Journal articles

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Ravi Kumar, Varun; Yogamani, Senthil; Rashed, Hazem; Sitsu, Ganesh; Witt, Christian; Leang, Isabelle; Milz, Stefan; Mäder, Patrick
OmniDet: surround view cameras based multi-task visual perception network for autonomous driving. - In: IEEE Robotics and automation letters, ISSN 2377-3766, Bd. 6 (2021), 2, S. 2830-2837

Surround View fisheye cameras are commonly deployed in automated driving for 360˚ near-field sensing around the vehicle. This work presents a multi-task visual perception network on unrectified fisheye images to enable the vehicle to sense its surrounding environment. It consists of six primary tasks necessary for an autonomous driving system: depth estimation, visual odometry, semantic segmentation, motion segmentation, object detection, and lens soiling detection. We demonstrate that the jointly trained model performs better than the respective single task versions. Our multi-task model has a shared encoder providing a significant computational advantage and has synergized decoders where tasks support each other. We propose a novel camera geometry based adaptation mechanism to encode the fisheye distortion model both at training and inference. This was crucial to enable training on the WoodScape dataset, comprised of data from different parts of the world collected by 12 different cameras mounted on three different cars with different intrinsics and viewpoints. Given that bounding boxes is not a good representation for distorted fisheye images, we also extend object detection to use a polygon with non-uniformly sampled vertices. We additionally evaluate our model on standard automotive datasets, namely KITTI and Cityscapes. We obtain the state-of-the-art results on KITTI for depth estimation and pose estimation tasks and competitive performance on the other tasks. We perform extensive ablation studies on various architecture choices and task weighting methodologies. A short video at provides qualitative results.
Schmitz-Hübsch, Tanja; Lux, Silke; Bauer, Peter; Brandt, Alexander Ulrich; Schlapakow, Elena; Greschus, Susanne; Scheeler, Michael Lothar; Gärtner, Hanna; Kirlangic, Mehmet Eylem; Gras, Vincent; Timmann-Braun, Dagmar; Synofzik, Matthis; Giorgetti, Alejandro; Carloni, Paolo; Shah, Jon N.; Schöls, Ludger; Kopp, Ute; Bußenius, Lisa; Oberwahrenbrock, Timm; Zimmermann, Hanna; Pfueller, Caspar; Kadas, Ella-Maria; Rönnefarth, Maria; Grosch, Anne-Sophie; Endres, Matthias; Amunts, Katrin; Paul, Friedemann; Doss, Sarah; Minnerop, Martina
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 14 : refining clinicogenetic diagnosis in a rare adult-onset disorder. - In: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, ISSN 2328-9503, Bd. 8 (2021), 4, S. 774-789

Objectives Genetic variant classification is a challenge in rare adult-onset disorders as in SCA-PRKCG (prior spinocerebellar ataxia type 14) with mostly private conventional mutations and nonspecific phenotype. We here propose a refined approach for clinicogenetic diagnosis by including protein modeling and provide for confirmed SCA-PRKCG a comprehensive phenotype description from a German multi-center cohort, including standardized 3D MR imaging. Methods This cross-sectional study prospectively obtained neurological, neuropsychological, and brain imaging data in 33 PRKCG variant carriers. Protein modeling was added as a classification criterion in variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Results Our sample included 25 cases confirmed as SCA-PRKCG (14 variants, thereof seven novel variants) and eight carriers of variants assigned as VUS (four variants) or benign/likely benign (two variants). Phenotype in SCA-PRKCG included slowly progressive ataxia (onset at 4-50 years), preceded in some by early-onset nonprogressive symptoms. Ataxia was often combined with action myoclonus, dystonia, or mild cognitive-affective disturbance. Inspection of brain MRI revealed nonprogressive cerebellar atrophy. As a novel finding, a previously not described T2 hyperintense dentate nucleus was seen in all SCA-PRKCG cases but in none of the controls. Interpretation In this largest cohort to date, SCA-PRKCG was characterized as a slowly progressive cerebellar syndrome with some clinical and imaging features suggestive of a developmental disorder. The observed non-ataxia movement disorders and cognitive-affective disturbance may well be attributed to cerebellar pathology. Protein modeling emerged as a valuable diagnostic tool for variant classification and the newly described T2 hyperintense dentate sign could serve as a supportive diagnostic marker of SCA-PRKCG.
Wells, James; Ortega, Daniel; Steinhoff, Uwe; Dutz, Silvio; Garaio, E.; Sandre, Olivier; Natividad, Eva; Cruz, M. M.; Brero, Francesca; Southern, Paul; Pankhurst, Quentin A.; Spassov, Simo;
Challenges and recommendations for magnetic hyperthermia characterization measurements. - In: International journal of hyperthermia and thermal therapies, ISSN 1464-5157, Bd. 38 (2021), 1, S. 447-460

Purpose The localized heating of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) via the application of time-varying magnetic fields - a process known as magnetic field hyperthermia (MFH) - can greatly enhance existing options for cancer treatment; but for broad clinical uptake its optimization, reproducibility and safety must be comprehensively proven. As part of this effort, the quantification of MNP heating - characterized by the specific loss power (SLP), measured in W/g, or by the intrinsic loss power (ILP), in Hm2/kg - is frequently reported. However, in SLP/ILP measurements to date, the apparatus, the analysis techniques and the field conditions used by different researchers have varied greatly, leading to questions as to the reproducibility of the measurements.Materials and Methods An interlaboratory study (across N = 21 European sites) of calorimetry measurements that constitutes a snapshot of the current state-of-the-art within the MFH community has been undertaken. Identical samples of two stable nanoparticle systems were distributed to all participating laboratories. Raw measurement data as well as the results of in-house analysis techniques were collected along with details of the measurement apparatus used. Raw measurement data was further reanalyzed by universal application of the corrected-slope method to examine relative influences of apparatus and results processing.Results The data show that although there is very good intralaboratory repeatability, the overall interlaboratory measurement accuracy is poor, with the consolidated ILP data having standard deviations on the mean of ca. ± 30% to ± 40%. There is a strong systematic component to the uncertainties, and a clear rank correlation between the measuring laboratory and the ILP. Both of these are indications of a current lack of normalization in this field. A number of possible sources of systematic uncertainties are identified, and means determined to alleviate or minimize them. However, no single dominant factor was identified, and significant work remains to ascertain and remove the remaining uncertainty sources.Conclusion We conclude that the study reveals a current lack of harmonization in MFH characterization of MNPs, and highlights the growing need for standardized, quantitative characterization techniques for this emerging medical technology.
Schmidt, Helmut; Hahn, Gerald; Deco, Gustavo; Knösche, Thomas R.
Ephaptic coupling in white matter fibre bundles modulates axonal transmission delays. - In: PLoS Computational Biology, ISSN 1553-7358, Bd. 17 (2021), 2, e1007858, S. 1-24

Axonal connections are widely regarded as faithful transmitters of neuronal signals with fixed delays. The reasoning behind this is that extracellular potentials caused by spikes travelling along axons are too small to have an effect on other axons. Here we devise a computational framework that allows us to study the effect of extracellular potentials generated by spike volleys in axonal fibre bundles on axonal transmission delays. We demonstrate that, although the extracellular potentials generated by single spikes are of the order of microvolts, the collective extracellular potential generated by spike volleys can reach several millivolts. As a consequence, the resulting depolarisation of the axonal membranes increases the velocity of spikes, and therefore reduces axonal delays between brain areas. Driving a neural mass model with such spike volleys, we further demonstrate that only ephaptic coupling can explain the reduction of stimulus latencies with increased stimulus intensities, as observed in many psychological experiments.
Dutz, Silvio; Zborowski, Maciej; Häfeli, Urs; Schütt, Wolfgang
Preface to the Special Issue "Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers". - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 525 (2021), 167667
Dinh, Christoph; Samuelsson, John G.; Hunold, Alexander; Hämäläinen, Matti S.; Khan, Sheraz
Contextual MEG and EEG source estimates using spatiotemporal LSTM networks. - In: Frontiers in neuroscience, ISSN 1662-453X, Bd. 15 (2021), 552666, S. 1-15

Most magneto- and electroencephalography (M/EEG) based source estimation techniques derive their estimates sample wise, independently across time. However, neuronal assemblies are intricately interconnected, constraining the temporal evolution of neural activity that is detected by MEG and EEG; the observed neural currents must thus be highly context dependent. Here, we use a network of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells where the input is a sequence of past source estimates and the output is a prediction of the following estimate. This prediction is then used to correct the estimate. In this study, we applied this technique on noise-normalized minimum norm estimates (MNE). Because the correction is found by using past activity (context), we call this implementation Contextual MNE (CMNE), although this technique can be used in conjunction with any source estimation method. We test CMNE on simulated epileptiform activity and recorded auditory steady state response (ASSR) data, showing that the CMNE estimates exhibit a higher degree of spatial fidelity than the unfiltered estimates in the tested cases.
Mulyadi, Indra Hardian; Fiedler, Patrique; Eichardt, Roland; Haueisen, Jens; Supriyanto, Eko
Pareto optimization for electrodes placement: compromises between electrophysiological and practical aspects. - In: Medical & biological engineering & computing, ISSN 1741-0444, Bd. 59 (2021), 2, S. 431-447

Wearable electronics and sensors are increasingly popular for personal health monitoring, including smart shirts containing electrocardiography (ECG) electrodes. Optimal electrode performance requires careful selection of the electrode position. On top of the electrophysiological aspects, practical aspects must be considered due to the dynamic recording environment. We propose a new method to obtain optimal electrode placement by considering multiple dimensions. The electrophysiological aspects were represented by P-, R-, and T-peak of ECG waveform, while the shirt-skin gap, shirt movement, and regional sweat rate represented the practical aspects. This study employed a secondary data set and simulations for the electrophysiological and practical aspects, respectively. Typically, there is no ideal solution that maximizes satisfaction degrees of multiple electrophysiological and practical aspects simultaneously; a compromise is the most appropriate approach. Instead of combining both aspects - which are independent of each other - into a single-objective optimization, we used multi-objective optimization to obtain a Pareto set, which contains predominant solutions. These solutions may facilitate the decision-makers to decide the preferred electrode locations based on application-specific criteria. Our proposed approach may aid manufacturers in making decisions regarding the placement of electrodes within smart shirts.
Mosayebi Samani, Mohsen; Jamil, Asif; Salvador, Ricardo; Ruffini, Giulio; Haueisen, Jens; Nitsche, Michael
The impact of individual electrical fields and anatomical factors on the neurophysiological outcomes of tDCS: a TMS-MEP and MRI study. - In: Brain stimulation, ISSN 1876-4754, Bd. 14 (2021), 2, S. 316-326

Background - Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a neuromodulatory non-invasive brain stimulation technique, has shown promising results in basic and clinical studies. The known interindividual variability of the effects, however, limits the efficacy of the technique. Recently we reported neurophysiological effects of tDCS applied over the primary motor cortex at the group level, based on data from twenty-nine participants who received 15min of either sham, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 mA anodal, or cathodal tDCS. The neurophysiological effects were evaluated via changes in: 1) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-induced motor evoked potentials (MEP), and 2) cerebral blood flow (CBF) measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) via arterial spin labeling (ASL). At the group level, dose-dependent effects of the intervention were obtained, which however displayed interindividual variability. - Method - In the present study, we investigated the cause of the observed inter-individual variability. To this end, for each participant, a MRI-based realistic head model was designed to 1) calculate anatomical factors and 2) simulate the tDCS- and TMS-induced electrical fields (EFs). We first investigated at the regional level which individual anatomical factors explained the simulated EFs (magnitude and normal component). Then, we explored which specific anatomical and/or EF factors predicted the neurophysiological outcomes of tDCS. - Results - The results highlight a significant negative correlation between regional electrode-to-cortex distance (rECD) as well as regional CSF (rCSF) thickness, and the individual EF characteristics. In addition, while both rCSF thickness and rECD anticorrelated with tDCS-induced physiological changes, EFs positively correlated with the effects. - Conclusion - These results provide novel insights into the dependency of the neuromodulatory effects of tDCS on individual physical factors.
Jaufenthaler, Aaron; Kornack, Thomas; Lebedev, Victor; Limes, Mark E.; Körber, Rainer; Liebl, Maik; Baumgarten, Daniel
Pulsed optically pumped magnetometers: addressing dead time and bandwidth for the unshielded magnetorelaxometry of magnetic nanoparticles. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 21 (2021), 4, 1212, insges. 19 S.
Blum, Maren-Christina; Solf, Benjamin; Hunold, Alexander; Klee, Sascha
Effects of ocular direct current stimulation on full field electroretinogram. - In: Frontiers in neuroscience, ISSN 1662-453X, Bd. 15 (2021), 606557, S. 1-9