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Aganian, Dustin; Köhler, Mona; Stephan, Benedict; Eisenbach, Markus; Groß, Horst-Michael
Fusing hand and body skeletons for human action recognition in assembly. - In: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2023, (2023), S. 207-219

As collaborative robots (cobots) continue to gain popularity in industrial manufacturing, effective human-robot collaboration becomes crucial. Cobots should be able to recognize human actions to assist with assembly tasks and act autonomously. To achieve this, skeleton-based approaches are often used due to their ability to generalize across various people and environments. Although body skeleton approaches are widely used for action recognition, they may not be accurate enough for assembly actions where the worker’s fingers and hands play a significant role. To address this limitation, we propose a method in which less detailed body skeletons are combined with highly detailed hand skeletons. We investigate CNNs and transformers, the latter of which are particularly adept at extracting and combining important information from both skeleton types using attention. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach in enhancing action recognition in assembly scenarios.
Stephan, Benedict; Köhler, Mona; Müller, Steffen; Zhang, Yan; Groß, Horst-Michael; Notni, Gunther
OHO: a multi-modal, multi-purpose dataset for human-robot object hand-over. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 23 (2023), 18, 7807, S. 1-13

In the context of collaborative robotics, handing over hand-held objects to a robot is a safety-critical task. Therefore, a robust distinction between human hands and presented objects in image data is essential to avoid contact with robotic grippers. To be able to develop machine learning methods for solving this problem, we created the OHO (Object Hand-Over) dataset of tools and other everyday objects being held by human hands. Our dataset consists of color, depth, and thermal images with the addition of pose and shape information about the objects in a real-world scenario. Although the focus of this paper is on instance segmentation, our dataset also enables training for different tasks such as 3D pose estimation or shape estimation of objects. For the instance segmentation task, we present a pipeline for automated label generation in point clouds, as well as image data. Through baseline experiments, we show that these labels are suitable for training an instance segmentation to distinguish hands from objects on a per-pixel basis. Moreover, we present qualitative results for applying our trained model in a real-world application.
Aganian, Dustin; Stephan, Benedict; Eisenbach, Markus; Stretz, Corinna; Groß, Horst-Michael
ATTACH dataset: annotated two-handed assembly actions for human action understanding. - In: ICRA 2023, (2023), S. 11367-11373

With the emergence of collaborative robots (cobots), human-robot collaboration in industrial manufacturing is coming into focus. For a cobot to act autonomously and as an assistant, it must understand human actions during assembly. To effectively train models for this task, a dataset containing suitable assembly actions in a realistic setting is cru-cial. For this purpose, we present the ATTACH dataset, which contains 51.6 hours of assembly with 95.2k annotated fine-grained actions monitored by three cameras, which represent potential viewpoints of a cobot. Since in an assembly context workers tend to perform different actions simultaneously with their two hands, we annotated the performed actions for each hand separately. Therefore, in the ATTACH dataset, more than 68% of annotations overlap with other annotations, which is many times more than in related datasets, typically featuring more simplistic assembly tasks. For better generalization with respect to the background of the working area, we did not only record color and depth images, but also used the Azure Kinect body tracking SDK for estimating 3D skeletons of the worker. To create a first baseline, we report the performance of state-of-the-art methods for action recognition as well as action detection on video and skeleton-sequence inputs. The dataset is available at
Eisenbach, Markus; Lübberstedt, Jannik; Aganian, Dustin; Groß, Horst-Michael
A little bit attention is all you need for person re-identification. - In: ICRA 2023, (2023), S. 7598-7605

Person re-identification plays a key role in applications where a mobile robot needs to track its users over a long period of time, even if they are partially unobserved for some time, in order to follow them or be available on demand. In this context, deep-learning-based real-time feature extraction on a mobile robot is often performed on special-purpose devices whose computational resources are shared for multiple tasks. Therefore, the inference speed has to be taken into account. In contrast, person re-identification is often improved by architectural changes that come at the cost of significantly slowing down inference. Attention blocks are one such example. We will show that some well-performing attention blocks used in the state of the art are subject to inference costs that are far too high to justify their use for mobile robotic applications. As a consequence, we propose an attention block that only slightly affects the inference speed while keeping up with much deeper networks or more complex attention blocks in terms of re-identification accuracy. We perform extensive neural architecture search to derive rules at which locations this attention block should be integrated into the architecture in order to achieve the best trade-off between speed and accuracy. Finally, we confirm that the best performing configuration on a re-identification benchmark also performs well on an indoor robotic dataset.
Müller, Steffen; Müller, Tristan; Ahmed, Aamir; Groß, Horst-Michael
Laser-based door localization for autonomous mobile service robots. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 23 (2023), 11, 5247, S. 1-17

For autonomous mobile service robots, closed doors that are in their way are restricting obstacles. In order to open doors with on-board manipulation skills, a robot needs to be able to localize the door’s key features, such as the hinge and handle, as well as the current opening angle. While there are vision-based approaches for detecting doors and handles in images, we concentrate on analyzing 2D laser range scans. This requires less computational effort, and laser-scan sensors are available on most mobile robot platforms. Therefore, we developed three different machine learning approaches and a heuristic method based on line fitting able to extract the required position data. The algorithms are compared with respect to localization accuracy with help of a dataset containing laser range scans of doors. Our LaserDoors dataset is publicly available for academic use. Pros and cons of the individual methods are discussed; basically, the machine learning methods could outperform the heuristic method, but require special training data when applied in a real application.
Köhler, Mona; Eisenbach, Markus; Groß, Horst-Michael
Few-shot object detection: a comprehensive survey. - In: IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, ISSN 2162-2388, Bd. 0 (2023), 0, S. 1-21

Humans are able to learn to recognize new objects even from a few examples. In contrast, training deep-learning-based object detectors requires huge amounts of annotated data. To avoid the need to acquire and annotate these huge amounts of data, few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims to learn from few object instances of new categories in the target domain. In this survey, we provide an overview of the state of the art in FSOD. We categorize approaches according to their training scheme and architectural layout. For each type of approach, we describe the general realization as well as concepts to improve the performance on novel categories. Whenever appropriate, we give short takeaways regarding these concepts in order to highlight the best ideas. Eventually, we introduce commonly used datasets and their evaluation protocols and analyze the reported benchmark results. As a result, we emphasize common challenges in evaluation and identify the most promising current trends in this emerging field of FSOD.
Simon, Martin;
Point cloud processing for environmental analysis in Autonomous Driving using Deep Learning. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 120, LVI Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Eines der Hauptziele führender Automobilhersteller sind autonome Fahrzeuge. Sie benötigen ein sehr präzises System für die Wahrnehmung der Umgebung, dass für jedes denkbare Szenario überall auf der Welt funktioniert. Daher sind verschiedene Arten von Sensoren im Einsatz, sodass neben Kameras u. a. auch Lidar Sensoren ein wichtiger Bestandteil sind. Die Entwicklung auf diesem Gebiet ist für künftige Anwendungen von höchster Bedeutung, da Lidare eine genauere, von der Umgebungsbeleuchtung unabhängige, Tiefendarstellung bieten. Insbesondere Algorithmen und maschinelle Lernansätze wie Deep Learning, die Rohdaten über Lernzprozesse direkt verarbeiten können, sind aufgrund der großen Reichweite und der dreidimensionalen Auflösung der gemessenen Punktwolken sehr wichtig. Somit hat sich ein weites Forschungsfeld mit vielen Herausforderungen und ungelösten Problemen etabliert. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, dieses Defizit zu verringern und effiziente Algorithmen zur 3D-Objekterkennung zu entwickeln. Sie stellt ein tiefes Neuronales Netzwerk mit spezifischen Schichten und einer neuartigen Fehlerfunktion zur sicheren Lokalisierung und Schätzung der Orientierung von Objekten aus Punktwolken bereit. Zunächst wird ein 3D-Detektor entwickelt, der in nur einem Vorwärtsdurchlauf aus einer Punktwolke alle Objekte detektiert. Anschließend wird dieser Detektor durch die Fusion von komplementären semantischen Merkmalen aus Kamerabildern und einem gemeinsamen probabilistischen Tracking verfeinert, um die Detektionen zu stabilisieren und Ausreißer zu filtern. Im letzten Teil wird ein Konzept für den Einsatz in einem bestehenden Testfahrzeug vorgestellt, das sich auf die halbautomatische Generierung eines geeigneten Datensatzes konzentriert. Hierbei wird eine Auswertung auf Daten von Automotive-Lidaren vorgestellt. Als Alternative zur zielgerichteten künstlichen Datengenerierung wird ein weiteres generatives Neuronales Netzwerk untersucht. Experimente mit den erzeugten anwendungsspezifischen- und Benchmark-Datensätzen zeigen, dass sich die vorgestellten Methoden mit dem Stand der Technik messen können und gleichzeitig auf Effizienz für den Einsatz in selbstfahrenden Autos optimiert sind. Darüber hinaus enthalten sie einen umfangreichen Satz an Evaluierungsmetriken und -ergebnissen, die eine solide Grundlage für die zukünftige Forschung bilden.
Sämann, Timo; Hammam, Ahmed Mostafa; Bursuc, Andrei; Stiller, Christoph; Groß, Horst-Michael
Improving predictive performance and calibration by weight fusion in semantic segmentation. - San Diego, Calif. : Neural Information Processing Systems. - 1 Online-Ressource (Seite 1-20)Publikation entstand im Rahmen der Veranstaltung: Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop at the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), New Orleans, USA

Averaging predictions of a deep ensemble of networks is a popular and effective method to improve predictive performance and calibration in various benchmarks and Kaggle competitions. However, the runtime and training cost of deep ensembles grow linearly with the size of the ensemble, making them unsuitable for many applications. Averaging ensemble weights instead of predictions circumvents this disadvantage during inference and is typically applied to intermediate checkpoints of a model to reduce training cost. Albeit effective, only few works have improved the understanding and the performance of weight averaging. Here, we revisit this approach and show that a simple weight fusion (WF) strategy can lead to a significantly improved predictive performance and calibration. We describe what prerequisites the weights must meet in terms of weight space, functional space and loss. Furthermore, we present a new test method (called oracle test) to measure the functional space between weights. We demonstrate the versatility of our WF strategy across state of the art segmentation CNNs and Transformers as well as real world datasets such as BDD100K and Cityscapes. We compare WF with similar approaches and show our superiority for in- and out-of-distribution data in terms of predictive performance and calibration.
Stephan, Benedict; Aganian, Dustin; Hinneburg, Lars; Eisenbach, Markus; Müller, Steffen; Groß, Horst-Michael
On the importance of label encoding and uncertainty estimation for robotic grasp detection. - In: IROS 2022 Kyōoto - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (2022), S. 4781-4788

Automated grasping of arbitrary objects is an essential skill for many applications such as smart manufacturing and human robot interaction. This makes grasp detection a vital skill for automated robotic systems. Recent work in model-free grasp detection uses point cloud data as input and typically outperforms the earlier work on RGB(D)-based methods. We show that RGB(D)-based methods are being underestimated due to suboptimal label encodings used for training. Using the evaluation pipeline of the GraspNet-1Billion dataset, we investigate different encodings and propose a novel encoding that significantly improves grasp detection on depth images. Additionally, we show shortcomings of the 2D rectangle grasps supplied by the GraspNet-1Billion dataset and propose a filtering scheme by which the ground truth labels can be improved significantly. Furthermore, we apply established methods for uncertainty estimation on our trained models since knowing when we can trust the model's decisions provides an advantage for real-world application. By doing so, we are the first to directly estimate uncertainties of detected grasps. We also investigate the applicability of the estimated aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties based on their theoretical properties. Additionally, we demonstrate the correlation between estimated uncertainties and grasp quality, thus improving selection of high quality grasp detections. By all these modifications, our approach using only depth images can compete with point-cloud-based approaches for grasp detection despite the lower degree of freedom for grasp poses in 2D image space.
Wengefeld, Tim; Schütz, Benjamin; Girdziunaite, Gerda; Scheidig, Andrea; Groß, Horst-Michael
The MORPHIA Project: first results of a long-term user study in an elderly care scenario from robotic point of view. - In: 54th International Symposium on Robotics, (2022), S. 66-73

In an aging society, efficiently organizing care taking tasks is of great importance including several players (here referred to as caregivers) like relatives, friends, professional caretakers, employees of retirement homes, clubs and so on. Especially for long-distance relationships, this can be burdensome and time-consuming. While supporting devices, like mobile phones or tablets, are slowly reaching the elder community, the drawbacks are obvious. These passive devices need to be handled by the elderly themselves, this includes an proper understanding of the operation, remembering to charge the devices, or even to hear incoming calls or messages. In the project MORPHIA, we target these drawbacks by combining a social communication platform on a tablet with a mobile robotic platform that can be remote-controlled by all mentioned actors of the supporting network or actively deliver messages emitted from the network. In this paper, we present the first stage of our demonstrator in terms of implemented hard- and software components. Since the price is a key factor for acceptance of such a system in the care community, we performed a technical assessment of these components based on our findings during the development process. In addition, we present the results of the first user tests with 5 participants over two weeks each between August and November 2021 (two further test iterations are planned for 2022 and 2023). This includes general usage of specific robotic services as well as technical benchmarks to assess the robustness of the developed system in domestic environments.