HF-Visualisierungsmedium. - Ilmenau, 2001. - 150 Bl : Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2001

Gräbner, Frank; Knedlik, Christian; Schawohl, Jens; Teichert, Gerd
Erzeugung, Analyse und HF-Verlust von texturierten ferritischen Werkstoffen. Berwertung der Qualität der Textur mittels einer theoretischen Orientierungsverteilungsfunktion. - In: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, (2000), S. 639-649

Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Schawohl, Jens; Kern, Heinrich; Schunck, Björn; Rincon, Jesús Ma.; Romero, Maximina
Sintered glass ceramics from municipal incinerator fly ash. - In: Glass technology, ISSN 0017-1050, Bd. 41 (2000), 3, S. 99-105

Teichert, Gerd; Schleicher, Larissa; Knedlik, Christian; Voelskov, Matthias; Skorupa, Wolfgang; Yankov, Rossen A.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Thermal wave analysis: a tool for non-invasive testing in ion beam synthesis of wide bandgap materials. - In: Microstructural processes in irradiated materials, (1999), S. 103-108

Erler, Frank; Romanus, Henry; Lindner, Jörg K. N.; Spieß, Lothar
High temperature stable WSi2-contacts on p-6H-silicon carbide. - In: Wide-bandgap semiconductors for high-power, high-frequency and high-temperature applications - 1999, (1999), S. 111-116

Romanus, Henry; Cimalla, Volker; Ahmed, Imad; Schäfer, Jürgen A.; Ecke, Gernot; Avci, R.; Spieß, Lothar
Preparation of conductive tungsten carbide layers for SiC high temperature applications. - In: Wide-bandgap semiconductors for high-power, high-frequency and high-temperature applications - 1999, (1999), S. 99-104

Knedlik, Christian; Breternitz, Volker; Tippmann, Herbert; Scheffner, W.; Gutermuth, U.
Alterung von Zinn-Blei-Belotungen auf Bronze Halbzeug. - In: Werkstoffe für die Informationstechnik, (1999), S. 71-76

Vaněk, Oldrich; Hučko, B.; Držik, M.; Breternitz, Volkmar
Silicon wafer residual stresses determination by evaluating of the dynamic response. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 5 S.

Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Reich, Steffen; Böswetter, Gerd
Charakterisierung von CVD-Hartstoffschichten auf Hartmetall. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 7 S.

Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian;
Nanostrukturierte Werkstoffe - Meßnormale?. - In: 44. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1999), insges. 6 S.

Novotny, I.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Ivanic, R.; Knedlik, Christian; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Spieß, Lothar; Rehacek, Vlastimil
Thin film microelectrode arrays for electrochemical biosensors. - In: [Vortragsreihen, (1999), S. 215-220

Romanus, Henry; Teichert, Gerd; Spieß, Lothar
Investigation of polymorphism and estimation of lattice constants of SiC epilayers by four circle X-ray diffraction. - In: Silicon carbide, III-nitrides and related materials, (1998), S. 437-440

Fabricius, Alexander; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian; Henning, Andreas; Liebscher, Eckhard; Vogel, Silvia
Investigations of electromigration failure by electrical measurement and scanning probe microscopy with additional simulation. - In: Materials reliability in microelectronics VIII, (1998), S. 27-32

Pezoldt, Jörg; Stauden, Thomas; Cimalla, Volker; Ecke, Gernot; Romanus, Henry; Eichhorn, Gerd
Growth of SiC layers on (111) Si by solid source molecular beam epitaxy. - In: Silicon carbide, III-nitrides and related materials, (1998), S. 251-254

Henning, Andreas; Liebscher, Eckhard; Vogel, Silvia; Fabricius, Alexander; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian
Simulation des Ausfallverhaltens von Al (Si Cu) Leitbahnen mit Hilfe von Threshold-Modellen. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Romanus, Henry; Teichert, Gerd; Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar
Röntgenografische Textur- und Einkristalluntersuchungen an SiC. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 5 S.

Scharmann, Friedhelm; Teichert, Gerd; Eichhorn, Gerd; Pezoldt, Jörg
Polytypanalyse von Epitaxieschichten mit RHEED. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Teichert, Gerd; Schleicher, Larissa; Spieß, Lothar; Yankov, Rossen A.; Knedlik, Christian; Pezoldt, Jörg
Thermowellenanalyse an implantiertem SiC. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 8 S.

Spieß, Lothar; Romanus, Henry; Teichert, Gerd; Pezoldt, Jörg
Werkstoffanalytische Probleme bei der Charakterisierung von Siliziumkarbid für Mikrotechnikanwendungen. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Vaněk, Oldrich; Knedlik, Christian; Držík, M.; Hučko, B.
Numerical simulation and experimental measurement of thermal stresses in Si-AlN and Si-SiC systems. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Knedlik, Christian; Breternitz, Volkmar; Tippmann, Herbert; Jacobs, Th.; Schawohl, Jens; Teichert, Gerd; Scheffner, W.; Gutermuth, Uwe
Alterungsverhalten von Zinn-Blei-Lotüberzügen auf Bronze-Kontaktstiften. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Hotovy, Ivan; Huran, Jozef; Breternitz, Volkmar; Spieß, Lothar; Teichert, Gerd; Schawohl, Jens
Effect of oxygen concentration in the sputtering mixture on the properties of dc magnetron sputtered NiO films. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Tvarozek, Vladimir; Breternitz, Volkmar; Novotny, I.; Knedlik, Christian; Rehacek, Vlastimil; Ivanic, R.; Strigac, A.
Selected properties of thin film structures applicable in microelectrochemical cells. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 3 S.

Fabricius, A.; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian;
Vergleichende Elektromigrationsuntersuchungen an passivierten und unpassivierten Al(SiCu) Leitbahnen. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar;
Werkstoffe und Analytik für die Mikroelektronik aus der Sicht der Metallisierung und Kontaktierung. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 6 S.

Vaněk, Oldrich; Harmatha, L.; Stuchlíková, L.; Tippmann, Herbert; Janiček, J.
Nickel thin film resistance sensors for measurement of very low temperatures. - In: 43. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, (1998), insges. 4 S.

Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Shokhovets, Sviatoslav; Romanus, Henry; Cheng, T. S.; Foxon, C. Thomas
Free exciton recombination in tensile strained GaN grown on GaAs. - In: Silicon carbide, III-nitrides and related materials, (1998), S. 1271-1274

Romanus, Henry; Cimalla, Volker; Kromka, Alexander; Scheiner, Jörg; Spieß, Lothar; Pezoldt, Jörg
Atomic force microscopy investigations of rapid thermal carbonized silicon. - In: Materials science and engineering, ISSN 1873-4944, Bd. 47 (1997), 3, S. 274-278
Spieß, Lothar; Nennewitz, Olaf; Pezoldt, Jörg
Improved ohmic contacts to p-type 6H-SiC. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials 1995, (1996), S. 585-588

Baumann, Uwe; Pezoldt, Jörg; Cimalla, Volker; Nennewitz, Olaf; Schwierz, Frank; Schipanski, Dagmar
Electrical characterization of SiC/Si-heterostructures formed by rapid thermal carbonization of Si. - In: Silicon carbide and related materials 1995, (1996), S. 149-152

Angelov, Mirko; Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Nennewitz, Olaf; Schön, Silke
Characterization of ZnGe(As x P 1-x) 2 crystals by electrolyte electroreflectance spectroscopy. - In: Diagnostic techniques for semiconductor materials processing II, (1996), S. 567-572

Fabricius, Alexander; Nennewitz, Olaf; Spieß, Lothar; Cimalla, Volker; Pezoldt, Jörg
Rapid thermal annealing of tungsten silicide films. - In: Silicide thin films, (1996), S. 625-630

Teichert, Gerd; Pezoldt, Jörg; Cimalla, Volker; Nennewitz, Olaf; Spieß, Lothar
Analysis of reflection high energy electron diffraction pattern of silicon carbide grown on silicon. - In: Evolution of epitaxial structure and morphology, (1996), S. 17-22

Nennewitz, Olaf; Spieß, Lothar; Spieß, Lothar *1956-*; Breternitz, Volkmar
Ohmic contacts to p-type 6H-silicon carbide. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 91 (1995), 1/4, S. 347-351
Stauden, Thomas; Eichhorn, Gerd; Cimalla, Volker; Pezoldt, Jörg; Ecke, Gernot; Nennewitz, Olaf
ECR-Abscheidung von AlN auf Si. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1995), S. 756-759

Nennewitz, Olaf; Spieß, Lothar; Spieß, Lothar *1956-*; Breternitz, Volkmar
Ohmsche Kontakte auf p-type 6H-Siliciumkarbid. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1995), S. 730-735

Fabricius, Alexander; Nennewitz, Olaf; Spieß, Lothar; Cimalla, Volker; Pezoldt, Jörg
Herstellung von WSi 2 und TiSi 2 durch Co-Sputtern und RTA. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1995), S. 724-729

Hotový, Ivan; Vanek, Oldrich; Spieß, Lothar; Nennewitz, Olaf
NiO thin films applicable in gas sensors. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1995), S. 713-718

Angelov, Mirko; Schön, S.; Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Nennewitz, Olaf
Synthese von ZnGe(As x P 1-x) 2 -Kristallen und Charakterisierung mittels elektrolytischer Elektroreflexion. - In: Vortragsreihen, (1995), S. 692-697

Nennewitz, Olaf; Schmidt, H.; Pezoldt, Jörg; Stauden, Thomas; Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar
X-ray diffraction analysis of RTP-annealed thin ZnO films. - In: Thin films, (1994), S. 666-669

Nennewitz, Olaf; Schmidt, H.; Pezoldt, Jörg; Stauden, Thomas; Schawohl, Jens; Spieß, Lothar
Rapid thermal annealing of thin ZnO films. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 145 (1994), 2, S. 283-288
Scherge, Matthias; Breternitz, Volkmar; Knedlik, Christian;
Simulation of electromigration behaviour in Al metallization of integrated circuits. - In: Microelectronics reliability, ISSN 0026-2714, Bd. 32 (1992), 1/2, S. 21-24
Breternitz, Volkmar; Hoebbel, Helmut; Scherge, Matthias; Knedlik, Christian
Widerstandsmeßmethoden für Elektromigrationsuntersuchungen. - In: Vortragsreihen Mikroelektronik und Schaltungstechnik, Kommunikations- und Meßtechnik, (1992), S. 317-322

Spieß, Lothar; Schawohl, Jens; Straßburger, Torsten; Rode, Annett
Röntgendiffraktometrische Sonderverfahren an dünnen Schichten. - In: Vortragsreihen Mikroelektronik und Schaltungstechnik, Kommunikations- und Meßtechnik, (1992), S. 198-203

Schneider, Martin;
Beitrag zur Dünnschichtmessung mittels Tastspul-Wirbelstromverfahren. - Ilmenau, 1991. - 134 Blätter
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1991

Arnold, Heinrich;
MO-CVD und Charakterisierung von ZnO-Schichten. - In: Physikalische Technologien, (1990), S. 188-189

Knedlik, Christian;
Komplexe Schichtmeß- und Analysentechnik. - In: Physikalische Technologien, (1990), S. 109-110

Scherge, Matthias; Knedlik, Christian; Knedlik, Christian *1941-*; Breternitz, Volkmar
Simulation von Materialtransportprozessen in Leitbahn und Kontakt. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 5, S. 69-71

Spieß, Lothar;
Führt die Höchstintegration der Mikroelektronik zu einer Analytikkrise?. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 5, S. 133-136

Spieß, Lothar; Tvarožek, Vladimir; Novotný, I.; Gr&hacek;no, J.; Liday, Jozef; Va&hacek;nek, Oldrich
Titansilicidschichten auf Poly-Si und SiO2. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 5, S. 47-50

Knedlik, Christian; Tippmann, Herbert; Hoebbel, Helmut;
Grundlagenuntersuchungen an WSi2-Schichten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 5, S. 39-42

Arnold, Heinrich; Fuchs, Gerhard; Kaufmann, Thorsten
Modellierungsgrundlagen für Wachstum und Dotierung von A(III)B(V)-Schichten aus der Gasphase (MO-VPE). - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 4, S. 150-153

Kaufmann, Thorsten; Webert, Matthias; Fuchs, Gerhard; Arnold, Heinrich; Hartung, Günter; Gothe, Karl-Heinz
Kupfer in MOCVD-ZnO-Schichten - defektchemische Interpretation von Einbau und physikalischem Verhalten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 35 (1990), 4, S. 129-132

Spieß, Lothar;
Rechnerunterstützte komplexe Festkörperanalytik für Mikroelektronikwerkstoffe, insbesondere von Siliciden zur Metallisierung von höchstintegrierten Schaltkreisen. - Ilmenau. - 1 Band (verschiedene Seitenzählungen)
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Habilitationsschrift 1990

Enthält Thesen

Hagel, Hans-Joachim;
Das Temperaturverhalten der Kontaktsysteme Metallisierung-Mono-Silizium und Metallisierung-Poly-Silizium unipolarer Festkörperschaltkreise. - Ilmenau, 1990. - 109, [5] Bl. : Ilmenau, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 1990
Enth. außerdem: Thesen

Scherge, Matthias; Knedlik, Christian; Belan, Jozef; Harman, Rudolf
Elektronische Rauschanalyse als Qualitätstest für Leitbahnen in der VLSI-Technik. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 35 (1989), 1, S. 73-83

Köthe, Gerhard; Breternitz, Volkmar; Tippmann, Herbert
Degradation in Metallisierungsschichten infolge Elektromigration. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 35 (1989), 1, S. 61-71

Spieß, Lothar; Klein, Sylke; Schawohl, Jens; Essler, Nora; Knedlik, Christian
Komplexe Strukturanalytik von Metallisierungsschichten. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 35 (1989), 1, S. 51-60

Knedlik, Christian; Spieß, Lothar; Tippmann, Herbert; Linß, M.; Schneider, Martin
Modernste Metallisierungskonzepte für höchstintegrierte Schaltkreise - Probleme und Lösungen. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 35 (1989), 1, S. 41-50

Köthe, Gerhard;
Ein Beitrag zur Klärung des Elektromigrationsverhaltens Ohmscher Metall-Halbleiter-Kontakte auf Aluminiumbasis. - Ilmenau, 1989. - 4 Mikrofiches
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1989

Tippmann, Herbert; Knedlik, Christian; Nitzsche, Karl; Spieß, Lothar
Wolfram-Silizide für die VLSI-Mikroelektronik. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 34 (1988), 4, S. 199-205

Knedlik, Christian; Schneider, Martin;
Mathematisches Modell von Kernspulen für das Tastspul-Wirbelstromverfahren. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 34 (1988), 4, S. 175-184

Tippmann, Herbert; Spieß, Lothar; Knedlik, Christian; Nitzsche, Karl; Schlöffel, Lutz; Steding, Jens; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Nowotny, Iwan; Harmann, Rudolf; Grno, J.; Breza, J.
Komplexer Analysezyklus (elektrische Messungen, Röntgenfeinstruktur, AES, RBS) zur Charakterisierung von W/Si-Sandwichanordnungen. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 91-94

Spieß, Lothar; Tippmann, Herbert; Nitzsche, Karl; Knedlik, Christian; Stedig, J.; Harmann, Rudolf; Tvarozek, Vladimir; Nowotny, Iwan
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Wolfram-Silizium-Mischschichten unterschiedlicher Stöchiometrie. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 87-89

Spieß, Lothar; Lippert, Gunther
Eigenschaften von MoSi2-Schichten - hergestellt mit dem Mosaiktarget. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 83-85

Nitzsche, Karl;
Physikalische Effekte in Mikro- und Submikrometerdimensionen. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 61-66

Köthe, Gerhard;
Elektromigrationsuntersuchungen an Al- und Al/Si-Siliziumkontakten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 55-58

Kaufmann, Thorsten; Fuchs, Gerhard; Webert, Matthias
MOCVD von ZnO-Schichten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 51-53

Breternitz, Volkmar; Beier, Volker
Zu Werkstoffproblemen bei der Kontaktierung in der GaAs-Mikroelektronik. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 23-26

Arnold, Heinrich;
Zum Stand der physikochemischen Modellbildung für CVD-Prozesse. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 32 (1987), 5, S. 7-9

Tippmann, Herbert; Spieß, Lothar; Hummel, Wolf-Joachim; Knedlik, Christian; Nitzsche, Karl; Linß, M.
Eigenschaften von Tantal-Silizium-Mischschichten. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 32 (1986), 6, S. 175-182

Spieß, Lothar; Tippmann, Herbert; Hegewald, Gunter; Nitzsche, Karl; Knedlik, Christian
Wolframsilicidbildung durch Temperung von Wolframschichten auf einkristallinem Silicium. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 32 (1986), 6, S. 167-174

Tippmann, Herbert; Spieß, Lothar; Linß, M.; Hummel, Wolf-Joachim; Knedlik, Christian; Nitzsche, Karl
Triotron-Zerstäubungsanordnung zur Herstellung von Ta/Si-Mischschichten. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 32 (1986), 3, S. 161-166

Teichert, Gerd;
Herstellung und Charakterisierung hochohmiger, heteroepitaktischer Zinkoxidschichten. - Ilmenau, 1986. - 94 Blätter
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1986

Enthält außerdem: Thesen

Hegewald, Gunter;
Ein Beitrag zur Klärung des Elektromigrationsverhaltens von Leitbahnen der VLSI-Technik. - Ilmenau, 1986. - 102, 5 Blätter
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1986

Enthält außerdem: Thesen

Rensch, Uta; Eichhorn, Gerd
Investigation of the state of strain and of the electrical properties of AlN layers on monocrystalline Si. - In: Physica status solidi. Applications and materials science. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2005- , ISSN: 1862-6319 , ZDB-ID: 1481091-8, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 90 (1985), 1, S. 135-141
Arnold, Heinrich;
Direkter und indirekter Atomanbau bei CVD-Prozessen für die Mikroelektronik. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 31 (1985), 5, S. 169-178

Spieß, Lothar;
Zur Silizidproblematik in Metallisierungssystemen für integrierte Schaltkreise der VLSI-Technik. - Ilmenau, 1985. - 1 Band (verschiedene Seitenzählungen)
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1985

Peterseim, Erhard;
Zum Einfluß der Schaltkreismetallisierung auf die Langzeitstabilität von Au-Draht-Thermokompressionskontakten. - Ilmenau, 1985. - 119 Blätter
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Dissertation 1985

Georgi, Christian; Arnold, Heinrich;
Metallorganische Gasphasenepitaxie und kristallographische Charakterisierung von ALN auf Saphir. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 29 (1984), 5, S. 47-49

Arnold, Heinrich;
CVD-Modelle mit separierten Oberflächenprozessen. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 29 (1984), 5, S. 39-42

Hegewald, Gunter; Nitzsche, Karl;
Elektromigration in Leitbahnen und Kontaktierungsstellen. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 29 (1984), 5, S. 25-27

Spieß, Lothar; Tippmann, Herber; Knedlik, Christian;
Elektrische Charakterisierung von Schwermetall-Silizium-Mischschichten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 29 (1984), 5, S. 7-10

Nitzsche, Karl;
Werkstoffwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Entwicklung des Kontakt- und Leitbahnsystems der VLSI-Technik. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 29 (1984), 5, S. 3-6

Nitzsche, Karl; Knedlik, Christian; Tippmann, Herbert; Spieß, Lothar; Harman, Rudolf; Vanek, Oldrich; Tvarozek, Vladimir
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von getemperten Wolframschichten auf einkristallinem Silizium. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 6, S. 131-140

Harman, Rudolf; Nitzsche, Karl;
Erfolgreiche gemeinsame Lehre und Forschung der STH Bratislava, Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik, und der TH Ilmenau, Sektion PHYTEB, 1974 - 1984. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 6, S. 121-130

Koprinarow, Nicola; Nitzsche, Karl;
Der Einfluß elektrischer Transversalfelder auf die Struktur und elektronischen Eigenschaften aufgedampfter Metallschichten. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 2, S. 147-155

Koprinarow, Nicola; Nitzsche, Karl;
Kurzzeitige Veränderung des Schichtwiderstandes dünner Metallschichten im Vakuum. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 1, S. 169-180

Richter, Anett; Rensch, Uta; Rensch, Uta *1952-*; Knedlik, Christian;
RBS-Untersuchungen an Metallisierungsschichten. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 1, S. 161-168

Hegewald, Gunter; Knedlik, Christian;
Elektromigration in Aluminiumlegierungsleitbahnen. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 1, S. 153-159

Tippmann, Herbert; Spieß, Lothar; Spieß, Lothar *1956-*; Knedlik, Christian;
Elektrische Charakterisierung von Schichten und Strukturen der Metallisierung für die VLSI-Technik. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 1, S. 143-152

Knedlik, Christian; Tippmann, Herbert
Kontaktierungsprobleme der VLSI-Technik. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 30 (1984), 1, S. 133-142

Eichhorn, Gerd;
Präparation und Untersuchung von Aluminiumnitridschichten für die Mikroelektronik. - Ilmenau. - 107 Blätter
Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Habilitationsschrift 1984

Rensch, Uta; Eichhorn, Gerd
Investigations on the structure of MOCVD AIN layers on silicon. - In: Physica status solidi. Applications and materials science. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2005- , ISSN: 1862-6319 , ZDB-ID: 1481091-8, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 77 (1983), 1, S. 195-199
Eichhorn, Gerd; Rensch, Uta
MOCVD of AlN on silicon. - In: Physica status solidi. Applications and materials science. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2005- , ISSN: 1862-6319 , ZDB-ID: 1481091-8, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 69 (1982), 1, Seite K3-K6
Kaufmann, Thorsten; Staroske, Marlies
Herstellung und Charakterisierung heteroepitaktischer ZnO-Schichten. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 26 (1981), 5, S. 159-160

Arnold, Heinrich;
CVD-Grundlagen und -Tendenzen für die Mikroelektronik. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 26 (1981), 5, S. 145-148

Arnold, Heinrich; Erck, Alfred; Göllnitz, Horst; Henning, Otto; Horn, H.; Hutschenreuther, Günter; Schmitz, Gerhard; Wagenbreth, Otfried
Die Erziehung zum sozialistischen Umweltbewußtsein an den Hochschulen der DDR. - In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0043-6917, Bd. 25 (1979), 2, S. 3-30

Nitzsche, Karl;
Zur Haftfestigkeitsmessung an Kontaktierungsstellen mit akustischen Methoden. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 23 (1978), 6, S. 59-62

Nitzsche, Karl; Koprinarow, Nikola
Zur Koaleszenz dünner Metallschichten auf Glas. - In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, ISSN 0374-3365, Bd. 23 (1978), 6, S. 43-46

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Jacobs, Joachim;
Leitfähigkeit und Eigenfehlordnung der Selenide des Zinks und des Cadmiums bei hohen Temperaturen. - Ilmenau, 1975. - 103 Blätter
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Herstellung epitaktischer Heteroübergänge aus Zinkselenid und Galliumarsenid durch chemischen Transport. - Ilmenau, 1969. - 73 Bl. : Ilmenau, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 1969

Arnold, Heinrich;
Heat capacity and enthalpy of transition of aromatic liquid crystals. - In: Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, ISSN 1563-5287, Bd. 2 (1966), 1/2, S. 63-70