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Müller, Erik; Petkoviâc, Bojana; Ziolkowski, Marek; Weise, Konstantin; Töpfer, Hannes; Haueisen, Jens
An improved GPU-optimized fictitious surface charge method for transcranial magnetic stimulation. - In: IEEE transactions on magnetics, ISSN 1941-0069, Bd. 60 (2024), 3, 5100104, insges. 4 S.

The fictitious surface charge method (FSCM) is used for the calculation of the induced electrical field in magnetic stimulation. The method was embedded and optimized in Python. It was designed to allow for the computation of large problems. An element-wise Jacobi method was combined with vectorized matrix operations to increase the parallelization capabilities and enable GPU computing. The induced fields are compared against an analytical solution for a homogeneous sphere and a FEM solution on a realistic head model. The results for both cases show that the normalized root mean square error of less than 0.5% can be achieved with the integral-free FSCM even on low-performance computer hardware.

Jannek, Dunja; Helbig, Marko; Haueisen, Jens; Keller, Andreas
Der Studiengang "Biomedizinische Technik". - In: Medizintechnik, ISSN 0344-9416, (2023), 1, S. 31-37

Mitas, Andrzej W.; Szkiełkowska, Agata; Czak, Mirosław; Nycz, Julia
Voice work optimization in artistic and pedagogical professions - selected issues :
Wybrane problemy optymalizacji pracy głosem w zawodach artystycznych i pedagogicznych. - In: Nowa Audiofonologia$hred. nacz. Henryk Skarżyânski, ISSN 2084-946X, Bd. 12 (2023), 1, S. 65-71

W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia pracy głosem w aspekcie monitorowania jego stanu. W kontekâscie dotychczasowych (statycznych) metod analizy statusu aparatu mowy i âspiewu przedstawiono znane metody pomiaru biomarkerów fizjologicznych służ&hlink;acych do diagnozowania potencjalnych patologii. Zaprezentowano także metod&hlink;e badania i konstrukcji systemu pomiarowego, który może byâc wykorzystany do bież&hlink;acej oceny stanu narz&hlink;adów mowy i âspiewu, tak by w czasie rzeczywistym możliwe było podj&hlink;ecie adekwatnych działaân, polegaj&hlink;acych zasadniczo na czasowym zaniechaniu wydawania dâzwi&hlink;eków lub ograniczenia ich intensywnoâsci. W materiale wyeksponowano przewag&hlink;e systemu pomiarowo-kontrolnego, stanowi&hlink;acego techniczne wsparcie dla beneficjenta, nad systemem autokontroli – zawodnym przeważnie z przyczyn socjologicznych lub z powodu niedostatecznie czytelnych sygnałów ostrzegawczych, wysyłanych przez nasz organizm.

Walter, Uwe; Brandt, Stephan A.; Förderreuther, Stefanie; Günther, Albrecht; Hansen, Hans-Christian; Haueisen, Jens; Salih, Farid; Weise, David
Recommendations of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging for the diagnosis of irreversible loss of brain function :
Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN) zur Diagnostik des irreversiblen Hirnfunktionsausfalls. - In: Klinische Neurophysiologie, ISSN 1439-4081, Bd. 54 (2023), 4, S. 221-230

Im Zuge der Fünften Fortschreibung der Richtlinie der Bundesärztekammer zur Feststellung des irreversiblen Hirnfunktionsausfalls, gültig seit September 2022, wurden die Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN) zu den ergänzenden elektrophysiologischen und Doppler-sonografischen Untersuchungen aktualisiert. Die hier präsentierten Empfehlungen der DGKN beinhalten die Indikationen, Voraussetzungen und die Durchführung dieser Zusatzverfahren bei Kindern und Erwachsenen.

Fischer, Gerald; Kofler, Markus; Baumgarten, Daniel
Implementation of N-Interval fourier transform analysis - application to compound action potentials. - In: MethodsX, ISSN 2215-0161, Bd. 11 (2023), 102441, S. 1-10

N-Interval Fourier Transform Analysis (N-FTA) allows for spectral separation of a periodic target signal from uncorrelated background interference. A N-FTA pseudo-code is presented. The spectral resolution is defined by the repetition rate of the near periodic signal. Acceptance criteria for spectral targets were defined such that the probability of accepting false positives is less than 1/1500. Simulated and recorded neural compound action potentials (CAPs) were investigated. Simulated data allowed for comparison with reference solutions demonstrating the stability of N-FTA at conditions being comparable to real world data. Background activity was assessed with small errors. Evoked target components were assessed down to power spectral density being approximately N times below the background level. Validation was completed investigating a measured CAP. In neurophysiological recordings, this approach allows for accurate separation of near periodic evoked activity from uncorrelated background activities for frequencies below 1kHz. • N-FTA allows for spectral separation of a periodic target signal from uncorrelated interference by analyzing a segment containing N target signal repetitions. • A MATLAB implementation of the algorithm is provided along with simulated and recorded data. • N-FTA was successfully validated using simulated and measured data for CAPs.

Fiedler, Patrique; Graichen, Uwe; Zimmer, Ellen; Haueisen, Jens
Simultaneous dry and gel-based high-density electroencephalography recordings. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 23 (2023), 24, 9745, S. 1-12

Evaluations of new dry, high-density EEG caps have only been performed so far with serial measurements and not with simultaneous (parallel) measurements. For a first comparison of gel-based and dry electrode performance in simultaneous high-density EEG measurements, we developed a new EEG cap comprising 64 gel-based and 64 dry electrodes and performed simultaneous measurements on ten volunteers. We analyzed electrode-skin impedances, resting state EEG, triggered eye blinks, and visual evoked potentials (VEPs). To overcome the issue of different electrode positions in the comparison of simultaneous measurements, we performed spatial frequency analysis of the simultaneously measured EEGs using spatial harmonic analysis (SPHARA). The impedances were 516 ± 429 kOhm (mean ± std) for the dry electrodes and 14 ± 8 kOhm for the gel-based electrodes. For the dry EEG electrodes, we obtained a channel reliability of 77%. We observed no differences between dry and gel-based recordings for the alpha peak frequency and the alpha power amplitude, as well as for the VEP peak amplitudes and latencies. For the VEP, the RMSD and the correlation coefficient between the gel-based and dry recordings were 1.7 ± 0.7 μV and 0.97 ± 0.03, respectively. We observed no differences in the cumulative power distributions of the spatial frequency components for the N75 and P100 VEP peaks. The differences for the N145 VEP peak were attributed to the different noise characteristics of gel-based and dry recordings. In conclusion, we provide evidence for the equivalence of simultaneous dry and gel-based high-density EEG measurements.

Charleston-Villalobos, Sonia; Javorka, Michal; Faes, Luca; Voss, Andreas
Editorial: Granger causality and information transfer in physiological systems: basic research and applications. - In: Frontiers in network physiology, ISSN 2674-0109, Bd. 3 (2023), 1284256, S. 01-03

&hacek;Du&hacek;dák, Juraj; Gašpar, Gabriel; Budjač, Roman; Sládek, Ivan; Husar, Peter
A low-power data logger with simple file system for long-term environmental monitoring in remote areas. - In: IEEE sensors journal, ISSN 1558-1748, Bd. 23 (2023), 24, S. 31178-31195

This research addresses the long-term measurement of environmental data in geographically remote areas and an energy-optimized method of storing data on a storage medium. For this purpose, we have developed our measurement module ADL - Advanced Data Logger. In terms of connectivity, the module operates in 3 modes: offline - when measured data is primarily stored on the storage medium; IoT ready - measured data is stored on the storage medium and sent to the remote server in defined batches; online mode - when measured data is preferably sent to the remote server immediately after measurement. The design aims to minimize the module’s power consumption so that the autonomous operating time is close to one year. As part of the design, the simpleFS software module is designed for the role of a simple file system optimized to minimize I/O operations. Its other feature in data storage is the automatic normalization of the data transmitted from the attached sensors. The last part of the design is the AdlReader software solution, used to configure the hardware (HW) module and to retrieve the measured data files. We verified the correct operation of the ADL module along with nine sensors built in a vertical soil temperature profile probe in experimental installation and operation for two months. According to the requirements for our solution, the expected operation time of the ADL module is 9 - 12 months.

Tamburro, Gabriella; Fiedler, Patrique; De Fano, Antonio; Raeisi, Khadijeh; Khazaei, Mohammad; Vaquero, Lucia; Bruña, Ricardo; Oppermann, Hannes; Bertollo, Maurizio; Filho, Edson; Zappasodi, Filippo; Comani, Silvia
An ecological study protocol for the multimodal investigation of the neurophysiological underpinnings of dyadic joint action. - In: Frontiers in human neuroscience, ISSN 1662-5161, Bd. 17 (2023), 1305331, S. 1-19

A novel multimodal experimental setup and dyadic study protocol were designed to investigate the neurophysiological underpinnings of joint action through the synchronous acquisition of EEG, ECG, EMG, respiration and kinematic data from two individuals engaged in ecologic and naturalistic cooperative and competitive joint actions involving face-to-face real-time and real-space coordinated full body movements. Such studies are still missing because of difficulties encountered in recording reliable neurophysiological signals during gross body movements, in synchronizing multiple devices, and in defining suitable study protocols. The multimodal experimental setup includes the synchronous recording of EEG, ECG, EMG, respiration and kinematic signals of both individuals via two EEG amplifiers and a motion capture system that are synchronized via a single-board microcomputer and custom Python scripts. EEG is recorded using new dry sports electrode caps. The novel study protocol is designed to best exploit the multimodal data acquisitions. Table tennis is the dyadic motor task: it allows naturalistic and face-to-face interpersonal interactions, free in-time and in-space full body movement coordination, cooperative and competitive joint actions, and two task difficulty levels to mimic changing external conditions. Recording conditions - including minimum table tennis rally duration, sampling rate of kinematic data, total duration of neurophysiological recordings - were defined according to the requirements of a multilevel analytical approach including a neural level (hyperbrain functional connectivity, Graph Theoretical measures and Microstate analysis), a cognitive-behavioral level (integrated analysis of neural and kinematic data), and a social level (extending Network Physiology to neurophysiological data recorded from two interacting individuals). Four practical tests for table tennis skills were defined to select the study population, permitting to skill-match the dyad members and to form two groups of higher and lower skilled dyads to explore the influence of skill level on joint action performance. Psychometric instruments are included to assess personality traits and support interpretation of results. Studying joint action with our proposed protocol can advance the understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms sustaining daily life joint actions and could help defining systems to predict cooperative or competitive behaviors before being overtly expressed, particularly useful in real-life contexts where social behavior is a main feature.

Oppermann, Hannes; Wulf, Simon; Komosar, Milana; Haueisen, Jens
Fully integrated Windows framework for source localization with MNE Python and FreeSurfer. - In: Current directions in biomedical engineering, ISSN 2364-5504, Bd. 9 (2023), 1, S. 371-374

There is a variety of software packages, toolboxes, or libraries for the analysis and processing of neurophysiological data such as EEG and MEG. Many of these solutions provide algorithms for both, sensor-space analysis and sourcespace analysis. Especially with the solutions that run on Windows machines, it is noticeable that the step of the volume model generation is usually not included, since the state-ofthe- art software for this (FreeSurfer) is a Unix-based software and thus not available forWindows machines. Therefore, our goal was to develop a fully-integrated software solution for Windows machines, accessing all processing steps already implemented in an existing toolbox and using FreeSurfer in the same system. Due to its widespread use, we chose MNE Python as the basis for our fully integrated software solution. We used the Windows Subsystem for Linux to create a virtual Linux kernel for the FreeSurfer installation. To demonstrate the workflow, the libeep, and AutoReject libraries have been added. A 64-channel EEG recording during right-hand movement (ME) and imagination (MI) was used to test the implemented workflow. The developed framework consists of several modules within Python, mainly using existing scripts and functions. The library libeep was integrated to read the EEG data with the ‘.cnt’, eeprope format. AutoReject was used to automatically interpolate detected bad channels or to reject complete epochs. FreeSurfer was successfully integrated and customized Python scripts enabled the communication between MNE Python on a Windows machine and FreeSurfer on a virtual Linux kernel. With the above-mentioned EEG dataset, we performed source reconstruction and were able to show ERD/S patterns for both, ME and MI. Our new, fullyintegrated software framework can be used on Windows machines to perform a complete process of source reconstruction.
