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Lasch, Robert; Legler, Thomas; May, Norman; Scheirle, Bernhard; Sattler, Kai-Uwe
Cooperative memory management for table and temporary data. - In: 1st Workshop on Simplicity in Management of Data, (2023), 2, insges. 5 S.

The traditional paradigm for managing memory in database management systems (DBMS) treats memory used for caching table data and memory for temporary data as separate entities. This leads to inefficient utilization of the available memory capacity for mixed workloads. With memory being a significant factor in the costs of operating a DBMS, utilizing memory as efficiently as possible is highly desirable. As an alternative to the traditional paradigm, we propose managing the entire available memory in a cooperative manner to achieve better memory utilization and consequently higher cost-effectiveness for DBMSs. Initial experimental evaluation of cooperative memory management using a prototype implementation shows promising results and leads to several interesting further research directions.
Schricker, Klaus; Diegel, Christian; Schmidt, Leander; Seibold, Marc; Friedmann, Hannes; Fröhlich, Fabian; Eichler, Stefan; Chen, Yunhui; Requardt, Herwig; Rack, Alexander; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Understanding the formation of “false friends” (hidden lack of fusion defects) in laser beam welding by means of high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 67 (2023), 11, S. 2557-2570

This paper provides a fundamental understanding of “false friend” formation, i.e., hidden defects associated with lack of fusion, using an experimental setup that allowed an insight into the processing zone based on high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging. The setup enabled the welding of a lap joint of AISI 304 high-alloy steel sheets (X5CrNi18-10/1.4301), with the ability to adjust different gap heights between top and bottom sheet (up to 0.20 mm) and to acquire high-speed X-ray images at 100 kHz simultaneously with the welding process. On this basis, a time-resolved description of the “false friend” formation can be provided by visualizing the interaction between keyhole and melt pool during laser welding and solidification processes within the gap area. The bridgeability of the gap was limited due to the gap height and insufficient melt supply leading to the solidification of the bridge. The distance between the solidified bridge and the keyhole increased with time, while the keyhole and melt pool dynamics initiated the formation of new melt bridges whose stability was defined by melt flow conditions, surface tension, and gap heights. The alternating formation and solidification of melt bridges resulted in entrapped areas of lacking fusion within the weld, i.e., “false friends.” Finally, based on the results of this study, a model concept is presented that concludes the main mechanisms of “false friend” formation.
Fechner, Frank;
[Rezension von: Schorlemer, Sabine von, UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und postkoloniale Diskurse]. - In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift / Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft. - Berlin : Springer, 1960- , ISSN: 1862-2860 , ZDB-ID: 2275340-0, ISSN 1862-2860, Bd. 64 (2023), 4, S. 897-899
Zhang, Chenglin; Yan, Chengzhan; Jin, Rui; Hao, Jinhui; Xing, Zihao; Zhang, Peng; Wu, Yuhan; Li, Longhua; Zhao, Huaping; Wang, Shun; Shi, Weidong; Lei, Yong
Weak interaction between cations and anions in electrolyte enabling fast dual-ion storage for potassium-ion hybrid capacitors. - In: Advanced functional materials, ISSN 1616-3028, Bd. 33 (2023), 52, 2304086, S. 1-10

Identifying an effective electrolyte is a primary challenge for hybrid ion capacitors, due to the intricacy of dual-ion storage. Here, this study demonstrates that the electrochemical behavior of graphite oxide in ether-solvent electrolyte outperforms those in ester-solvent electrolytes for the cathode of potassium-ion hybrid capacitor. The experimental and theoretical assessments verify that the anion and cation are isolated effectively in dimethyl ether, endowing a weaker interaction between cations and anions compared to that of ester-solvent electrolytes, which facilitates the dual-ion diffusion and thus enhances the electrochemical performance. This result provides a rational strategy to realize high-rate cations and anions storage on the carbon cathode. Furthermore, a new low-cost and high-performance capacitor prototype, modified graphite oxide (MGO) cathode versus pristine graphite (PG) in ether-solvent electrolyte (MGOǁDMEǁPG), is proposed. It exhibits a high energy density of 150 Wh kg^−1cathode at a high power density of 21443 W kg^−1cathode (calculation based on total mass: 60 Wh kg^−1 at 8577 W kg^−1).
Bhattacharya, Shashwat; Sanjari, Seyed Loghman; Krasnov, Dmitry; Boeck, Thomas
Simulation of magnetohydrodynamic flows of liquid metals with heat transfer or magnetic stirring. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 23 (2023), 3, e202300153, S. 1-8

We discuss the effects of nonhomogeneous magnetic fields in liquid metal flows in two different configurations. In the first configuration, we briefly report the impact of fringing magnetic fields in a turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection setup, where it was shown that the global heat transport decreases with an increase of fringe-width. The convective motion in regions of strong magnetic fields is confined near the sidewalls. In the second configuration, we numerically study the effects of an oscillating magnetic obstacle with different frequencies of oscillation on liquid metal flow in a duct. The Reynolds number is low such that the wake of the stationary magnetic obstacle is steady. The transverse oscillation of the magnet creates a sinusoidal time-dependent wake reminiscent of the vortex shedding behind solid obstacles. We examine the behavior of the streamwise and spanwise components of the Lorentz forces as well as the work done by the magnets on the fluid. The frequency of the oscillation of the streamwise component of Lorentz force is twice that of the spanwise component as in the case of lift and drag on solid cylindrical obstacles. The total drag force and the energy transferred from the magnets to the fluid show a nonmonotonic dependence on the frequency of oscillation of the magnetic obstacle indicative of a resonant excitation of the sinusoidal vortex shedding.
Boeck, Thomas;
Stability analysis of wall-attached Bénard-Marangoni convection in a vertical magnetic field. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 23 (2023), 2, e202300020, S. 1-8

The threshold for the onset of thermocapillary flow in a planar liquid layer heated from below is increased by a vertical magnetic field when the liquid is a good electric conductor. The magnetic damping effect is reduced when the induced eddy currents are blocked by insulating side walls. Neutral conditions for this specific Bénard-Marangoni stability problem with a vertical field and side walls are obtained numerically for three-dimensional perturbations assumed periodic in one horizontal direction. The domain is bounded by a free-slip wall at the bottom, a free surface at the top and two free-slip lateral walls in the other horizontal direction. Buoyancy forces and surface deformations are neglected and a constant heat flux is imposed on the free surface. Upon increasing the magnetic induction, the least stable modes become localized near the side walls and the convective threshold increases at a lower rate than for the least stable bulk mode.
Omidian, Maryam; Schulte, Stefan; Néel, Nicolas; Kröger, Jörg
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of lithium-decorated graphene. - In: Annalen der Physik, ISSN 1521-3889, Bd. 535 (2023), 11, 2300249, S. 1-8

Lithium decoration of graphene on SiC(0001) is achieved in a surface science approach by intercalation and adsorption of the alkali metal. Spectroscopy of the differential conductance with a scanning tunneling microscope at the Li-decorated graphene surfaces does not give rise to a pairing gap at the Fermi energy, which may be expected because of the previously predicted superconducting phase [Profeta et al., Nat. Phys. 2012, 8, 131]. Rather, pronounced gaps in the spectroscopic data of intercalated samples reflect the excitation of graphene phonons. Rationales that possibly explain this discrepancy between experimental findings and theoretical predictions are suggested.
Schindler, Max; Domahidi, Emese
Exploring citizen discussions’ potential to inform smart city agendas: insights from German-city-centered online communities. - In: New media & society, ISSN 1461-7315, Bd. 0 (2023), 0

With more than 50% of the world’s population living in urban areas, the smart city concept has been introduced as a solution to urbanization problems, with a focus on technological and social innovation. However, critics argue that the concept is more about marketing than actual benefits for citizens. Given the limitations of conventional and formalized e-participation and smart city procedures, we highlight the value of shared citizen knowledge and the potential of e-interaction in this context by analyzing city-related informal social media communication, following recent calls to embrace citizens’ opinions in the smart city framework. This work focuses on major German cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The authors identify nine categories of interest in citizens’ discussions. Unlike official channels, citizens tend to focus on social and societal issues. The results of this study can complement existing tools by including citizens’ perspectives in smart city decision-making processes.
Samadi, Raheleh; Nazari, Amin; Seitz, Jochen
Intelligent Energy-aware Routing Protocol in Mobile IoT Networks based on SDN. - In: IEEE transactions on green communications and networking, ISSN 2473-2400, Bd. 7 (2023), 4, S. 2093-2103

Intelligent devices and equipment have affected almost all aspects of our life and behavior. The type of connection and the manner of communication between this large volume of devices has caused the emergence of a vast field in the Internet called the Internet of Things, which significantly highlights the issue of energy management and increases the lifetime of networks. Complex communications, especially in mobile networks, have generated many challenges for network designers. To solve these challenges, the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm has reduced the overhead in the devices caused by processing and computing by adding new capabilities to mobile IoT networks. This technique transfers energy-consuming tasks to the central controller, which manages continuous topological changes of the network in dynamic environments. This paper presents a new routing approach called Intelligent Energy-aware Routing Protocol in Mobile IoT Networks based on SDN (IERMIoT), which tries to manage the dynamic changes of topology due to the movement of mobile nodes to increase the network’s lifetime and prevent energy dissipation. For this purpose, it defines clusters of nodes and uses an intelligent evolutionary algorithm to determine the number of clusters required in the network and their balanced distribution in the dynamic environment. Also, this approach considers a mechanism to reduce the overhead of control packets and routing packets, which significantly affects the energy consumption of nodes. The simulation results indicate the proposed solution’s effectiveness compared to other simulated approaches with respect to packet delivery rate, average energy consumption, network lifetime, number of alive nodes, coverage, and routing overhead.
Arlt, Dorothee; Schumann, Christina; Wolling, Jens
What does the public know about technological solutions for achieving carbon neutrality? Citizens' knowledge of energy transition and the role of media. - In: Frontiers in communication, ISSN 2297-900X, Bd. 8 (2023), 1005603, S. 01-13

The present study explores the relation between media use and knowledge in the context of the energy transition. To identify relevant knowledge categories, we relied on the expertise of an interdisciplinary research team. Based on this expertise, we identified awareness-knowledge of changes in the energy system and principles-knowledge of hydrogen as important knowledge categories. With data obtained from a nationwide online survey of the German-speaking population (n = 2,025) conducted in August 2021, we examined the level of knowledge concerning both categories in the German population. Furthermore, we studied its associations with exposure to journalistic media and direct communication from non-media actors (e.g., scientists). Our results revealed a considerable lack of knowledge for both categories. Considering the media variables, we found only weak, and in some cases even negative, relations with the use of journalistic media or other actors that spread information online. However, we found comparably strong associations between both knowledge categories and the control variables of sex, education, and personal interest. We use these results to open up a general discussion of the role of the media in knowledge acquisition processes.