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Jaekel, Konrad; Riegler, Sascha Sebastian; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter; Gallino, Isabella; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Influence of increasing density of microstructures on the self-propagating reaction of Al/Ni reactive nanoscale multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 21 S.

Surface structuring methods are crucial in semiconductor manufacturing, as they enable the creation of intricate structures on the semiconductor surface, influencing the material’s electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties. This study employs one such structuring method known as reactive ion etching to create black Si structures on silicon substrates. After thermal oxidation, their influence on the reaction of Al/Ni nanoscale multilayers is. For this purpose, various densities of thermally oxidized black Si structures are investigated. It reveals distinct reactive behaviors without corresponding differences in energy release during differential scanning calorimetry measurements. Higher oxidized black Si structure densities result in elevated temperatures and faster reaction propagation, showing fewer defects and reduced layer connections in cross-sectional analyses. The properties of the reactive multilayers on high structure density show the same performance as a reaction on flat thermal SiO2, causing delamination when exceeding 23 structures per µm2. Conversely, lower structure density ensures attachment of reactive multilayers to the substrate due to an increased number of defects, acting as predetermined breaking points for the AlNi alloy. By establishing the adhesion between the reacted multilayer and the substrate, surface structuring could lead to a potential increase in bond strength when using reactive multilayers for bonding.
Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Tailoring the reaction path: external crack initiation in reactive Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2302271, S. 1-6

The influence of intentionally externally induced cracks in reactive Al/Ni multilayer systems is investigated. These cracks affect the reaction dynamics and enable tailoring of the reaction path and the overall velocity of the reaction front. The influence of layer variations onto mechanical crack formation and resulting reaction behavior are investigated. High-speed camera imaging shows the meandering propagation of the reaction front along the crack paths. Therefore, the mechanical cracking process significantly changes the total velocity of the reaction front and thus offers a possibility to control the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process. It is shown that the phase formation remains unaffected despite the applied strains and cracks. This favorable stability in phase formation ensures predictability and provides insight into the adaptation of RMS for precision applications in joints. The results expand the understanding of mechanical cracking as a tool to influence high-temperature synthesis in reactive multilayer coatings and provide an opportunity to expand the range of applications.
Glaser, Marcus; Ehlich, Kai; Matthes, Sebastian; Hildebrand, Jörg; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre
Influence of metal surface structures on composite formation during polymer-metal-joining based on reactive Al/Ni multilayer foil. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 34 S.

Progressive developments in the field of lightweight construction and engineering demand continuous substitution of metals with suitable polymers. However, the combination of dissimilar materials results in a multitude of challenges based on different chemical and physical material properties. Reactive multilayer systems offer a promising joining method for flexible and low-distortion joining of dissimilar joining partners with an energy source introduced directly into the joining zone. Within this publication, hybrid lap joints between semi-crystalline polyamide 6 and surface-structured austenitic steel X5CrNi18-10 (EN 1.4301) were joined using reactive Al/Ni multilayer foils of the type Indium-NanoFoil®. Main objective is to examine possibilities of influencing crack initiation in the foil plane by variation of joining pressure and different metal surface structures with regard to geometry, density and orientation. Thus, the position of foil cracks is superimposed onto the metal structure and associated filling with molten plastic is improved. Consequently, characterisation of occurring crack positions as function of joining pressure and metal structure, analysis of the composite in terms of structural filling and joint strength as well as possible causes of crack initiation are evaluated.
Mejia Chueca, Maria del Carmen; Winter, Andreas; Abdi, Azadeh; Baumer, Christoph; Ispas, Adriana; Stich, Michael; Riegler, Sascha; Ecke, Gernot; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Graske, Marcus; Gallino, Isabella; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Bund, Andreas
A novel method for preparation of Al-Ni reactive coatings by incorporation of Ni nanoparticles into an Al matrix fabricated by electrodeposition in AlCl3:1-eethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (1.5:1) ionic liquid containing Ni nanoparticles. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2302217, S. 1-17

Al/Ni reactive coatings are fabricated via electrochemical deposition (ECD) at different applied voltages for reactive bonding application. AlCl3:1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([EMIm]Cl) (1.5:1) ionic liquid electrolyte is used as source of Al, whereas Ni is in the bath and incorporated into final coatings as nanoparticles (NPs). Scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy reveal a homogeneous Ni particle dispersion, as well as a high amount of particle incorporation into the Al matrix. A maximum of 37 wt% (22 at%) of Ni is detected via atomic absorption spectroscopy in the Al/Ni coating deposited at −0.1 V from an electrolyte containing 20 g L−1 of Ni NPs. Previous literature show that for bonding application an ideal concentration is around 50 at% of Ni and 50 at% Al. However, this is achieved using high vacuum, time-consuming processes, and costly techniques like evaporation and magnetron sputtering. The ECD used in this work represents a more cost-efficient approach which is not reported up to date for the aforementioned application. The reactivity of the coatings is confirmed by Differential scanning calorimetry. Herein, an exothermic reaction is detected upon the mixing of Al and Ni occurring at high temperatures.
Hannappel, Thomas; Shekarabi, Sahar; Jaegermann, Wolfram; Runge, Erich; Hofmann, Jan Philipp; Krol, Roel van de; May, Matthias M.; Paszuk, Agnieszka; Hess, Franziska; Bergmann, Arno; Bund, Andreas; Cierpka, Christian; Dreßler, Christian; Dionigi, Fabio; Friedrich, Dennis; Favaro, Marco; Krischok, Stefan; Kurniawan, Mario; Lüdge, Kathy; Lei, Yong; Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz; Schaaf, Peter; Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger; Schmidt, W. Gero; Strasser, Peter; Unger, Eva; Montoya, Manuel Vasquez; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Hongbin
Integration of multijunction absorbers and catalysts for efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures: a physical and materials science perspective. - In: Solar RRL, ISSN 2367-198X, Bd. 8 (2024), 11, 2301047, S. 1-49

Artificial leaves could be the breakthrough technology to overcome the limitations of storage and mobility through the synthesis of chemical fuels from sunlight, which will be an essential component of a sustainable future energy system. However, the realization of efficient solar-driven artificial leaf structures requires integrated specialized materials such as semiconductor absorbers, catalysts, interfacial passivation, and contact layers. To date, no competitive system has emerged due to a lack of scientific understanding, knowledge-based design rules, and scalable engineering strategies. Here, we will discuss competitive artificial leaf devices for water splitting, focusing on multi-absorber structures to achieve solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies exceeding 15%. A key challenge is integrating photovoltaic and electrochemical functionalities in a single device. Additionally, optimal electrocatalysts for intermittent operation at photocurrent densities of 10-20 mA cm^-2 must be immobilized on the absorbers with specifically designed interfacial passivation and contact layers, so-called buried junctions. This minimizes voltage and current losses and prevents corrosive side reactions. Key challenges include understanding elementary steps, identifying suitable materials, and developing synthesis and processing techniques for all integrated components. This is crucial for efficient, robust, and scalable devices. Here, we discuss and report on corresponding research efforts to produce green hydrogen with unassisted solar-driven (photo-)electrochemical devices. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Schaaf, Peter; Constantinescu, Catalin; Matei, Andreea
Laser material processing: from fundamental interactions to innovative applications (E-MRS). - In: Applied surface science advances, ISSN 2666-5239, Bd. 21 (2024), 100592, insges. 1 S.
Zhang, Yuanpeng; Cheng, Pengfei; Wang, Dong; Wang, Hui; Tang, Yongliang; Wang, Wei; Li, Yuhang; Sun, Zeqi; Lv, Wenmei; Liu, Qingxiang
Evaluating the field emission properties of N-type black silicon cold cathodes based on a three-dimensional model. - In: ACS applied materials & interfaces, ISSN 1944-8252, Bd. 16 (2024), 2, S. 2932-2939

Black silicon (BS), a nanostructured silicon surface containing highly roughened surface morphology, has recently emerged as a promising candidate for field emission (FE) cathodes in novel electron sources due to its huge number of sharp tips with ease of large-scale fabrication and controllable geometrical shapes. However, evaluating the FE performance of BS-based nanostructures with high accuracy is still a challenge due to the increasing complexity in the surface morphology. Here, we demonstrate a 3D modeling methodology to fully characterize highly disordered BS-based field emitters randomly distributed on a roughened nonflat surface. We fabricated BS cathode samples with different morphological features to demonstrate the validity of this method. We utilize parametrized scanning electron microscopy images that provide high-precision morphology details, successfully describing the electric field distribution in field emitters and linking the theoretical analysis with the measured FE property of the complex nanostructures with high precision. The 3D model developed here reveals a relationship between the field emission performance and the density of the cones, successfully reproducing the classical relationship between current density J and electric field E (J-E curve). The proposed modeling approach is expected to offer a powerful tool to accurately describe the field emission properties of large-scale, disordered nano cold cathodes, thus serving as a guide for the design and application of BS as a field electron emission material.
Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry
Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Encyclopedia of condensed matter physics, (2024), S. 15-28

The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction of Mössbauer effect following by its unique utilization, which became known as Mössbauer spectroscopy. Mössbauer spectroscopy is based on the recoilless emission and following resonant absorption of gamma radiation by atomic nuclei and has been at the scientific forefront of physics, chemistry, biology, mineralogy for more than 60 years. Soon after the discovery of the Mössbauer effect, it became obvious that this effect can be used to study various properties of materials on a microscopic scale via hyperfine interactions with an unprecedented resolution. This was the beginning of a new analytical tool - Mössbauer spectroscopy. Today, it has developed into a standard analytical technique used in many laboratories and big research facilities. The current chapter provides the reader with a general introduction, explains the underlying hyperfine interactions and gives examples of the possible application of the method.

Liu, Fengli; Yan, Yong; Chen, Ge; Wang, Dong
Recent advances in ambient electrochemical methane conversion to oxygenates using metal oxide electrocatalysts. - In: Green chemistry, ISSN 1463-9270, Bd. 26 (2024), 2, S. 655-677

To reach a decarbonized future, the conversion of greenhouse gases into green fuels and valuable chemicals is of crucial importance. Methane emissions are the second most significant contributor to global warming. Recent advances in electrocatalytic partial oxidation of methane to high-value fuels at ambient temperatures promise to sidestep the requirement of high temperature in conventional thermal catalysis and provide a revolutionary, sustainable, and decentralized alternative to flaring. Electrocatalysts that can selectively produce valuable compounds from methane under mild conditions are essential for commercialization. This review covers current developments in the electrochemical partial oxidation of methane to oxygenates, with an emphasis on metal oxide electrocatalysts. The regularly deployed strategies, including doping and interface engineering, are systematically reviewed in detail. In addition, the design of the electrolytic cell, the electrolyte, time, potential, and temperature are examined thoroughly and discussed.
Li, Feitao; Tan, Xinu; Flock, Dominik; Oliva Ramírez, Manuel; Wang, Dong; Qiu, Risheng; Schaaf, Peter
Structure-dependent oxidation behavior of Au-Cu nanoparticles. - In: Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN 1873-4669, Bd. 976 (2024), 173179, S. 1-8

Thermal oxidation is an easily controlled method to change the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles, thus optimizing and expanding their applications. Unfortunately, less attention has been paid to the role of the crystal structure whose atomic arrangements can be critical for oxidation. Au-Cu nanoparticles showing a fast order-disorder transformation are oxidized at two temperatures of ordered (L10) and disordered (A1) phase regions. The oxidation rates between the two phases are compared by the Arrhenius equation, and a lower oxidation rate is determined in the L10 lattice than in the A1 lattice based on the time required for the complete oxidation. One possible reason is attributed to the longer diffusion length in the L10 lattice compared to the A1 lattice due to the anisotropic diffusion path of the former while isotropic diffusion of the latter, resulting in longer oxidation time and then slower oxidation for the ordered sample. The crystalline phase of Au-Cu nanoparticles can be straightforwardly tuned and the resulting atomic disposition is a powerful tool to control oxidation evolution.