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Arnim, Mareike; vonEichler, Stefan; Brätz, Oliver; Hildebrand, Jörg; Kuhlmann, Ulrike; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Flügge, Wilko
Study on load-carrying capacity of MAG butt-welded mixed connections with different steel strengths. - In: ce/papers, ISSN 2509-7075, Bd. 6 (2023), 3/4, S. 1458-1463

Mixed connections of normal-strength steel and high-strength steel can enable an optimum resource-saving use of materials by adapting the material strength to the forces acting on them. But the design and calculation of butt-welded mixed connections is not clearly regulated in the currently valid standards EN 1993-1-8 and EN 1993-1-12. In the research project Effective design concepts for mixed connections in steel structures an extensive experimental program with 180 mixed connections has been conducted to investigate the load-carrying capacity and behaviour of these connections. The weld joint specimens were made with normal-strength steel S355J2+N and different high-strength steels S690QL, S700MC or S960QL. Varying parameters were also the filler metals, plate thicknesses, weld bevels and the heat input during welding. The influence of these parameters on the load-carrying capacity and the deformation behaviour of mixed connections was investigated. Moreover, high-resolution microhardness mappings (UCI) on the welded specimens were carried out to examine the formation of the soft zone in the heat-affected zone of the high-strength steels.
Eichler, Stefan; Arnim, Mareike; Brätz, Oliver; Hildebrand, Jörg; Gericke, Andreas; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Kuhlmann, Ulrike; Henkel, Knuth-Michael
Heat management and tensile strength of 3 mm mixed and matched connections of butt joints of S355J2+N, S460MC and S700MC. - In: ce/papers, ISSN 2509-7075, Bd. 6 (2023), 3/4, S. 1476-1482

High-strength structural steels are beneficial in terms of the sustainability of constructions due to the possible reduction of weight and overall material needs. Nevertheless, high-strength steels have a smaller processing parameter range in regarding the specific heat input and resulting cooling rate. Especially the cooling time t8/5 characterizing the time span to cool down from 800 to 500 ˚C is an important indicator. Single layer butt-welded gas metal arc welding (GMAW) connections of 3 mm plates between normal strength (S355J2+N, S460MC) and high-strength steels (S700MC) as well as matched connections (S460MC, S700MC) are carried out. Hereby, the influence of the energy input, melting rate, joint preparation, filler metal (matching and undermatching) and backing methods are observed. Spatially resolved IR-thermal observation shows variations within the welds of up to 50 % in the cooling time t8/5 depending on those parameters. These fluctuations lead to significant changes of the microstructure within the melting and heat-affected zone. UCI hardness mappings show the softening and microstructural change within these zones. Those soft zones can be the region of failure for butt welded connections as shown by transverse tensile tests with spatially resolved optical strain measurements. The results obtained can be used to define more precise welding procedures of these types of connections and also are used to develop design rules for mixed connections made of normal strength and high-strength steel.
Broda, Tobias;
Bestimmung der Verbindungseigenschaften beim punktförmigen Schweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen mit Stahl. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (XV, 153 Seiten). - (Fertigungstechnik - aus den Grundlagen für die Anwendung ; Band 18)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Stahl wird in Leichtbaustrukturen durch Aluminiumlegierungen ergänzt. Die Fügetechnik nimmt hierbei eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Die Werkstoffe weisen unterschiedliche thermophysikalische Eigenschaften auf, was die schweißtechnische Verarbeitung erschwert. Die Bildung intermetallischer Phasen während des Schweißens führt bei unkontrolliertem Wärmeeintrag und unzureichender Anbindung zu sprödem Verbindungsversagen bei geringen Lasten. Das Verfahren des Ultraschall-Element-Widerstandspunktschweißens ermöglicht den Einsatz des Widerstandspunktschweißens als Hauptfügeprozess. Dazu wird auf das Aluminiumblech an der Fügestelle mittels Ultraschallschweißen ein Fügehilfselement aufgeschweißt, welches die Verbindung zum Stahl durch eine Schweißlinse erreicht. Während der Widerstandserwärmung wachsen intermetallische Phasen in der Ultraschallschweißung über das prozessual einstellbare Temperatur-Zeitregime während des Widerstandsschweißprozesses an. Es gelang mit Hilfe einer eigens entwickelten Zugprobe die Fügezonenfestigkeit nach der Durchführung der Schweißprozesse zu bestimmen. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass ein Verbindungsversagen im Zusammenhang mit der intermetallischen Phase nur dann eintritt, wenn die Fügezonenfestigkeit kleiner ist als die Festigkeit des Aluminiumwerkstoffs. Als Grenze wurde eine Gesamtphasendicke von 8 µm herausgearbeitet. Es gelang, ein Prognoseverfahren für das Abgrenzen von Ausknöpfbrüchen zu Scherbrüchen bei Scherzugbelastung auf Stahl/Aluminium-Verbindungen unter Berücksichtigung intermetallischer Phasen anzuwenden. Zur Für die Scher- und Kopfzugverbindungen wurde ein Berechnungskonzept entwickelt, was die intermetallischen Phasen als Bemessungsgröße berücksichtigt. Die Erkenntnisse konnten auf bauteilähnliche Werkstücke angewendet und auf weitere Verbindungen übertragen werden.
Schricker, Klaus; Diegel, Christian; Schmidt, Leander; Seibold, Marc; Friedmann, Hannes; Fröhlich, Fabian; Eichler, Stefan; Chen, Yunhui; Requardt, Herwig; Rack, Alexander; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Understanding the formation of “false friends” (hidden lack of fusion defects) in laser beam welding by means of high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 67 (2023), 11, S. 2557-2570

This paper provides a fundamental understanding of “false friend” formation, i.e., hidden defects associated with lack of fusion, using an experimental setup that allowed an insight into the processing zone based on high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging. The setup enabled the welding of a lap joint of AISI 304 high-alloy steel sheets (X5CrNi18-10/1.4301), with the ability to adjust different gap heights between top and bottom sheet (up to 0.20 mm) and to acquire high-speed X-ray images at 100 kHz simultaneously with the welding process. On this basis, a time-resolved description of the “false friend” formation can be provided by visualizing the interaction between keyhole and melt pool during laser welding and solidification processes within the gap area. The bridgeability of the gap was limited due to the gap height and insufficient melt supply leading to the solidification of the bridge. The distance between the solidified bridge and the keyhole increased with time, while the keyhole and melt pool dynamics initiated the formation of new melt bridges whose stability was defined by melt flow conditions, surface tension, and gap heights. The alternating formation and solidification of melt bridges resulted in entrapped areas of lacking fusion within the weld, i.e., “false friends.” Finally, based on the results of this study, a model concept is presented that concludes the main mechanisms of “false friend” formation.
Alter, Lukas;
Porenbildung beim Schweißen von Kupferwerkstoffen unter Verwendung von Laserstrahlung im grünen Wellenlängenbereich. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (153 Seiten). - (Fertigungstechnik - aus den Grundlagen für die Anwendung ; Band 16)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Der Einsatz von herkömmlicher, infraroter Laserstrahlung für das Schweißen von Kupfer ist mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen, wie der Bildung von Prozessporen, Spritzern und Materialauswürfen verbunden. Ein Optimierungsansatz stellt diesbezüglich die Verwendung von grüner und blauer Laserstrahlung dar. Aufgrund der höheren Absorption von Laserstrahlung in diesem Wellenlängenbereich lassen sich geringe Aspektverhältnisse der Dampfkapillare beim Schweißen realisieren (Verhältnis Tiefe zu Breite: < 5), was zur Stabilisierung der Dampfkapillare und zur Reduzierung auftretender Prozessinstabilitäten und Nahtdefekte führt. Jedoch tritt in diesem Zusammenhang eine Art der Porenbildung auf, die bisher für das Laserstrahlschweißen von Kupferwerkstoffen nicht beobachtet wurde. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die zugrunde liegenden Wirkmechanismen dieser sogenannten Gasporenbildung untersucht. Durch die Applizierung definierter Umgebungsgasatmosphären während des Schweißprozesses konnte experimentell nachgewiesen werden, dass die Gasporenbildung auf zwei unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen beruht, die der metallurgischen Porenbildung und der Reaktionsporenbildung. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Gasporenbildung im Zusammenhang mit der Existenz von Stickstoff und Sauerstoff im Umgebungsgas steht. Während die Aufnahme von Stickstoff zur metallurgischen Porenbildung führt, ist die gleichzeitige Aufnahme von Stickstoff und Sauerstoff, beispielsweise beim Schweißen unter atmosphärischer Luft, mit der Bildung von Reaktionsporen verbunden. Mittels der Methode der Heißgasextraktion konnte die Existenz dieser Elemente im Schweißgut nachgewiesen, und damit deren Aufnahme während des Schweißens im schmelzflüssigen Kupfer gezeigt werden. Das Auftreten von metallurgischer Porenbildung und Reaktionsporenbildung wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in einer modellhaften Vorstellung zusammengeführt, welche durch die Ergebnisse unterschiedlicher experimenteller Untersuchungen gestützt wird. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass zudem ein werkstoffseitiger Einfluss auf die Gasporenbildung besteht, der auf den Restsauerstoffgehalt des Grundmaterials zurückzuführen ist. Aufbauend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurden zahlreiche Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung oder Vermeidung der Porenbildung abgeleitet.
Jaekel, Konrad; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Ni/Al multilayer reactions on nanostructured silicon substrates. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 31, S. 12811-12826

Fast energy release, which is a fundamental property of reactive multilayer systems, can be used in a wide field of applications. For most applications, a self-propagating reaction and adhesion between the multilayers and substrate are necessary. In this work, a distinct approach for achieving self-propagating reactions and adhesion between deposited Ni/Al reactive multilayers and silicon substrate is demonstrated. The silicon surface consists of random structures, referred to as silicon grass, which were created by deep reactive ion etching. Using the etching process, structure units of heights between 8 and 13 µm and density between 0.5 and 3.5 structures per µm^2 were formed. Ni and Al layers were alternatingly deposited in the stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 using sputtering, to achieve a total thickness of 5 µm. The analysis of the reaction and phase transformation was done with high-speed camera, high-speed pyrometer, and X-ray diffractometer. Cross-sectional analysis showed that the multilayers grew only on top of the silicon grass in the form of inversed cones, which enabled adhesion between the silicon grass and the reacted multilayers. A self-propagating reaction on silicon grass was achieved, due to the thermally isolating air pockets present around these multilayer cones. The velocity and temperature of the reaction varied according to the structure morphology. The reaction parameters decreased with increasing height and decreasing density of the structures. To analyze the exact influence of the morphology, further investigations are needed.
Gourishetti, Saichand; Chauhan, Jaydeep; Grollmisch, Sascha; Rohe, Maximilian; Sennewald, Martin; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Arc welding process monitoring using neural networks and audio signal analysis. - In: SMSI 2023 Conference - Sensor and Measurement Science International, (2023), S. 249-250

This paper investigates the potential of airborne sound analysis in the human hearing range for automatic defect classification in the arc welding process. We propose a novel sensor setup using microphones and perform several recording sessions under different process conditions. The proposed quality monitoring method using convolutional neural networks achieves 80.5% accuracy in detecting deviations in the arc welding process. This confirms the suitability of airborne analysis and leaves room for improvement in future work.
Labus Zlatanovic, Danka; Hildebrand, Jörg; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
The study of screw extrusion-based additive manufacturing of eco-friendly aliphatic polyketone. - In: Journal of materials research and technology, ISSN 2214-0697, Bd. 25 (2023), S. 4125-4138

Aliphatic polyketone is a new-age eco-friendly, high-performance engineering thermoplastic. However, its potential for replacing other polymers depends on its ability to be processed. Considering that the first aliphatic polyketone suitable for processing was developed relatively recently (2015), the material gained new research potential. In this paper screw extrusion-based process was developed for additive manufacturing of aliphatic polyketone. A detailed characterisation of the process and printed samples was done. It was shown that the extruder-base process can produce stable additive-manufactured parts depending on printing speed (process parameters). The interpass temperature has a significant influence on printing properties and it depends on printing speed (travel speed of building platform and extruder rotational speed). With the increase in the printing speed, the interpass temperature increases as well. If it is low causes insufficient heat for diffusion to occur causing delamination and if it is too high causes geometrical deviation of workpieces which leads to defects causing a reduction in inter-road strength. The tensile strength of specimens with raster angle 0&ring; was 62.7 ± 1.4 MPa, which is slightly higher than the tensile strength of base material guaranteed by the supplier (60 MPa) while the elongation up to the first crack was 32.8 ± 4.6%. Iinter-road strength in specimens with a raster angle of 90&ring; was 37.2 ± 0.8 MPa which is 62% of the base material while interpass temperature was 189 ± 3.3 &ring;C.
Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Influence of extrinsic induced tensile stress on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nanosized Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 24, S. 10085-10095

Reactive multilayer systems consisting of alternating nanoscale Al and Ni layers are applicable in joining, various pyrotechnic applications and thermal batteries. Since diffusion based high-temperature synthesis occurs without the presence of air, efforts have focused on investigating the understanding of the fundamental reaction processes and characteristics. The aim of this study is to expose the reactive multilayers to extrinsic induced tensile stress so that the self-propagating synthesis can proceed under these conditions. Further, the properties during and after the reaction will be investigated. Multilayers deposited by sputtering on Kapton® substrates with different bilayer- and total thicknesses as well as commercial Nanofoils® with thicknesses of 40 µm and 60 µm were used as samples. The investigations focused on the propagation velocity measured with a high-speed camera, the temperature regime determined with a high-speed pyrometer, and the formed phases after the synthesis examined via X-ray diffraction. The gained results of this study reveal important insights for the application of the reactive Al/Ni multilayer system in terms of stability or reliability related to propagation front velocity, maximum temperature and formed phases under induced external tensile stresses.
Schmidt, Kiril; Spaniol, Erik; Trautmann, Marcus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Füssel, Uwe
The GMAW process using a two-dimensional arc deflection with AC hot wires. - In: Welding journal, ISSN 0043-2296, Bd. 102 (2023), 4, S. 88-s-96-s
Richtiger Name des Verfassers: Erik Spaniol

Heat input in gas metal arc welding (GMAW) directly correlates with the applied current. As a result, welding irregularities, such as incomplete fusion and excessive penetration, increase and mechanical properties decrease. One way for adjusting heat input is to use hot wire technology. In this article, a two-dimensional arc deflection in GMAW was presented by simultaneous application of two alternating current (AC) hot wires. It is shown how the positioning of the hot wires and the signal characteristics of the current intensity influenced the deflection pattern and weld quality. It was found that the magnetic fields of the two hot wires overlapped due to the narrow opening between. Therefore, an increased one-dimensional deflection resulted. To obtain a two-dimensional deflection, it was necessary to shield the magnetic fields from each other by means of a ferritic material. By pulsing or phase shifting the current signals, individual deflection patterns were possible. The effect of arc deflection was visualized with high-speed recordings and metallographic investigations. Different deflection patterns were generated to adjust heat input and counteract weld irregularities. The use of hot wire technology allowed an increase in deposition rate by simultaneous improvement of weld quality.