Publikationsliste des FG Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik

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Mathew, Sobin; Reiprich, Johannes; Narasimha, Shilpashree; Abedin, Saadman; Kurtash, Vladislav; Thiele, Sebastian; Scheler, Theresa; Hähnlein, Bernd; Schaaf, Peter; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Gate-tunable hysteresis response of field effect transistor based on sulfurized Mo. - In: AIP Advances, ISSN 2158-3226, Bd. 13 (2023), 9, 095224, S. 095224-1-095224-7

Hysteresis effects and their tuning with electric fields and light were studied in thin film molybdenum disulfide transistors fabricated from sulfurized molybdenum films. The influence of the back-gate voltage bias, voltage sweep range, illumination, and AlOx encapsulation on the hysteresis effect of the back-gated field effect transistors was studied and quantified. This study revealed the distinctive contribution of MoS2 surface, MoS2/SiO2 interface defects and their associated traps as primary sources of of hysteresis.
Cheng, Pengfei;
Broadband solar energy harvesting enabled by micro and nanostructured materials. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (IV, 145 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

In der kommenden Ära des "Carbon Peak und der Kohlenstoffneutralität" ist es besonders wichtig, neue Energietechnologien zu entwickeln, die kostengünstig, umweltfreundlich und im industriellem Maßstab herstellbar sind, um die herkömmlichen fossilen Brennstoffe zu ersetzen, die weithin als Verursacher des Treibhauseffekts und häufiger extremer Wetterlagen gelten. Solarenergie ist sozusagen eine unerschöpfliche Energieform, die jedem Land der Erde kostenlos zur Verfügung steht. Daher ist sie im Vergleich zu Kernenergie, Windenergie und blauer Energie die vielversprechendste Alternative zu fossiler Energie. In dieser Arbeit werden breitbandige Materialien zur Gewinnung von Solarenergie als Lichtabsorber für Anwendungen zur Umwandlung von Solarenergie, wie Stromerzeugung, Wasserdampferzeugung und Wasserstofferzeugung, vorgestellt. Zunächst wird schwarzes Silizium (b-Si) mit einer Vielzahl von Mikro-Nanostrukturen durch reaktives Ionenätzen (RIE) hergestellt. Die so hergestellten b-Si-Proben mit ultra-breitbandiger Lichtabsorption können für die photo-thermoelektrische (P-TE) Stromerzeugung, die photothermische (PT) Wasserverdampfung und die photoelektrochemische (PEC) Wasserreduktion verwendet werden, was die Leistung der Solarenergieumwandlung aufgrund ihrer hervorragenden Lichtabsorption im gesamten Sonnenspektrum verbessert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine metastabile Atomlagenabscheidung (MS-ALD) mit Selbstorganisation zur Herstellung großflächiger plasmonischer 3D-AgSiO2 Hybrid-Nanostrukturen entwickelt. Diese zeigen auch eine ultrabreitbandige sehr hohe Absorption im gesamten Sonnenspektrum. Wenn sie für die P-TE- und PT-Wasserverdampfung verwendet werden, verbessert sich die Leistung der Solarenergieumwandlung im Vergleich zu b-Si-Proben.
Li, Feitao;
Nanometallurgical mechanisms during formation of Au-SiOx and Au-CuO nanostructures. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (XXII, 98 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Die Verbesserung der Metallurgie hält mit der Entwicklung der menschlichen Zivilisation Schritt. Aufstrebende Nanotechnologie-Industrien fördern kontinuierlich traditionelle metallurgische Untersuchungen bis hinunter in den Nanobereich. Daher wird ein neuer Begriff, Nanometallurgie, vorgeschlagen, um sich besser an die aufkommenden interdisziplinären Domänen anzupassen. Um die Mechanismen hinter verschiedenen nanometallurgischen Prozessen zu verstehen, sind zahlreiche Studien erforderlich, die für die maßgeschneiderte Herstellung von Nanostrukturen für unterschiedliche Anforderungen erforderlich sind. Die aktuelle Dissertation konzentriert sich auf das Wachstum zweier unterschiedlicher eindimensionaler Nanostrukturen: SiOx-Nanodrähte, katalysiert durch metallische Dünnfilme und CuO-Whisker, induziert durch thermische Oxidation. Die Bildung von SiOx-Nanodrähten basiert auf der Änderung des physikalischen Zustands der Si-Quelle ist gut etabliert. Es wurde jedoch nur wenig an der Existenz und Konkurenz mehrerer Si-Quellen geforscht. Nach dem schnellen hermischen Prozessieren von SiO2/Si-Systemen, die mit metallischen Einzel- oder Doppelschichten in einer reduzierenden Atmosphäre abgeschieden wurden, werden drei Si-Quellen, erstens Si-Diffusion aus dem Substrat, zweitens SiO-Gas aus der SiO2-Zersetzung und drittens aus der Si-Aktivoxidation identifiziert. Ihre relative Beteiligung und Einfluß hängt von dem Dicken der SiO2-Schichten ab. Zunehmende Dicke der SiO2-Schicht behindert die Si-Diffusion und die Zersetzung der SiO2-Schicht, was die Konzentrationen der zersetzten Bereiche verringert und wiederum die aktive Si-Oxidation schwächt. Außerdem werden die Einflüße verschiedener Si-Quellen durch die Glühzeit, Temperatur und Atmosphäre gesteuert. Daher wird eine kontrollierbare Bildung verschiedener Au-SiOx-Nanostrukturen erreicht, indem unterschiedliche Dicken der SiO2-Schicht und Temperparameter entworfen werden. Zwei nanometallurgische Prozesse, der Kirkendall-Effekt im Nanomaßstab und das Wachstum von Oxid-Nanodrähten während der Oxidation von Metallen, haben große Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Ihre Entwicklung hängt stark von der Oxidationsgeschwindigkeit ab. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die Oxidation normalerweise ein diffusionskontrollierter Prozess ist und das Legieren ein üblicher Weg ist, um die Diffusion verschiedener Metalle zu kontrollieren, werden gemischte und facettierte Au-Cu-Nanopartikel durch die Festkörperentnetzung der Au/Cu-Doppelschicht gebildet. Die Existenz von Kirkendall-Hohlräumen und CuO-Whiskern kann durch Oxidation bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen beobachtet werden, was zur Bildung von Au-CuO-Nanostrukturen führt. Darüber hinaus wird das Oxidationsverhalten von Cu auf verschiedenen Facetten von Au-Cu-Nanopartikeln überprüft und mit den Oxidationsraten von Kristallebenen in Beziehung gesetzt.
Mejia Chueca, Maria del Carmen; Graske, Marcus; Winter, Andreas; Baumer, Christoph; Stich, Michael; Mattea, Carlos; Ispas, Adriana; Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schaaf, Peter; Stapf, Siegfried; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Bund, Andreas
Electrodeposition of reactive aluminum-nickel coatings in an AlCl3:[EMIm]Cl ionic liquid containing nickel nanoparticles. - In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ISSN 1945-7111, Bd. 170 (2023), 7, 072504

The electrodeposition of aluminum-nickel coatings was performed by pulsed direct current in the ionic liquid (IL) 1.5:1 AlCl3:EMIm]Cl containing nickel nanoparticles (Ni NPs), for reactive dispersion coating application. Several electrochemical and characterization techniques were used to shed more light on the mechanism of Ni particle incorporation into the Al matrix. Thus, particle incorporation at the early stage of the deposition would mainly take place via particle adsorption at the substrate. However, as the thickness of the coating increases, it seems that the main mechanism for particle incorporation is via the reduction of ions adsorbed at the particles surface. Although a considerable high incorporation of Ni NPs has been achieved from the IL containing the highest concentration of Ni NPs (i.e. ∼33 wt% from a 20 g/L of Ni NPs bath), a high concentration of NPs in the IL resulted having a negative effect in terms of quality of the coatings, due to solidification of the electrolyte in a poorly conductive compound. Moreover, almost equivalent amounts of Ni and Al (Ni ∼45 wt.%and Al ∼44 wt.%) have been detected in some areas of the coatings. Such a layer composition would be desired for the targeted application.
Jaekel, Konrad; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Schaaf, Peter; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Müller, Jens; Bartsch, Heike
Ni/Al multilayer reactions on nanostructured silicon substrates. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 31, S. 12811-12826

Fast energy release, which is a fundamental property of reactive multilayer systems, can be used in a wide field of applications. For most applications, a self-propagating reaction and adhesion between the multilayers and substrate are necessary. In this work, a distinct approach for achieving self-propagating reactions and adhesion between deposited Ni/Al reactive multilayers and silicon substrate is demonstrated. The silicon surface consists of random structures, referred to as silicon grass, which were created by deep reactive ion etching. Using the etching process, structure units of heights between 8 and 13 µm and density between 0.5 and 3.5 structures per µm^2 were formed. Ni and Al layers were alternatingly deposited in the stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 using sputtering, to achieve a total thickness of 5 µm. The analysis of the reaction and phase transformation was done with high-speed camera, high-speed pyrometer, and X-ray diffractometer. Cross-sectional analysis showed that the multilayers grew only on top of the silicon grass in the form of inversed cones, which enabled adhesion between the silicon grass and the reacted multilayers. A self-propagating reaction on silicon grass was achieved, due to the thermally isolating air pockets present around these multilayer cones. The velocity and temperature of the reaction varied according to the structure morphology. The reaction parameters decreased with increasing height and decreasing density of the structures. To analyze the exact influence of the morphology, further investigations are needed.
Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Quenzel, Thomas; Silies, Martin; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Ultrafast coupling of optical near fields to low-energy electrons probed in a point-projection microscope. - In: Nano letters, ISSN 1530-6992, Bd. 23 (2023), 12, S. 5528-5534

We report the first observation of the coupling of strong optical near fields to wavepackets of free, 100 eV electrons with <50 fs temporal resolution in an ultrafast point-projection microscope. Optical near fields are created by excitation of a thin, nanometer-sized Yagi-Uda antenna, with 20 fs near-infrared laser pulses. Phase matching between electrons and near fields is achieved due to strong spatial confinement of the antenna near field. Energy-resolved projection images of the antenna are recorded in an optical pump-electron probe scheme. We show that the phase modulation of the electron by transverse-field components results in a transient electron deflection while longitudinal near-field components broaden the kinetic energy distribution. This low-energy electron near-field coupling is used here to characterize the chirp of the ultrafast electron wavepackets, acquired upon propagation from the electron emitter to the sample. Our results bring direct mapping of different vectorial components of highly localized optical near fields into reach.
Matthes, Sebastian; Glaser, Marcus; Vardo, Emina; Sauni Camposano, Yesenia Haydee; Jaekel, Konrad; Bergmann, Jean Pierre; Schaaf, Peter
Influence of extrinsic induced tensile stress on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nanosized Al/Ni multilayers. - In: Journal of materials science, ISSN 1573-4803, Bd. 58 (2023), 24, S. 10085-10095

Reactive multilayer systems consisting of alternating nanoscale Al and Ni layers are applicable in joining, various pyrotechnic applications and thermal batteries. Since diffusion based high-temperature synthesis occurs without the presence of air, efforts have focused on investigating the understanding of the fundamental reaction processes and characteristics. The aim of this study is to expose the reactive multilayers to extrinsic induced tensile stress so that the self-propagating synthesis can proceed under these conditions. Further, the properties during and after the reaction will be investigated. Multilayers deposited by sputtering on Kapton® substrates with different bilayer- and total thicknesses as well as commercial Nanofoils® with thicknesses of 40 µm and 60 µm were used as samples. The investigations focused on the propagation velocity measured with a high-speed camera, the temperature regime determined with a high-speed pyrometer, and the formed phases after the synthesis examined via X-ray diffraction. The gained results of this study reveal important insights for the application of the reactive Al/Ni multilayer system in terms of stability or reliability related to propagation front velocity, maximum temperature and formed phases under induced external tensile stresses.
Isaac, Nishchay Angel; Schlag, Leslie; Ispas, Adriana; Reiprich, Johannes; Soydan, Alper K.; Moreira, Pedro H. O.; Thiele, Sebastian; Aliabadian, Bardia; Flock, Dominik; Knauer, Andrea; Jiménez, Juan J.; Bund, Andreas; Morales Sánchez, Francisco Miguel; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Novel gas phase route toward patterned deposition of sputter-free Pt/Al nanofoils. - In: Advanced Materials Technologies, ISSN 2365-709X, Bd. 8 (2023), 18, 2300448, S. 1-8

This article reports a new approach toward fabrication and directed assembly of nanoparticulate reactive system (Nanofoils) on patterned substrates. Different from current state-of-the-art, gas phase electrodeposition uses nanoparticles instead of atoms to form densely packed multilayered thin films at room temperature-pressure. On ignition, the multilayer system undergoes an exothermic self-propagating reaction. The numerous contact points between two metallic nanoparticulate layers aid in high heat release. Sub-10-nm Platinum (Pt) and Aluminum (Al) particles are synthesized through cathode erosion of metal electrodes in a flow of pure nitrogen gas (spark ablation). Pt/Al bilayer stacks with total thickness of 3–8 µm undergo self-propagating reaction with a 10.3 mm s−1 wavefront velocity on local ignition. The reaction wavefront is captured using high speed videography. Calorimetry studies reveal two exothermic peaks suggesting Pt/Al alloy formation. The peak at 135 &ring;C has a higher calorific value of 150 mW g−1 while the peak at 400 &ring;C has a 12 mW g−1 exothermic peak. X-ray diffraction study shows reaction-products are cubic Al2Pt with small quantities of orthorhombic Al6Pt and orthorhombic AlPt2. Electron microscopy studies help draw a correlation between film morphology, bimetallic interface, nanoparticle oxidation, and self-propagating reaction kinetics that is significant in broadening our understanding towards nanoparticulate reactive systems.
Heiniger-Schell, Juliana; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Naicker, Kimara; Masondo, Vusumuzi; Dang, Thien Thanh; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Díaz-Guerra, Carlos; Marschick, Georg; Masenda, Hilary; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur P.; Qi, Bingcui; Unzueta, Iraultza; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Adhikari, Rajdeep; Peters, Gerrard; Naidoo, Deena; Schaaf, Peter; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Johnston, Karl; Becker, Sven; Jakob, Gerhard
Temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at Fe sites in Ba-doped BiFeO3 thin films studied by emission Mössbauer spectroscopy. - In: Crystals, ISSN 2073-4352, Bd. 13 (2023), 5, 724, S. 1-13

Emission 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS), following the implantation of radioactive 57Mn+ ions, has been used to study the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field at Fe sites in Ba-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films. 57Mn β decays (t1/2 = 90 s) to the 14.4 keV Mössbauer state of 57Fe, thus allowing online eMS measurements at a selection of sample temperatures during Mn implantation. The eMS measurements were performed on two thin film BFO samples, 88 nm and 300 nm thick, and doped to 15% with Ba ions. The samples were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3 substrates. X-ray diffraction analyses of the samples showed that the films grew in a tetragonal distorted structure. The Mössbauer spectra of the two films, measured at absorber temperatures in the range 301 K-700 K, comprised a central pair of paramagnetic doublets and a magnetic sextet feature in the wings. The magnetic component was resolved into (i) a component attributed to hyperfine interactions at Fe3+ ions located in octahedral sites (Bhf); and (ii) to Fe3+ ions in implantation induced lattice defects, which were characterized by a distribution of the magnetic field BDistr. The hyperfine magnetic field at the Fe probes in the octahedral site has a room temperature value of Bhf = 44.5(9) T. At higher sample temperatures, the Bhf becomes much weaker, with the Fe3+ hyperfine magnetic contribution disappearing above 700 K. Simultaneous analysis of the Ba-BFO eMS spectra shows that the variation of the hyperfine field with temperature follows the Brillouin curve for S = 5/2.
Li, Feitao; Flock, Dominik; Wang, Dong; Schaaf, Peter
Solid-state dewetting of Ag/Ni bi-layers: accelerated void formation by the stress gradient in the bottom Ni layer. - In: Journal of alloys and compounds, ISSN 1873-4669, Bd. 960 (2023), 170735

Solid-state dewetting (SSD) of the immiscible Ag/Ni bi-layers was studied. After annealing at 400 &ring;C for 1 min, the Ag film was dewetted on the Ni film, and this is the first observation about the SSD of one metal film on another metal film. The easier dewetting of Ag than Ni was attributed to its lower melting point, faster grain boundary self-diffusion and poor wettability between them. At 500 &ring;C, the void formation in the bottom Ni layer was highlighted and compared to Ni single layer: many voids in the former while no visible voids in the latter, indicating that the presence of Ag accelerated the SSD of Ni. It was attributed to the vertical stress gradient in the bottom Ni film of Ag/Ni bi-layers, which accelerated the Ni diffusion and formation of the voids in the underlying Ni film around and below the Ag particles. Besides, voids were more easily formed below the Ag particles than between them due to the large lattice mismatch at the Ag/Ni interface and the possible formation of Ag-Ni alloys. The destabilization of the Ag on the Ni film contributes to the understanding of dewetting kinetics, which is beneficial to realize the controllable nanofabrication.