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Ilchmann, Achim; Kirchhoff, Jonas; Schaller, Manuel
Port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are relative generically controllable and stabilizable. - In: Mathematics of control, signals, and systems, ISSN 1435-568X, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 37 S.

The present work is a successor of Ilchmann and Kirchhoff (Math Control Signals Syst 33:359-377, 2021) on generic controllability and of Ilchmann and Kirchhoff (Math Control Signals Syst 35:45-76, 2022) on relative generic controllability of linear differential-algebraic equations. We extend the result from general, unstructured differential-algebraic equations to differential-algebraic equations of port-Hamiltonian type. We derive results on relative genericity. These findings are the basis for characterizing relative generic controllability of port-Hamiltonian systems in terms of dimensions. A similar result is proved for relative generic stabilizability.
Calmbach, Benjamin; Moreno Pérez, Jaime Alberto; Reger, Johann
Minimizing the homogeneous L2-gain of homogeneous differentiators. - In: European journal of control, ISSN 1435-5671, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 101039, S. 1-8

The differentiation of noisy signals using the family of homogeneous differentiators is considered. It includes the high-gain (linear) as well as robust exact (discontinuous) differentiator. To characterize the effect of noise and disturbance on the differentiation estimation error, the generalized, homogeneous L2-gain is utilized. Analog to the classical Lp-gain, it is not defined for the discontinuous case w.r.t. disturbances acting on the last channel. Thus, only continuous differentiators are addressed. The gain is estimated using a differential dissipation inequality, where a scaled Lyapunov function acts as storage function for the homogeneous L2 supply rate. The fixed differentiator gains are scaled with a gain-scaling parameter similar to the high-gain differentiator. This paper shows the existence of an optimal scaling which minimizes the homogeneous L2-gain estimate and provides a procedure to obtain it locally. Differentiators of dimension two are considered and the results are illustrated via numerical evaluation and a simulation example.
Köpsell, Saskia; Oertel, Simon
Digitalization attempts in higher education: the role of imprinting and the effect of business departments. - In: Studies in higher education, ISSN 1470-174X, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-19

In recent decades, higher education institutions (HEIs) have increasingly been exposed to a market logic that has led them to adopt structures and practices that are common in for-profit firms. In our study, we analyze how HEIs react to the increasing demands of digitalization and which factors explain the adoption of relevant structures. Based on 379 HEIs in Germany, our findings show that imprinting is of great importance for the implementation of a position for digitalization - that is, HEIs founded in a more recent phase of higher education in Germany are more likely to create a leadership position for digitalization. At the same time, we find that imprinting has no effect on the creation of more operational positions for digitalization but that the existence of a business department in HEIs has a positive effect. We discuss these findings in the context of higher education research and questions about factors influencing the adoption of practices and structures in HEIs.
Reum, Thomas;
Consequences of the potential gauging process for modeling electromagnetic wave propagation. - In: IEEE open journal of antennas and propagation, ISSN 2637-6431, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-12

This predominantly theoretical article focuses on a qualitative discussion of peculiarities, which are introduced in practical electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation scenarios when the gauge for the electrodynamic potentials is not chosen in accordance to the appropriate space-time metric of the underlying physical framework. Based on ordinary vector calculus, this is done for the viewpoint of radio frequency (RF) engineers by using two examples of guided EM waves: one large-scale case of a terrestrial scenario and one small-scale case involving a device level setup. Readers may benefit especially from this practical orientation, since gauging is often analyzed primarily mathematical by solely arguing on terms of equations instead of discussing concrete applications. The provided context aims to enhance the usual perspective and is applicable for a wide class of situations involving various wave types at any frequency.
Lauer, Kevin; Müller, Robin; Peh, Katharina; Schulze, Dirk; Krischok, Stefan; Reiß, Stephanie; Frank, Andreas; Ortlepp, Thomas
Investigation of Tl-doped silicon by low-temperature photoluminescence during light-induced degradation treatments. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2400287, S. 1-6

Scientific progress is made in understanding photoluminescence (PL) lines in thallium-doped silicon. Two PL lines called A and P, which appear after quenching, are found to exhibit irreversible as well as reversible behavior under the application of light-induced degradation (LID) treatments. The reversible behavior is similar to changes of a P line in indium-doped silicon due to LID treatments, which have led to the identification of this P line to be caused by an InSi-Sii-defect. By exploiting the metastability of defects from the ASi-Sii category, the experimental findings of this study indicate that the underlying defect for the A and P line in thallium-doped silicon is the TlSi-Sii-defect.
Jahn, Hannes; Böhm, Valter; Zentner, Lena
Analysis of deformation in tensegrity structures with curved compressed members. - In: Meccanica, ISSN 1572-9648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 12 S.

Tensegrity structures are prestressed structures consisting of compressed members connected by prestressed tensioned members. Due to their properties, such as flexibility and lightness, mobile robots based on these structures are an attractive subject of research and are suitable for space applications. In this work, a mobile robot based on a tensegrity structure with two curved members connected by eight tensioned strings is analyzed in terms of deformation in the curved members. Further, the difference in locomotion trajectory between the undeformed and deformed structure after the prestress is analyzed. For that, the theory of large deflections of rod-like structures is used. To determine the relationship between acting forces and the deformation, the structure is optimized using minimization algorithms in Python. The results are validated by parameter studies in FEM. The analysis shows that the distance between the two curved members significantly influences the structure’s locomotion. It can be said that the deformation of the components significantly influences the locomotion of tensegrity structures and should be considered when analyzing highly compliant structures.
Brynjell-Rahkola, Mattias; Duguet, Yohann; Boeck, Thomas
Chaotic edge regimes in magnetohydrodynamic channel flow: an alternative path towards the tipping point. - In: Physical review research, ISSN 2643-1564, Bd. 6 (2024), 3, 033066, S. 033066-1-033066-18

The effect of an imposed magnetic field on the flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a channel geometry is investigated numerically using high-performance temporal simulations. For the strongest spanwise magnetic fields considered, the turbulent state appears metastable, which makes the determination of the associated tipping point arduous. As an alternative, edge states, i.e., unstable states located on the state space boundary between the laminar and the turbulent basin of attraction, are investigated in detail. Their continuation smoothly leads to the tipping point where they are expected to collide with the turbulent dynamics. As the magnetic field intensity is raised, edge states become, on average, more energetic and more unstable, while their fluctuations become more chaotic, less predictable, and less symmetric. Nevertheless, their continuation allows one to accurately determine the value of the tipping point beyond which the laminar state becomes the only attractor.
Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Riegler, Sascha S.; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Peter, Nicolas J.; Vardo, Emina; Bartsch, Heike; Schwaiger, Ruth; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Gallino, Isabella; Schaaf, Peter
Controlling propagation velocity in Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems by periodic 2D surface structuring. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2302272, S. 1-11

The chemical energy released as heat during the exothermic reaction of reactive multilayer systems has shown potential applications in various technological areas, e.g., in joining applications. However, controlling the heat release rate and the propagation velocity of the reaction is required to enhance their performance in most of these applications. Herein, a method to control the propagation velocity and heat release rate of the system is presented. The sputtering of Al/Ni multilayers on substrates with periodic 2D surface structures promotes the formation of growth defects into the system. This modification in the morphology locally influences the reaction characteristics. Tailoring the number of 2D structures in the substrate enables the control of the velocity and maximum temperature of the propagation front. The morphology of the produced reactive multilayers is investigated before and after reaction using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the enthalpy of the system is obtained through calorimetric analysis. The self-sustained and self-propagating reaction of the systems is monitored by a high-speed camera and a high-speed pyrometer, thus revealing the propagation velocity and the temperatures with time resolution in the microsecond regime.
Kirchhoff, Jonas;
Generic observability for port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. - In: Mathematics of control, signals, and systems, ISSN 1435-568X, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 43 S.

The present work is a successor of Ilchmann and Kirchhoff (Math Control Signals Syst 33:359-377, 2021., Ilchmann and Kirchhoff (Math Control Signals Syst 35:45-76, 2023. on (relative) generic controllability of unstructured linear differential-algebraic systems and of Ilchmann et al. (Port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are generically controllable and stabilizable. Submitted to Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 2023. on (relative) generic controllability of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. We extend their results to (relative) genericity of observability. For unstructured differential-algebraic systems, criteria for (relative) generic observability are derived from Ilchmann and Kirchhoff (Math Control Signals Syst 35:45-76, 2023. using duality. This is not possible for port-Hamiltonian systems. Hence, we tweak the results of Ilchmann et al. (Port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are generically controllable and stabilizable. Submitted to Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 2023. and derive similar criteria as for the unstructured case. Additionally, we consider certain rank constraints on the system matrices.
Graske, Marcus; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Vardo, Emina; Matthes, Sebastian; Schaaf, Peter
Mechanical ignition of Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems: influence of impacting material, its properties, and geometric characteristics. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2400479, S. 1-13

Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems (RMS) with a bilayer thickness of Λ = 50 nm and total thickness th = 5 μm on a SiO2 substrate exhibit a self-propagating reaction after ignition. A common method to initiate the self-propagating reaction is by electric spark ignition. Herein, RMS are ignited by a mechanical impact using various materials with indeterminate geometries to investigate the basic mechanisms. SiO2, glass, PMMA, and resin-bonded SiC particles are used as impacting material with different geometrical impact areas. The used materials are placed on top of the RMS and a mechanical impulse is applied. The ignition behavior of the RMS is subsequently evaluated and classified. Additionally, the impacted RMS are examined by microscopy to reveal the damage pattern. By correlating particle size ⟨Dparticle⟩ and spacing ⟨dhole⟩ of the penetrating materials, an ignition threshold can be established. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the energy input threshold can be reduced through a strategic distribution of particles within the impacting and penetrating geometry. This provides valuable insights into the mechanical ignition fundamental and supports future applications of mechanical ignition of RMS.