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Valori, Valentina; Thieme, Alexander; Cierpka, Christian; Schumacher, Jörg
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in air: out-of-plane vorticity from stereoscopic PIV measurements. - In: International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, ISSN 2769-7576, Bd. 1 (2021), 1, insges. 2 S.
Pandey, Ambrish; Schumacher, Jörg; Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
Non-Boussinesq convection at low Prandtl numbers relevant to the Sun. - In: Physical review fluids, ISSN 2469-990X, Bd. 6 (2021), 10, 100503, S. 100503-1-100503-19
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
The von Kármán Vortex Street, an archetype for Machine Learning in turbulence. - In: Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik - 28. Fachtagung, 7.-9. September 2021, Bremen, (2021), 29

Krasnov, Dmitry; Listratov, Yaroslav; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Belyaev, Ivan; Pyatnitskaya, Natalia; Sviridov, Evgeniy; Zikanov, Oleg
Transformation of a submerged flat jet under strong transverse magnetic field. - In: epl, ISSN 1286-4854, Bd. 134 (2021), 2, S. 24003-p1-24003-p7

A duct flow generated by a planar jet at the inlet and affected by a magnetic field perpendicular to the jet's plane is analyzed in high-resolution numerical simulations. The case of very high Reynolds and Hartmann numbers is considered. It is found that the flow structure is drastically modified in the inlet area. It becomes determined by three new planar jets oriented along the magnetic field lines: two near the walls and one in the middle of the duct. The downstream evolution of the flow includes the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of the jets and slow decay of the resulting quasi-two-dimensional turbulence.
Valori, Valentina; Schumacher, Jörg
Connecting boundary layer dynamics with extreme bulk dissipation events in Rayleigh-Bénard flow(a). - In: epl, ISSN 1286-4854, Bd. 134 (2021), 3, S. 34004-p1-34004-p7

We study the connection between extreme events of thermal and kinetic energy dissipation rates in the bulk of three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection and the wall shear stress patterns at the top and the bottom plates that enclose the layer. Zero points of this two-dimensional vector field stand for detachments of strong thermal plumes. If their position at the opposite plates and a given time is close then they can be considered as precursors for high-amplitude bulk dissipation events triggered by plume collisions or close passings. This scenario requires a breaking of the synchronicity of the boundary layer dynamics at both plates which is found to be in line with a transition of the bulk derivative statistics from Gaussian to intermittent. Our studies are based on three-dimensional high-resolution direct numerical simulations for moderate Rayleigh numbers between and .
Belyaev, Ivan A.; Pyatnitskaya, Natalia Yu.; Luchinkin, Nikita A.; Krasnov, Dmitry; Kolesnikov, Yuri; Listratov, Yaroslav I.; Mironov, I.S.; Zikanov, Oleg; Sviridov, Evgeniy V.
Flat liquid metal jet affected by a transverse magnetic field. - In: Magnetohydrodynamics, Bd. 57 (2021), 2, S. 211-222

A liquid metal flat jet immersed in a square duct under the influence of a transverse magnetic field is studied experimentally. Two cases are considered: when the applied magnetic field is oriented parallel (coplanar field) or perpendicularly (transverse field) to the initial plane of the jet. The main goal of the study is to investigate the mean flow characteristics and the stages of the jet's transformation. Signals of streamwise velocity at different locations are measured, which allows us to determine average velocity profiles and spatial-temporal characteristics of the velocity field. The two considered configurations are directly compared under the same flow regimes, with the same equipment.
Leng, Xue-Yuan; Krasnov, Dmitry; Li, Ben-Wen; Zhong, Jin-Qiang
Flow structures and heat transport in Taylor-Couette systems with axial temperature gradient. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 920 (2021), A42, S. A42-1-A42-21
Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg
Echo state network for two-dimensional turbulent moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection. - In: Physical review, ISSN 2470-0053, Bd. 103 (2021), 5, 053107, insges. 14 S.

Recurrent neural networks are machine learning algorithms that are well suited to predict time series. Echo state networks are one specific implementation of such neural networks that can describe the evolution of dynamical systems by supervised machine learning without solving the underlying nonlinear mathematical equations. In this work, we apply an echo state network to approximate the evolution of two-dimensional moist Rayleigh-Bénard convection and the resulting low-order turbulence statistics. We conduct long-term direct numerical simulations to obtain training and test data for the algorithm. Both sets are preprocessed by a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) using the snapshot method to reduce the amount of data. Training data comprise long time series of the first 150 most energetic POD coefficients. The reservoir is subsequently fed by these data and predicts future flow states. The predictions are thoroughly validated by original simulations. Our results show good agreement of the low-order statistics. This incorporates also derived statistical moments such as the cloud cover close to the top of the convection layer and the flux of liquid water across the domain. We conclude that our model is capable of learning complex dynamics which is introduced here by the tight interaction of turbulence with the nonlinear thermodynamics of phase changes between vapor and liquid water. Our work opens new ways for the dynamic parametrization of subgrid-scale transport in larger-scale circulation models.
Xu, Wei; Wang, Yin; He, Xiaozhou; Wang, Xiaoping; Schumacher, Jörg; Huang, Shi-Di; Tong, Penger
Mean velocity and temperature profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at low Prandtl numbers. - In: Journal of fluid mechanics, ISSN 1469-7645, Bd. 918 (2021), A1, S. A1-1-A1-20

We report a direct numerical simulation (DNS) study of the mean velocity and temperature profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) at low Prandtl numbers (Pr). The numerical study is conducted in a vertical thin disk with Pr varied in the range 0.17 ≤ Pr ≤ 4.4 and the Rayleigh number (Ra) varied in the range 5 × 10^8 ≤ Ra ≤ 1 × 10^10. By varying Pr from 4.4 to 0.17, we find a sharp change of flow patterns for the large-scale circulation (LSC) from a rigid-body rotation to a near-wall turbulent jet. We numerically examine the mean velocity equation in the bulk region and find that the mean horizontal velocity profile u(z) can be determined by a balance equation between the mean convection and turbulent diffusion with a constant turbulent viscosity νt. This balance equation admits a self-similarity jet solution, which fits the DNS data well. In the boundary-layer region, we find that both the mean temperature profile T(z) and u(z) can be determined by a balance equation between the molecular diffusion and turbulent diffusion. Within the viscous boundary layer, both u(z) and T(z) can be solved analytically and the analytical results agree well with the DNS data. Our careful characterisation of the mean velocity and temperature profiles in low-Pr RBC provides a further understanding of the intricate interplay between the LSC, plume emission and boundary-layer dynamics, and pinpoints the physical mechanism for the emergence of a pronounced LSC in low-Pr RBC.
Lyu, Ze; Boeck, Thomas; Karcher, Christian
Electromagnetic interaction between a permanent magnet and a sphere moving in liquid metal. - In: Experiments in fluids, ISSN 1432-1114, Bd. 62 (2021), 5, 109, S. 1-16

We present a series of model experiments where an electrically non-conductive solid sphere moves inside a vertical column of liquid alloy GaInSn. The experimental setup consists of the liquid metal container, the sphere driving system and the permanent magnet with the attached force sensor. The sphere moves at a controllable constant velocity U0 and follows a straight route, which in turn generates a liquid metal flow around the sphere. This flow interacts with the localized magnetic field of the permanent magnet, and thus a weak reaction force on the magnet is generated. The force sensor attached on the magnet has a resolution of the order 10^-6. Upon elimination of high frequency noise, reproducible time-dependent signals for the forces on the magnet are obtained in the experiments for several Reynolds numbers Re between 160 and 2000. The force component Fz on the magnet parallel to the direction of particle motion exhibits a typical two-peak structure with different peak heights, whereas the transverse force component Fx resembles an antisymmetric pulse. The results demonstrate that the force sensor can detect the presence of a moving particle in a quiescent conducting liquid. They also show that the structure of the Fx signal can be reproduced with less variation and is less sensitive to the Reynolds number than the Fz signal. Moreover, the structure and magnitude of time-dependent Lorentz force signals can be reasonably predicted by a numerical model.