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Liu, Jun; Zhao, Huaping; Wang, Zhijie; Hannappel, Thomas; Kramm, Ulrike; Etzold, Bastian; Lei, Yong
Tandem nanostructures: a prospective platform for photoelectrochemical water splitting. - In: Solar RRL, ISSN 2367-198X, Bd. 6 (2022), 9, 2200181, S. 1-33

A platform for efficient photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting must fulfil different requirements: the absorption of the solar spectrum should be maximized in use for charge carrier generation. To avoid recombination, fast separation of charge carriers is required and the energetic positions of the band structure(s) must be optimized with respect to the water splitting reactions. In these respects, constructing tandem nanostructures with rationally designed nanostructured units offers a potential opportunity to break the performance bottleneck imposed by the unitary nanostructure. So far, quite a few tandem nanostructures have been designed, fabricated, and employed to improve the efficiency of PEC water splitting, and significant achievements have been realized. This review focuses on the current advances in tandem nanostructures for PEC water splitting. Firstly, the state of the art for tandem nanostructures applied in PEC water splitting is summarized. Secondly, the advances in this field and advantages arising of employing tandem nanostructures for PEC water splitting are outlined. Subsequently, different types of tandem nanostructures are reviewed, including core-shell tandem nanostructured photoelectrode, the two-photoelectrode tandem cell, and the tandem nanostructures of plasmon related devices for PEC water splitting. Based on this, the future perspective of this field is proposed.
Lauer, Kevin; Peh, Katharina; Krischok, Stefan; Reiß, Stephanie; Hiller, Erik; Ortlepp, Thomas
Development of low-gain avalanche detectors in the frame of the acceptor removal phenomenon. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 219 (2022), 17, 2200177, S. 1-7

Low-gain avalanche detectors (LGAD) suffer from an acceptor removal phenomenon due to irradiation. This acceptor removal phenomenon is investigated in boron, gallium, and indium implanted samples by 4-point-probe (4pp) measurements, low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy (LTPL), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) before and after irradiation with electrons and protons. Different co-implantation species are evaluated with respect to their ability to reduce the acceptor removal phenomenon. In case of boron, the beneficial effect is found to be most pronounced for the low-dose fluorine and high-dose nitrogen co-implantation. In case of gallium, the low-dose implantations of carbon and oxygen are found to be beneficial. For indium, the different co-implantation species have no beneficial effect. SIMS boron concentration depth profiles measured before and after irradiation show no indication of a fast movement of boron at room temperature. Hence, the discussed BSi-Sii-defect explanation approach of the acceptor removal phenomenon seems to be more likely than the other discussed Bi-Oi-defect explanation approach.
Peh, Katharina; Lauer, Kevin; Flötotto, Aaron; Schulze, Dirk; Krischok, Stefan
Low-temperature photoluminescence investigation of light-induced degradation in boron-doped CZ silicon. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 219 (2022), 17, 2200180, S. 1-9

Light-induced degradation (LID) in boron-doped Czochralski grown (CZ) silicon is a severe problem for silicon devices such as solar cells or radiation detectors. Herein, boron-doped CZ silicon is investigated by low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) spectroscopy. An LID-related photoluminescence peak is already found while analyzing indium-doped p-type silicon samples and is associated with the ASi-Sii defect model. Herein, it is investigated whether a similar peak is present in the spectra of boron-doped p-type CZ silicon samples. The presence of change in the photoluminescence signal intensity due to activation of the boron defect is investigated as well. Numerous measurements on boron-doped samples are made. For this purpose, samples with four different boron doping concentrations are analyzed. The treatments for activation of the boron defect are based on the LID cycle. During an LID cycle, an additional peak or shoulder neither in the areas of the boron-bound exciton transverse acoustic and nonphonon-assisted peaks (BTA, BNP) nor in the area of the boron-bound exciton transverse optical phonon-assisted peak (BTO) is found. The defect formation also does not lead to a lower photoluminescence (PL) intensity ratio BTO(BE)/ITO(FE).
Ehrhardt, Linda; Günther, Mike; Böhme, Manfred; Köhler, Michael; Cao-Riehmer, Jialan
Three soil bacterial communities from an archaeological excavation site of an ancient coal mine near Bennstedt (Germany) characterized by 16S r-RNA sequencing. - In: Environments, ISSN 2076-3298, Bd. 9 (2022), 9, 115, S. 1-19

This metagenomics investigation of three closely adjacent sampling sites from an archaeological excavation of a pre-industrial coal mining exploration shaft provides detailed information on the composition of the local soil bacterial communities. The observed significant differences between the samples, reflected in the 16S r-RNA analyses, were consistent with the archaeologically observed situation distinguishing the coal seam, the rapidly deposited bright sediment inside an exploration shaft, and the topsoil sediment. In general, the soils were characterized by a dominance of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Archaea, whereas the coal seam was characterized by the highest proportion of Proteobacteria; the topsoil was characterized by very high proportions of Archaea - in particular, Nitrosotaleaceae - and Acidobacteria, mainly of Subgroup 2. Interestingly, the samples of the fast-deposited bright sediment showed a rank function of OTU abundances with disproportional values in the lower abundance range. This could be interpreted as a reflection of the rapid redeposition of soil material during the refilling of the exploration shaft in the composition of the soil bacterial community. This interpretation is supported by the observation of a comparatively high proportion of reads relating to bacteria known to be alkaliphilic in this soil material. In summary, these investigations confirm that metagenomic analyses of soil material from archaeological excavations can provide valuable information about the local soil bacterial communities and the historical human impacts on them.
Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Forced to go virtual. Working-from-home arrangements and their effect on team communication during COVID-19 lockdown. - In: German journal of human resource management, ISSN 2397-0030, Bd. 36 (2022), 3, S. 238-269

Working-from-home arrangements have become increasingly important for firms’ work organization. In this context, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to teams that previously did not work virtually being forced to interact and communicate virtually. In this study, we analyze changes in intra-team communication of four teams in a German medium-sized enterprise. Quantitative network analyses of email communication and qualitative analyses of interviews before and during the COVID-19 lockdown in spring 2020 show that flat hierarchies and self-managing processes helped team members to mitigate negative effects due to spatial and temporal dispersion in forced working-from-home arrangements. Moreover, analysis of the teams’ communication networks shows that forced remote work can trigger faultlines to become salient but that team cohesion, identification with the team, and individuals taking on broker roles prevent negative effects of faultlines on team performance. In discussing these findings, our study contributes to the research on coordination and communication in virtual teams by analyzing contextual, organizational, team-related as well as individual factors that explain how and why teams differ in successfully implementing working-from-home arrangements.
Pfeffer, Philipp; Heyder, Florian; Schumacher, Jörg
Hybrid quantum-classical reservoir computing of thermal convection flow. - In: Physical review research, ISSN 2643-1564, Bd. 4 (2022), 3, S. 033176-1-033176-14

We simulate the nonlinear chaotic dynamics of Lorenz-type models for a classical two-dimensional thermal convection flow with three and eight degrees of freedom by a hybrid quantum-classical reservoir computing model. The high-dimensional quantum reservoir dynamics are established by universal quantum gates that rotate and entangle the individual qubits of the tensor product quantum state. A comparison of the quantum reservoir computing model with its classical counterpart shows that the same prediction and reconstruction capabilities of classical reservoirs with thousands of perceptrons can be obtained by a few strongly entangled qubits. We demonstrate that the mean squared error between model output and ground truth in the test phase of the quantum reservoir computing algorithm increases when the reservoir is decomposed into separable subsets of qubits. Furthermore, the quantum reservoir computing model is implemented on a real noisy IBM quantum computer for up to seven qubits. Our work thus opens the door to model the dynamics of classical complex systems in a high-dimensional phase space effectively with an algorithm that requires a small number of qubits.
Schatz, David; Roßberg, Michael; Schäfer, Günter
Hydra: practical metadata security for contact discovery, messaging, and voice calls. - In: SN Computer Science, ISSN 2661-8907, Bd. 3 (2022), 5, 341, insges. 22 S.

Protecting communications’ metadata can be as important as protecting their content, i.e., recognizing someone contacting a medical service may already allow to infer sensitive information. There are numerous proposals to implement anonymous communications, yet none provides it in a strong (but feasible) threat model in an efficient way. We propose Hydra, an anonymity system that is able to efficiently provide metadata security for a wide variety of applications. Main idea is to use latency-aware, padded, and onion-encrypted circuits even for connectionless applications. This allows to implement strong metadata security for contact discovery and text-based messages with relatively low latency. Furthermore, circuits can be upgraded to support voice calls, real-time chat sessions, and file transfers - with slightly reduced anonymity in presence of global observers. We evaluate Hydra using an analytical model as well as call simulations. Compared to other systems for text-based messaging, Hydra is able to decrease end-to-end latencies by an order of magnitude without degrading anonymity. Using a dataset generated by performing latency measurements in the Tor network, we further show that Hydra is able to support anonymous voice calls with acceptable quality of service in real scenarios. A first prototype of Hydra is published as open source.
Schweitzer, Dietrich; Haueisen, Jens; Klemm, Matthias
Suppression of natural lens fluorescence in fundus autofluorescence measurements: review of hardware solutions. - In: Biomedical optics express, ISSN 2156-7085, Bd. 13 (2022), 10, S. 5151-5170

Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO), a technique for investigating metabolic changes in the eye ground, can reveal the first signs of diseases related to metabolism. The fluorescence of the natural lens overlies the fundus fluorescence. Although the influence of natural lens fluorescence can be somewhat decreased with mathematical models, excluding this influence during the measurement by using hardware enables more exact estimation of the fundus fluorescence. Here, we analyze four 1-photon excitation hardware solutions to suppress the influence of natural lens fluorescence: aperture stop separation, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, combined confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and aperture stop separation, and dual point confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. The effect of each principle is demonstrated in examples. The best suppression is provided by the dual point principle, realized with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope. In this case, in addition to the fluorescence of the whole eye, the fluorescence of the anterior part of the eye is detected from a non-excited spot of the fundus. The intensity and time-resolved fluorescence spectral data of the fundus are derived through the subtraction of the simultaneously measured fluorescence of the excited and non-excited spots. Advantages of future 2-photon fluorescence excitation are also discussed. This study provides the first quantitative evaluation of hardware principles to suppress the fluorescence of the natural lens during measurements of fundus autofluorescence.
Zhang, Daipeng; Moreno Pérez, Jaime Alberto; Reger, Johann
Homogeneous Lp stability for homogeneous systems. - In: IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, Bd. 10 (2022), S. 81654-81683

The motivation of this paper comes from the fact that Lp−stability and Lp−gain, using the classical signal norms, is not well-defined for arbitrary continuous weighted homogeneous systems. However, using homogeneous signal norms it is possible to show that every internally stable homogeneous system has a globally defined finite homogeneous Lp−gain, for p sufficiently large. If the system has a homogeneous approximation, the homogeneous Lp−gain is inherited locally. Homogeneous Lp−stability can be characterized by a homogeneous dissipation inequality, which in the input affine case can be transformed to a homogeneous Hamilton-Jacobi inequality. An estimation of an upper bound for the homogeneous Lp−gain can be derived from these inequalities. Homogeneous L∞−stability is also considered and its strong relationship to Input-to-State stability is studied. These results are extensions to arbitrary homogeneous systems of the well-known situation for linear time-invariant systems, where the Hamilton-Jacobi inequality reduces to an algebraic Riccati inequality. A natural application of finite-gain homogeneous Lp−stability is in the study of stability for interconnected systems. An extension of the small-gain theorem for negative feedback systems and results for systems in cascade are derived for different homogeneous norms. Previous results in the literature use classical signal norms, hence, they can only be applied to a restricted class of homogeneous systems. The results are illustrated by several examples.
Ramachandra Rao, Rakesh Rao; Göring, Steve; Raake, Alexander
AVQBits-adaptive video quality model based on bitstream information for various video applications. - In: IEEE access, ISSN 2169-3536, Bd. 10 (2022), S. 80321-80351

The paper presents AVQBits, a versatile, bitstream-based video quality model. It can be applied in several contexts such as video service monitoring, evaluation of video encoding quality, of gaming video QoE, and even of omnidirectional video quality. In the paper, it is shown that AVQBits predictions closely match video quality ratings obained in various subjective tests with human viewers, for videos up to 4K-UHD resolution (Ultra-High Definition, 3840 x 2180 pixels) and framerates up 120 fps. With the different variants of AVQBits presented in the paper, video quality can be monitored either at the client side, in the network or directly after encoding. The no-reference AVQBits model was developed for different video services and types of input data, reflecting the increasing popularity of Video-on-Demand services and widespread use of HTTP-based adaptive streaming. At its core, AVQBits encompasses the standardized ITU-T P.1204.3 model, with further model instances that can either have restricted or extended input information, depending on the application context. Four different instances of AVQBits are presented, that is, a Mode 3 model with full access to the bitstream, a Mode 0 variant using only metadata such as codec type, framerate, resoution and bitrate as input, a Mode 1 model using Mode 0 information and frame-type and -size information, and a Hybrid Mode 0 model that is based on Mode 0 metadata and the decoded video pixel information. The models are trained on the authors’ own AVT-PNATS-UHD-1 dataset described in the paper. All models show a highly competitive performance by using AVT-VQDB-UHD-1 as validation dataset, e.g., with the Mode 0 variant yielding a value of 0.890 Pearson Correlation, the Mode 1 model of 0.901, the hybrid no-reference mode 0 model of 0.928 and the model with full bitstream access of 0.942. In addition, all four AVQBits variants are evaluated when applying them out-of-the-box to different media formats such as 360˚ video, high framerate (HFR) content, or gaming videos. The analysis shows that the ITU-T P.1204.3 and Hybrid Mode 0 instances of AVQBits for the considered use-cases either perform on par with or better than even state-of-the-art full reference, pixel-based models. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed Mode 0 and Mode 1 variants outperform commonly used no-reference models for the different application scopes. Also, a long-term integration model based on the standardized ITU-T P.1203.3 is presented to estimate ratings of overall audiovisual streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) for sessions of 30 s up to 5 min duration. In the paper, the AVQBits instances with their per-1-sec score output are evaluated as the video quality component of the proposed long-term integration model. All AVQBits variants as well as the long-term integration module are made publicly available for the community for further research.