Publikationen an der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung ab 2015

Anzahl der Treffer: 1956
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Voß, Benjamin; Ruderman, Michael; Weise, Christoph; Reger, Johann
Comparison of fractional-order and integer-order H∞ control of a non-collocated two-mass oscillator. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 25, S. 145-150

We consider the robust control of a two-mass oscillator with a dominant input delay. Our aim is to compare a fractional-order tuning approach including the partial compensation of non-minimum phase zeros with a classical H∞ loop-shaping design, since both these designs lead to a relatively high controller order. First of all a detailed physical model is derived and validated using measurement data. Based on the line arized model both controllers are designed to be comparable, i.e. they show a similar crossover frequency in the open loop and the final controller order is reduced to the same range for both designs. The major differences between both are the different methods how the feed-forward action is included. The loop-shaping approach with fractional-order elements relies on the plant inverse using a fat output, whereas the H∞ design incorporates a two-degree of freedom control, i.e. the reference signal is included into the known inputs of the generalized plant. Each controller is tested in simulation and experiment. As both open-loops are nearly identical in the frequency range of interest, the results from an input disturbance experiment show no major difference. The different design approaches of the feed forward path are clearly visible in the tracking experiment.
Voß, Benjamin; Weise, Christoph; Ruderman, Michael; Reger, Johann
Fractional-order partial cancellation of integer-order poles and zeros. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 25, S. 259-264

The key idea of this contribution is the partial compensation of non-minimum phase zeros or unstable poles. Therefore the integer-order zero/pole is split into a product of fractional-order pseudo zeros/poles. The amplitude and phase response of these fractional-order terms is derived to include these compensators into the loop-shaping design. Such compensators can be generalized to conjugate complex zeros/poles, and also implicit fractional-order terms can be applied. In the case of the non-minimum phase zero, its compensation leads to a higher phase margin and a steeper open-loop amplitude response around the crossover frequency resulting in a reduced undershooting in the step-response, as illustrated in the numerical example.
Gao, Xinrui; Shardt, Yuri A. W.
EVOLVE&hahog;INFOMAX: a new criterion for slow feature analysis of nonlinear dynamic system from an information-theoretical perspective. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 20, S. 43-48

Slow feature analysis (SFA) has attracted much attention as a method for dynamic modelling. However, SFA has an inherent limitation in that it assumes that the dynamic behaviour is linear. In this paper, a new criterion for SFA in general dynamic systems is defined based on the motivation of maximising the information retained during system evolution, which is called EVOLVE&hahog;INFOMAX. The theoretical properties of this new criterion are rigorously justified, the optimisation function under EVOLVE&hahog;INFOMAX is proposed, and a tailored algorithm based on neural networks is designed. The case study on a simulated data set and the Tennessee Eastman process benchmark shows that the proposed method has better performance to extract slow features of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Zheng, Niannian; Shardt, Yuri A. W.; Luan, Xiaoli; Liu, Fei
Probabilistic dynamic-controlled latent variable model for pattern-space modelling and pattern-based stochastic model predictive control. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 7, S. 786-791

Industrial processes are measured and controlled using high-dimensional process variables, but its overall operation is usually characterised by low-dimensional patterns. The changes in the pattern are dominated by three features: free motion, controlled motion, and uncertainty. In this paper, all three features are taken into consideration to propose a new probabilistic dynamic-controlled latent variable (PDCLV) model structure using a dynamic Bayesian network for process modelling in the pattern space. To this end, the linear dynamic system characterised by control inputs is introduced, and the expectation maximisation algorithm is specially designed for learning the PDCLV model. Benefitting from the dynamic causality between control inputs and the explicit modelling of the pattern, a method for pattern-based stochastic model predictive control (SMPC) is implemented successfully to realise process optimisation. A case study on an industrial boiler combustion process demonstrates the benefits of the proposed PDCLV structure for pattern-space modelling and pattern-based SMPC.
Ruppert, Holger; Krug, Andreas; Shardt, Yuri A. W.
Method to design a neural network with minimal number of neurons for approximation problems. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 7, S. 568-573

The widespread use of neural networks to model complex processes requires that a parsimonious model of the process be obtained. One of the main variables in neural networks is the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Selecting an inappropriate number of neurons can lead to over- or underfitting. Therefore, a method is required which determines the appropriate number of neurons in order to approximate a defined system response or time function. This paper presents a proposition to determine the appropriate number of neurons in a feedforward neural network, based on the number of inflection points included in the system response or the time function. The results show that the proposed method has marginal approximation errors (no underfitting) and overfitting can never occur because the minimal number of neurons for the approximation problem is used. To verify the effectiveness of this method, simulations were carried out on a second-order system with and without noise, the Lotka-Volterra equations, and the Runge function.
Jahn, Benjamin; Shardt, Yuri A. W.
Modulation-function-based data-driven design of fault detection systems for continuous-time LTI systems. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 55 (2022), 7, S. 562-567

In this paper, a data-driven or model-free approach is presented to design a fault detection system of continuous-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems based on input and output data in the time domain. The main idea is to directly identify the subspaces and their related matrices relevant for parity-space-based residual generation based on a modulated output equation by use of modulation functions and their properties. Therefore, the explicit model identification of the process for a model-based approach in a conventional two-step procedure can be avoided saving design effort especially for large-scale systems. A simulation of the resulting fault detection system is provided showing the effectiveness of the design approach.
Asghar, Ali; Becher, Andreas; Ziener, Daniel
The benefits and costs of netlist randomization based side-channel countermeasures: an in-depth evaluation. - In: Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, ISSN 2079-9268, Bd. 12 (2022), 3, 42, S. 1-17

Exchanging FPGA-based implementations of cryptographic algorithms during run-time using netlist randomized versions has been introduced recently as a unique countermeasure against side channel attacks. Using partial reconfiguration, it is possible to shuffle between structurally different but functionally similar versions of a cryptographic implementation. The resulting varying power profile enhances the resistance against power-based side channel attacks. While side channel leakage is reduced, costs in terms of additional resources and/or lowered throughput are often increased due to the overheads of the required online partial reconfiguration. In this work, we provide an in-depth evaluation of the leakage-area-throughput trade-off.
Oppermann, Hannes; Thelen, Antonia; Elliot, Stephen; Zanow, Frank; Haueisen, Jens
A validation study for a consumer-grade auditory-visual stimulation device. - In: Current directions in biomedical engineering, ISSN 2364-5504, Bd. 8 (2022), 2, S. 93-96

Self-care and improving one’s well-being has been growing rapidly in recent years for manifold reasons (e.g. higher workload, corona pandemic). Consumer-grade noninvasive stimulation devices are therefore on the rise to counteract the occurrence of mood disorders and burn-out symptoms. Here, we aim at investigating the impact of dynamically varying auditory-visual stimulation patterns on neural entrainment patterns and resonance phenomena. Twenty-two healthy volunteers (11 female, 25.4 ± 5.1 years, one dropout, seven in control group) participated in the study. EEG data (64 channel; equidistant layout) were acquired preand during stimulation for each volunteer. Visual and auditory stimuli were presented via a headset (ATUM, Neuro- Bright; Presentation patterns (frequency, intensity, spatial distribution) varied within a presentation session but were kept constant across all volunteers. Stimulus intensity was adjusted to individual comfort levels. Individual alpha peak frequencies (iAPF) were calculated via the power spectral density with 50% overlapping 10s epochs from pre-stimulation segments. For both, the study and the control group, a time-frequency representation was calculated for the pre- and during-stimulation segments. From this, power values were determined for different frequency-bands (iAPF, stimulation frequencies and second harmonics of the latter). Statistical analyses focused on contrasting the power values between pre- and during stimulation. Mean iAPF values were 10.25 ± 0.99Hz for the study and 10.63 ± 1.21Hz for the control group respectively. Both, power values at the stimulation frequencies and their second harmonics differed significantly between pre- and during stimulation (p stim =0.001; p harm =0.001) in the study group. No such difference was found for the control group (pstim=0.352; pharm=0.237). Further, neither the study nor the control group showed significant iAPF power differences (p study =0.035; p control =0.352; alpha*=0.008). Our results suggest that lightweight, portable auditory-visual presentation devices represent an effective tool for generating entrainment and resonance effects at home. Further analyses will focus on the investigation of individual differences driving such modulatory effects.
Kirlangic, Mehmet Eylem; Yeo, Yi Lin; Fiedler, Patrique; Haueisen, Jens
Simultaneous measurement of DC-EEG and transcutaneous pCO2. - In: Current directions in biomedical engineering, ISSN 2364-5504, Bd. 8 (2022), 2, S. 125-128

DC potential shifts are the shifts observed in the EEG baseline which can last from seconds to minutes. The significance of these low-frequency components in healthy as well as pathological states of human physiology is getting more and more attention not only in scientific research but also in clinical applications. In this paper, we present our novel multimodal measurement setup for simultaneously investigating DC potential shifts in EEG (DC-EEG) and the changes in noninvasive transcutaneous pCO2 measurements. We present preliminary results of our measurements during hyperventilation and apnea, which are two commonly used activation methods for changes in pCO2.
Schieding, Nikola; Reuter, Thomas; Grundmann, Andreas; Walther, Sebastian; Klee, Sascha
Full-field electroretinography examinations of the human eye with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000 - first results. - In: Current directions in biomedical engineering, ISSN 2364-5504, Bd. 8 (2022), 2, S. 636-639

Full-field electroretinography (full-field ERG) forms the diagnostic basis for numerous pathologies of the eye. For this reason, fast and accurate diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology are essential. Two examination techniques, full-field ERG and pupillometry were combined in a diagnostic device developed by ICM e.V. to reduce the examination process for both examiners and patients. In this paper, the device is examined for the quality of the full-field ERG measurements. A feasibility study with 12 healthy subjects (3 f, 9 m, 36.33 ± 11.94 years) was conducted to evaluate the device. The results showed that the peak times for both light- and dark-adapted measurements were within the range of the researched literature values. However, the amplitudes were markedly lower in both measurements compared to the averaged literature values (dark-adapted about 8.5-fold and light-adapted about 5.5-fold) and are clearly outside the range of values researched. The main reason for this is the use of cup electrodes, which were placed on the skin of the lower eyelid. Nevertheless, plausible and comparable analysis values could be obtained with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000. Further studies with wire electrodes will be performed.