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Kurtash, Vladislav; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Energy-efficient operation conditions of MoS2-based memristors. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 220 (2023), 13, 2200893, S. 1-12

Sufficient energy consumption for conventional information processing makes it necessary to look for new computational methods. One of the possible solutions to this problem is neuromorphic computations using memristive devices. Memristors based on molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) are a promising way to provide a sizeable amount of hysteresis at low energy costs. Herein, different configurations of MoS2 memristors as well as the mechanisms involved in hysteresis formation are shown. Bottom gated configuration is beneficial in terms of hysteresis area and energy efficiency. The impact of device channel dimensions on the hysteresis area and energy consumption is discussed. Different operation conditions with triangular, rectangular, sinusoidal, and sawtooth drain-to-source pulses are simulated, and rectangular pulses demonstrate the highest energy efficiency. The study shows the potential to realize low-power neuromorphic systems using MoS2 memristive devices.
Jibril, Muhammad Attahir; Baumstark, Alexander; Sattler, Kai-Uwe
Adaptive update handling for graph HTAP. - In: Distributed and parallel databases, ISSN 1573-7578, Bd. 41 (2023), 3, S. 331-357

Hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP) workloads on graph data can significantly benefit from GPU accelerators. However, to exploit the full potential of GPU processing, dedicated graph representations are necessary, which mostly make in-place updates difficult. In this paper, we discuss an adaptive update handling approach in a graph database system for HTAP workloads. We discuss and evaluate strategies for propagating transactional updates from an update-friendly table storage to a GPU-optimized sparse matrix format for analytics.
Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Changes in formal structure towards self-managing organization and their effects on the intra-organizational communication network. - In: Journal of organization design, ISSN 2245-408X, Bd. 12 (2023), 3, S. 83-98

Changes in organizational structure affect the intra-organizational communication network. However, despite an increasing relevance of less hierarchical and less bureaucratic forms of organizing, the question of how self-managing forms of organization influence employees’ communication behavior has received only scant attention yet. In our study, we analyze the case of a medium-sized firm that experiences organizational change from rigid bureaucratic structures to a more self-managing organization model and question how employees’ centrality in the communication network is affected by this reorganization. Following an explorative research approach informed by prior research on self-managing forms of organizations and communication networks, our findings show that after the change process communication generally is less dependent on formal hierarchy. However, while employees who held a higher rank before the change process loose in centrality, their centrality at the end of the change process is still higher than that of other employees. Moreover, employees who experience a promotion become more central in the communication network while demotions do not have an effect. By discussing these findings in the context of organizational change and the persistence of organizational structures, we contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the implementation process of self-managing organizations.
Bruhn, Simon; Grebel, Thomas; Nesta, Lionel
The fallacy in productivity decomposition. - In: Journal of evolutionary economics, ISSN 1432-1386, Bd. 33 (2023), 3, S. 797-835
Lenk, Claudia; Hövel, Philipp; Ved, Kalpan; Durstewitz, Steve; Meurer, Thomas; Fritsch, Tobias; Männchen, Andreas; Küller, Jan; Beer, Daniel; Ivanov, Tzvetan; Ziegler, Martin
Neuromorphic acoustic sensing using an adaptive microelectromechanical cochlea with integrated feedback. - In: Nature electronics, ISSN 2520-1131, Bd. 6 (2023), 5, S. 370-380

Many speech processing systems struggle in conditions with low signal-to-noise ratios and in changing acoustic environments. Adaptation at the transduction level with integrated signal processing could help to address this; in human hearing, transduction and signal processing are integrated and can be adaptively tuned for noisy conditions. Here we report a microelectromechanical cochlea as a bio-inspired acoustic sensor with integrated signal processing functionality. Real-time feedback is used to tune the sensing and processing properties, and dynamic switching between linear and nonlinear characteristics improves the detection of signals in noisy conditions, increases the sensor dynamic range and enables adaptation to changing acoustic environments. The transition to nonlinear behaviour is attributed to a Hopf bifurcation and we experimentally validate its dependence on sensor and feedback parameters. We also show that output-signal coupling between two coupled sensors can increase the frequency coverage.
Xu, Changfan; Dong, Yulian; Zhao, Huaping; Lei, Yong
CO2 conversion toward real-world applications: electrocatalysis versus CO2 batteries. - In: Advanced functional materials, ISSN 1616-3028, Bd. 33 (2023), 32, 2300926, S. 1-38

Electrochemical carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion technologies have become new favorites for addressing environmental and energy issues, especially with direct electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 (ECO2RR) and alkali metal-CO2 (M-CO2) batteries as representatives. They are poised to create new economic drivers while also paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future for humanity. Although still far from practical application, ECO2RR has been intensively investigated over the last few years, with some achievements. In stark contrast, M-CO2 batteries, especially aqueous and hybrid M-CO2 batteries, offer the potential to combine energy storage and ECO2RR into an integrated system, but their research is still in the early stages. This article gives an insightful review, comparison, and analysis of recent advances in ECO2RR and M-CO2 batteries, illustrating their similarities and differences, aiming to advance their development and innovation. Considering the crucial role of well-designed functional materials in facilitating ECO2RR and M-CO2 batteries, special attention is paid to the development of rational design strategies for functional materials and components, such as electrodes/catalysts, electrolytes, and membranes/separators, at the industrial level and their impact on CO2 conversion. Moreover, future perspectives and research suggestions for ECO2RR and M-CO2 batteries are presented to facilitate practical applications.
Shekhawat, Deepshikha; Baloochi, Mostafa; Sudhahar, Dwarakesh; Raheja, Vishal Amarbhai; Döll, Joachim; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Influence of environment on self-propagating reactions in Al/Ni multilayer foils. - In: MRS advances, ISSN 2059-8521, Bd. 8 (2023), 9, S. 477-483

Reactive aluminum-nickel multilayer system shows exothermic energetic materials which act as a heat source for packaging and bonding of microsystems. The main challenge is controlling the self-propagation reaction velocity and temperature generated by thermal management through different thermal conductive substrate materials. The current work investigates the heat distribution of Al/Ni multilayer foils from different thermal conductive substrates which act as heat sink materials during the self-propagating reaction. A two-dimensional numerical model was developed to study thermal conductive heat loss and substrate thermal properties on the self-propagating reaction in Al/Ni multilayer foils. The self-propagating reaction was introduced on the surface of the foils by an electrical spark. Here we investigate the minimum critical thickness of Al/Ni multilayer foils which shows the self-propagation reaction on different substrates and verified from the two-dimensional numerical model. The outcomes of this investigation will facilitate the integration of Al/Ni multilayer foils on different substrates as intrinsic heat sources for different applications of micro/nanodevices.
Husung, Stephan; Koch, Yanik; Welzbacher, Peter; Kraus, Benjamin; Roehnert, Felix; Faheem, Faizan; Kirchner, Eckhard
Systemic conception of the data acquisition of Digital Twin solutions for use case-oriented development and its application to a gearbox. - In: Systems, ISSN 2079-8954, Bd. 11 (2023), 5, 227, S. 1-17

Digital Twins are being used more and more frequently and provide information from the Real Twin for different applications. Measurements on the Real Twin are required to obtain information, which in many cases requires the installation of supplementary sensors. For their conception and design, it is particularly important that the measuring principles are selected purposefully and the appropriate sensors are integrated at the goal-oriented measuring positions without impairing the functions and other properties of the Real Twin by the integration of these sensors. In this article, a "Design for Digital Twin" approach is discussed for the systematic procedure and demonstrated using a multi-staged gearbox as a concrete example. The approach focuses on the mechanical and hardware side of the Real Twin. For the systematic conception and design of the Digital Twin solution, an understanding of the stakeholder demands and the expected use cases is necessary. Based on the stakeholder demands and use cases, the relevant product properties can be determined. Using the relevant properties, an iterative process of conception, design, and analysis takes place. The conception is carried out by means of target-oriented cause-effect analyses, taking into account systemic interrelations of the Real Twin components and systematics for the selection of measurement principles. Systemic considerations, combined with an effect graph, allow for the analysis and evaluation of disturbing factors.
Göring, Steve; Ramachandra Rao, Rakesh Rao; Raake, Alexander
Quality assessment of higher resolution images and videos with remote testing. - In: Quality and user experience, ISSN 2366-0147, Bd. 8 (2023), 1, 2, S. 1-26

In many research fields, human-annotated data plays an important role as it is used to accomplish a multitude of tasks. One such example is in the field of multimedia quality assessment where subjective annotations can be used to train or evaluate quality prediction models. Lab-based tests could be one approach to get such quality annotations. They are usually performed in well-defined and controlled environments to ensure high reliability. However, this high reliability comes at a cost of higher time consumption and costs incurred. To mitigate this, crowd or online tests could be used. Usually, online tests cover a wider range of end devices, environmental conditions, or participants, which may have an impact on the ratings. To verify whether such online tests can be used for visual quality assessment, we designed three online tests. These online tests are based on previously conducted lab tests as this enables comparison of the results of both test paradigms. Our focus is on the quality assessment of high-resolution images and videos. The online tests use AVrate Voyager, which is a publicly accessible framework for online tests. To transform the lab tests into online tests, dedicated adaptations in the test methodologies are required. The considered modifications are, for example, a patch-based or centre cropping of the images and videos, or a randomly sub-sampling of the to-be-rated stimuli. Based on the analysis of the test results in terms of correlation and SOS analysis it is shown that online tests can be used as a reliable replacement for lab tests albeit with some limitations. These limitations relate to, e.g., lack of appropriate display devices, limitation of web technologies, and modern browsers considering support for different video codecs and formats.
Göring, Steve; Ramachandra Rao, Rakesh Rao; Merten, Rasmus; Raake, Alexander
Analysis of appeal for realistic AI-generated photos. - In: IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, Bd. 11 (2023), S. 38999-39012

AI-generated images have gained in popularity in recent years due to improvements and developments in the field of artificial intelligence. This has led to several new AI generators, which may produce realistic, funny, and impressive images using a simple text prompt. DALL-E-2, Midjourney, and Craiyon are a few examples of the mentioned approaches. In general, it can be seen that the quality, realism, and appeal of the images vary depending on the used approach. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze to what extent such AI-generated images are realistic or of high appeal from a more photographic point of view and how users perceive them. To evaluate the appeal of several state-of-the-art AI generators, we develop a dataset consisting of 27 different text prompts, with some of them being based on the DrawBench prompts. Using these prompts we generated a total of 135 images with five different AI-Text-To-Image generators. These images in combination with real photos form the basis of our evaluation. The evaluation is based on an online subjective study and the results are compared with state-of-the-art image quality models and features. The results indicate that some of the included generators are able to produce realistic and highly appealing images. However, this depends on the approach and text prompt to a large extent. The dataset and evaluation of this paper are made publicly available for reproducibility, following an Open Science approach.