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Uhrhan, Katja; Schwindt, Esther; Witte, Hartmut
Fabrication and dielectric validation of an arm phantom for electromyostimulation. - In: Bioengineering, ISSN 2306-5354, Bd. 11 (2024), 7, 724, S. 1-16

Electromyostimulation (EMS) is an up-and-coming training method that demands further fundamental research regarding its safety and efficacy. To investigate the influence of different stimulation parameters, electrode positions and electrode sizes on the resulting voltage in the tissue, a tissue mimicking phantom is needed. Therefore, this study describes the fabrication of a hydrogel arm phantom for EMS applications with the tissue layers of skin, fat, blood and muscle. The phantom was dielectrically validated in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 100 Hz. We also conducted electromyography (EMG) recordings during EMS on the phantom and compared them with the same measurements on a human arm. The phantom reproduces the dielectric properties of the tissues with deviations ranging from 0.8% to more than 100%. Although we found it difficult to find a compromise between mimicking the permittivity and electrical conductivity at the same time, the EMS-EMG measurements showed similar waveforms (1.9-9.5% deviation) in the phantom and human. Our research contributes to the field of dielectric tissue phantoms, as it proposes a multilayer arm phantom for EMS applications. Consequently, the phantom can be used for initial EMS investigations, but future research should focus on further improving the dielectric properties.
Sharifi Ghazijahani, Mohammad; Cierpka, Christian
On the prediction of the turbulent flow behind cylinder arrays via echo state networks. - In: Machine learning: science and technology, ISSN 2632-2153, Bd. 5 (2024), 3, 035005, S. 1-18

This study aims at the prediction of the turbulent flow behind cylinder arrays by the application of Echo State Networks (ESN). Three different arrangements of arrays of seven cylinders are chosen for the current study. These represent different flow regimes: single bluff body flow, transient flow, and co-shedding flow. This allows the investigation of turbulent flows that fundamentally originate from wake flows yet exhibit highly diverse dynamics. The data is reduced by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) which is optimal in terms of kinetic energy. The Time Coefficients of the POD Modes (TCPM) are predicted by the ESN. The network architecture is optimized with respect to its three main hyperparameters, Input Scaling (INS), Spectral Radius (SR), and Leaking Rate (LR), in order to produce the best predictions in terms of Weighted Prediction Score (WPS), a metric leveling statistic and deterministic prediction. In general, the ESN is capable of imitating the complex dynamics of turbulent flows even for longer periods of several vortex shedding cycles. Furthermore, the mutual interdependencies of the TCPM are well preserved. However, optimal hyperparameters depend strongly on the flow characteristics. Generally, as flow dynamics become faster and more intermittent, larger LR and INS values result in better predictions, whereas less clear trends for SR are observable.
Baumstark, Alexander; Paradies, Marcus; Sattler, Kai-Uwe; Kläbe, Steffen; Baumann, Stephan
So far and yet so near - accelerating distributed joins with CXL. - In: 20th International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN 2024), (2024), 7, insges. 9 S.

Distributed partitioned joins are one of the most expensive operators in distributed DBMSs where a major part of the execution is attributed to network transfer costs. Although high-speed network technologies, such as RDMA, can lower this cost, they still come with significantly higher latency than local DRAM access. The emerging CXL interconnect protocol promises to provide direct and cache-coherent access to remote memory while offering byte-addressable memory access without CPU intervention. For short-distance communication in distributed DBMSs, CXL represents an interesting alternative for low-latency requirements. In this work, we explore how CXL can be leveraged for engine-internal communication and data exchange. We discuss and apply communication strategies to distributed joins. We emulate various CXL characteristics based on optimistic and pessimistic assumptions on the real performance of upcoming CXL devices and evaluate their impact on the execution of distributed joins. Our results show that CXL has the potential to improve distributed join performance.
Großmann, Max; Grunert, Malte; Runge, Erich
A robust, simple, and efficient convergence workflow for GW calculations. - In: npj computational materials, ISSN 2057-3960, Bd. 10 (2024), 135, S. 1-9

A robust, simple, and efficient convergence workflow for GW calculations in plane-wave-based codes is derived from more than 7000 GW calculations on a diverse dataset of 70 semiconducting and insulating solids divided into 60 bulk and 10 2D materials. The workflow can significantly accelerate material screening projects and high-precision single-system studies. Our method is based on two main results: The convergence of the two interdependent parameters in the numerical implementation of the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction W in a plane-wave basis set is accelerated by a ‘cheap first, expensive later’ coordinate search that maintains the same accuracy as a state-of-the-art convergence algorithm, but converges faster. In addition, we empirically establish the practical independence of the k-point grid and the aforementioned parameterization of W. Incorporating both results into one workflow dramatically speeds up convergence.
Jaekel, Konrad; Jiménez, Juan Jesús; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Influence of additional intermediate thick Al layers on the reaction propagation and heat flow of Al/Ni reactive multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400522, S. 1-8

This study investigates the effects of sputtering and electron beam evaporation (e-beam) on the microstructure and reactive properties of Al/Ni reactive multilayers (RMLs). The intermixing zone, a critical factor influencing reaction kinetics, is characterized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and found to be consistently 3 nm for both fabrication methods. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that e-beam samples, with thicker Al layers, exhibit slightly higher total molar enthalpy and maintain high reaction temperatures despite reduced reaction velocities in comparison to sputtered samples. X-ray diffraction confirms the formation of both Al3Ni2 and AlNi phases in the e-beam samples. These findings indicate that while thicker bilayer structures reduce reaction velocity, they keep thermal output and mitigate the impact of intermixing zones, leading to similar total molar enthalpy. This analysis underscores the significance of deposition technique and bilayer thickness in optimizing the performance of Al/Ni RML, offering the possibility to establish different phase formations in thicker RML. It advances the control over the reactive properties of RMLs in their applications, for example, reactive bonding.
Brynjell-Rahkola, Mattias;
A spectral element discretization for quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic flows. - In: International journal for numerical methods in fluids, ISSN 1097-0363, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-18

The classical staggered PN-PN-2 spectral element method (SEM) is revisited and extended to quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows. In this realm, which is valid in the limit of vanishing magnetic Reynolds number, the evaluation of the Lorentz force in the momentum equation requires the electric current density, governed by Ohm's law and a charge conservation condition derived from Ampère's law, to be determined. Once discretized with the SEM, this translates into solving one additional problem for the electric potential involving the so-called consistent Poisson operator. The method is well suited for fully three-dimensional flows in complex geometries. Changes in resolution requirements aside, consideration of the electromagnetic quantities is estimated to increase the computational cost associated with MHD by about 40% relative to hydrodynamics. The accuracy and the capabilities of the scheme is demonstrated on a set of common flows from the MHD literature. Exponential convergence with polynomial order is confirmed for the electric current density.
Shekhawat, Deepshikha; Breiter, Manuela; Döll, Joachim; Daneshpazhooneja, Farshad; Jung, Anne; Pezoldt, Jörg
Transfer of self-sustained reactions between thermally coupled reactive material elements. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400870, S. 1-14

System engineering requires the implementation of assembly methods allowing the formation of functional elements according to a desired system design. This is possible by joining prefabricated elements on a desired place in the system or by forming functional materials at wanted locations. Both approaches need temperature treatment. A typical system in part consists of materials restricting the use of annealing procedures above 300 ˚C. For this reason, higher-temperature operations have to be localized to the point of use and transferred to the next reactive element. A further requirement is the reduction of the thermal budget of the localized joining process implementing ultrashort heat treatment operations. Reactive metallic multilayer offers the combined possibility of implementing a localized heat source and the formation of a functional intermetallic alloy. The article demonstrates the feasibility of a heat and reaction transfer chain in a topological structured pattern consisting of localized reactive multilayer materials under conditions of their gasless combustion. For the used Ni/Al multilayer material system, the critical (obstacle thickness) dimensions for the reaction and heat transfer are determined using a high-speed camera and pyrometer measurements.
Tangalychev, Roman; Korotenko, Vasilii; Efimov, Igor; Efimov, Oleg N.
Properties of AlCl3 guanidine deep eutectic solvent with addition of polyethylene oxide of different molecular weights supported by quantum-chemical calculation. - In: Journal of energy storage, ISSN 2352-1538, Bd. 96 (2024), 112665, S. 1-8

Deep eutectic solvent of AlCl3 with guanidine HCl was synthesized in the molar ratio 3:1 in the presence of polyethylene glycols of various molecular weights from 1500 to 5&hahog;106 g/mol. Concentration of polymer was 2.5 %, 5 % and 10 %. Temperature dependence between 25 and 70 ˚C of conductivity of each electrolyte was calculated from the cyclic voltammetry of aluminum deposition-stripping measurements. It was found that conductivity increases with molecular weight of polymer in the interval between 2 and 10 kD. This result was interpreted as binding of AlCl3 guanidine to two different sites which have hydroxyl (chain ends) and ether (middle chain) oxygen with relatively higher and lower binding energy respectively. Polymer with longer chain has more low energy binding sites which causes lesser binding and consequently higher conductivity of electrolyte. B3LYP-D3 and DLPNO-CCSD(T) computations support experimental results. DES are discussed in terms of Pearson HSAB principle.
Motuziuk, Olexandr; Nozdrenko, Dmytro; Prylutska, Svitlana; Vareniuk, Igor; Cherepanov, Vsevolod; Bogutska, Kateryna; Rudenko, Sergii; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Piosik, Jacek; Ritter, Uwe
C60 fullerene reduces the level of liver damage in chronic alcohol intoxication of rats. - In: Molecules, ISSN 1420-3049, Bd. 29 (2024), 13, 2951, S. 1-15

The liver is the main organ responsible for the metabolism of ethanol, which suffers significantly as a result of tissue damage due to oxidative stress. It is known that C60 fullerenes are able to efficiently capture and inactivate reactive oxygen species in in vivo and in vitro systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether water-soluble C60 fullerene reduces the level of pathological process development in the liver of rats induced by chronic alcohol intoxication for 3, 6, and 9 months, depending on the daily dose (oral administration; 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/kg) of C60 fullerene throughout the experiment. In this context, the morphology of the C60 fullerene nanoparticles in aqueous solution was studied using atomic force microscopy. Such biochemical parameters of experimental animal blood as ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase), GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) and ALP (alkaline phosphatase) enzyme activities, CDT (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin) level, values of pro-antioxidant balance indicators (concentrations of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and GSH (reduced glutathione), activities of CAT (catalase), SOD (superoxide dismutase) and GPx (selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase)), and pathohistological and morphometric features of liver damage were analyzed. The most significant positive change in the studied biochemical parameters (up to 29 ± 2% relative to the control), as markers of liver damage, was recorded at the combined administration of alcohol (40% ethanol in drinking water) and water-soluble C60 fullerenes in the optimal dose of 1 mg/kg, which was confirmed by small histopathological changes in the liver of rats. The obtained results prove the prospective use of C60 fullerenes as powerful antioxidants for the mitigation of pathological conditions of the liver arising under prolonged alcohol intoxication.
Heyder, Florian; Mellado, Juan Pedro; Schumacher, Jörg
Generative convective parametrization of a dry atmospheric boundary layer. - In: Journal of advances in modeling earth systems, ISSN 1942-2466, Bd. 16 (2024), 6, e2023MS004012, S. 1-20

Turbulence parametrizations will remain a necessary building block in kilometer-scale Earth system models. In convective boundary layers, where the mean vertical gradients of conserved properties such as potential temperature and moisture are approximately zero, the standard ansatz which relates turbulent fluxes to mean vertical gradients via an eddy diffusivity has to be extended by mass-flux parametrizations for the typically asymmetric up- and downdrafts in the atmospheric boundary layer. We present a parametrization for a dry and transiently growing convective boundary layer based on a generative adversarial network. The training and test data are obtained from three-dimensional high-resolution direct numerical simulations. The model incorporates the physics of self-similar layer growth following from the classical mixed layer theory of Deardorff by a renormalization. This enhances the training data base of the generative machine learning algorithm and thus significantly improves the predicted statistics of the synthetically generated turbulence fields at different heights inside the boundary layer, above the surface layer. Differently to stochastic parametrizations, our model is able to predict the highly non-Gaussian and transient statistics of buoyancy fluctuations, vertical velocity, and buoyancy flux at different heights thus also capturing the fastest thermals penetrating into the stabilized top region. The results of our generative algorithm agree with standard two-equation mass-flux schemes. The present parametrization provides additionally the granule-type horizontal organization of the turbulent convection which cannot be obtained in any of the other model closures. Our proof of concept-study also paves the way to efficient data-driven convective parametrizations in other natural flows.