Liste der Nanobiosystemtechnik

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Singh, Sukhdeep; Hampl, Jörg; Tobola, Justyna; Fernekorn, Uta; Schober, Andreas
Surface modified 3D polymer scaffolds and their influence on cell cultivation. - In: BioNanoMaterials, ISSN 2193-066X, Volume 14 (2013), issue supplement, P123, Seite 196
Poster Session: Beschichtungen und Grenzflächen (Strukturierung, Funktionalisierung, antibakterielle Eigenschaften, etc.)
Mai, Patrick; Fernekorn, Uta; Schober, Andreas; Foth, Heidi
Microstructured polymeric scaffold termed MatriGrid for 3D-co-cultures. - In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, ISSN 1432-1912, Bd. 386 (2013), 1, S. S51
Bača, Martin; Brauer, Dana; Hampl, Jörg; Fernekorn, Uta; Müller, Philipp; Mai, Patrick; Schober, Andreas
Automatic multichannel analyzer for monitoring 3D-cultivated hepatocyte-derived albumin-levels. - In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, ISSN 1432-1912, Bd. 386 (2013), 1, S. S45
Klefenz, Frank; Williamson, Adam
Modeling the formation process of grouping stimuli sets through cortical columns and microcircuits to feature neurons. - In: Computational intelligence and neuroscience, ISSN 1687-5273, (2013), Article ID 290358, insges. 10 S.
Frega, Monica; Tedesco, Mariateresa; Massobrio, Paolo; Pesce, Mattia; Williamson, Adam; Schober, Andreas; Martinoia, Sergio
3D engineered neural networks coupled to Micro-Electrode Arrays: development of an innovative in-vitro experimental model for neurophysiological studies. - In: 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-1967-6, (2013), S. 957-960
Just, Thomas; Kautz, Thomas; Weis, Martin; Williamson, Adam; Husar, Peter
Neuronal cell spike sorting using signal features extracted by PARAFAC. - In: 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-1967-6, (2013), S. 472-475
Ma, Xuan; Grewe, Adrian; Hillenbrand, Matthias; Sinzinger, Stefan; Schädel, Martin; Görlandt, Stefan; Bača, Martin; Schober, Andreas
Entwicklung eines integrierten multifunktionalen Fluoreszenzdetektors. - In: DGaO-Proceedings, ISSN 1614-8436, Bd. 114.2013, P47, insges. 2 S.

Fluoreszenzdetektion hat eine große Bedeutung in biologischen und medizinischen Anwendungen für die Analyse verschiedener Farbstoffe und Zellkulturen. Durch Kombination von Fluidik, Optik und Elektronik ist die Realisierung eines kompakten und hochempfindlichen Messsystems möglich, welches vorteilhaft bei der Messung von Proben mit kleinen Volumina ist.
Fernekorn, Uta; Hampl, Jörg; Augspurger, Caroline; Hildmann, Christian; Weise, Frank; Klett, Maren; Läffert, Annette; Gebinoga, Michael; Williamson, Adam; Schober, Andreas
In vitro cultivation of biopsy derived primary hepatocytes leads to a more metabolic genotype in perfused 3D scaffolds than static 3D cell culture. - In: RSC Advances, ISSN 2046-2069, Bd. 3 (2013), 37, S. 16558-16568
Weise, Frank; Fernekorn, Uta; Hampl, Jörg; Klett, Maren; Schober, Andreas
Analysis and comparison of oxygen consumption of HepG2 cells in a monolayer and three-dimensional high density cell culture by use of a MatriGrid. - In: Biotechnology & bioengineering, ISSN 1097-0290, Bd. 110 (2013), 9, S. 2504-2512
Gebinoga, Michael; Katzmann, Julia; Fernekorn, Uta; Hampl, Jörg; Weise, Frank; Klett, Maren; Läffert, Annette; Klar, Thomas A.; Schober, Andreas
Multi-photon structuring of native polymers: a case study for structuring natural proteins. - In: Engineering in life sciences, ISSN 1618-2863, Bd. 13 (2013), 4, S. 368-375