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Schmitz, Philipp; Lanza, Lukas; Worthmann, Karl
Safe data-driven reference tracking with prescribed performance. - In: 2023 27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), (2023), S. 454-460
ISBN 979-8-3503-3798-3

We study output reference tracking for unknown continuous-time systems with arbitrary relative degree. The control objective is to keep the tracking error within predefined time-varying bounds while measurement data is only available at discrete sampling times. To achieve the control objective, we propose a two-component controller. One part is a recently developed sampled-data zero-order hold controller, which achieves reference tracking within prescribed error bounds. To further improve the control signal, we explore the system dynamics via input-output data, and include as the second component a data-driven MPC scheme based on Willems et al.’s fundamental lemma. This combination yields significantly improved input signals as illustrated by a numerical example.
Baragaña, Itziar; Martínez Pería, Francisco; Roca, Alicia; Trunk, Carsten
The rank-one perturbation problem for linear relations. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Mathematik, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (29 Seiten). - (Preprint ; M23,12)

We use the recently introduced Weyr characteristic of linear relations in Cn and its relation with the Kronecker canonical form of matrix pencils to describe their dimension. Then, this is applied to study one-dimensional perturbations of linear relations.
Khlif, Hassen; Trunk, Carsten; Wilson, Mitsuru
On the essential spectrum of operator pencils. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Mathematik, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (9 Seiten). - (Preprint ; M23,11)

For a closed densely defined linear operator A and a bounded linear operator B on a Banach space X whose essential spectrums are contained in disjoint sectors, we show that the essential spectrum of the associated operator pencil λA + B is contained in a sector of the complex plane whose boundaries are determined purely by the angles that define the two sectors, which contain the essential spectrums of A and B.
Brockhaus, Elisabeth K.; Wolffram, Daniel; Stadler, Tanja; Osthege, Michael; Mitra, Tanmay; Littek, Jonas M.; Krymova, Ekaterina; Klesen, Anna J.; Huisman, Jana S.; Heyder, Stefan; Helleckes, Laura M.; Heiden, Matthias; Funk, Sebastian; Abbott, Sam; Bracher, Johannes
Why are different estimates of the effective reproductive number so different? : a case study on COVID-19 in Germany. - In: PLoS Computational Biology, ISSN 1553-7358, Bd. 19 (2023), 11, e1011653, S. 1-27

The effective reproductive number Rt has taken a central role in the scientific, political, and public discussion during the COVID-19 pandemic, with numerous real-time estimates of this quantity routinely published. Disagreement between estimates can be substantial and may lead to confusion among decision-makers and the general public. In this work, we compare different estimates of the national-level effective reproductive number of COVID-19 in Germany in 2020 and 2021. We consider the agreement between estimates from the same method but published at different time points (within-method agreement) as well as retrospective agreement across eight different approaches (between-method agreement). Concerning the former, estimates from some methods are very stable over time and hardly subject to revisions, while others display considerable fluctuations. To evaluate between-method agreement, we reproduce the estimates generated by different groups using a variety of statistical approaches, standardizing analytical choices to assess how they contribute to the observed disagreement. These analytical choices include the data source, data pre-processing, assumed generation time distribution, statistical tuning parameters, and various delay distributions. We find that in practice, these auxiliary choices in the estimation of Rt may affect results at least as strongly as the selection of the statistical approach. They should thus be communicated transparently along with the estimates.
Hoffmann, Matthias K.; Esterhuizen, Willem; Worthmann, Karl; Flaßkamp, Kathrin
Path planning for concentric tube robots: a toolchain with application to stereotactic neurosurgery. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 56 (2023), 2, S. 2871-2876

We present a toolchain for solving path planning problems for concentric tube robots through obstacle fields. First, ellipsoidal sets representing the target area and obstacles are constructed from labelled point clouds. Then, the nonlinear and highly nonconvex optimal control problem is solved by introducing a homotopy on the obstacle positions where at one extreme of the parameter the obstacles are removed from the operating space, and at the other extreme they are located at their intended positions. We present a detailed example (with more than a thousand obstacles) from stereotactic neurosurgery with real-world data obtained from labelled MRI scans.
Schaller, Manuel; Worthmann, Karl; Philipp, Friedrich; Peitz, Sebastian; Nüske, Feliks
Towards reliable data-based optimal and predictive control using extended DMD. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 56 (2023), 1, S. 169-174

While Koopman-based techniques like extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition are nowadays ubiquitous in the data-driven approximation of dynamical systems, quantitative error estimates were only recently established. To this end, both sources of error resulting from a finite dictionary and only finitely-many data points in the generation of the surrogate model have to be taken into account. We generalize the rigorous analysis of the approximation error to the control setting while simultaneously reducing the impact of the curse of dimensionality by using a recently proposed bilinear approach. In particular, we establish uniform bounds on the approximation error of state-dependent quantities like constraints or a performance index enabling data-based optimal and predictive control with guarantees.
Maschke, Bernhard; Kirchhoff, Jonas
Port maps of Irreversible Port Hamiltonian Systems. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 56 (2023), 2, S. 6796-6800

Irreversible Port Hamiltonian Systems are a deviation from Port Hamiltonian Systems which embeds the definition of the irreversible phenomena taking place in the system. They are defined with respect to a quasi-Poisson bracket which ensures the positiveness of the entropy generation and is expressed in terms of the total entropy of the system. The port maps, however, associated with the conjugated port variables, were poorly justified and lacked any physical characterization. In this paper, we suggest a novel definition of the port maps which allows to recover not only the energy balance equation (when the Hamiltonian equals the total energy of the system) but also a entropy balance equation including the irreversible entropy creation term at the interface (the port) of the system in addition to the entropy creation term due to internal irreversible phenomena.
Kirchhoff, Jonas; Maschke, Bernhard
On the generating functions of irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems. - In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN 2405-8963, Bd. 56 (2023), 2, S. 10447-10452

We study the geometric structure of the drift dynamics of Irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems. This drift dynamics is defined with respect to a product of Poisson brackets, reflecting the interconnection structure and the constitutive relations of the irreversible phenomena occuring in the system. We characterise this product of Poisson brackets using a covariant 4-tensor and an associated function. We derive various conditions for which this 4-tensor and the associated function may be reduced to a product of almost Poisson brackets.
Schima, Maximilian; Glock, Matthias; Berger, Frank; Köpf, Hendrik-Christian; Holbe, Stefan; Kaiser, Julian
Analysis of the influence of magnetic blowing field alignments on the DC switching arc :
Analyse des Einflusses magnetischer Blasfeldanordnungen auf den DC-Schaltlichtbogen. - In: Kontaktverhalten und Schalten, (2023), S. 51-60

Behrndt, Jussi; Gesztesy, Fritz; Schmitz, Philipp; Trunk, Carsten
Lower bounds for self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville operators. - In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, ISSN 1088-6826, Bd. 151 (2023), 12, S. 5313-5323