Publikationen von Dr. Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund

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Dorywalski, Krzysztof; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Grundmann, Marius
Hybrid GA-gradient method for thin films ellipsometric data evaluation. - In: Journal of computational science, ISSN 1877-7503, Bd. 47 (2020), 101201

A global-search method which applies the concept of genetic algorithm (GA) with gradient-based optimizer is proposed for the problem of experimental data analysis from spectroscopic ellipsometry on thin films. The method is applied to evaluate the data obtained for samples with different structure complexity, starting with transparent monolayers (SiO2, HfO2) on a substrate, through absorbing film (diamond-like carbon) and multilayer structures. We demonstrate that by using this method we are able to find material parameters even for limited a priori knowledge about the sample properties, where classical methods fail.
Kürth, Sascha; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Krischok, Stefan; Tonisch, Katja
Structure and dielectric function tensor of (Al,Sc)N thin films. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), HL 30.29

Zviagin, Vitaly; Sturm, Chris; Esquinazi, Pablo; Grundmann, Marius; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger
Ellipsometric study of defect induced magnetism in spinel ferrite thin films. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), DS 39.3

Trefflich, Lukas; Weizenmann, Nicole; Dissinger, Frank; Benndorf, Gabriele; Sturm, Chris; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Waldvogel, Siegfried R.; Seidel, Ralf; Grundmann, Marius
Carbon nanodots: luminescence properties tuned by microcavity devices. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), HL 64.45

Henn, Sebastian; Krüger, Evgeny; Sturm, Chris; Dadgar, Armin; Wieneke, Matthias; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Grundmann, Marius
Exceptional Points in optical anisotropic semiconductors. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), HL 75.20

Hill, Noah; Duwe, Matthias; Funke, Sebastian; Sturm, Chris; Trefflich, Lukas; Grundmann, Marius; Krischok, Stefan; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger
Dielectric function tensor of ZnO microwires determined by spatially resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), HL 75.26
Richtiger Name des 1. Verfassers: Noah Hill

Vedel, Elena; Olfa, Dani; Kurniawan, Mario; Pflug, Theo; Kürth, Sascha; Hill, Noah; Espinoza, Shirly; Rebarz, Mateusz; Olbrich, Markus; Herrfurth, Oliver; Krischok, Stefan; Horn, Alexander; Andreasson, Jakob; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Bund, Andreas; Hannappel, Thomas
Surface modification and charge carrier dynamics of materials and structures for semiconductor-based solar water splitting applications under operation conditions. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), HL 75.25

Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger;
Coherent polariton modes and lasing in ZnO microcavities. - Leipzig. - Seite ii-vi, 40 Seiten, Seite a-f
Universität Leipzig, Habilitationsschrift 2020

Baldauf, Julia; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Reiche, Manfred; Ortlepp, Thomas
Molybdenum silicide in infrared emitting devices. - In: MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XIX, (2020), S. 112930Y-1-112930Y-9
Henn, Sebastian; Krüger, Evgeny; Sturm, Chris; Dadgar, Armin; Wieneke, Matthias; Grundmann, Marius; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger
Exceptional points in optical anisotropic thin films. - In: Quantum science and information technologies, (2019), FM 83.7