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Panickacheril John, John; Schumacher, Jörg
Compressible turbulent convection: the role of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 36 (2024), 7, 076132, S. 076132-1-076132-11

The impact of variable material properties, such as temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and dynamical viscosity, on the dynamics of a fully compressible turbulent convection flow beyond the anelastic limit is studied in the present work by two series of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations in a layer of aspect ratio 4 with periodic boundary conditions in both horizontal directions. One simulation series is for a weakly stratified adiabatic background and the other one for a strongly stratified one. The Rayleigh number is 10^5 and the Prandtl number is 0.7 throughout this study. The temperature dependence of material parameters is imposed as a power law with an exponent β. It generates a superadiabaticity ε (z) that varies across the convection layer. Central statistical quantities of the flow, such as the mean superadiabatic temperature, temperature and density fluctuations, or turbulent Mach numbers are compared in the form of horizontal plane-time averaged profiles. It is found that the additional material parameter dependence causes systematic quantitative changes of all these quantities, but no qualitative ones. A growing temperature power law exponent β also enhances the turbulent momentum transfer in the weak stratification case by 40%, and it reduces the turbulent heat transfer by up to 50% in the strong stratification case.
Ingelmann, Julia; Bharadwaj, Sachin S.; Pfeffer, Philipp; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.; Schumacher, Jörg
Two quantum algorithms for solving the one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. - In: Computers & fluids, ISSN 1879-0747, Bd. 281 (2024), 106369, S. 1-20

Two quantum algorithms are presented for the numerical solution of a linear one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. Their accuracy and performance with increasing qubit number are compared point-by-point with each other. Specifically, we solve the linear partial differential equation with a Quantum Linear Systems Algorithm (QLSA) based on the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd method and a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA), for resolutions that can be encoded using up to 6 qubits, which corresponds to N=64 grid points on the unit interval. Both algorithms are hybrid in nature, i.e., they involve a combination of classical and quantum computing building blocks. The QLSA and VQA are solved as ideal statevector simulations using the in-house solver QFlowS and open-access Qiskit software, respectively. We discuss several aspects of both algorithms which are crucial for a successful performance in both cases. These are the accurate eigenvalue estimation with the quantum phase estimation for the QLSA and the choice of the algorithm of the minimization of the cost function for the VQA. The latter algorithm is also implemented in the noisy Qiskit framework including measurement noise. We reflect on the current limitations and suggest some possible routes of future research for the numerical simulation of classical fluid flows on a quantum computer.
Akhtari, Ali; Zikanov, Oleg; Krasnov, Dmitry
Magnetoconvection in a long vertical enclosure with walls of finite electrical conductivity. - In: International journal of thermal sciences, ISSN 1778-4166, Bd. 204 (2024), 109241, S. 1-17

Magnetoconvection in a tall vertical box with vertical hot and cold walls, and an imposed steady uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the temperature gradient, is analyzed numerically. The geometry and the values of the non-dimensional parameters - the Prandtl number of 0.025, the Rayleigh number of 7.5×10^5, and the Hartmann number between 0 and 798 - match those of an earlier experiment. A parametric study of the effect of wall electric conductivity, across a wide range of conductance ratio values, on flow properties is performed. Two configurations of electric boundary conditions are explored. In one configuration, all walls have finite electric conductivity, while in the other, only the walls with constant temperature are electrically conducting. The flows are analyzed using their integral properties and distributions of velocity, temperature, and electric currents. It is found that, in general, the convection flow is suppressed by the magnetic field. However, this effect is strongly modified by the wall’s electric conductivity and is markedly different for the two wall configurations. The associated changes in flow structure, rate of heat transfer, and flow’s kinetic energy are revealed. It is also shown that the assumption of quasi-two-dimensionality may not be valid under some conditions, even at high Hartmann numbers.
Heyder, Florian; Mellado, Juan Pedro; Schumacher, Jörg
Generative convective parametrization of a dry atmospheric boundary layer. - In: Journal of advances in modeling earth systems, ISSN 1942-2466, Bd. 16 (2024), 6, e2023MS004012, S. 1-20

Turbulence parametrizations will remain a necessary building block in kilometer-scale Earth system models. In convective boundary layers, where the mean vertical gradients of conserved properties such as potential temperature and moisture are approximately zero, the standard ansatz which relates turbulent fluxes to mean vertical gradients via an eddy diffusivity has to be extended by mass-flux parametrizations for the typically asymmetric up- and downdrafts in the atmospheric boundary layer. We present a parametrization for a dry and transiently growing convective boundary layer based on a generative adversarial network. The training and test data are obtained from three-dimensional high-resolution direct numerical simulations. The model incorporates the physics of self-similar layer growth following from the classical mixed layer theory of Deardorff by a renormalization. This enhances the training data base of the generative machine learning algorithm and thus significantly improves the predicted statistics of the synthetically generated turbulence fields at different heights inside the boundary layer, above the surface layer. Differently to stochastic parametrizations, our model is able to predict the highly non-Gaussian and transient statistics of buoyancy fluctuations, vertical velocity, and buoyancy flux at different heights thus also capturing the fastest thermals penetrating into the stabilized top region. The results of our generative algorithm agree with standard two-equation mass-flux schemes. The present parametrization provides additionally the granule-type horizontal organization of the turbulent convection which cannot be obtained in any of the other model closures. Our proof of concept-study also paves the way to efficient data-driven convective parametrizations in other natural flows.
Brynjell-Rahkola, Mattias; Duguet, Yohann; Boeck, Thomas
Chaotic edge regimes in magnetohydrodynamic channel flow: an alternative path towards the tipping point. - In: Physical review research, ISSN 2643-1564, Bd. 6 (2024), 3, 033066, S. 033066-1-033066-18

The effect of an imposed magnetic field on the flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a channel geometry is investigated numerically using high-performance temporal simulations. For the strongest spanwise magnetic fields considered, the turbulent state appears metastable, which makes the determination of the associated tipping point arduous. As an alternative, edge states, i.e., unstable states located on the state space boundary between the laminar and the turbulent basin of attraction, are investigated in detail. Their continuation smoothly leads to the tipping point where they are expected to collide with the turbulent dynamics. As the magnetic field intensity is raised, edge states become, on average, more energetic and more unstable, while their fluctuations become more chaotic, less predictable, and less symmetric. Nevertheless, their continuation allows one to accurately determine the value of the tipping point beyond which the laminar state becomes the only attractor.
Boeck, Thomas; Brynjell-Rahkola, Mattias; Duguet, Yohann
Energy stability of magnetohydrodynamic flow in channels and ducts. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 987 (2024), A33

We study the energy stability of pressure-driven laminar magnetohydrodynamic flow in a rectangular duct with a transverse homogeneous magnetic field and electrically insulating walls. For sufficiently strong fields, the laminar velocity distribution has a uniform core and convex Hartmann and Shercliff boundary layers on the walls perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field. The problem is discretized by a double expansion in Chebyshev polynomials in the cross-stream coordinates. The linear eigenvalue problem for the critical Reynolds number depends on the streamwise wavenumber, Hartmann number and the aspect ratio. We consider the limits of small and large aspect ratios in order to compare with stability models based on one-dimensional base flows. For large aspect ratios, we find good numerical agreement with results based on the quasi-two-dimensional approximation. The lift-up mechanism dominates in the limit of a zero streamwise wavenumber and provides a linear dependence between the critical Reynolds and Hartmann numbers in the duct. As the aspect ratio is reduced away from unity, the duct results converge to Orr's original energy stability result for spanwise uniform perturbations imposed on the plane Poiseuille base flow. We also examine different possible symmetries of eigenmodes as well as the purely hydrodynamic case in the duct geometry.
Heyder, Florian;
Reduced order modeling of thermal convection flows: a reservoir computing approach. - Ilmenau, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xx, 164 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

In dieser Arbeit wird das Potenzial von Machine-Learning-Algorithmen (ML) zur Verbesserung der Parametrisierung von großskaligen atmosphärischen Simulationen untersucht. Herkömmliche Ansätze verwenden oft Vereinfachungen oder rechenintensive Methoden. Diese Arbeit beabsichtigt, einen physikalisch konsistenten und rechnerisch effizienten Ansatz einzuführen, der Reservoir Computing (RC) und Datenkompression nutzt, um subgitter-skalige Merkmale aus direkten numerischen Simulationen (DNS) der thermischen Konvektion zu extrahieren. Hierbei wird der hochaufgelöste Simulationsdatensatz zuerst durch Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) oder ein Autoencoder-Netzwerk (AE) vorverarbeitet, um die Datenmenge zu reduzieren. Anschließend wird ein RC-Modell auf diesem reduzierten Datenraum trainiert, um zukünftige Strömungszustände ohne die Lösung der nichtlinearen Bewegungsgleichungen vorherzusagen. Die Vorhersagen des kombinierten POD-RC-Modells werden anhand der Originalsimulationen validiert. Das Modell reproduziert die strukturellen und statistischen Merkmale von trockenen und feuchten Konvektionsströmungen und eröffnet somit neue Wege für die dynamische Parametrisierung des subgrid-skaligen Transports in grob aufgelösten Zirkulationsmodellen. Des Weiteren untersucht die Studie die Verallgemeinerungseigenschaften eines AE-RC-Modells basierend auf einem wärmeflussgetriebenen zweidimensionalen turbulenten Konvektionssystem. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das AE-RC-Modell die räumliche Struktur und statistischen Eigenschaften der ungesehenen physikalischen Felder korrekt wiedergibt. Schließlich liegt der Fokus auf der Parametrisierung der konvektiven Grenzschicht (CBL) mithilfe eines Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), das auf hochaufgelösten DNS-Daten einer dreidimensionalen CBL trainiert wird. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Methode durch eine physikalisch informierte Reskalierung der begrenzten Trainingsdaten in der Lage ist, das CBL-Wachstum und die damit verbundene Musterbildung zu reproduzieren. Die GAN-Ergebnisse stimmen mit Standard Mass-Flux Parametrisierungen überein und liefern zusätzlich die horizontale Anordnung der turbulenten Strömung, die mit dem Mass-Flux-Ansatz nicht erreicht werden kann. Obwohl die Implementierung von ML-basierten Parametrisierungsschemata in großskaligen Modellen nicht im Fokus steht, trägt diese Arbeit dazu bei, unser Verständnis des Potenzials und der Grenzen dieser Modelle im Kontext der Klimamodellierung und numerischen Wettervorhersage zu vertiefen.
Pushenko, Vladyslav; Schumacher, Jörg
Connecting finite-time Lyapunov exponents with supersaturation and droplet dynamics in a turbulent bulk flow. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2470-0053, Bd. 109 (2024), 4, 045101

The impact of turbulent mixing on an ensemble of initially monodisperse water droplets is studied in a turbulent bulk that serves as a simplified setup for the interior of a turbulent ice-free cloud. A mixing model was implemented that summarizes the balance equations of water vapor mixing ratio and temperature to an effective advection-diffusion equation for the supersaturation field s(x,t). Our three-dimensional direct numerical simulations connect the velocity and scalar supersaturation fields in the Eulerian frame of reference to an ensemble of cloud droplets in the Lagrangian frame of reference. The droplets are modeled as point particles with and without effects due to inertia. The droplet radius is subject to growth by vapor diffusion. We report the dependence of the droplet size distribution on the box size, initial droplet radius, and the strength of the updraft, with and without gravitational settling. In addition, the three finite-time Lyapunov exponents λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ λ3 are monitored which probe the local stretching properties along the particle tracks. In this way, we can relate regions of higher compressive strain to those of high local supersaturation amplitudes. For the present parameter range, the mixing process in terms of the droplet evaporation is always homogeneous, while it is inhomogeneous with respect to the relaxation of the supersaturation field. The probability density function of the third finite-time Lyapunov exponent, λ3 < 0, is related to the one of the supersaturation s by a simple one-dimensional aggregation model. The probability density function (PDF) of λ3 and the droplet radius r are found to be Gaussian, while the PDF of the supersaturation field shows sub-Gaussian tails.
Vieweg, Philipp; Klünker, Anna; Schumacher, Jörg; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin
Lagrangian studies of coherent sets and heat transport in constant heat flux-driven turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: European journal of mechanics, ISSN 1873-7390, Bd. 103 (2024), S. 69-85

We explore the mechanisms of heat transfer in a turbulent constant heat flux-driven Rayleigh-Bénard convection flow, which exhibits a hierarchy of flow structures from granules to supergranules. Our computational framework makes use of time-dependent flow networks. These are based on trajectories of Lagrangian tracer particles that are advected in the flow. We identify coherent sets in the Lagrangian frame of reference as those sets of trajectories that stay closely together for an extended time span under the action of the turbulent flow. Depending on the choice of the measure of coherence, sets with different characteristics are detected. First, the application of a recently proposed evolutionary spectral clustering scheme allows us to extract granular coherent features that are shown to contribute significantly less to the global heat transfer than their spatial complements. Moreover, splits and mergers of these (leaking) coherent sets leave spectral footprints. Second, trajectories which exhibit a small node degree in the corresponding network represent objectively highly coherent flow structures and can be related to supergranules as the other stage of the present flow hierarchy. We demonstrate that the supergranular flow structures play a key role in the vertical heat transport and that they exhibit a greater spatial extension than the granular structures obtained from spectral clustering.
Vieweg, Philipp;
Supergranule aggregation: a Prandtl number-independent feature of constant heat flux-driven convection flows. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 980 (2024), A46, S. A46-1-A46-13

Supergranule aggregation, i.e. the gradual aggregation of convection cells to horizontally extended networks of flow structures, is a unique feature of constant heat flux-driven turbulent convection. In the present study, we address the question if this mechanism of self-organisation of the flow is present for any fluid. Therefore, we analyse three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection at a fixed Rayleigh number Ra ≈ 2.0 × 10^^ 5 across 4 orders of Prandtl numbers Pr ∈ [10^−2, 10^2] by means of direct numerical simulations in horizontally extended periodic domains with aspect ratio Γ = 60. Our study confirms the omnipresence of the mechanism of supergranule aggregation for the entire range of investigated fluids. Moreover, we analyse the effect of Pr on the global heat and momentum transport, and clarify the role of a potential stable stratification in the bulk of the fluid layer. The ubiquity of the investigated mechanism of flow self-organisation underlines its relevance for pattern formation in geophysical and astrophysical convection flows, the latter of which are often driven by prescribed heat fluxes.