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Becker, Tatiana; Stolbov, Oleg V.; Biller, Armin M.; Borin, Dmitry Yu.; Stolbova, Olga S.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Raikher, Yuriy L.
Shape-programmable cantilever made of a magnetoactive elastomer of mixed content. - In: Smart materials and structures, ISSN 1361-665X, Bd. 31 (2022), 10, 105021, S. 1-14

This work presents an approach to the macroscopic field-controlled mechanics of magnetoactive elastomers of mixed content, which are a special type of smart materials made of an elastic composite and a combination of two essentially different ferromagnetic fillers. High-coercive particles of NdFeB-alloy powder for the magnetically hard (MH) filler and carbonyl iron powder particles with nearly zero coercivity for the magnetically soft (MS) filler are usually used. The MH particles are tens-of-micron in size and impart to the elastomer a remanent magnetisation, whereas due to the MS particles of several microns in size, the elastomer acquires a high magnetic susceptibility. Since large MH particles once magnetised in a strong field possess their own fields to which the MS particles are susceptible, the overall elastomer magnetisation as well as its mechanical response greatly depends on the relative concentration of both fillers. This work particularly studies the bending deformation of horizontally fixed magnetoactive cantilevers with the permanent magnetisation along the length axis under the action of gravity and a vertically applied uniform magnetic field. The cantilevers of the same geometry and fixed NdFeB content but different carbonyl iron concentration are considered. The magnetomechanical model is developed based on the finite-strain theory assuming the plane-stress approximation of the two-dimensional cantilever of infinite width. The magnetic energy comprises two magnetic terms, one of which is qualitatively linear and the other one is quadratic in the applied field strength. The numerically calculated field-programmed equilibrium bending shapes of the cantilevers are compared with the experimentally observed shapes. The model provides good agreement with the experiment up to moderate concentrations of the MS filler, when the coefficients of customary interpolation formulas for the concentration dependencies of elastic modulus and magnetic susceptibility are properly adjusted.
Shmagun, Vitalii; Gerhardt, Uwe; Fröhlich, Thomas; Manske, Eberhard; Kissinger, Thomas
Absolute distance measurements for in-situ interferometer characterisation using range-resolved interferometry. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 33 (2022), 12, 125024, S. 1-12

Range-resolved interferometry (RRI) allows the simultaneous demodulation of multiple interferometric signal sources and provides a tomographic view of all constituent interferometers that may be present in a setup. Through comparison with a reference distance of known length, absolute distance measurements can be performed. RRI is tailored to the use of laser frequency modulation through injection-current modulation of regular, monolithic laser diodes that are both cost-effective and highly coherent and therefore this approach promises broad applicability. In this paper, two methods for absolute distance measurement, one based on the direct evaluation of the signal peak positions and one based on the phase demodulation of an additional lock-in modulation signal, are experimentally demonstrated. Using an external verification displacement interferometer, both techniques are shown to achieve in-situ absolute distance measurements with systematic errors below over a 50 mm travel range. The aim of this paper is to establish the general suitability of RRI for absolute distance measurements and in-situ tomographic interferometer characterisation for precision engineering. In future, this approach could be used to diagnose interferometric setups for parasitic signal contributions, multiple reflections or to determine the dead path length for accurate environmental compensation, either for use during initial setup of, or for continuous operation alongside, a regular displacement measuring interferometer.
Mohr-Weidenfeller, Laura; Kleinholz, Cathleen; Müller, Björn; Gropp, Sebastian; Günther-Müller, Sarah; Fischer, Michael; Müller, Jens; Strehle, Steffen
Thermal analysis of the ceramic material and evaluation of the bonding behavior of silicon-ceramic composite substrates. - In: Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, ISSN 1361-6439, Bd. 32 (2022), 10, 105004, S. 1-9
Lauer, Kevin; Peh, Katharina; Schulze, Dirk; Ortlepp, Thomas; Runge, Erich; Krischok, Stefan
The ASi-Sii defect model of light-induced degradation (LID) in silicon: a discussion and review. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 219 (2022), 19, 2200099, S. 1-10

The ASi-Sii defect model as one possible explanation for light-induced degradation (LID) in typically boron-doped silicon solar cells, detectors, and related systems is discussed and reviewed. Starting from the basic experiments which led to the ASi-Sii defect model, the ASi-Sii defect model (A: boron, or indium) is explained and contrasted to the assumption of a fast-diffusing so-called “boron interstitial.” An LID cycle of illumination and annealing is discussed within the conceptual frame of the ASi-Sii defect model. The dependence of the LID defect density on the interstitial oxygen concentration is explained within the ASi-Sii defect picture. By comparison of electron paramagnetic resonance data and minority carrier lifetime data related to the assumed fast diffusion of the “boron interstitial” and the annihilation of the fast LID component, respectively, the characteristic EPR signal Si-G28 in boron-doped silicon is related to a specific ASi-Sii defect state. Several other LID-related experiments are found to be consistent with an interpretation by an ASi-Sii defect.
Huang, Tianbai; Kupfer, Stephan; Richter, Martin; Gräfe, Stefanie; Geitner, Robert
Bidentate Rh(I)-phosphine complexes for the C-H activation of alkanes: computational modelling and mechanistic insight. - In: ChemCatChem, ISSN 1867-3899, Bd. 14 (2022), 18, e202200854, S. 1-9

The C-H activation and subsequent carbonylation mediated by metal complexes, i. e., Rh(I) complexes, has drawn considerable attention in the past. To extend the mechanistic insight from Rh complexes featuring monodentate ligands like P(Me)3 towards more active bisphosphines (PLP), a computationally derived fully conclusive mechanistic picture of the Rh(I)-catalyzed C-H activation and carbonylation is presented here. Depending on the nature of the bisphosphine ligand, the highest lying transition state (TS) is associated either to the initial C-H activation in [Rh(PLP)(CO)(Cl)] or to the rearrangement of the chloride in [Rh(PLP)(H)(R)(Cl)]. The chloride rearrangement was found to play a key role in the subsequent carbonylation. A set of 20 complexes of different architectures was studied, in order to fine tune the C-H activation in a knowledge-driven approach. The computational analysis suggests that a flexible ligand architecture with aromatic rings can potentially increase the performance of Rh-based catalysts for the C-H activation.
Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
A review on photothermal conversion of solar energy with nanomaterials and nanostructures: from fundamentals to applications. - In: Advanced sustainable systems, ISSN 2366-7486, Bd. 6 (2022), 9, 2200115, S. 1-19

Solar energy is a green, sustainable, and de facto inexhaustible energy source for mankind. The conversion of solar energy into other forms of energy has attracted extensive research interest due to climate change and the energy crisis. Among all the solar energy conversion technologies, photothermal conversion of solar energy exhibits unique advantages when applied for water purification, desalination, high-temperature heterogeneous catalysis, anti-bacterial treatments, and deicing. In this review, the various photothermal conversion mechanisms based on different forms of heat release are summarized and some of the latest examples are presented. In addition, the necessary prerequisites for solar-driven photothermal materials toward their practical applications are also discussed. Further, the latest advances in photothermal conversion of solar energy are discussed, focusing on different types of photothermal applications. Finally, a summary is given and the challenges and opportunities in the photothermal conversion of solar energy are presented. This review aims to give a comprehensive understanding of emerging solar energy conversion technologies based on the photothermal effect, especially by using nanomaterials and nanostructures.
Räth, Timo;
Interactive and explorative stream processing. - In: DEBS 2022, (2022), S. 194-197

Formulating a suitable stream processing pipeline for a particular use case is a complicated process that highly depends on the processed data and usually requires many cycles of refinement. By combining the advantages of visual data exploration with the concept of real-time modifiability of a stream processing pipeline we want to contribute an interactive approach that simplifies and enhances the process of pipeline engineering. As a proof of concept, a prototype has been developed that delivers promising results in various test use cases and allows to modify the parameters and structure of stream processing pipelines at a development stage in a matter of milliseconds. By utilizing collected data and statistics from this explorative intermediate stage we will automatically generate optimized runtime code for a standalone execution of the constructed pipeline.
Räth, Timo; Sattler, Kai-Uwe
StreamVizzard - an interactive and explorative stream processing editor. - In: DEBS 2022, (2022), S. 186-189

Processing continuous data streams is one of the hot topics of our time. A major challenge is the formulation of a suitable and efficient stream processing pipeline. This process is complicated by long restart times after pipeline modifications and tight dependencies on the actual data to process. To approach these issues, we have developed StreamVizzard - an interactive and explorative stream processing editor to simplify the pipeline engineering process. Our system allows to visually configure, execute, and completely modify a pipeline during runtime without any delay. Furthermore, an adaptive visualizer automatically displays the operator's processed data and statistics in a comprehensible way and allows the user to explore the data and support his design decisions. After the pipeline has been finalized our system automatically optimizes the pipeline based on collected statistics and generates standalone runtime code for productive use at a targeted stream processing engine.
Deng, Zhichao; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
A combined velocity and temperature measurement with an LED and a low-speed camera. - In: Measurement science and technology, ISSN 1361-6501, Bd. 33 (2022), 11, 115301, S. 1-12

Microfluidic devices are governed by three-dimensional velocity and temperature fields, and their boundary conditions are often unknown. Therefore, a measurement technique is often desired to measure both fields in a volume. With astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry (APTV) combined with luminescence lifetime imaging, the temperature and all velocity components in a volume can be measured with one optical access. While the three-dimensional particle position is determined by evaluating the shape of the corresponding particle image, the temperature measurement relies on estimating the temperature-dependent luminescence lifetime derived from particle images on two subsequent image captures shortly after the photoexcitation. For this, typically a high-energetic pulsed laser is required to ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio. However, it can also cause additional heating of the fluid. We show that this problem is solved by replacing the pulsed laser with an LED. To compensate for the lower power provided by the LED, we adapted the timing schedule and vastly extended the illumination time and the exposure time for both image captures. In addition, we were able to replace the typically used high-speed camera with an ordinary double-frame camera. In this way, very low measurement uncertainties on all measured quantities can be achieved while keeping the temperature of the fluid unaffected. Random errors dominate within the two focal planes of APTV, yielding a standard deviation of the temperature of individual particles of about 1 only. The measurement error caused by the movement of tracer particles during the much longer illumination and exposure time were found to be acceptable when the measured velocity is low. With the circumvention of light-source induced heating and the lower cost of hardware devices, the adapted approach is a suitable measurement technique for microfluidic related research.
Bohm, Sebastian; Phi, Hai Binh; Moriyama, Ayaka; Runge, Erich; Strehle, Steffen; König, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian; Dittrich, Lars
Highly efficient passive Tesla valves for microfluidic applications. - In: Microsystems & nanoengineering, ISSN 2055-7434, Bd. 8 (2022), 1, 97, S. 1-12

A multistage optimization method is developed yielding Tesla valves that are efficient even at low flow rates, characteristic, e.g., for almost all microfluidic systems, where passive valves have intrinsic advantages over active ones. We report on optimized structures that show a diodicity of up to 1.8 already at flow rates of 20 μl s^-1 corresponding to a Reynolds number of 36. Centerpiece of the design is a topological optimization based on the finite element method. It is set-up to yield easy-to-fabricate valve structures with a small footprint that can be directly used in microfluidic systems. Our numerical two-dimensional optimization takes into account the finite height of the channel approximately by means of a so-called shallow-channel approximation. Based on the three-dimensionally extruded optimized designs, various test structures were fabricated using standard, widely available microsystem manufacturing techniques. The manufacturing process is described in detail since it can be used for the production of similar cost-effective microfluidic systems. For the experimentally fabricated chips, the efficiency of the different valve designs, i.e., the diodicity defined as the ratio of the measured pressure drops in backward and forward flow directions, respectively, is measured and compared to theoretical predictions obtained from full 3D calculations of the Tesla valves. Good agreement is found. In addition to the direct measurement of the diodicities, the flow profiles in the fabricated test structures are determined using a two-dimensional microscopic particle image velocimetry (μPIV) method. Again, a reasonable good agreement of the measured flow profiles with simulated predictions is observed.