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Ma, Mengmeng; Zhao, Huaping; Wang, Zhijie; Lei, Yong
Designing atomic interfaces in chalcogenides for boosting photocatalysis. - In: Solar RRL, ISSN 2367-198X, Bd. 7 (2023), 9, 2300025, S. 1-25

A deeper understanding of interfaces comes after the rapid development of nano-hybrids. Atomic interfaces with atomic-level thickness, intimate bonds, inferior charge-transport resistance, and robust stability have received escalating interest in the field of photocatalysis. Taking into account the fact that the carrier dynamics and spectrum response of candidate photocatalysts like chalcogenides remain suffering, sustained efforts are devoted. Hybridization, which is accompanied by interface designing, behaves as a supportive strategy to enlarge the photocatalytic output. Hence, the comprehensive survey for recent empirical studies on atomic interfaces in chalcogenides is highly desirable. Precisely, the fundamental of atomic interfaces, the devised approaches to design atomic interfaces in chalcogenides and their feasible roles for maneuvering photocatalysis, and the auxiliary advanced characterization are enumerated and summarized. The multifarious interaction of structure, chemical environment, optical and electric properties, and photocatalytic performance in chalcogenides with atomic interfaces is highlighted. Meanwhile, perspectives of atomic interfaces benefiting photocatalysis are given with a summary, and outlooks related to controllable architecture, nucleation mechanism, calculation, and the correlation between atomic interfaces and amended photocatalysis are presented discreetly. Herein, the review is meant to provide the first systematic account of designing atomic interfaces in chalcogenides served for ultimate photocatalytic applications.
Weigel, Christoph; Cherkasova, Valeriya; Holz, Mathias; Phi, Hai Binh; Görner Tenorio, Christian; Wilbertz, Björn; Voßgrag, Leonard; Fröhlich, Thomas; Strehle, Steffen
Ultralow expansion glass as material for advanced micromechanical systems. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 25 (2023), 9, 2201873, S. 1-14

Ultralow expansion (ULE) glasses are of special interest for temperature stabilized systems for example in precision metrology. Nowadays, ULE materials are mainly used in macroscopic and less in micromechanical systems. Reasons for this are a lack of technologies for parallel fabricating high-quality released microstructures with a high accuracy. As a result, there is a high demand in transferring these materials into miniaturized application examples, realistic system modeling, and the investigation of microscopic material properties. Herein, a technological base for fabricating released micromechanical structures and systems with a structure height above 100 μm in ULE 7972 glass is established. Herein, the main fabrication parameters that are important for the system design and contribute thus to the introduction of titanium silicate as material for glass-based micromechanical systems are discussed. To study the mechanical properties in combination with respective simulation models, microcantilevers are used as basic mechanical elements to evaluate technological parameters and other impact factors. The implemented models allow to predict the micromechanical system properties with a deviation of only ±5% and can thus effectively support the micromechanical system design in an early stage of development.
Wang, Honglei; Jiao, Yunfei; Wu, Bing; Wang, Dong; Hu, Yueqi; Liang, Fei; Shen, Chen; Knauer, Andrea; Ren, Dan; Wang, Hongguang; Aken, Peter Antonie van; Zhang, Hongbin; Sofer, Zdenek; Grätzel, Michael; Schaaf, Peter
Exfoliated 2D layered and nonlayered metal phosphorous trichalcogenides nanosheets as promising electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction. - In: Angewandte Chemie, ISSN 1521-3773, Bd. 62 (2023), 17, e202217253, S. 1-8

Two-dimensional (2D) materials catalysts provide an atomic-scale view on a fascinating arena for understanding the mechanism of electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction (CO2 ECR). Here, we successfully exfoliated both layered and nonlayered ultra-thin metal phosphorous trichalcogenides (MPCh3) nanosheets via wet grinding exfoliation (WGE), and systematically investigated the mechanism of MPCh3 as catalysts for CO2 ECR. Unlike the layered CoPS3 and NiPS3 nanosheets, the active Sn atoms tend to be exposed on the surfaces of nonlayered SnPS3 nanosheets. Correspondingly, the nonlayered SnPS3 nanosheets exhibit clearly improved catalytic activity, showing formic acid selectivity up to 31.6 % with -7.51 mA cm^-2 at -0.65 V vs. RHE. The enhanced catalytic performance can be attributed to the formation of HCOO* via the first proton-electron pair addition on the SnPS3 surface. These results provide a new avenue to understand the novel CO2 ECR mechanism of Sn-based and MPCh3-based catalysts.
Kazak, Oleg; Halbedel, Bernd
Correlation of the vector gradient of a magnetic field with the kinetic energy of hard magnetic milling beads in electromechanical mills. - In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, ISSN 1522-2640, Bd. 95 (2023), 10, S. 1615-1622

This paper describes the experimental investigation and numerical simulation of a novel electromechanical milling principle: the direct transformation of energy into the movement of milling beads with special magnetic properties. The experimental results show that this principle is ideally suited for the finest grinding of organic agents. Anthraquinone particles with a median size of 25.5 µm were electromechanically ground to 1 µm and the magnetic field strength in the process chamber has the greatest influence on milling results. The developed model reveals that the distribution of the time- and location-dependent vector gradient of the magnetic field in the process chamber determines the energy transfer from the exciter systems to the milling beads and hence the grinding results. With a suitable characterization of the vector gradient distribution, it is possible to establish a correlation between the vector gradient and specific milling beads power. This correlation is fundamental for the design of electromechanical milling machines.
Fiedler, Patrique; Haueisen, Jens; Alvarez, Ana M. Cebolla; Cheron, Guy; Cuesta, Pablo; Maestú, Fernando; Funke, Michael
Noise characteristics in spaceflight multichannel EEG. - In: PLOS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, Bd. 18 (2023), 2, e0280822, S. 1-12

The cognitive performance of the crew has a major impact on mission safety and success in space flight. Monitoring of cognitive performance during long-duration space flight therefore is of paramount importance and can be performed using compact state-of-the-art mobile EEG. However, signal quality of EEG may be compromised due to the vicinity to various electronic devices and constant movements. We compare noise characteristics between in-flight extraterrestrial microgravity and ground-level terrestrial electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. EEG data recordings from either aboard International Space Station (ISS) or on earth’s surface, utilizing three EEG amplifiers and two electrode types, were compared. In-flight recordings showed noise level of an order of magnitude lower when compared to pre- and post-flight ground-level recordings with the same EEG system. Noise levels between ground-level recordings with actively shielded cables, and in-flight recordings without shielded cables, were similar. Furthermore, noise level characteristics of shielded ground-level EEG recordings, using wet and dry electrodes, and in-flight EEG recordings were similar. Actively shielded mobile dry EEG systems will support neuroscientific research and neurocognitive monitoring during spaceflight, especially during long-duration space missions.
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira; Wolling, Jens
Environmental communication publications in Indonesia’s leading communication journals : a systematic review. - In: Jurnal Aspikom, ISSN 2548-8309, Bd. 8 (2023), 1, S. 15-28

As an emerging country, Indonesia is facing many environmental problems, with some of the most critical being plastic waste, severe deforestation, and climate change. Under such conditions, communication science plays an important role in pointing to the best way to inform the public so as to stimulate engagement and action to solve these problems. In this article, a systematic literature review of papers on environmental communication published in three leading communication journals in Indonesia was conducted. The findings show that despite the severe environmental problems in Indonesia, a limited number of studies on environmental communication have been published, and only a few methods and designs have been used. Therefore, more attention from communication scholars and intellectuals in Indonesia is needed to address environmental problems in their research. Creating an environmental communication division in existing communication associations is proposed as a practical solution, among others, and is discussed in the outlook section of this study
Andrich, Aliya; Bachl, Marko; Domahidi, Emese
Goodbye, gender stereotypes? : trait attributions to politicians in 11 years of news coverage. - In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly, ISSN 2161-430X, Bd. 100 (2023), 3, S. 473-497

In this study, we examine gender differences in political news coverage to determine whether the media employ stereotypical traits in portrayals of 1,095 U.S. politicians. Using a sample of over 5 million U.S. news stories published from 2010 to 2020, we study the media’s attribution of gender-linked (feminine, masculine) and political (leadership, competence, integrity, empathy) traits to U.S. politicians and present new longitudinal evidence for political gender stereotyping in the news. Our findings show that certain gender differences are present in news coverage (e.g., physical traits), some of which have remained unchanged over the past decade (e.g., integrity traits).
Walther, Dominik; Viehweg, Johannes; Haueisen, Jens; Mäder, Patrick
A systematic comparison of deep learning methods for EEG time series analysis. - In: Frontiers in neuroinformatics, ISSN 1662-5196, Bd. 17 (2023), 1067095, S. 01-17

Analyzing time series data like EEG or MEG is challenging due to noisy, high-dimensional, and patient-specific signals. Deep learning methods have been demonstrated to be superior in analyzing time series data compared to shallow learning methods which utilize handcrafted and often subjective features. Especially, recurrent deep neural networks (RNN) are considered suitable to analyze such continuous data. However, previous studies show that they are computationally expensive and difficult to train. In contrast, feed-forward networks (FFN) have previously mostly been considered in combination with hand-crafted and problem-specific feature extractions, such as short time Fourier and discrete wavelet transform. A sought-after are easily applicable methods that efficiently analyze raw data to remove the need for problem-specific adaptations. In this work, we systematically compare RNN and FFN topologies as well as advanced architectural concepts on multiple datasets with the same data preprocessing pipeline. We examine the behavior of those approaches to provide an update and guideline for researchers who deal with automated analysis of EEG time series data. To ensure that the results are meaningful, it is important to compare the presented approaches while keeping the same experimental setup, which to our knowledge was never done before. This paper is a first step toward a fairer comparison of different methodologies with EEG time series data. Our results indicate that a recurrent LSTM architecture with attention performs best on less complex tasks, while the temporal convolutional network (TCN) outperforms all the recurrent architectures on the most complex dataset yielding a 8.61% accuracy improvement. In general, we found the attention mechanism to substantially improve classification results of RNNs. Toward a light-weight and online learning-ready approach, we found extreme learning machines (ELM) to yield comparable results for the less complex tasks.
Pöthig, Pascal; Grätzel, Michael; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Influence of different surface conditions on mechanical properties during ultrasonic welding of aluminum wire strands and copper terminals. - In: Welding in the world, ISSN 1878-6669, Bd. 67 (2023), 6, S. 1427-1436

Ultrasonic metal welding (USMW) has become considerable attention in terms of its suitable applications compared to conventional fusion welding techniques. The main advantage of USMW results from the comparatively low process times and joining temperatures below the melting point. Thus, USMW is particularly used for the joining of dissimilar material combinations, e.g., aluminum and copper (Al/Cu), in battery cell production or wiring harness applications. However, process fluctuations in USMW of Al/Cu joints can occur due to varying surface conditions of the joining materials. Therefore, this study investigated different surface conditions of copper terminals and their effects on mechanical properties. At first, three different surface conditions were generated, respectively: surface cleaning (sulfuric acid and ethanol), structuring process by laser, and structuring process by milling. These modifications are compared with the terminals in the initial state (contaminated). The characterization of the terminal surfaces was carried out with 3-D laser scanning microscopy as well as light microscopy. The mechanical conditions were examined with shear tensile tests. The tensile tests showed a significant influence of the surface condition on the resulting failure loads compared to the initial state. The highest failure loads could be achieved with the structured terminals (+ 48%), whereas contaminated terminals and terminals with notches exhibited comparatively poor failure loads (- 28%). This can be explained by varying interface formations between the terminal and the wire, which was detected by metallography and SEM analysis. Furthermore, it was figured out that the interface between aluminum and copper exhibits a firm and formed closure bond and hence increased failure loads for laser-structured terminals. Additional investigations by SEM revealed no detectable occurrence of intermetallic phases.
Hamatschek, Christopher; Augsburg, Klaus; Schobel, David; Gramstat, Sebastian; Stich, Anton; Gulden, Florian; Hesse, David
Comparative study on the friction behaviour and the particle formation process between a laser cladded brake disc and a conventional grey cast iron disc. - In: Metals, ISSN 2075-4701, Bd. 13 (2023), 2, 300, S. 1-19

Brake-wear particle emissions are the result of the components of a friction brake being in tribological contact, and they are classified as non-exhaust emissions. Since most of the emitted particles belong to the size classes of particulate matter (≤10 μm) and differ significantly in terms of their physico-chemical properties from automotive exhaust emissions, this source is of particular relevance to human health and, therefore, the focus of scientific studies. Previous studies have shown that coated brake discs offer significant wear and emission reduction potential. Nevertheless, no studies are available that describe the specific particle formation process, the contact conditions, the structure of the friction layer and the differences compared to conventional grey cast iron discs. The aim of this study is to describe those differences. For this purpose, the tribological behaviour, the structure of the friction layer and the associated particle dynamics within the friction contact between a laser cladding coated disc and a conventional grey cast iron disc are compared. The required investigations are carried out both ex situ (stationary) and in situ (dynamic). Parallel to the tribological investigations, the particle emission behaviour is determined on an inertia dynamometer using a constant volume sampling system (CVS) and equipment for particle number and particle size distribution measurement. The results show that, for two different brake pads, the laser cladding brake disc has lower wear and less particulate emissions than the grey cast iron brake disc. The wear behaviour of the coating varies significantly for the two brake pads. By contrast, the grey cast iron brake disc shows a significantly lower influence.