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Stricker, Ronny; Aganian, Dustin; Sesselmann, Maximilian; Seichter, Daniel; Engelhardt, Marius; Spielhofer, Roland; Hahn, Matthias; Hautz, Astrid; Debes, Klaus; Groß, Horst-Michael
Road surface segmentation - pixel-perfect distress and object detection for road assessment. - In: 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), (2021), S. 1789-1796

Visual road assessment, which is carried out by many countries, involves the evaluation of millions of surface images. This exhaustive task is usually done manually and therefore is costly in terms of time and prone to failure. Different methods for automatic distress detection have been presented in the literature recently. However, most of the approaches are focused on crack detection only. This paper focuses on detecting multiple distress types and object classes on asphalt roads, aiming to fully automate distress detection on road surfaces in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany using image segmentation with neural networks. The paper introduces a distress and object catalog developed by experts of the involved countries that guarantees convertibility into federal distress catalogs. We evaluate the performance gain of different neural network architectures and advanced training techniques by conducting extensive experiments.
Seichter, Daniel; Köhler, Mona; Lewandowski, Benjamin; Wengefeld, Tim; Groß, Horst-Michael
Efficient RGB-D semantic segmentation for indoor scene analysis. - In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (2021), S. 13525-13531

Analyzing scenes thoroughly is crucial for mobile robots acting in different environments. Semantic segmentation can enhance various subsequent tasks, such as (semantically assisted) person perception, (semantic) free space detection, (semantic) mapping, and (semantic) navigation. In this paper, we propose an efficient and robust RGB-D segmentation approach that can be optimized to a high degree using NVIDIA TensorRT and, thus, is well suited as a common initial processing step in a complex system for scene analysis on mobile robots. We show that RGB-D segmentation is superior to processing RGB images solely and that it can still be performed in real time if the network architecture is carefully designed. We evaluate our proposed Efficient Scene Analysis Network (ESANet) on the common indoor datasets NYUv2 and SUNRGB-D and show that we reach state-of-the-art performance while enabling faster inference. Furthermore, our evaluation on the outdoor dataset Cityscapes shows that our approach is suitable for other areas of application as well. Finally, instead of presenting benchmark results only, we also show qualitative results in one of our indoor application scenarios.
Müller, Steffen; Stephan, Benedict; Groß, Horst-Michael
MDP-based motion planning for grasping in dynamic scenarios. - In: 2021 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), (2021), insges. 8 S.

Path planning for robotic manipulation is a well understood topic as long as the execution of the plan takes place in a static scene. Unfortunately, for applications involving human interaction partners a dynamic obstacle configuration has to be considered. Furthermore, if it comes to grasping objects from a human hand, there is not a single goal position and the optimal grasping configuration may change during the execution of the grasp movement. This makes a continuous re-planning in a loop necessary. Besides efficiency and security concerns, such periodic planning raises the additional requirement of consistency, which is hard to achieve with traditional sampling based planners. We present an online capable planner for continuous control of a robotic grasp task. The planner additionally is able to resolve multiple possible grasp poses and additional goal functions by applying an MDP-like optimization of future rewards. Furthermore, we present a heuristic for setting edges in a probabilistic roadmap graph that improves the connectivity and keeps edge count low.
Scheidig, Andrea; Schütz, Benjamin; Trinh, Thanh Quang; Vorndran, Alexander; Mayfarth, Anke; Sternitzke, Christian; Röhner, Eric; Groß, Horst-Michael
Robot-assisted gait self-training: assessing the level achieved. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 21 (2021), 18, 6213, insges. 15 S.

This paper presents the technological status of robot-assisted gait self-training under real clinical environment conditions. A successful rehabilitation after surgery in hip endoprosthetics comprises self-training of the lessons taught by physiotherapists. While doing this, immediate feedback to the patient about deviations from the expected physiological gait pattern during training is important. Hence, the Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) developed for this type of training employs task-specific, user-centered navigation and autonomous, real-time gait feature classification techniques to enrich the self-training through companionship and timely corrective feedback. The evaluation of the system took place during user tests in a hospital from the point of view of technical benchmarking, considering the therapists' and patients' point of view with regard to training motivation and from the point of view of initial findings on medical efficacy as a prerequisite from an economic perspective. In this paper, the following research questions were primarily considered: Does the level of technology achieved enable autonomous use in everyday clinical practice? Has the gait pattern of patients who used additional robot-assisted gait self-training for several days been changed or improved compared to patients without this training? How does the use of a SAR-based self-training robot affect the motivation of the patients?
Zhang, Yan; Müller, Steffen; Stephan, Benedict; Groß, Horst-Michael; Notni, Gunther
Point cloud hand-object segmentation using multimodal imaging with thermal and color data for safe robotic object handover. - In: Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Bd. 21 (2021), 16, 5676, insges. 16 S.
Katzmann, Alexander; Taubmann, Oliver; Ahmad, Stephen; Mühlberg, Alexander; Sühling, Michael; Groß, Horst-Michael
Explaining clinical decision support systems in medical imaging using cycle-consistent activation maximization. - In: Neurocomputing, ISSN 1872-8286, Bd. 458 (2021), S. 141-156

Clinical decision support using deep neural networks has become a topic of steadily growing interest. While recent work has repeatedly demonstrated that deep learning offers major advantages for medical image classification over traditional methods, clinicians are often hesitant to adopt the technology because its underlying decision-making process is considered to be intransparent and difficult to comprehend. In recent years, this has been addressed by a variety of approaches that have successfully contributed to providing deeper insight. Most notably, additive feature attribution methods are able to propagate decisions back into the input space by creating a saliency map which allows the practitioner to "see what the network sees." However, the quality of the generated maps can become poor and the images noisy if only limited data is available - a typical scenario in clinical contexts. We propose a novel decision explanation scheme based on CycleGAN activation maximization which generates high-quality visualizations of classifier decisions even in smaller data sets. We conducted a user study in which we evaluated our method on the LIDC dataset for lung lesion malignancy classification, the BreastMNIST dataset for ultrasound image breast cancer detection, as well as two subsets of the CIFAR-10 dataset for RBG image object recognition. Within this user study, our method clearly outperformed existing approaches on the medical imaging datasets and ranked second in the natural image setting. With our approach we make a significant contribution towards a better understanding of clinical decision support systems based on deep neural networks and thus aim to foster overall clinical acceptance.
Röhner, Eric; Mayfarth, Anke; Sternitzke, Christian; Layher, Frank; Scheidig, Andrea; Groß, Horst-Michael; Matziolis, Georgios; Böhle, Sabrina; Sander, Klaus
Mobile robot-based gait training after total hip arthroplasty (THA) improves walking in biomechanical gait analysis. - In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2077-0383, Bd. 10 (2021), 11, 2416, insges. 11 S.

There are multiple attempts to decrease costs in the healthcare system while maintaining a high treatment quality. Digital therapies receive increasing attention in clinical practice, mainly relating to home-based exercises supported by mobile devices, eventually in combination with wearable sensors. The aim of this study was to determine if patients following total hip arthroplasty (THA) could benefit from gait training on crutches conducted by a mobile robot in a clinical setting. Method: This clinical trial was conducted with 30 patients following total hip arthroplasty. Fifteen patients received the conventional physiotherapy program in the clinic (including 5 min of gait training supported by a physiotherapist). The intervention group of 15 patients passed the same standard physiotherapy program, but the 5-min gait training supported by a physiotherapist was replaced by 2 × 5 min of gait training conducted by the robot. Length of stay of the patients was set to five days. Biomechanical gait parameters of the patients were assessed pre-surgery and upon patient discharge. Results: While before surgery no significant difference in gait parameters was existent, patients from the intervention group showed a significant higher absolute walking speed (0.83 vs. 0.65 m/s, p = 0.029), higher relative walking speed (0.2 vs. 0.16 m/s, p = 0.043) or shorter relative cycle time (3.35 vs. 3.68 s, p = 0.041) than the patients from the control group. Conclusion: The significant higher walking speed of patients indicates that such robot-based gait training on crutches may shorten length of stay (LOS) in acute clinics. However, the number of patients involved was rather small, thus calling for further studies.
Eisenbach, Markus;
Personenwiedererkennung mittels maschineller Lernverfahren. - In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen, Bd. 2019 (2021), S. 59-68

Wengefeld, Tim; Lewandowski, Benjamin; Seichter, Daniel; Pfennig, Lennard; Müller, Steffen; Groß, Horst-Michael
Real-time person orientation estimation and tracking using colored point clouds. - In: Robotics and autonomous systems, ISSN 1872-793X, Bd. 135 (2021), 103665, insges. 13 S.

Robustly estimating the orientations of people is a crucial precondition for a wide range of applications. Especially for autonomous systems operating in populated environments, the orientation of a person can give valuable information to increase their acceptance. Given peoples orientations, mobile systems can apply navigation strategies which take peoples proxemics into account or approach them in a human like manner to perform human robot interaction (HRI) tasks. In this paper, we present an approach for person orientation estimation based on computationally efficient features extracted from colored point clouds, formerly used for a two-class person attribute classification. The classification approach has been extended to the continuous domain while treating the problem of orientation estimation in real time. Furthermore, we present an approach for tracking estimated orientations over time using a Bayesian filter. We will show that tracking can increase the accuracy of orientations by up to 3.69˚ on a dataset recorded with a mobile robot. Best results on this highly challenging dataset are achieved with a regression approach for orientation estimation in combination with tracking. The mean angular error of just 16.49˚ proofs the applicability in real-world scenarios.