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Pandey, Sandeep; Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
A perspective on machine learning in turbulent flows. - In: Journal of turbulence, ISSN 1468-5248, Bd. 21 (2020), 9/10, S. 567-584

The physical complexity and the large number of degrees of freedom that can be resolved today by direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows, and by the most sophisticated experimental techniques, require new strategies to reduce and analyse the data so generated, and to model the turbulent behaviour. We discuss a few concrete examples for which the turbulence data have been analysed by machine learning tools. We also comment on work in neighbouring fields of physics, particularly astrophysical (and astronomical) work, where Big Data has been the paradigm for some time. We discuss unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised machine learning methods to direct numerical simulations data of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, Rayleigh-Bénard convection, and the minimal flow unit of a turbulent channel flow; for the last case, we discuss in some detail the application of echo state networks, this being one implementation of reservoir computing. The paper also provides a brief perspective on machine learning applications more broadly.
Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Hentschel, Martina
Moist Rayleigh-Bérnard Convection in conditionally unstable environments. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) together with the DPG Division Environmental Physics and the Working Groups Accelerator Physics; Equal Opportunities; Energy; Industry and Business; Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence, Young DPG, (2020), DY 16.3

Belyaev, Ivan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Biryukov, Dmitry; Chernysh, Denis; Zikanov, Oleg; Listratov, Yaroslav
Effects of symmetry on magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow in a vertical duct. - In: Physics of fluids, ISSN 1089-7666, Bd. 32 (2020), 9, 094106, S. 094106-1-094106-21

Magnetohydrodynamic convection in a downward flow of liquid metal in a vertical duct is investigated experimentally and numerically. It is known from earlier studies that in a certain range of parameters, the flow exhibits high-amplitude pulsations of temperature in the form of isolated bursts or quasi-regular fluctuations. This study extends the analysis while focusing on the effects of symmetry introduced by two-sided rather than one-sided wall heating. It is found that the temperature pulsations are robust physical phenomena appearing for both types of heating and various inlet conditions. At the same time, the properties, typical amplitude, and range of existence in the parametric space are very different at the symmetric and asymmetric heating. The obtained data show good agreement between computations and experiments and allow us to explain the physical mechanisms causing the pulsation behavior.
Kazerooni, Hamid; Thieme, Alexander; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Electron spin-vorticity coupling in pipe flows at low and high Reynolds number. - In: Physical review applied, ISSN 2331-7019, Bd. 14 (2020), 1, S. 014002-1-014002-9

Spin-hydrodynamic coupling is a recently discovered method to directly generate electricity from an electrically conducting fluid flow in the absence of Lorentz forces. This method relies on a collective coupling of electron spins - the internal quantum-mechanical angular momentum of the electrons - with the local vorticity of a fluid flow. In this work, we experimentally investigate the spin-hydrodynamic coupling in circular- and noncircular-capillary pipe flows and extend a previously obtained range of Reynolds numbers to smaller and larger values, 20 < Re < 21500, using the conducting liquid-metal alloy (Ga,In)Sn as the working liquid. In particular, we provide experimental evidence for the linear dependence of the generated electric voltage with respect to the bulk-flow velocity in the laminar regime of the circular pipe flow as predicted by Matsuo et al. [Phys. Rev. B. 96, 020401 (2017)]. Moreover, we show analytically that this behavior is universal in the laminar regime regardless of the cross-sectional shape of the pipe. Finally, the proposed scaling law by Takahashi et al. [Nat. Phys. 12, 52 (2016)] for the generated voltage in turbulent circular pipe flows is experimentally evaluated at Reynolds numbers higher than in previous studies. Our results verify the reliability of the proposed scaling law for Reynolds numbers up to Re = 21500 for which the flow is in a fully developed turbulent state.
Akhmedagaev, Ruslan; Zikanov, Oleg; Krasnov, Dmitry; Schumacher, Jörg
Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in strong vertical magnetic field. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 895 (2020), R4, S. R4-1-R4-12

Direct numerical simulations are carried out to study the flow structure and transport properties in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a vertical cylindrical cell of aspect ratio one with an imposed axial magnetic field. Flows at the Prandtl number 0.025 and Rayleigh and Hartmann numbers up to 10^9 and 1400, respectively, are considered. The results are consistent with those of earlier experimental and numerical data. As anticipated, the heat transfer rate and kinetic energy are suppressed by a strong magnetic field. At the same time, their growth with Rayleigh number is found to be faster in flows at high Hartmann numbers. This behaviour is attributed to the newly discovered flow regime characterized by prominent quasi-two-dimensional structures reminiscent of vortex sheets observed earlier in simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Rotating wall modes similar to those in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with rotation are found in flows near the Chandrasekhar linear stability limit. A detailed analysis of the spatial structure of the flows and its effect on global transport properties is reported.
Zürner, Till; Schindler, Felix; Vogt, Tobias; Eckert, Sven; Schumacher, Jörg
Flow regimes of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a vertical magnetic field. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 894 (2020), A21, S. A21-1-A21-21

The effects of a vertical static magnetic field on the flow structure and global transport properties of momentum and heat in liquid metal Rayleigh-Bénard convection are investigated. Experiments are conducted in a cylindrical convection cell of unity aspect ratio, filled with the alloy GaInSn at a low Prandtl number of Pr = 0.029. Changes of the large-scale velocity structure with increasing magnetic field strength are probed systematically using multiple ultrasound Doppler velocimetry sensors and thermocouples for a parameter range that is spanned by Rayleigh numbers of 10^6 ≤ Ra 6 × 10^7 and Hartmann numbers of Ha ≤ 1000. Our simultaneous multi-probe temperature and velocity measurements demonstrate how the large-scale circulation is affected by an increasing magnetic field strength (or Hartmann number). Lorentz forces induced in the liquid metal first suppress the oscillations of the large-scale circulation at low Ha, then transform the one-roll structure into a cellular large-scale pattern consisting of multiple up- and downwellings for intermediate Ha, before finally expelling any fluid motion out of the bulk at the highest accessible Ha leaving only a near-wall convective flow that persists even below Chandrasekhar’s linear instability threshold. Our study thus proves experimentally the existence of wall modes in confined magnetoconvection. The magnitude of the transferred heat remains nearly unaffected by the steady decrease of the fluid momentum over a large range of Hartmann numbers. We extend the experimental global transport analysis to momentum transfer and include the dependence of the Reynolds number on the Hartmann number.
Iyer, Kartik P.; Scheel, Janet D.; Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
Classical 1/3 scaling of convection holds up to Ra = 10^15. - In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN 1091-6490, Bd. 117 (2020), 14, S. 7594-7598
Im Titel ist "15" hochgestellt
Iyer, Kartik P.; Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.; Yeung, Pui-Kuen
Fractal iso-level sets in high-Reynolds-number scalar turbulence. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 5 (2020), 4, 044501, insges. 11 S.

We study the fractal scaling of iso-level sets of a passive scalar mixed by three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence at high Reynolds numbers. The scalar field is maintained by a linear mean scalar gradient, and the Schmidt number is unity. A fractal box-counting dimension DF can be obtained for iso-levels below about three standard deviations of the scalar fluctuation on either side of its mean value. The dimension varies systematically with the iso-level, with a maximum of about 8/3 for the iso-level at the mean scalar value; this maximum dimension also follows as an upper bound from the geometric measure theory. We interpret this result to mean that mixing in turbulence is incomplete. A unique box-counting dimension for all iso-levels results when we consider the spatial support of the steep cliffs of the scalar conditioned on local strain rate; that unique dimension, independent of the iso-level set, is about 4/3.
Niedermeier, Dennis; Voigtländer, Jens; Schmalfuß, Silvio; Busch, Daniel; Schumacher, Jörg; Shaw, Raymond A.; Stratmann, Frank
Characterization and first results from LACIS-T: a moist-air wind tunnel to study aerosol-cloud-turbulence interactions. - In: Atmospheric measurement techniques, ISSN 1867-8548, Bd. 13 (2020), 4, S. 2015-2033

The interactions between turbulence and cloud microphysical processes have been investigated primarily through numerical simulation and field measurements over the last 10 years. However, only in the laboratory we can be confident in our knowledge of initial and boundary conditions and are able to measure under statistically stationary and repeatable conditions. In the scope of this paper, we present a unique turbulent moist-air wind tunnel, called the Turbulent Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS-T) which has been developed at TROPOS in order to study cloud physical processes in general and interactions between turbulence and cloud microphysical processes in particular. The investigations take place under well-defined and reproducible turbulent and thermodynamic conditions covering the temperature range of warm, mixed-phase and cold clouds (25 &ring;C > T > 40 &ring;C). The continuous-flow design of the facility allows for the investigation of processes occurring on small temporal (up to a few seconds) and spatial scales (micrometer to meter scale) and with a Lagrangian perspective. The here-presented experimental studies using LACIS-T are accompanied and complemented by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations which help us to design experiments as well as to interpret experimental results. In this paper, we will present the fundamental operating principle of LACIS-T, the numerical model, and results concerning the thermodynamic and flow conditions prevailing inside the wind tunnel, combining both characterization measurements and numerical simulations. Finally, the first results are depicted from deliquescence and hygroscopic growth as well as droplet activation and growth experiments. We observe clear indications of the effect of turbulence on the investigated microphysical processes.
Klünker, Anna; Schneide, Christiane; Pandey, Ambrish; Padberg-Gehle, Kathrin; Schumacher, Jörg
Lagrangian perspectives on turbulent superstructures in Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 19 (2019), 1, e201900201, insges. 2 S.