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Pyatnitskaya, Natalia; Luchinkin, Nikita; Belyaev, Ivan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Listratov, Yaroslav; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, Evgeniy
Liquid metal flat jet transformation under influence of transverse magnetic field. - In: ICNRP Volga 2020, (2020), 012002, insges. 7 S.

The article is devoted to an experimental study of a submerged flat jet flow in a transverse magnetic field. Two different approaches to the experimental study of jet flows are described. Detailed information about the experimental program and measuring methods presented here. The flow of a flat jet 6 mm high in a square channel with a side of 56 mm is considered. The channel is positioned so that the plane of the jet is perpendicular to the magnetic field induction. The results of measuring velocity profiles and waveforms by swivel-type probe with potential sensor are presented. Effects that can be interpreted in different ways are found: strongly unstationary flow regimes, mean flow reorganization, and development of near-wall jets. Additional experiments are prepared to obtain more detailed information about the restructuring and development of the jet. In particular, continuous measurements along the channel will be made in the presence of a slight main flow.
Iyer, Kartik P.; Scheel, Janet D.; Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
The dependence of heat transport law on aspect ratio is still unclear : reply to He et al.. - In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN 1091-6490, Bd. 117 (2020), 48, S. 30024
Pandey, Sandeep; Schumacher, Jörg
Reservoir computing model of two-dimensional turbulent convection. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 5 (2020), 11, 113506, insges. 18 S.

Reservoir computing is an efficient implementation of a recurrent neural network that can describe the evolution of a dynamical system by supervised machine learning with- out solving the underlying mathematical equations. In this work, reservoir computing is applied to model the large-scale evolution and the resulting low-order turbulence statistics of a two-dimensional turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection flow at a Rayleigh number Ra = 10^7 and a Prandtl number Pr = 7 in an extended spatial domain with an aspect ratio of 6. Our data-driven approach, which is based on a long-term direct numerical simulation of the convection flow, comprises a two-step procedure: (1) reduction of the original simulation data by a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) snapshot analysis and subsequent truncation to the first 150 POD modes which are associated with the largest total energy amplitudes; (2) setup and optimization of a reservoir computing model to describe the dynamical evolution of these 150 degrees of freedom and thus the large-scale evolution of the convection flow. The quality of the prediction of the reservoir computing model is comprehensively tested by a direct comparison of the results of the original direct numerical simulations and the fields that are reconstructed by means of the POD modes. We find a good agreement of the vertical profiles of mean temperature, mean convective heat flux, and root-mean-square temperature fluctuations. In addition, we discuss temperature variance spectra and joint probability density functions of the turbulent vertical velocity component and temperature fluctuation, the latter of which is essential for the turbulent heat transport across the layer. At the core of the model is the reservoir, a very large sparse random network characterized by the spectral radius of the corresponding adjacency matrix and a few further hyperparameters which are varied to investigate the quality of the prediction. Our work demonstrates that the reservoir computing model is capable of modeling the large-scale structure and low-order statistics of turbulent convection, which can open new avenues for modeling mesoscale convection processes in larger circulation models.
Boeck, Thomas; Sanjari, Seyed Loghman; Becker, Tatiana
Parametric instability of a magnetic pendulum in the presence of a vibrating conducting plate. - In: Nonlinear dynamics, ISSN 1573-269X, Bd. 102 (2020), 4, S. 2039-2056

A pendulum with an attached permanent magnet swinging in the vicinity of a conductor is a typical experiment for the demonstration of electromagnetic braking and Lenz law of induction. When the conductor itself moves, it can transfer energy to the pendulum. An exact analytical model of such an electromagnetic interaction is possible for a flat conducting plate. The eddy currents induced in the plate by a moving magnetic dipole and the resulting force and torque are known analytically in the quasistatic limit, i.e., when the magnetic diffusivity is sufficiently high to ensure an equilibrium of magnetic field advection and diffusion. This allows us to study a simple pendulum with a magnetic dipole moment in the presence of a horizontal plate oscillating in vertical direction. Equilibrium of the pendulum in the vertical position can be realized in three cases considered, i.e., when the magnetic moment is parallel to the rotation axis, or otherwise, its projection onto the plane of motion is either horizontal or vertical. The stability problem is described by a differential equation of Mathieu type with a damping term. Instability is only possible when the vibration amplitude and the distance between plate and magnet satisfy certain constraints related to the simultaneous excitation and damping effects of the plate. The nonlinear motion is studied numerically for the case when the magnetic moment and rotation axis are parallel. Chaotic behavior is found when the eigenfrequency is sufficiently small compared to the excitation frequency. The plate oscillation typically has a stabilizing effect on the inverted pendulum.
Yik, Hiufai; Valori, Valentina; Weiß, Stephan
Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection under strong non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq conditions. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 5 (2020), 10, 103502, insges. 14 S.

We report on Rayleigh-Bénard convection with strongly varying fluid properties experimentally and theoretically. Using pressurized sulfur-hexafluoride (SF6) above its critical point, we are able to make measurements at mean temperatures (Tm) and pressures (Pm) along Prandtl-number isolines in the (T,P) parameter space. This allows us to keep the mean Rayleigh- (Ram) and Prandtl number (Prm) constant while changing the temperature dependences of the fluid properties independently, e.g., probing the liquidlike or gaslike region that are left and right of the supercritical isochore. Hence, non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq (NOB) effects can be measured and analyzed cleanly. We measure the temperature at midheight (Tc) as well as the global vertical heat flux. We observe a significant heat transport enhancement of up to 112% under strong NOB conditions. Furthermore, we develop a theoretical model for the global vertical heat flux based on ideas of Grossmann and Lohse (GL) in OB systems, adjusted for nonconstant fluid properties. In this model, the NOB effects influence the boundary layer and hence Tc, but the change of the heat flux is predominantly due to a change of the fluid properties in the bulk, in particular the heat capacity cp and density p. Predictions from our model are consistent with our experimental results as well as with previous measurements carried out in pressurized ethane and cryogenic helium.
Akhmedagaev, Ruslan; Zikanov, Oleg; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in strong vertical magnetic field: flow structure and verification of numerical method. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 56 (2020), 2/3, S. 157-165

Direct numerical simulations are performed to study turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a vertical cylindrical cavity exposed to a uniform axial magnetic field. Flows at high Hartmann and Rayleigh numbers are considered. The calculations reveal that, similarly to the behavior observed in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with strong rotation, flows under a strong magnetic field develop a central vortex, whereas the heat transfer is suppressed.
Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Belyaev, Ivan A.; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Zikanov, Oleg
Liquid metal swirling flow affected by transverse magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 56 (2020), 2/3, S. 121-129

In this work we study numerically liquid metal flow in a squareduct under the influence ofa transverse magnetic field applied in a spanwise direction (coplanar). The key interest of thepresent study is an attempt of passive control of flow regimesdeveloped under magnetic fieldand thermal loads by applying specially shaped conditions,such as swirling, at the duct inlet.In this paper, we report results of numerical simulations ofthe interaction of swirling flow andtransverse magnetic field in a square duct flow. Analysis of the obtained regimes might beimportant for the development of an experimental setup, in order to design corresponding inletsections.
Leng, Xueyuan; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Benwen
MHD Taylor-Couette flow with insulating walls at periodic condition and low magnetic Reynolds number. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 56 (2020), 2/3, S. 103-112

This work studies turbulent behavior in Taylor-Couette flow of an electrically conducting fluid between two co-axial and infinitely long insulating cylinders in the presence of an axial magnetic field at a low magnetic Reynolds number. The inner cylinder rotates and the outer one is kept stationary. Direct numerical simulation was conducted to study the problem with Reynolds numbers of 4000 and 8000 with different Hartmann numbers. The results show a continuous suppression of turbulence in the flow under the applied magnetic field. The mean flow profile is not directly affected by the magnetic field, but its transformation depends on the decrease of turbulent fluctuations and wall normal momentum transport. With increasing Hartmann number, the observed decrease of Taylor vortex flow is accompanied by the elongated axial wavelengths, confirming the theoretical prediction of linear stability theory. A comparison of the considered case of insulating cylinders with a previous study with conducting cylinders also indicates a difference between these two cases and highlights a significant impact of the electric boundary conditions on turbulence.
Pandey, Sandeep; Chu, Xu; Weigand, Bernhard; Laurien, Eckart; Schumacher, Jörg
Relaminarized and recovered turbulence under nonuniform body forces. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 5 (2020), 10, 104604, insges. 21 S.

Turbulence in a wall-bounded flow of supercritical fluid can be significantly modulated by nonuniform body forces. This study presents direct numerical simulations performed with a nonuniform streamwise body force varying in the wall-normal direction in a fully developed channel flow. A quasilaminar state and reorganized turbulence were obtained by changing the amplitude of the nonuniform body force which distorts the parabolic mean velocity profile and thus alters the turbulence production due to mean shear. Weak production of the flattened mean velocity profile leads to a relaminarization. In the quasilaminar state, all components of the Reynolds stress tensor are fairly weak except the streamwise fluctuations distant from the wall, which indicates the collapse of the near-wall turbulence self-sustaining cycle. The remaining streamwise fluctuations away from the wall exhibit elongated streaks, which is shown by premultiplied spectra. In the recovered turbulence regime, the Reynolds shear stress has a negative range in the bulk connected with a positive range near the wall. This corresponds to the nonmonotonic shear stress resulting from an M-shaped velocity profile. In a subsequent quadrant analysis of the Reynolds shear stress, the sweep and ejection events are found to dominate near the wall only while inward Q1 and outward Q3 motions are significant in the bulk. Both kinds of high-speed events can be attributed to the velocity maxima of the M-shaped mean velocity profile and are found to penetrate towards the wall and the channel center. Interestingly, the flow topology shows the typical teardrop shape once turbulence recovered. Our study contributes to the understanding of flow relaminarization in mixed convection and assists in developing further flow control techniques.
Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
Colloquium: unusual dynamics of convection in the Sun. - In: Reviews of modern physics, ISSN 1539-0756, Bd. 92 (2020), 4, S. 041001-1-041001-25