Publikationen an der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung ab 2015

Anzahl der Treffer: 1956
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Baumgarten, Daniel; Dietzel, Alexander; Rieger, Steffen; Lerm, Elena; Schramm, Stefan; Vilser, Walthard; Schikowski, Patrick; Kaeding, André; Kunert, Kathleen
Multimodal imaging under uncertainties in ophthalmic engineering. - In: 2nd International Scientific Symposium "Sense. Enable. SPITSE." 2015, 22 June - 03 July 2015, ISBN 978-5-7629-1647-9, (2015), S. 109-110

Baumgarten, Daniel; Eichardt, Roland; Liebl, Maik; Steinhoff, Uwe
Advancement in magnetorelaxometry tomography of magnetic nanoparticles by optimized activation sequences and excitation setups. - In: 2nd International Scientific Symposium "Sense. Enable. SPITSE." 2015, 22 June - 03 July 2015, ISBN 978-5-7629-1647-9, (2015), S. 107-108

Philippow, Ilka; Mäder, Patrick
Demonstrator für Traceability in Entwicklungsprozessen (DeTEP) : Schlußbericht. - Ilmenau : Technische Univ., Fak. Informatik und Automatisierung, Fachgebiet Softwaresysteme/Prozessinformatik. - Online-Ressource (13 S., 473,39 KB)Förderkennzeichen BMBF 03V0116
Fincke, Sabine; Augustin, Silke; Henke, Karsten; Massek, Ulrich; Wuttke, Heinz-Dietrich
Semesterbegleitende Studienleistungen in ingenieurtechnischen Grundlagen in der "Basic Engineering School". - In: Minttendrin Lehre im Dialog, (2015), S. 99-107
Poster-Beitrag/Abstract S. 265

Tallon, Justin; Blumm, Christian; Puschmann, André; Paisana, Francisco; Belt, Jonathan; Francesco, Paolo; Kaminski, Nicholas; Ahmadi, Hamed
Coexistence through adaptive sensing and Markov chains. - In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), ISBN 978-1-4799-7452-8, (2015), S. 7-8
Groß, Horst-Michael; Müller, Steffen; Schröter, Christof; Volkhardt, Michael; Scheidig, Andrea; Debes, Klaus; Richter, Katja; Döring, Nicola
Robot companion for domestic health assistance: implementation, test and case study under everyday conditions in private apartments. - In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (2015), S. 5992-5999

This paper presents the implementation and evaluation results of the German research project SERROGA (2012 till mid 2015), which aimed at developing a robot companion for domestic health assistance for older people that helps keeping them physically and mentally fit to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as possible. The paper gives an overview of the developed companion robot, its system architecture, and essential skills, behaviors, and services required for a robotic health assistant. Moreover, it presents a new approach allowing a quantitative description and assessment of the navigation complexity of apartments to make them objectively comparable for function tests under real-life conditions. Based on this approach, the results of function tests executed in 12 apartments of project staff and seniors are described. Furthermore, the paper presents findings of a case study conducted with nine seniors (aged 68-92) in their own homes, investigating both instrumental and social-emotional functions of a robotic health assistant. The robot accompanied the seniors in their homes for up to three days assisting with tasks of their daily schedule and health care, without any supervising person being present on-site. Results revealed that the seniors appreciated the robot's health-related instrumental functions and even built emotional bonds with it.
Eisenbach, Markus; Vorndran, Alexander; Sorge, Sven; Groß, Horst-Michael
User recognition for guiding and following people with a mobile robot in a clinical environment. - In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (2015), S. 3600-3607

Rehabilitative follow-up care is important for stroke patients to regain their motor and cognitive skills. We aim to develop a robotic rehabilitation assistant for walking exercises in late stages of rehabilitation. The robotic rehab assistant is to accompany inpatients during their self-training, practicing both mobility and spatial orientation skills. To hold contact to the patient, even after temporally full occlusions, robust user re-identification is essential. Therefore, we implemented a person re-identification module that continuously re-identifies the patient, using only few amount of the robot's processing resources. It is robust to varying illumination and occlusions. State-of-the-art performance is confirmed on a standard benchmark dataset, as well as on a recorded scenario-specific dataset. Additionally, the benefit of using a visual re-identification component is verified by live-tests with the robot in a stroke rehab clinic.
Schmiedel, Thomas; Einhorn, Erik; Groß, Horst-Michael
IRON: a fast interest point descriptor for robust NDT-map matching and its application to robot localization. - In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (2015), S. 3144-3151

This work introduces the IRON keypoint detector and the IRON descriptor which enable high-speed and high-accuracy alignment of 3D depth maps. Instead of using raw point values for storing 3D-scenes, all algorithms were designed to operate on Normal Distribution Transforms (NDT), since NDT-maps provide a highly memory-efficient representation of depth data. By taking into account surface curvature and object shape within NDT-maps, patches with strong surface variability can be recognized and described precisely. In this paper, the whole feature extraction process, as well as descriptor matching, outlier detection, and the final transform calculation between NDT-maps is elaborated. The presented technique is particularly insensitive to an initial offset between both maps, has a high robustness, and it achieves more than 75 NDT-map alignments per second (including complete memory allocation each time as well) in two large publicly available depth datasets while using only a single core of a modern Intel i7 CPU. Even though the main focus of this work was placed on the proposed IRON registration algorithm, two specific applications of this NDT-matching approach are outlined in the second part, namely robot pose tracking and NDT-one-shot localization within densely furnished domestic environments.
Li, Pu; Vu, Quoc Dong
A simple method for identifying parameter correlations in partially observed linear dynamic models. - In: BMC systems biology, ISSN 1752-0509, Bd. 9.2015, 92 (14. Dez.), insges. 14 S.
Füßl, Franz Felix; Streitferdt, Detlef; Triebel, Anne
Modeling knowledge bases for automated decision making systems - a literature review. - In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, ISSN 2156-5570, Bd. 6 (2015), 9, S. 185-189