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Shekhawat, Deepshikha; Sulman, Muhammad; Breiter, Manuela; Pezoldt, Jörg
Controlling reaction transfer between Al/Ni reactive multilayer elements on substrates. - In: MRS advances, ISSN 2059-8521, Bd. 9 (2024), 10, S. 784-789

Reactive multilayers produce exothermic reaction with definite velocity and maximum temperature after ignition, which are the fundamental properties of the reactive multilayer systems. The generated heat with certain velocity makes it widely used in joining, bonding in the packaging, thermal batteries and many more applications. In this work, a distinct approach for achieving a reaction transfer between the reactive multilayers and different materials is demonstrated which can affect the generated temperature and velocity from the self-propagating properties of the reaction. For these intensions, we fabricated the Al/Ni reactive elements with certain separations between elements which allow to observe the reaction front transfer and emitted temperature in the reaction chain. The created separation between reactive elements are periodical and ordered systems with different thermal conductive properties. The temperature and definite velocity were measured by time-resolved pyrometer and high-speed camera measurements. SEM analysis showed the characteristics of the reaction transfer between reactive multilayer elements. It is predicted that: (I) The reaction front stops at a space with critical length; (II) Reducing heat loss through the substrate supports reaction front propagation through spaces; (III) Thermal property design of the spaces between the reactive elements enables property modification of the self-propagating reaction.
Walther, Dominik; Junger, Christina; Schmidt, Leander; Schricker, Klaus; Notni, Gunther; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Mäder, Patrick
Recurrent autoencoder for weld discontinuity prediction. - In: Journal of advanced joining processes, ISSN 2666-3309, Bd. 9 (2024), 100203, S. 1-12

Laser beam butt welding is often the technique of choice for a wide range of industrial tasks. To achieve high quality welds, manufacturers often rely on heavy and expensive clamping systems to limit the sheet movement during the welding process, which can affect quality. Jiggless welding offers a cost-effective and highly flexible alternative to common clamping systems. In laser butt welding, the process-induced joint gap has to be monitored in order to counteract the effect by means of an active position control of the sheet metal. Various studies have shown that sheet metal displacement can be detected using inductive probes, allowing the prediction of weld quality by ML-based data analysis. The probes are dependent on the sheet metal geometry and are limited in their applicability to complex geometric structures. Camera systems such as long-wave infrared (LWIR) cameras can instead be mounted directly behind the laser to overcome a geometry dependent limitation of the jiggles system. In this study we will propose a deep learning approach that utilizes LWIR camera recordings to predict the remaining welding process to enable an early detection of weld interruptions. Our approach reaches 93.33% accuracy for time-wise prediction of the point of failure during the weld.
Machts, René; Hunold, Alexander; Drebenstedt, Christian; Rock, Michael; Leu, Carsten; Haueisen, Jens
Rain may improve survival from direct lightning strikes to the human head. - In: Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, Bd. 14 (2024), 1695, S. 1-9

There is evidence that humans can survive a direct lightning strike to the head. Our question is: could water (rain) on the skin contribute to an increase in the survival rate? We measure the influence of rain during high-energy direct lightning strikes on a realistic three-compartment human head phantom. We find a lower number of perforations and eroded areas near the lightning strike impact points on the head phantom when rain was applied compared to no rain. Current amplitudes in the brain were lower with rain compared to no rain before a fully formed flashover. We conclude that rain on the scalp potentially contributes to the survival rate of 70-90% due to: (1) lower current exposition in the brain before a fully formed flashover, and (2) reduced mechanical and thermal damage.
Mühlenhoff, Julian; Radler, Oliver; Sattel, Thomas
Development of a hydraulic actuator for MRI- and radiation-compatible medical applications. - In: Actuators, ISSN 2076-0825, Bd. 13 (2024), 3, 90, S. 1-17

This paper presents methods for the actuation, measurement, and control of a magnetic resonance imaging- and radiation-compatible single-axis translatory actuation system. As an exemplary demanding use case, the axis is developed for a robotic phantom for evaluating emitted radiation doses of radiotherapy devices. For this, the robot has to follow given three-dimensional trajectories of patients’ movements with an accuracy of 200 µm. For enabling use of magnetic resonance imaging, actuation of the robot is realized by hydraulic transmission without any metal parts or electrical components at the imaging side. The hydraulic axis is developed, built-up, and tested. In order to compensate for deviations from the targeted actuation trajectory resulting from tolerances, friction, and non-linearities in the system, a combination of photogrammetric measurement and iterative learning control is applied. The developed photogrammetric system is capable of determining the robot’s position with systematic errors of 35 µm and stochastic errors of 0.3 µm. Different types of iterative learning control methods are applied, parameterized, and tested. With this, the hydraulically actuated axis is able to follow given trajectories with maximum errors below 130 µm.
Chu, Xu; Pandey, Sandeep
Non-intrusive, transferable model for coupled turbulent channel-porous media flow based upon neural networks. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 36 (2024), 2, 025112, S. 025112-1-025112-13

Turbulent flow over permeable interfaces is omnipresent featuring complex flow topology. In this work, a data-driven, end-to-end machine learning model has been developed to model the turbulent flow in porous media. For the same, we have derived a non-linear reduced order model (ROM) with a deep convolution autoencoder. This model can reduce highly resolved spatial dimensions, which is a prerequisite for direct numerical simulation, by 99%. A downstream recurrent neural network has been trained to capture the temporal trend of reduced modes; thus, it is able to provide future evolution of modes. We further evaluate the trained model's capability on a newer dataset with a different porosity. In such cases, fine-tuning could reduce the efforts (up to two-order of magnitude) to train a model with limited dataset (10%) and knowledge and still show a good agreement on the mean velocity profile. Especially, the fine-tuned model shows a better agreement in the porous domain than the channel and interface areas indicating the topological feature is less challenging for training than the multi-scale nature of the turbulent flows. Leveraging the current model, we find that even quick fine-tuning achieves an impressive order-of-magnitude reduction in training time by approximately O(102) and still results in effective flow predictions. This promising discovery encourages the fast development of a substantial amount of data-driven models tailored for various types of porous media. The diminished training time substantially lowers the computational cost when dealing with changing porous topologies, making it feasible to systematically explore interface engineering with different types of porous media.
Domahidi, Emese; Engelmann, Ines; Pentzold, Christian; Puppis, Manuel
Editorial. - In: Publizistik, ISSN 1862-2569, Bd. 69 (2024), 1, S. 1-4
Schwarz, Andreas; Sellnow, Timothy L.; Geppert, Johanna; Sellnow, Deanna D.
Protective action as an enduring keystone of risk communication: effective form, function and process of risk messaging as advocated by global higher education practitioners during a pandemic. - In: Journal of contingencies and crisis management, ISSN 1468-5973, Bd. 32 (2024), 1, e12545, S. 1-6

Risk communication is a keystone in crisis prevention and mitigation. For that purpose, many institutions worldwide have the task of translating scientific risk information into actionable messages for public safety. As a collaboration among international risk and crisis communication scholars and practitioners, we sought to identify what risk communication practitioners at higher education organizations in the Global South and North identify as essential elements of effective risk communication, based on 32 interviews in 16 countries during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (June-August, 2020). Results exemplify a shared vision for addressing the stickiest, most wicked challenges to effective risk communication globally. The interviews revealed globally shared best practices related to form, function, and process leading directly to what we consider the keystone of effective risk communication: saving lives (outcome).
Gholamhosseinian, Ashkan; Seitz, Jochen
CAI2M2: a centralized autonomous inclusive intersection management mechanism for heterogeneous connected vehicles. - In: IEEE open journal of vehicular technology, ISSN 2644-1330, Bd. 5 (2024), S. 230-243
Dong, Yulian; Huo, Jingyao; Xu, Changfan; Ji, Deyang; Zhao, Huaping; Li, Liqiang; Lei, Yong
Research progress on vanadium sulfide anode materials for sodium and potassium-ion batteries. - In: Advanced Materials Technologies, ISSN 2365-709X, Bd. 9 (2024), 11, 2301840, S. 1-28

Considering environmental changes and the demand for more sustainable energy sources, stricter requirements have been placed on electrode materials for sodium and potassium-ion batteries, which are expected to provide higher energy and power density while being affordable and sustainable. Vanadium sulfide-based materials have emerged as intriguing contenders for the next generation of anode materials due to their high theoretical capacity, abundant reserves, and cost-effectiveness. Despite these advantages, challenges such as limited cycle life and restricted ion diffusion coefficients continue to impede their effective application in sodium and potassium-ion batteries. To overcome the limitations associated with electrochemical performance and circumvent bottlenecks imposed by the inherent properties of materials at the bulk scale, this review comprehensively summarizes and analyzes the crystal structures, modification strategies, and energy storage processes of vanadium sulfide-based electrode materials for sodium and potassium-ion batteries. The objective is to guide the development of high-performance vanadium-based sulfide electrode materials with refined morphologies and/or structures, employing environmentally friendly and cost-efficient methods. Finally, future perspectives and research suggestions for vanadium sulfide-based materials are presented to propel practical applications forward.
Küstner, Merle Johanna; Eckstein, Diana; Brauer, Dana; Mai, Patrick; Hampl, Jörg; Weise, Frank; Schuhmann, Berit; Hause, Gerd; Glahn, Felix; Foth, Heidi; Schober, Andreas
Modular air-liquid interface aerosol exposure system (MALIES) to study toxicity of nanoparticle aerosols in 3D-cultured A549 cells in vitro. - In: Archives of toxicology, ISSN 1432-0738, Bd. 98 (2024), 4, S. 1061-1080

We present a novel lung aerosol exposure system named MALIES (modular air-liquid interface exposure system), which allows three-dimensional cultivation of lung epithelial cells in alveolar-like scaffolds (MatriGrids®) and exposure to nanoparticle aerosols. MALIES consists of multiple modular units for aerosol generation, and can be rapidly assembled and commissioned. The MALIES system was proven for its ability to reliably produce a dose-dependent toxicity in A549 cells using CuSO4 aerosol. Cytotoxic effects of BaSO4- and TiO2-nanoparticles were investigated using MALIES with the human lung tumor cell line A549 cultured at the air-liquid interface. Experiments with concentrations of up to 5.93 × 10^5 (BaSO4) and 1.49 × 10^6 (TiO2) particles/cm^3, resulting in deposited masses of up to 26.6 and 74.0 µg/cm^2 were performed using two identical aerosol exposure systems in two different laboratories. LDH, resazurin reduction and total glutathione were measured. A549 cells grown on MatriGrids® form a ZO-1- and E-Cadherin-positive epithelial barrier and produce mucin and surfactant protein. BaSO4-NP in a deposited mass of up to 26.6 µg/cm^2 resulted in mild, reversible damage (˜ 10% decrease in viability) to lung epithelium 24 h after exposure. TiO2-NP in a deposited mass of up to 74.0 µg/cm^2 did not induce any cytotoxicity in A549 cells 24 h and 72 h after exposure, with the exception of a 1.7 fold increase in the low exposure group in laboratory 1. These results are consistent with previous studies showing no significant damage to lung epithelium by short-term treatment with low concentrations of nanoscale BaSO4 and TiO2 in in vitro experiments.